Browse Meditation & Visualization audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Deep Sleep Meditation: Your Guided Meditation for Instant and Better Sleep with Subliminal Success A
Are you ready to raise your vibration?Meditation helps you increase your awareness, especially in a society where most of our senses are numbed by different stimuli from our environments. Studies into meditation have revealed that it is useful not just for stress relief but for a whole lot more. There are experts, spiritual leaders, educators, and many other professionals in different fields who have come to appreciate the need for meditation and are constantly advancing meditation as a means to an end for different reasons. Owing to the variety of meditation exercises available, different types of meditation can suit your unique lifestyle or personality. Meditation offers you an opportunity to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing. Since there is no convention as to the correct way to meditate, you are free to explore different types of meditation until you find one that suits you. Remember that the first and most important thing about meditation is that you have to be comfortable in performing your chosen type of meditation. Each type of meditation has sub-categories. As time goes by, you will realize that there are different ideas to each meditation for how frequently you should practice them. From a beginner’s perspective, you can start with one type of meditation and learn others along the way. Soon, you will also be able to blend different types of meditation together and try out different methods until you find the one that suits you. In this guided meditation book you'll have:✓ a Beginners’ Meditation ✓ 2: a Mindfulness Meditation ✓a Loving-Kindness Meditation ✓ a Progressive Relaxation ✓ a Kundalini Meditation ✓: a Zen (Zazen) Meditation ✓ a Self-Inquiry Meditation (Ramana Maharshi) ✓ a Gazing Meditation (Trataka) ✓ a Success Affirmations and how they Work Get your copy now and vibrate on a different level!
Mindfulness Meditation Mastery (Author), Rayna Walsh (Narrator)
Guided Meditations for Sleep, Anxiety and Self Healing Bundle: 3 Beginners Scripts for Stress Relief
Defeat Anxiety, reach Deep Sleep and Heal Yourself with this Guided Meditations Bundle! Listen to the calm voice and beat of this 3 in 1 guided meditations bundle to heal yourself and relieve stress in a few minutes! Guided Meditations play an important role when it comes to self-healing and anxiety relief practices. Listening to a soft voice guiding you through the practice is the best way to get the most out of your meditation session. Thousands of people have listened to this guided meditation and found life-changing benefits. Anxiety, Stress and Panic will be just bad memories once you have gone through these guided meditations sessions. Jane, our narrator, will guide you with the calm tone of her voice, allowing you to heal yourself reaching deep levels of relaxation and relief. Do not wait any longer, get this Guided Meditations Bundle now!
Mindfulness Meditation Academy (Author), Jane Lee (Narrator)
Sleep Induction: Sounds To Change Your Brain
We all experience many states of consciousness, from ordinary waking / sleeping to extraordinary states in which we are more at peace / exceptionally creative. Each of these states is associated with a particular pattern of brainwave activity. We have been experimenting with sound since 1990, developing innovative brainwave techniques for embedding audio pulses into nature sounds und music. Your own brainwaves naturally 'lock' onto these pulses, and lead you easily into the state of mind you choose. Your stress and thoughts will melt away as you drift into a deep sleep state with this relaxing mix. Sleep Induction can be as used for sleep, meditation, studying, or as background music for other activities. Contains: 10 unique tracks, running time: 20 - 90 minutes, total running time: almost 8 hours (!) Medical Notice: If you are using a pacemaker, or if you have had or are prone to seizures, or are epileptic, then brain entrainment technologies, should only be used with permission from your Medical Doctor.
Patrick Lynen, Yella A. Deeken, Yella A. Deeken Patrick Lynen (Author), Ian Brannan (Narrator)
Guided Meditations for Sleep, Anxiety and Self Healing: Beginners Scripts to quiet the Mind, Let Go,
If you want to Sleep Better, defeat Anxiety or Overcome Traumas, then keep reading! Meditation has been a big part of my life and has helped me in so many ways. From reaching the incredible quality of sleep to getting rid of a life long anxiety, it is unimaginable what our mind is capable of when it gets into a quiet space. The problem is most people do not even know this place exists or if they do, they do not understand how to access it. Frankly speaking, "gurus" of all sorts have not made meditation available to the average Joe, often picturing it as a complicated and secret set of techniques. The idea that meditating is only for a few selected individuals has done more harm than good, distancing a lot of people that could find real benefits from this practice. This is why the theme of this book is to make meditation as straight forward as possible, cutting off all the nonsense that has been going on for the past few years. Here is what you will discover: - The exact steps you need to follow for having a successful meditation session - The one practice that makes everyone fall asleep, even if suffering from sleep conditions - The secret technique that monks use to fight daily anxiety and how you can too - The best meditation to overcome past traumas described step by step The beauty of meditating is that it does not have to take a lot of your time. Research has shown that 40 to 50 minutes twice a week is more than enough to rip the benefits of meditation. We spent hours and hours taking care of our body, our mind deserves it too! Do not worry, you will not be told to "close your eyes and let the magic happen", as we know you have heard that a million times by now. Every meditation practice presented in the book is extremely straight forward and provides a concrete plan to improve your mental health. Would you like to learn more? Then click the Buy Now button and let's get started!
