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In December 2019, Gary Miracle’s life was forever changed by an infection that caused him to lose his arms and legs. One year later, the Christian band MercyMe shared his story with the world in their song “Say I Won’t,” which has garnered more than 5.7 million views on YouTube alone. Knowing that God works through all circumstances, Gary is committed to living life to the fullest and helping others do the same in spite of setbacks. In the light of eternity in Christ, there are no more bad days. Each day can be a new beginning.
Gary Miracle (Author), Gary Miracle, Michael Norman Johnson (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Memorias de un monje budista: Carnets d'un moine errant
Este libro es un viaje de descubrimientos asombrosos para aquellos que buscan entender la naturaleza profunda del ser humano». Gaëlle Richard, Sud Ouest Matthieu Ricard nació en 1967, a los veintiún años, cuando conoció a su padre espiritual en Darjeeling (India). Cinco años después dejaría su brillante carrera científica, a la que parecía estar destinado, para trasladarse a una pequeña cabaña en el Himalaya. Su primera vida, repartida entre la ciudad y el campo, le había convertido en un joven amante de la naturaleza y de la música clásica, con curiosidad por la espiritualidad y por desvelar los misterios de la biología molecular. Su segunda vida le llevó por el camino de la Iluminación, tras las huellas de los grandes budistas tibetanos, recibiendo las enseñanzas de Kangyour Rinpoche y Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche, el admirado maestro del Dalai Lama y una fuente inagotable de inspiración. En tres décadas su destino cambiaría por completo, alternando los retiros de meditación en lugares incógnitos con múltiples viajes a Bután, la India, Nepal, el Tíbet…, salvaguardando el patrimonio espiritual tibetano. Ricard, conocido como «el hombre más feliz del mundo», narra en estas páginas su vida, la de un monje errante sin ataduras materiales ni geográficas, siempre en camino hacia la libertad interior y el bien de los demás.
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Chema Agulló (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Juan XXIII, una vocación frustrada
San Juan XXIII el Papa humilde o el Papa bueno, que de ambas formas era conocido, sigue siendo considerado el Papa del Concilio por la gran trascendencia que el Vaticano II ha tenido y tendrá en la Iglesia contemporánea y en la del futuro. Además, participó como enfermero en la Primera Guerra Mundial, fue delegado apostólico en Bulgaria. Grecia y Turquía -donde ayudó a salvar a muchos judíos de las garras del nazismo-, así como nuncio en París, Patriarca de Venecia... A la hora de su muerte, desfilan por su mente las personas a las que quiso y confia en que se le abrirán las puertas del Cielo, no por lo que hizo, sino por lo que amó. Su familia y sobre todo su madre, el tío Zaverio. el párroco don Rebuzzini, el obispo Tedeschi, la niña Catalina Hudson. enferma de leucemia, que tanto le impresionó, su fiel secretario Loris Capovilla... y al fondo, un paisaje recurrente: la ladera sagrada de Sotto il Monte, el pueblo donde nació. Fue canonizado por el Papa Francisco el 27 de abril de 2014. José Luis Olaizola ha investigado el Diario del alma de san Juan XXIII, las cartas a familiares e incluso su testamento espiritual, para recrear, en primera persona y con un estilo sencillo y emocionado, la peripecia vital de este gran hombre que nació con vocación de cura de aldea y terminó siendo Papa por obediencia.
José Luis Olaizola (Author), Alvaro Moreno Gelabert (Narrator)
Fanny Crosby's Life-Story: By Herself (Annotated by Deepika Mascarenhas)
Read Her exists to promote books written by Christian women. Women throughout history have written inspiring and insightful books that glorify Christ, and it's time they are read! One way Read Her seeks to make these books more accessible is by producing audiobooks available on all major audiobook distributors. Fanny Crosby’s Life-Story written by herself, are one of those works we want to bring back to the listening ear of the Christian community. Fanny Crosby's hymns have resonated across the world, leaving an enduring impact in the hearts and souls of people for many years. But who is Fanny Crosby as a person? Did her life and character align with the inspiration found in her poetry? Those who knew her well often spoke of her patience, kindness, winsome personality, and unwavering goodness. While most haven't had the privilege of knowing her personally, the desire to learn more about the woman behind the hymns is only natural.
