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Shadowrise. The Dawn of Darkness
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Have you ever stopped to think about how deeply we depend on technology and electricity? Can you imagine what would happen if everything stopped working all at once? Our world, every day, every hour, every minute, is deeply intertwined with the invisible threads of technology. But what would happen if all those threads were suddenly cut? Are we prepared to face a world plunged into darkness, without the conveniences and comforts we are used to? 'Shadowrise: The Dawn of Darkness' is the first book in a series, introducing us to a setting as fearsome as it is fascinating. A city, once brimming with life and light, now sets the stage for an unprecedented blackout. Kaelan, an average young man, suddenly finds himself at the center of this apocalyptic reality, facing a world he no longer recognizes. From the initial days of confusion to the subsequent days of despair, we follow Kaelan and his friends as they navigate the challenges of a world where the rules of the past no longer apply. Will Kaelan be able to adapt and survive in this new world, or will the dawn of darkness be too much for him? 'Shadowrise: The Dawn of Darkness' is a call to awaken our consciousness, a warning cry about our growing dependence on technology, and a thrilling exploration of what it truly means to survive. Join Kaelan and discover what a world would be like when suddenly stripped of technology, plunged into despair as everything familiar crumbles.
M.K. Hallow (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Shadowrise. O amanhecer da escuridão
Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital. Alguma vez você já parou para pensar o quão profundamente dependemos da tecnologia e da eletricidade? Você consegue imaginar o que aconteceria se, de repente, tudo parasse de funcionar? Nosso mundo, a cada dia, a cada hora, a cada minuto, está profundamente entrelaçado com os fios invisíveis da tecnologia. Mas o que aconteceria se todos esses fios fossem abruptamente cortados? Estamos preparados para enfrentar um mundo mergulhado na escuridão, sem as facilidades e confortos aos quais estamos acostumados? 'Shadowrise: O Amanhecer das Trevas' é o primeiro livro de uma série que nos apresenta um cenário tão temível quanto fascinante. Uma cidade que antes transbordava de vida e luz, agora torna-se o palco de um blecaute sem precedentes. Kaelan, um jovem como qualquer outro, de repente se vê no centro dessa realidade apocalíptica, enfrentando um mundo que ele já não reconhece. Desde os primeiros dias de confusão até os subsequentes de desespero, acompanhamos Kaelan e seus amigos enquanto eles navegam pelos desafios de um mundo onde as regras do passado já não se aplicam. Será que Kaelan conseguirá se adaptar e sobreviver neste novo mundo, ou o amanhecer das trevas será demais para ele? 'Shadowrise: O Amanhecer das Trevas' é um chamado para despertarmos nossa consciência, um grito de alerta sobre nossa crescente dependência da tecnologia e uma empolgante exploração do que realmente significa sobreviver. Junte-se a Kaelan e descubra como seria um mundo que de repente é despojado da tecnologia, mergulhado no desespero enquanto tudo o que é conhecido desmorona.
M.K. Hallow (Author), Voz Digital Paulo G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Shadowrise. El amanecer de la oscuridad.
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. ¿Te has detenido alguna vez a pensar cuán profundamente dependemos de la tecnología y la electricidad? ¿Puedes imaginarte qué sucedería si de un momento a otro todo dejara de funcionar? Nuestro mundo, cada día, cada hora, cada minuto, está profundamente entrelazado con los hilos invisibles de la tecnología. Pero, ¿qué pasaría si todos esos hilos se cortaran de repente? ¿Estamos preparados para enfrentar un mundo sumergido en la oscuridad, sin las facilidades y las comodidades a las que estamos acostumbrados? 'Shadowrise: El Amanecer de la Oscuridad' es el primer libro de una serie, donde se nos presenta un escenario tan temible como fascinante. Una ciudad, una vez rebosante de vida y luz, ahora es el escenario de un apagón sin precedentes. Kaelan, un joven como cualquier otro, de repente se encuentra en el centro de esta realidad apocalíptica, enfrentando un mundo que ya no reconoce. Desde los primeros días de confusión hasta los siguientes de desesperación, seguimos a Kaelan y sus amigos mientras navegan por los desafíos de un mundo donde las reglas del pasado ya no se aplican. ¿Podrá Kaelan adaptarse y sobrevivir en este nuevo mundo, o el amanecer de la oscuridad será demasiado para él? 'Shadowrise: El Amanecer de la Oscuridad' es una llamada a despertar nuestra consciencia, un grito de advertencia sobre nuestra creciente dependencia de la tecnología y una emocionante exploración de lo que realmente significa sobrevivir. Acompaña a Kaelan y descubre cómo sería un mundo al que de repente le arrancan la tecnología, sumergido en la desesperación mientras todo lo conocido se desmorona.