Mindfulness Meditation Institute (Author), Ana Selavy (Narrator)
Guided Meditations for Sleep: Mindfulness Meditations Scripts for Beginners for Anxiety and Stress R
Fall asleep with these Guided Meditations! Listen to the calm voice and beat of this guided meditation to fall asleep and reach deep relaxation in a few minutes! Guided Meditations play an important role when it comes to falling asleep and reaching deep levels of relaxation. Listening to a soft voice guiding you through the practice is the best way to get the most out of your meditation session. Thousands of people have listened to this guided meditation and found life-changing benefits. The fear of not falling asleep is just a bad memory, once you start to follow this guided meditation. Jane, our narrator, will guide you with the calm tone of her voice, allowing you to fall asleep reaching deep levels of relaxation and relief. Do not wait any longer, get this Guided Meditation Book now and improve your Sleep Today!
Mindfulness Meditations Guru (Author), Liz Krane (Narrator)
Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep: Mindfulness Meditations to Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep Deeper and W
Listen to the serene voice and follow the guided meditations to calm down and sleep deep where your sorrows are gone. Mindfulness is an excellent choice for making your life better and defeats the negative impacting your life. However, for some, it is hard to begin and that's why we are here to help. Our guided meditations make it easy for you to calm down for sleeping deeply and experience the power of mindfulness yourself. The meditations are ~20 minutes long, which is the perfect length for falling asleep as you experience the benefits but don't get the overwhelm of longer meditations. It also includes 3 different ~20 minutes long meditations. And as a special, all meditations come in 3 variations. Each variation has different background music and natural background sounds. So, every day you can have a new experience and don't get bored for a long time. Thousands of people follow the mindful path and experience benefits they never dreamed of, thus changing their lives and sleep for the better forever. And now you can join this exclusive group too and find peace. Grab your copy now and find inner peace. The ebook version contains ONLY the script as kindle has no sound support. Buy the audiobook and enjoy deep sleep.
Mindfuldevmag (Author), Loula Taylor (Narrator)
Guided Meditation: 1 Hour Deep Sleep Meditation to Fall Asleep Fast, Relief Stress, Reduce Anxiety,
Relieve Stress and Supercharge Your Relaxation With Our 1-Hour Guided Meditation. With soothing music specially designed to help you drift off to sleep, now you can relax and relieve stress and anxiety all from the comfort of your own bed. Heal your body and mind, falling into a deep sleep state which will revitalize you and help you relax like never before. With this guided meditation you’ll fall asleep quickly and easily, and soon you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. This carefully-crafted, hour-long guided meditation will help you: * Relieve Stress and Tension Immediately * Fall Asleep Quickly and Easily * Reduce Anxiety and Depression * Improve Relaxation * And Leave You Ready For A New Day! Don’t let stress and anxiety control your life, or risk long sleepless nights – now you can supercharge your relaxation with our guided meditation. And for the best results, purchase the Audible version for the full experience! Buy now to revitalize your body and mind, relieve stress, and supercharge your relaxation all from the comfort of your own bed!
Meditation Meadow (Author), Meditation Meadow (Narrator)
ASMR For Bedtime: Quiet Your Mind In A Busy World
Penguin Audio presents this unique audio experience by ASMRtist Emma WhispersRed. ASMR For Bedtime is a must for anyone looking to tune out the noise of the day and find comfort and relaxation before bed. Using bespoke sounds and meditative techniques Emma will guide you through your bedtime cleansing ritual, right through to tucking you in. ASMR For Bedtime is a must have for ASMR fans, beginners and those searching for deep, joyful and meditative ways to relax.