Fanny Crosby (Author), Deepika Mascarenhas (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Biografías breves - Buda
La vida de Buda está envuelta en muchas capas de misterio y leyenda. Sus enseñanzas fueron transmitidas primero oralmente. Las versiones escritas llegaron solo después de su muerte. 'El despierto', 'El iluminado', Siddharta Gautama había nacido en el Reino Sakia durante el siglo V a.C. Abandonó su tierra natal para convertirse en asceta. Entonces fue que le llegó el 'completo discernimiento'. A su paso por el norte del subcontinente indio comenzó a formar una comunidad basada en ideas y prácticas como la meditación, tendientes a lograr el fin del sufrimiento (nirvana). Milenios después, las diversas corrientes del budismo proponen versiones de ese despertar espiritual, y vuelven una y otra vez a interpretar la inspiradora existencia del sabio que mostró una vía para liberarse del yo. - -
Luis Machado (Author), Varios Narradores (Narrator)
[German] - Wie ich der wurde, den ich mag
Die bewegende Autobiografie eines der gefragtesten spirituellen Lehrer unserer Zeit – zum 70. Geburtstag von Pierre Stutz. Für alle, die selbst auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Weg für ein gelingendes Leben sind. Pierre Stutz zählt zu den bekanntesten spirituellen Lehrern im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. In seinen Vorträgen, Seminaren und in seinen über 40 Büchern geht es um Themen wie Achtsamkeit, die bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit seelischen Verwundungen, innere Versöhnung und die Suche nach einem eigenen, spirituellen Weg. Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag am 7. November 2023 legt Pierre Stutz nun seine bewegende Autobiografie vor, in der er schildert, wie er nach und nach zu dem Menschen wurde, der er ist: »Jahrelang war mein Leben ein Ringen um Selbstannahme, äußerlich sehr erfolgreich, innerlich zerrissen, gefangen in der Angst vor Ablehnung.« Mit 20 Jahren tritt er in einen katholischen Orden ein, studiert Theologie, wird Priester, arbeitet als Jugendseelsorger und Hochschul-Dozent. Er bleibt ein Suchender. Im Alter von 49 Jahren legt er sein Priesteramt nieder, ein Jahr später lernt er seinen Lebensgefährten kennen, den er 2018 heiratet. Heute ist er endlich der, den er mag.
Pierre Stutz (Author), Gordon Piedesack (Narrator)
Waves of Faith depicts the author’s personal journey shared through hardships of faith, struggles and victory obtained; because for better or worse every human being is born into a family that shapes who and what we become. The Lord has seen Dorothea through joblessness, poverty, homelessness and separations. Through her story she hopes future readers will see that new love can be developed and experienced through nurturing a Christian family. The author has persevered through much and wishes to leave her story as a legacy; letting them know that if you continue to put your total trust and confidence in Almighty God, He will bring you out of any future adversities that may abruptly push you out of your comfort zone. Dorothea shouts that the Lord sits high and looks low and has brought her through her waves of faith. Dive in and enjoy this journey through waves of faith.
Dorothea King-James (Author), Kimberly Yvonne Steele (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Soñad y os quedaréis cortos: Testimonio del Fundador, de uno de los miembros más antiguo
Hay libros de memorias que tienen el ritmo y la tensión de una novela de aventuras. Si lo que nos cuentan no estuviera rigurosamente documentado, parecerían más bien el guion trepidante de una película de acción. Estas memorias hablan, además, de una de las figuras más decisivas de la Iglesia contemporánea, san Josemaría Escrivá. Al hilo del relato, Casciaro va presentando una galería de figuras inolvidables: sus padres, algunos miembros del Opus Dei y tantos otros personajes del Madrid de los años treinta, o de la guerra civil española, vista desde ambos 'lados' de la contienda.