M.K. Hallow (Author), Voz Digital Luis G (Narrator)
[German] - Waldland: Apokalypse im Nirgendwo
Im Jahr 2030 kommt es zum 'Ereignis' - ein katastrophaler Zusammenbruch der globalen Stromnetze, der die Welt in Dunkelheit stürzt. In diesem neuen Zeitalter zeigt sich die Zerbrechlichkeit unserer modernen Gesellschaft. Trotz der umsichtigen Krisenvorsorge einer Familie auf ihrem Selbstversorgerhof in Schweden, wird ihr Zusammenhalt durch das Ereignis und einen Unfall auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Die Kälte greift um sich, ungewöhnlich intensive Polarlichter erhellen den dunklen Himmel, und der Schnee fällt früher und häufiger als je zuvor. Die Straßen sind verlassen, und die wenigen Überlebenden scheinen in einem unerklärlichen Rätsel gefangen zu sein. Was ist wirklich geschehen? Für den vierzehnjährigen Collin beginnt eine Zeit der Entdeckung und Selbstfindung. In einer Welt, in der das Gesetz des Stärkeren herrscht, muss er seine Grenzen erkennen und überwinden. Er trifft auf Jenny, eine junge Frau von beeindruckender Intelligenz und Schönheit. Ihre gemeinsame Reise führt sie zu einer Gemeinschaft von Überlebenden, deren vermeintliche Sicherheit sich bald als trügerisch herausstellt. Als ein Mord die fragile Ordnung der Gemeinschaft erschüttert, müssen sie entscheiden, wie weit sie gehen, um zu überleben und wem sie wirklich vertrauen können. In dieser gefährlichen neuen Welt, in der einige Überlebende mysteriöse Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln scheinen, steht für Collin und Jenny mehr auf dem Spiel als nur das bloße Überleben - es geht um die Wiederentdeckung der Menschlichkeit in einer Welt, die sie verloren geglaubt hatten.
Julian Haertl (Author), Christian Sollberger (Narrator)
[German] - Der gestohlene Bazillus und andere Geschichten
Der gestohlene Bazillus und andere Geschichten von H. G. Wells gelesen von Cedrik Burrasch. Das Unsichtbare und Bedrohliche, Zeitreisen und Invasionen fremder Lebewesen auf der Erde – mit diesen Sujets erschrieb sich Herbert George Wells seinen Rang zu einem der meistgelesenen Autoren der Literaturgeschichte. Er war einer der Ersten, der die Entwicklung der Science-Fiction-Literatur entscheidend prägte. Diese Sammlung enthält fünf ausgewählte Kurzgeschichten aus seiner Feder, es sind kleine spannende und gruselige Geschichten um Wissenschaft, menschliche Selbstüberschätzung und dem ewigen Ringen mit der Natur. Die Menschheit befindet sich an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit: Mikrobiologie, zerstörerische Großindustrien und Kernphysik klopfen an die Tür eines von technischen Fortschritt und Kriegen dominierten Jahrhunderts. Einige seiner Werke verfügen bis heute über erschreckend aktuelle Zeitbezüge. Genau das macht sie zu ganz bedeutsamer Literatur. Seine Romane und Erzählungen wurden von zahlreichen Autoren und Filmemachern adaptiert. Auch in seinen Sachbüchern entwickelte H. G. Wells Ideen für einen Weltstaat und regte Projekte wie den Völkerbund und die Liga der Menschenrechte an. 1. Der gestohlene Bazillus 2. Der Gasfang 3. Der Zauberladen 4. Das Tal der Spinnen 5. Ein Traum von Armageddon Über den Sprecher: Cedrik Burrasch, geb. 1991, nahm mehrfach an Peter Eckhart Reichels Studio-Workshop: Hörbuchsprecher-Sein oder Nichtsein, teil, er besuchte außerdem auch einen Bildungskurs für Synchronsprechen. Cedrik versucht seitdem ambitioniert beruflich als Hörbuchsprecher und Synchronsprecher Fuß zu fassen. Schon als Teenager, fasziniert von der Darstellung und Interpretation der unzähligen Charaktere in Büchern und Filmen, entwickelte sich bei ihm ein großes Interesse, Teil dieser akustischen Welt zu werden. In seiner Freizeit beschäftigt er sich viel mit Musik, Schauspiel und diversen Audio Programmen, um ein Gefühl für das Sprechen vor dem Mikrofon zu