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One of Dr. Miller's original recordings, Easing Into Sleep, is a beautifully-recorded program to fall asleep faster and awake refreshed. Gentle guided imagery is narrated by the soothing voice of Dr. Miller. He offers suggestions that will help lull you into restorative sleep and create the tomorrow you want. Easing into Sleep will help you to off mind-chatter, strengthen your spirit, and slip into the sleep you need to achieve your maximum potential of health and performance.
Emmett E. Miller, Emmett Miller (Author), Emmett E. Miller, Emmett Miller (Narrator)
The young poet Stephen has been recalled from Paris to Dublin to be at his mother's deathbed. But he refuses her dying wishes: to kneel and pray for her. Now, holed up in his Martello tower outside the city walls, he has to suffer the taunts of Buck Mulligan by day and, by night, the vision of 'her eyes, shaking out of death to shake and bend my soul.' Timelessly evocative, Ulysses is far more than the story of Stephen Dedalus' journey through Dublin. It is a huge, rich portrayal of human life. In this magnificent, highly accessible, part reading part dramatisation - which includes the famous Molly Bloom soliloquy - the power and truth of Joyce's vision is as potent as ever. Ulysses stars Stephen Rea and Sinead Cusack, with an introduction by Seamus Heaney. 'The best book at bedtime' - Sunday Telegraph.
James Joyce (Author), Full Cast, Sinead Cusack, Stephen Rea (Narrator)
Traumhaft einschlafen - Hilfe bei Schlafstörungen durch Hypnose, Autogenes Training und Entspannung:
Gesunder und erholsamer Schlaf ist entscheidend für Ihre persönliche Lebensqualität. Brauchen Sie häufig länger als 30 Minuten zum Einschlafen? Oder wachen Sie öfter auf und liegen nachts stundenlang wach? Fühlen Sie sich dann am nächsten Morgen völlig erschöpft? Sie sind damit nicht allein, etwa 50% der Deutschen leiden unter Schlafstörungen. Müdigkeit, Depression, Konzentrationsstörungen, Angstgefühle und verringerte Belastbarkeit sind die Folge. Schlafstörungen können die unterschiedlichsten Ursachen besitzen, doch eines haben über 90% aller Schlafstörungen gemeinsam: sie sind seelisch bedingt. Zu Schlafstörungen kommt es in der Regel durch unbewältigte Probleme, Konflikte sowie Stress, Ängste und Sorgen, die Sie mit ins Bett nehmen. Dieses Schlaftraining enthält eine erprobte Kombination aus hypnotischen Suggestionen, Autogenem Training und der Progressiven Muskelentspannung, um dauerhaft tief und ruhig zu schlafen. Dadurch kann Ihr Körper und Geist wieder vollkommen regenerieren, damit Sie am nächsten Morgen frisch und erholt in den Tag starten können. Dieses Audiobuch wird von Experten empfohlen, denn Entspannungsübungen, Fantasiereisen und Hypnose sind überaus wirksam bei Ein- und Durchschlafenstörungen. Das Besondere an diesem Schlaftraining ist die sofortige Wirkung auf das Gehirn. Wissenschaftliche Studien zeigen, dass unser Gehirn durch spezielle Tonmuster gelenkt werden kann, auch in den Schlaf. Die hinterlegte Rhythmusmusik führt Sie sicher und sanft vom schnellen Wachzustand (Betawellen) in den Zustand eines tiefen, gesunden Schlafes (Thetawellen). Für unsere spezielle Hintergrundmusik nutzen wir das Know-How von renommierten internationalen Unternehmen, die sich auf das Gebiet der Gehirnwellenstimulation spezialisiert haben. Die duale Induktion bringt die Suggestionen abwechselnd zu beiden Ohren, um so die optimale Wirkung zu gewährleisten.
Katja Schütz (Author), Katja Schütz (Narrator)
20 traditional and soothing songs and lullabies to send baby to dreamland.Now available on CD for the first time.A brand new look for an old favourite on the audio list.Side 1: Bye Baby Bunting, Au Clair de la Lune, Rock-a-bye Baby, Sleepy Time, Night, Golden Slumbers, Sleep Little Child, Brahms Lullaby, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Skye Boat SongSide 2: Hush Little Baby, Lambs Are Sleeping, Golden Cradle, Sleep Sweet Babe, Little Boy Blue, Sleep Baby Sleep, Kerry Lullaby, Far in the Wood, Moon and Sun, Sweet and Low
Various Authors (Author), Aiden Cook, Various Authors (Narrator)
The Aspern Papers (BBC Radio 4 Book At Bedtime)
A BBC Radio 4 'Book at Bedtime' recording of Samuel West reading from the novella 'The Aspern Papers' by Henry James, set against the decaying grandeur of Venice. Originally broadcast 26 April - 4 May 2010. Henry James took as inspiration for his tale 'The Aspern Papers' the story of a mistress of Byron's who outlived the poet into lonely old age. He transposed the setting to Venice and cast the city he loved as a character in a taut narrative of literary theft and deception. The lure of previously unseen papers relating to the long-dead poet Jeffrey Aspern brings one of his literary editors to Venice in the grip of an obsession. He broaches the palazzo of Aspern's ancient and discarded lover, Miss Juliana Bordereau, and deceives the fluttering middle-aged niece, Miss Tina, into believing he wants to lodge with them in order to cultivate the garden in his quest to secure the elusive letters and papers. Read by Samuel West. Abridged and produced by Christine Hall.
