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Ellasara came at me with a blade—and she defeated me. But my eyes open to my bedchambers, and I see Kingsnake sitting at my beside with Fang next to my pillow. I expect to feel the horrible pain of my injury, but I already feel healed. When I sit up, the room doesn’t spin and I don’t feel weak. In fact, I feel better than I ever have… Kingsnake takes my face in my hands and pulls me close. The relief in his chest is so palpable it’s like heat from the sun. But our beautiful moment is ruined by the horrible realization that I can’t feel my own heartbeat… Kingsnake was left with an impossible decision: either let me die or sacrifice my soul so I could live in the darkness forever. Instead of accepting that decision, I grieve instead for the life that I’ll never have. Now everything between us has changed. I told him I didn’t want to be a nightwalker—but he made me one anyway. Kingsnake and I still have to finish what we started, to form an alliance with The Ethereal and share the cure with the humans, but now it’s hard to be in the same room with him. We’ve found our way back to each other before…but I’m not sure how we’ll do it this time.
Penelope Barsetti (Author), Michael Ferraiuolo, Ramona Master (Narrator)
Svera There are a few things my Tri-God did not prepare me for. The first? Niahhorru pirates. They want the coordinates to an unprotected human satellite, and I have them. The confusing? The human Council's secrets that I've uncovered and that may get me killed. The most sinful? The pressure in my stomach...well, lower than my stomach...that draws me to the male who hates me most in this universe. Krisxox There's nothing my warrior training did not prepare me for. Even though my body desires to bond to hers, I'll fight until I break it. She's a disgusting human, filthy and impure, a worshipper of a fickle human god and, worst of all, not Drakesh. Nox, that isn't the worst. Worse, is that she's got space pirates, traitors, and other enemies chasing her. Worst, is that I won't let them touch her because she's my Xiv—nox! I'll fight. But fighting is harder when I don't really want to win... Taken to Heimo is a full-length sci-fi space-opera romance complete with an angry alien and a head-scarf-wearing human heroine who is far too polite to meet anger with least most of the time. It is book 4 in the Xiveri mates series and should be read after books 1 and 2. Books 3, 6, and 8 are complete standalones (on other planets) and can be read at any point. Trigger warning! The heroine in this book is attacked more than once ,and there are multiple violent battle scenes before reaching the HEA.
Elizabeth Stephens (Author), Curtis Michael Holland, Joy Beharie, TBD (Narrator)
Screaming Woods, where the monster dwell . . . and love goes to die. Or at least it feels that way. Because finding love isn't easy when you're green. Thanks to a mad scientist and his potion spiked punch, I'm a lovely shade of chartreuse and my scary reputation for being obsessed with sparkly shoes precedes me. I'd given up on love until my dark knight literally rode in on a big, black horse. The spark was instantly there, the only thing missing-his head. For once, someone saw me as more than the Wicked Witch, but that might have something to do with him being headless after sundown. The Headless Horseman could be the one to break my dry spell of loneliness, but first I have to break it to him that he's worthy of love to. And I'm going to do that by showing just how wicked I can be. He could be the one to break my dry spell, I just need to show him how good it feels to be wicked. Contains mature themes.