entwickeln. Mit diesem Hörbuch: Der gestohlene Bazillus und andere Geschichten, von H. G. Wells, gibt er sein Debüt als Sprecher bei der hoerbuchedition words and music. Es entstand durch die Initiative: Mein erstes Hörbuch des Verlags hoerbuchedition words and music, zur Förderung des Sprechernachwuchses. Originaltitel: The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents. Erstdruck: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London 1895, Deutsch von Gertrud Ingeborg Klett 1910.Verlag von Julius Hoffmann, Stuttgart. Gekürzte Ausgabe. Covergestaltung unter Verwendung einer KI-Vorlage, erstellt durch shutterstock_2398665499. Coverschrift gesetzt aus der Bastion. Musik & Kompositionen: produced by Jason Shaw on Audionautix is released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
H.G. Wells (Author), Cedrik Burrasch (Narrator)
[Russian] - Тысяча ударов сердца
Страшные тайны скрываются за роскошным фасадом замка Меккона. Славный король обезумел после исчезновения супруги. Принц не спешит вступить в брак ради укрепления позиций королевства. Единственный луч света — принцесса Анника, она мечтает о благе для своего народа… и о большой любви. Но отец решает выдать ее за черствого, надменного вельможу, и Анника — сильная, волевая и рассудительная — вынуждена подчиниться. Еще хуже обстоят дела в ветхом замке Возино, где власть захватил спесивый тиран. Самый безжалостный воин его армии, единственный, кто способен избавить свой народ от гнета тирании, одержим лишь одной мыслью — завоевать королевство, где правит отец Анники, и захватить замок. Рожденные заклятыми врагами, Анника и Леннокс еще не подозревают, сколь роковым образом переплетены их судьбы. Впервые на русском!
кира касс (Author), алла човжик (Narrator)
O say can you see by my bomb’s warning light… Under a symphony of explosions and allegiance sung in minor key, a mysterious assassin called Ares rises from the ashes to challenge both leaders and citizens alike. Fear and false comforts hold society in its prison and after so many years of obedience will they be able to open their eyes and grasp onto the change Ares offers them? Ares has plotted patiently and remains steadfast on her path, moving her pawns across the board biding her time for rebellion to ignite. When the clock chimes at last the people will stand behind her or condemn her to face her fate alone. The future of the Pacific Confederation hangs in the balance and one persistent inspector could be all it takes to hold the cornerstone in place. Will the iron rule hold? Or will the cries for freedom shatter the walls at last? …For a change is a must when our cause it is just
Talis Jones (Author), Paige Reisenfeld, Pj Freebourn (Narrator)
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicholas Sansbury Smith comes a brand new novella set in the world of the Hell Divers series. Before you knew him as the king or the Immortal, he was Commander Xavier “X” Rodriguez—with ninety-six dives under his belt, the most experienced Hell Diver on the airship known as the Hive. Time after time, he dived through the electrical storms, returning with parts to keep his home in the sky. Then, on a jump into Hades, the most hostile environment in North America, he sacrificed everything for mission and team. They returned to the airship with the fuel cells needed to keep the Hive running, but X was left behind. This is the story of how he becomes the last man on Earth. His will drives him to keep fighting, to survive the monsters and the radiation in the wastes, to find a way back home. But as the days pass, he feels the things that make him human slipping away. He has become a waif, a phantom, with little to live for. Then he stumbles upon something that makes him feel again. This is the chronicle of those lost years, told for the first time ever.