Pedro Casciaro Ramírez (Author), Jordi Llovet (Narrator)
Silent Cry: The True Story of Abuse and Betrayal of an NFL Wife
Raised near New Orleans as one of six children, Dorothy Newton was surrounded by abuse and poverty as she grew up. But she became the first in her family to graduate from college and moved out of poverty. She then began to live out her dreams in Dallas of a better home and life when she married celebrity superstar football player Nate Newton. She had gone from poverty to the pinnacle of success. She was married to a handsome, successful, famous professional athlete, who was a three time Super Bowl Champion and six time Pro-Bowler for the Dallas Cowboys. But all that glittered was not gold. Before long the relationship turned abusive. She found herself living in the world she thought she had escaped in her years growing up. The world did not see her suffering behind closed doors-she was betrayed, treated abusively, threatened continually. Dorothy was trapped with no one to talk to and nowhere to run. In this book Dorothy shares her experiences of pain, loss, survival, hope, recovery, and victory. A gripping story throughout, A Silent Cry is a testament to Dorothy's will to live and the peace that comes with hope in the God who sees and hears your tears-even when no one else does.
Dorothy J. Newton (Author), Deanna Anthony (Narrator)
Faith to Foster: An All-American Story of Loving the Least of These
Faith to Foster is a candid look into the life of ordinary foster parents TJ and Jenn Menn. It is a journey chronicling their decision making process, how the children arrived, the birth parents struggle to rehabilitate, help from friends and family, emotional goodbyes, and how faith in Jesus empowered them through it all. This is a story they wished they’d read before starting their foster parenting adventure. TJ and Jenn share their experiences and feelings in a way that encourages any reader to serve their neighbors, not just foster parents. Faith to Foster reminds Christians how God can use them to make a difference in their community.
Jenn Menn, Tj Menn (Author), Joel Richards, Rebecca Gibel (Narrator)
But First, God: An Audio Memoir of Spiritual Discovery
An intimate and inspirational memoir from the longtime host of Big Brother and former moderator of The Talk. Julie Chen Moonves shares her transformative spiritual awakening, revisiting pivotal moments from her life and career through fresh eyes. This as-told-to story is a unique, conversational audio experience that will put you in the room with Julie as she recounts her faith journey and favorite scripture passages, while inspiring listeners to find their own path. Julie Chen Moonves spent the first forty-eight years of her life ignoring God. She had never even attended a Sunday church service. For much of her life, her impressive yet demanding career was her priority with little time or energy for spirituality. But in 2018, Julie's life was turned upside down, and the sudden shift in perspective opened her eyes to the biggest opportunity of all: a personal relationship with God. In But First, God, you'll feel as though you're sitting across from Julie as she weaves together memories with reflections on scripture, prayer, and how finding God has changed every facet of her life, from her on-camera work to her role as a wife and mother. She'll take listeners behind the scenes of her career, telling never-before-heard stories from her first job as a reporter through becoming a network news anchor, two decades hosting the reality competition show Big Brother and eight seasons moderating the Emmy Award–winning daytime talk show The Talk. But First, God reveals who the real Julie is when the cameras stop rolling and looks back at the highs and lows of her journey with new perspective. Julie shows how scripture is leading her walk with God, and how every listener can find their own joy and peace in faith.
Julie Chen Moonves (Author), Julie Chen Moonves (Narrator)
Have A Little Faith: Life Lessons on Love, Death and How Lasagne Always Helps
Brought to you by Penguin. Hello there, come on in. Firstly, I know what you're thinking, 'I'm not religious so I'm not sure if this is for me' but, the truth is, we can all benefit from having a little faith and it will look different to each of us. Granted, some of the stories about a man who can walk on water and come back from the dead are anything but normal, but the point isn't about what we believe in, it's about believing in something. It's what humans have always done, it's in our DNA, because having faith in something makes us feel connected. It makes us feel like we matter. Faith means we are in it together, that we believe we will be OK. So, yes, this book is about faith, but it's also about being human, because believing in things is just part of our existence. So, wherever you sit on the faith spectrum, I'm here to tell you it's okay. You don't have to sign up to all of something to get something out of some of it. You don't have to like every song on the album. My belief has guided me through life's ups and downs, and I hope that sharing what I've learned will help you face your own challenges armed with hope, and plenty of lasagne. Love, Kate x ©2023 The Reverend Kate Bottley (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Kate Bottley (Author), Kate Bottley (Narrator)
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