Elle Christensen (Author), Eric Macarthur, Marie Hawkins (Narrator)
[German] - Verhext und abgedreht: Verhexte Westwick-Krimis #3
Dieses Hörbuch wird von einer digitalen Stimme erzählt. LICHT, KAMERA, MORD! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ein Hollywood-Blockbuster soll in Westwick Corners gedreht werden und Reporterin Cendrine wittert ihre große Chance. Ihre Hexenfamilie will sich die Action keinesfalls entgehen lassen, doch das Geplänkel mit den Hollywoodgrößen führt schon bald zu einer handfesten Tragödie in der Traumfabrik. Ein Mord geschieht schneller, als dass die Kamera ihn einfangen kann, und alle Hinweise zeigen auf Cennys ruhmsüchtige Familie. Nichts und niemand kann die rivalisierenden Tanten auf ihrer Jagd nach übernatürlichem Starruhm aufhalten, nicht einmal eine Mordermittlung. Die Hexen fabrizieren ein filmreifes Chaos und lassen dadurch beinahe einen Mörder entkommen. Cenny muss auf ihre eigenen Kräfte zurückgreifen, um ihre Familie im Zaum zu halten. Wird sie jedoch den Mörder zur Strecke bringen können, bevor er erneut zuschlägt? Willkommen im Wilden WESTen! Wenn Sie unterhaltsame Krimis mit einem Schuss Humor und etwas Zauberkraft mögen, dann wird es Ihnen in Westwick Corners gefallen. ***** Westwick Corners ist keine typische Kleinstadt. Auch keine typische Geisterstadt. Hierher zieht es Menschen, die nicht gefunden werden wollen, und Hexen, die ihrer Arbeit nachgehen können, ohne viel Aufsehen zu erregen. Diese Mischung sorgt für spannende und zugleich humorvolle Kriminalgeschichten, in denen die Hexen im Mittelpunkt stehen! Die Familie West lebt seit jeher in Westwick Corners und entstammt einer langen Linie an Hexen ‒ Hexen, die Geheimnisse aufdecken, Kriminalfälle lösen und denen helfen, die Unterstützung brauchen. Dabei sind sie wahre Tausendsassa, denn anpacken, das muss man in einer Kleinstadt können. Jeder hilft jedem. Sogar Oma Vi ermittelt als Geist und schnüffelt herum. Aber auch wenn alle an einem Strang ziehen, nicht immer zieht jeder in die gleiche Richtung…
Colleen Cross (Author), Digitale Stimme Gabriela G (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Bruxas aos Farrapos: Um Mistério das Bruxas de Westwick
Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital. Vencer, perder ou empatar… Um Mistério das Bruxas de Westwick Cendrine West não consegue uma folga. Ela está prestes a conseguir um novo emprego e as coisas estão melhorando com o delegado sexy, Tyler Gates. Tudo muda quando ela é sequestrada pela bruxa renegada, tia Pearl, que quer vingar a morte recente de uma amiga. É Las Vegas ou a prisão... por todos os motivos errados. Rocco Racatelli é um homem rico de Vegas... e o próximo alvo da máfia. A sorte lhe deu uma mão perdedora e ele quer vingança. Quando tia Pearl aparece, muito disposta a ajudar, o projeto Vingança em Vegas rapidamente se transforma em uma guerra da máfia. Quando as bruxas entram no submundo da Cidade do Pecado, os cadáveres se acumulam e segredos são expostos. Não é apenas o calor de Las Vegas que é escaldante... Rocco está disposto a ganhar o coração de Cen. Mas ela só quer o homem que deixou para trás em Westwick Corners. A única coisa que ela precisa fazer é solucionar um assassinato, vencer a tia na magia e derrubar a máfia de Las Vegas. O que poderia dar errado? Quando o crime organizado encontra a magia desorganizada, tudo pode acontecer! À medida que o número de corpos aumenta, fica claro que Cen precisa de mais do que um milagre no deserto para consertar as coisas. Se você gosta de mistérios divertidos, com uma boa dose de humor e sobrenatural, adorará este livro paranormal! Para os fãs de Janet Evanovich, Leighann Dobbs, Angie Fox, Deanna Chase e Lynn Cahoon. “Uma história sobrenatural enfeitiçadora. Se você gosta de mistérios divertidos, adorará Cendrine West e sua família maluca!”
Colleen Cross (Author), Voz Digital Priscila G (Narrator)
The second saga in the bestselling, groundbreaking Forever Evermore series begins with Chosen Thief, where the life of a skilled lawbreaker becomes much more than she ever wanted . . . Caroline Jules knows death is imminent. She's only twenty-two, but as an inmate of Death Row in the most secure Mystical jail, what else could her future hold? Caro has no idea. Her solitary, transient life is about to get flipped on its head when it is revealed that she is the new Prodigy Elemental, and she has responsibilities and ties that she can't ever escape. Caro is attempting to run from a brutal past, but the Rulers have other plans for this thief's future. But the transition from a self-contained existence to life with the other Prodigies, the Kings and Queens, and even the Elders was never going to be easy, and Caro has secrets she's loath to share. Suddenly she has friends, mentors, lovers, and they all want to know more about her than she is willing to reveal. Will Caro ever escape the darkness of all she is, or will she fall deeper into the life that has been chosen for her?