Nicholas Sansbury Smith (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Double-Blind: Gilded Tower: A LitRPG Apocalypse Adventure
Corruption. Power struggle. Malevolent deities. All this is topped off by a mysterious golden tower that appeared overnight, drawing adventurers from far and wide. Still recovering from the events of Transposition and struggling with his nature, Matt sets out to rescue his best friend from the clutches of the mysterious organization that kidnapped him. He’ll need every trick in the Rogue’s playbook to stay ahead of the game, using infiltration, cunning, and his unique Ordinator ability to outthink and outmaneuver stronger and better-connected foes. With both new players and the remaining fragments of government in pursuit, playing both sides comes with the territory, and leaning into his alternate identity’s villainous image will be key. Of course, there’s the obvious question: How long can you play the villain before you become one? Book two of a LitRPG apocalypse series set in the real world, where the price of failure is death, and the prize for winning is beyond Matt's wildest dreams.
J. Mccoy (Author), Ramón De Ocampo (Narrator)
Transformation: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure
Just when John thinks things are finally calming down, the world never fails to throw a new twist his way. And the latest one is deadly. A distress call from Katrine has set John on a crash course with a band of vicious dimensional raiders led by a supreme mage who are already planning an invasion, while back home, the clock is ticking on the prophecy of the beast invasion that will wipe humans from the face of the world. Worse still, John’s mana is growing stronger, forcing him to choose between sealing his mana away and becoming mortal, or destroying the world by his very presence. With the corrosive influence of the dragon, Farroutef, dogging his every step, he is forced to try and broker peace with the mages of New Dawn only to find himself trapped by the mysterious King of Beasts. Forced into a prison of his own making, John’s options are limited, but luckily, he’s got great friends. Unwilling to leave him to his fate, Ellie decides it's time to step out and be the hero mounting a rescue attempt with Sigvald and Ferdie.
Seth Ring (Author), Michael Kramer (Narrator)
All the Dust That Falls: An Isekai LitRPG Adventure
Some seek power. Some seek justice. Others seek to root out the filth lurking in the darkest of corners. Spot was summoned from his comfortable charging pad and familiar floors to a world of magic and intrigue. But after the flight of his new patrons, he is left alone to care for a filthy castle. During his quest to keep this new home clean, Spot will face demons, foreign armies, and his arch nemesis, the dreaded stairs. All those who stand before him will be swept away. Those who follow his spotless trail will find enlightenment, purity, and a world on its knees. Follow this wholesome vacuum on his quest to power in All the Dust that Falls, a hilarious new Isekai LitRPG that will make you question what it means to be a hero. Or if heroes even need limbs, or mouths, or... you get it.
Zaifyr (Author), Phil Thron (Narrator)
A week ago, the supernova Aeon detonated in the skies over Antarctica. Mass migrations of humanity and animal life began northward. Secondary bursts of ionizing radiation knocked out worldwide power grids. Global temperatures spiked. Oceans rose as seawater expanded and glaciers melted. Massive storms and acid rain scour the planet. The southern continent is literally melting under the feet of Dr. Xin Rhou as she is trapped at the South Pole, and she is perhaps the only person in the world with a full accounting of the data recorded when Aeon exploded. Thousands of miles away in the Amazon, Max Carver struggles to stay alive while attempting to stop his old friend and brother Ben Belloc escaping from the Colony. But the only thing Max really wants is to get north of the equator and find his pregnant wife Talisha as she is about to give birth. Talisha, meanwhile, has joined millions of Aeon refugees on the roads of America. Most cars have been rendered inoperable by the supernova burst, and all communications and power grids are down. But for Tal, on the verge of giving birth in a suddenly very unforgiving world, all of this is even less important than the revelation she has just learned …
Dale M. Nelson, Matthew Mather (Author), Ray Porter (Narrator)
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