Emma Whispersred (Author), Emma Whispersred (Narrator)
Your Dragon: Guided Sleep Meditation For Deep Healing
In this guided sleep meditation story, we are diving deep into your inner being, your inner child - your dragon. It is time to meet this magical being and set yourself free from every bondage. It Is time to open your wings and fly. This is a self-love journey for deep emotional healing. Here, you discover that you are already healed and whole. You just need a little reminder from outside. We all have a dragon inside. This majestic being is the consciousness creator that You actually are. This is your unlimited potential to manifest your abundant life. Full of real magic and synchronicities. Your life should be like a fairytale - beautiful and effortless creation. Come and discover your own dragon by listening to this relaxing meditation with beautiful piano music on the background.
Reigo Vilbiks (Author), Reigo Vilbiks (Narrator)
Guided Meditation Story For Manifesting Your Dreams: Sleep Talk Down About Law Of Attraction
Welcome to this sleep meditation talk. Here, I am going to talk about the manifestation and law of attraction while you are falling into your sweet sleep. This is a deep sleep meditation journey into creation. How you, as a creator manifest reality. Just relax and enjoy this hypnotic and therapeutic sleep talk down. The meditation music on the background is made with Tibetan bowls. They create natural binaural beats that train your brain frequencies and relax your subconscious mind. Here, you will learn how to create your desired reality and how universe works. In this sleep hypnosis, you learn how to use law of attraction to manifest everything you desire. A conscious creator never goes out to the world without a clear vision. Never just to see what's out there. Out there is every possibility you can imagine. Out there is a jungle of experiences. You are the organizer of the energies. Your vision that turns into feeling will create your future experiences. The conscious creator knows what to expect because he already created the experience before even physically going into it. This is you, you are and will be the master of your reality, master of your dreams.
Reigo Vilbiks (Author), Reigo Vilbiks (Narrator)
Lucid Dreaming Meditation Sleep Talk Down: Becoming The Master Of Your Dreams
This is a guided deep sleep meditation for you to become aware of your dreams and the workings of this physical reality. At the beginning of this hypnotic meditation, I will talk about what is the reality and what is a dream. I will remind you that you are already dreaming right now. Yes, this is a dream. Welcome to your dream! Listen to my soft, spoken voice, and this relaxing meditation music in the background and float in your dreams. After the sleep talk, I will repeat affirmations that will help you to become aware of your dreams while you sleep And also become awake in this physical reality. Enjoy this soothing spiritual journey into yourself.
Reigo Vilbiks (Author), Reigo Vilbiks (Narrator)
Fantasiereisen: Stressbewältigung, Gesundheitsvorsorge, Entspannung
Der feine Duft von karibischen Früchten, die angenehme Wärme der Frühlingssonne, das sanfte Rauschen der Ozeanwellen. Wie verlockend wäre es, jetzt und nicht erst im Urlaub zu entspannen und mit allen Sinnen vollkommen abzuschalten. Mit diesen wundervollen Fantasiereisen (Laufzeit zwischen 5 und 26 Minuten) gelingt das ganz einfach und ohne Reisevorbereitung. Profitieren Sie nach einem harten Arbeitstag oder wenn das Gedankenkarussell nicht zum Stillstand kommen einfach von diesem Hörbuch und lassen Sie sich von einer der 14 sorgfältig eingelesenen und musikalisch sanft untermalten Fantasiereisen in eine Oase der absoluten Ruhe entführen. Sie brauchen nur Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen und schon tun Sie etwas für sich und Ihre Gesundheit. Fantasiereisen zählen zu den wirkungsvollsten psychologischen Werkzeugen überhaupt. Wenden Sie die bewährte Technik häufiger an, kann Ihr Körper die entstehenden Bilder und Gefühle nach einer Weile mit dem Gefühl der Entspannung verknüpfen. Auf diese Weise können Sie im Alltag tief entspannen, gedankliche Blockaden lösen und durch neue, positive Gedankenmuster ersetzen. Unser Tipp für ErwachsenenbildnerInnen, TrainerInnen, ÜbungsleiterInnen und Coaches: Diese Fantasiereisen sind eine einzigartige Sammlung, von der Sie ein Berufsleben lang profitieren werden.
Patrick Lynen (Author), Markus Kästle (Narrator)
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