Scarlett Dawn (Author), Chloe Cannon (Narrator)
Sometimes you miss the things that are staring you in the face. I honestly thought things couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. Now I'm forced to defend my enemy to protect what's dearest to me. Forced to trust the very thing I've been fighting against. I can't do this alone, and if I play my cards right I won't have to. Everything has led to this. All the threads are coming together, and the pieces of the puzzle are slotting into place. Question is, where do I really fit in? Contains mature themes.
Debbie Cassidy (Author), Leanne Woodward (Narrator)
There was a time when demons reigned. That was before they were forced to retreat to the shadows. Today, in hidden corners across the globe their evil blood still pools, and the authority of their new rulers-the Vampire Cabal-must never be challenged. Leave it to a Jersey girl to change ancient history . . . At sixteen, when Peri Sanguis's wild magic first appeared, she was forced to flee her Wyoming ranch-and her suddenly murderous family-to save her own life. On the East Coast, tutored by mages who run the Witch's Brew bookstore-cafe, Peri's world seems magically tranquil-until her estranged mother and a coven of witches are slaughtered. Now, to solve the violent mysteries of her past, she must put her trust, body and soul, in a sensual immortal who is every woman's darkest fantasy . . . The golden-eyed vampire, Valen, has never wanted more than to claim an untamed female like Peri. Lured into each other's orbit, and working together against a resurrected evil brings them intimately closer-to danger, blood betrayals, all-consuming passion, and to sacrifices that must be made to save themselves and the world . . . Contains mature themes.
Alexandra Ivy (Author), Elizabeth Russell (Narrator)
It's True Blood meets Sweet Home Alabama, y'all!Coralie dreads starting over, but Mystic River beckons her home like a siren's call. Armed with determination and a toolkit full of DIY magic, Coralie sets out to revive her grandmother's worn-down house. If anyone can breathe new life into the old walls, it's her. And with lifelong friendships awaiting her, she has a support system as sturdy as a bear shifter's embrace. Little does she know that her homecoming will launch her into the wildest roller coaster ride of midlife dating and a mating bond that makes her head spin faster than a tornado. Coralie certainly hadn't signed up for this level of excitement, but here she was, courtesy of the enigmatic mastermind herself, Mrs. Wilde. The queen of matchmaking and the architect of the notorious Peculiar Hearts Dating Agency promises Coralie a spicy rebound for her upcoming high school reunion. Enter Jax, a scorching hot bear shifter haunted by a love that's gripped him since high school. Just when he finally has a shot at settling down, a pesky ex-harpy swoops in, flapping her wings and causing more drama than a forest full of squawking birds. Tired of the chaos, this bear is ready to throw in the towel and hibernate for good! But as they say, fate has a wicked sense of humor. Beneath the surface of his chance to make things right and rewrite history are secrets that could detonate like a ticking time bomb, threatening to shatter their fragile bond. Coralie holds a haunting secret buried deep within her heart. It shapes the choices that molded her into the fierce, curvy woman she is today. As for Jax, his past is a murky labyrinth of pain and darkness. Lives and love swing on a high-stakes pendulum as danger closes in. Can Coralie and Jax beat the odds, untangle the mystery of the danger stalking them, and build a future that defies the limits of their pasts?
Ac James (Author), Veronica Harder (Narrator)
[German] - Verhext und zugebaut: Verhexte Westwick-Krimis #1
Dieses Hörbuch wird von einer digitalen Stimme erzählt. Ein verhexter Krimi aus Westwick Corners! Cendrine West hat ein Geheimnis – sie will eigentlich gar keine Hexe sein. Ihre Zauberkunst ist auch nicht besonders gut, eine Tatsache, an die sie ihre Tante Pearl ständig erinnert. Aber sie kann sich der Hexenwelt nicht so einfach verschließen, schon gar nicht in dem kleinen Westwick Corners, wo die Hexen der Familie West schon seit Generationen für Chaos sorgen. Weitere Schwierigkeiten bahnen sich an, als kurz vor Cendrines Hochzeit eine Leiche auftaucht. Sie erkennt die magischen Verwicklungen in diesem Fall und entdeckt eine Seite an ihrem Verlobten, die ihr so gar nicht gefällt. Cendrine wird gezwungen, sich mit ihren eigenen Kräften auseinanderzusetzen. Werden sie ausreichen, um ihre Familie und die Stadt zu retten? Am Tatort zeigen alle Beweise auf ihre Tante Pearl, die unbedingt verhindern will, dass Touristen den Weg nach Westwick Corners finden. Dann will sie auch noch unbedingt Tyler Gates, den gutaussehenden neuen Sheriff, aus der Stadt jagen, so wie sie es bereits mit seinen Vorgängern getan hatte. Schlussendlich mischt sich auch noch der Geist von Oma Vi ein und das Chaos nimmt seinen Lauf. Zwischen Sheriff Gates und Cendrine fliegen Funken, während die Beweise gegen Tante Pearl immer belastender werden. Kann Cendrine den Fall – und ihr Herz – in die richtige Richtung lenken? Wenn Ihnen unterhaltsame Krimis mit einem Schuss Humor und etwas Zauberkraft gefallen, dann wird es Ihnen in Westwick Corners gefallen.