Henry James (Author), Samuel West (Narrator)
Everyone loves a bedtime story. And here are eight of the best, each with a Christmas theme, written by an array of literature's best-known names: Laurie Lee, Charles Dickens and Hans Christian Andersen are just some of the storytellers included in this collection. Amongst those giving voice to these stories are Patricia Routledge, Joss Ackland, Miriam Margolyes, Dame Judi Dench and Richard Briers. Intriguing, funny, poignant and above all entertaining, these eight Christmas stories are the best of BBC Radio 4's 'Book at Bedtime'.
Various (Author), Joss Ackland, Judi Dench, Miriam Margolyes, Patricia Routledge, Richard Briers, Various (Narrator)
Sleep Well Tonight: Comfy Cozy Farmhouse
Enjoy a peaceful night's sleep in the 3rd of this series. This is the third installment in our Sleep Well Tonight Series. In this lovely guided meditation, you'll take an evening walk along a country lane, and find your way to an old farmhouse, recently converted for guests. You'll have the house all to yourself tonight! From your comfy bed, you'll enjoy the sound of crickets softly chirping outside. The guided meditation also includes a full body relaxation. After ten minutes, the narration stops, and leaves you with the background nature sounds playing softly. It gives you plenty of time to drift... off... to... dreamland... Comfy, cozy, sleepy bliss!
Max Highstein (Author), Max Highstein (Narrator)
"Bedtime Stories" is a 'pillow talk' starter for when you have company at bed time, and a 'dream starter' when you're alone. They're told by one of America's most familiar voices, Dick Summer. Some of them are fictionalized versions of listeners' calls to Dick's late night program on NBC radio. And some of them are from Dick's own life.
Dick Summer, Dick Summer (Author), Dick Summer, Dick Summer (Narrator)
River Beds: Sleeping in the World's Rivers
This sequel to the award-winning Water Beds: Sleeping in the Ocean (2007 Teacher's Choice & 2005 Mom's Choice) takes readers on an around-the-world boat ride to learn how mammals sleep in or around nine major rivers of the world on all continents except Antarctica. Row down the Mississippi and watch two river otters slip into a hollow tree or look to the bank of the Brisbane River as a platypus pops into a hole and disappears into a narrow tunnel. Told in a soothing style, this book serves as a bedtime/naptime story for younger children or an animal geography book for older children. Adults may learn something, too! The "For Creative Minds" education section features a "World Map."
Gail Langer Karwoski (Author), Donna German (Narrator)
Water Beds: Sleeping In the Ocean
This soothing bedtime story explains how ten different marine mammals-animals that live in water but breathe air-sleep in the ocean. Based on up-to-date scientific research, the brief portraits are explained in simple, poetic language. Water Beds invites children to drift into sleep on gentle waves of imagination. The "For Creative Minds" educational section includes fun facts about marine mammal adaptations, and a "Design Your Own Marine Mammal" craft.
Gail Langer Karwoski (Author), Donna German (Narrator)
Join the thousands of people who have overcome their sleep disorders and insomnia by using this superb, high quality hypnosis CD and MP3 download by Glenn Harrold - the UK's best-selling self-help audio author. Insomnia and other sleep problems are often caused by stress, anxiety and a busy mind at bedtime. Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotherapy techniques and audio production will help you overcome these problems in a completely safe and natural way. Track one utilises skilled hypnotherapy techniques to help guide you in to a deep relaxing sleep every night. Track two is titled 'Lucid Dreams for Problem Solving'. This track is also a hypnotherapy session that will induce a restful night’s sleep and cure sleeplessness and bad dreams, as well as guiding you to find solutions to any problems through your dreams. The pink noise background sound effects on this title have been designed to sync with, and slow down brainwaves to alpha level (between 6 - 10 Hz), which is a pre requisite for a good night’s sleep. Even the most ardent insomniac can't fail to wind down with this powerful relaxing hypnotherapy title. This title also includes a powerful 12 minute hypnosis sleep booster track. ***Please contact Member Services for additional documents***
Glenn Harrold (Author), Glenn Harrold (Narrator)
A Guided Meditation for Healthful Sleep
Our hugely popular sleep meditation helps those who wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep, and it's perfect for people who simply want to doze off faster. For a surprising number of listeners, it eventually replaces sleep medication. Repeated listening at bedtime for 2-3 weeks ensures maximum effectiveness. The Health Journeys' guided sleep meditation audio combats insomnia and provides deep, restorative sleep by creating a rich atmosphere of protection, safety and support, with images that are evocative enough to successfully compete with the internal brain chatter that keeps us awake. Here's the track list: 1. Introduction (3:18) 2. Guided Imagery (26:50) 3. Music (30:00) Belleruth's calming voice, tone and pacing, combined with Steve Kohn's soothing music, draws mind, body and spirit down into deep, restful sleep. Listen to a sample and see why this sleep program has been our all-time most sought after and best-selling title for the past 25 years, a word of mouth favorite that is heartily recommended by health care providers nationwide. (60 min.)
Belleruth Naparstek (Author), Belleruth Naparstek (Narrator)
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