Colleen Cross (Author), Digitale Stimme Gabriela G (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Que Bruxaria é Essa?: Um Mistério das Bruxas de Westwick
Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital. TENHA CUIDADO COM O QUE DESEJA... Um Mistério Paranormal das Bruxas de Westwick “Uma história sobrenatural enfeitiçadora. Se você gosta de mistérios divertidos, adorará Cendrine West e sua família maluca!” Cendrine West tem um segredo: ela não quer ser uma bruxa. E não é uma bruxa muito boa, coisa que sua tia Pearl não a deixa esquecer. Mas ela não pode fugir das próprias raízes, especialmente não na pequena Westwick Corners, onde a família West de bruxas criou problemas durante gerações. Surge um problema quando um cadáver aparece logo antes do casamento de Cendrine. Ao investigar, ela descobre uma conexão sobrenatural. E um segredo sobre o noivo que ela preferia não saber. Cendrine é forçada a testar os próprios poderes de bruxa. Serão eles bons o suficiente para salvar a família e a cidade? A cena do crime aponta para tia Pearl, que jurou impedir o turismo, que a cidade necessita desesperadamente, a todo custo. Ela também quer que Tyler Gates, o novo delegado sexy, saia da cidade, como todos os anteriores. E, como se isso não bastasse, o fantasma de vovó Vi quer participar da ação. Cendrine jura ajudar a tia, que não ajuda a si mesma. Faíscas voam entre Cendrine e Tyler à medida que o caso aumenta contra tia Pearl. Cendrine conseguirá colocar a investigação — e o próprio coração — no caminho certo? Se você gosta de mistérios divertidos, com uma boa dose de humor e sobrenatural, adorará este livro paranormal!
Colleen Cross (Author), Voz Digital Patricia G (Narrator)
[French] - Le sort vers la gloire: Une Petite Enquête des Sorcières de Westwick
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Une Petite Enquête des Sorcières de Westwick Les sorcières vont à Hollywood, et la magie du cinéma s'emballe ! Lumières, camera, assassin… On vient de tourner un film à gros budgets en ville, et Cendrine West, journaliste, meurt d’envie d’en tirer un bon scoop. Sa famille de sorcière voudrait bien elle aussi sa part du gâteau, mais des magouilles de stars transforment cette aventure en une véritable tragédie hollywoodienne. Les cadavres s’empilent plus vite que les malédictions durant le sabbat, et tout pointe vers la famille de Cen et leur amour pour la célébrité. Rien ne les arrête dans leur quête de célébrité surnaturelle, même si cela implique de perturber une enquête pour meurtre. En guise de résultat, nos sorcières ont créé un sacré désordre et offert l’opportunité au tueur de s’en tirer en toute liberté. Cen décide donc d’utiliser son propre cocktail de dons surnaturels et de sens de la justice pour réussir à contenir un peu sa famille — mais parviendra-t-elle à démasquer le tueur avant qu’il ne frappe de nouveau ? Bientôt au Far, Far West ! Le Sort Vers La Gloire est fait pour les fans de romans policiers surnaturels, de petites enquêtes, et de sorcières effroyablement drôles. Ce livre peut être lu à part, mais si vous voulez en savoir plus sur la famille des sorcières de Westwick et sur leur histoire, vous pouvez commencer avec le premier tome : Charmée de vous rencontrer.
Colleen Cross (Author), Voix Numérique Francine G (Narrator)
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