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Survive: The Ultimate Guide on How to Survive Any Natural Calamity, Discover the Effective Strategies and Tips on How You Can Prepare and Survive Any Calamity and Disaster There is a saying that says 'always be prepared.' Nobody wants calamities to happen but sadly, it is a part of life. No matter where you are, or how much you deem your place to be the safest place of all, emergencies and disasters can happen at any moment. We don't always know when it will strike so it is important that we do whatever we can to prepare ourselves just in case it happens. Sadly, not a lot of Americans are doing much preparation. According to FEMA, 60% of Americans are not practicing any disaster preparation and even those that do don't have the basic supplies required for survival. This book will teach you a basic survival blueprint you can follow when different disasters strike. It will teach you all the important information you need in order to make sure you and your family have the best chance of surviving any calamity that might come your way. This audiobook will discuss some of the following topics: - Tips on Earthquake Emergency Preparation - Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes - Prepare For a Flood the Best Way You Could - Vital Steps in Preparation for an Industrial Emergency - Safety Emergency Preparation Tips When There is a Tornado - Tsunami: What To Do and How to Survive - Emergency Preparation For Typhoons - What To Do When a Volcano Erupts? - The Truth About Emergency Services - Climate Change Emergency Preparation - We Should Act Now! - Home Emergency - Better Be Prepared - Heroes Need Help Too It can be easy to shrug off any threat and to put it out of your mind thinking there's a slim possibility for any disaster to strike anytime soon. But this kind of attitude is what often leads to disastrous consequences. If you want to know the best tips and advice on how to survive a natural disaster, scroll up and click 'add to cart' now.
Kamden Clover (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Emergency Survival Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle:
Emergency Survival Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: How To Stay Alive and Survive We have all seen those disaster movies. And while movies may exaggerate certain situations, it certainly makes us think if we are ready or prepared to face them and if we can come out of these situations alive. We don’t want to be that token character in the movie who dies very early on. Nobody wants calamities to happen but sadly, it is a part of life. No matter where you are, or how much you deem your place to be the safest place of all, emergencies and disasters can happen at any moment. According to FEMA, 60% of Americans are not practicing any disaster preparation and even those that do don't have the basic supplies required for survival. This bundle will teach you a basic survival blueprint you can follow when different disasters strike. It will teach you all the important information you need in order to make sure you and your family have the best chance of surviving any calamity that might come your way. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: 1. How To Stay Alive: The Essential Guide to Emergency Preparedness, Discover The Best Ways and Tips On How to be Prepared for Disasters and Emergencies 2. Survive: The Ultimate Guide on How to Survive Any Natural Calamity, Discover the Effective Strategies and Tips on How You Can Prepare and Survive Any Calamity and Disaster There is a saying that says 'always be prepared. This bundle can help you prepare yourself for whatever disaster or calamity may happen so download your copy today! If you want to learn more, download your copy of Emergency Survival 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Kamden Clover, Peter Lonny (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Die Zukunft ist menschlich: Manifest für einen intelligenten Umgang mit dem digitalen Wandel in unse
Können Sie sich vorstellen, im Alter von einem Roboter gepflegt zu werden? Oder würden Sie in einen Bus ohne Fahrer einsteigen? Die Digitalisierung ist DIE Herausforderung unserer Zeit. In alle Lebensbereiche dringt sie inzwischen vor: Bei den Themen Arbeit, Freizeit, Mobilität und selbst Gesundheit sind digitale Technologien nicht mehr wegzudenken. Antworten auf die Frage, wie der Einzelne und die Gesellschaft vom digitalen Wandel profitieren können, sind aktuell in der Unterzahl oder gar nicht vorhanden. Ängste beherrschen die Mediendebatte. Angetrieben von der Sorge um Datensicherheit und der Gefahr massenhafter Arbeitsplatzverluste durch Robotik und künstliche Intelligenz jagt ein Schreckensszenario das nächste. Was vor Jahrzehnten nur in Science-Fiction-Filmen spielte, scheint nun Realität zu werden: die völlige Unterwerfung des Menschen durch die Maschine. Doch diese fatalistische Darstellung des Themas ist so einseitig wie reißerisch. Es ist an der Zeit für eine neue Perspektive: In ihrem Buch entwickelt Andera Gadeib eine positive Gegenthese, die eine konstruktive Diskussion zulässt und anschaulich verdeutlicht, warum beim Thema Digitalisierung der Mensch in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung gehört. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Menschen mithilfe der Errungenschaften des digitalen Zeitalters weiterzubringen und die Zukunft vom Menschen her und für den Menschen zu denken. Das Buch ist ein Manifest, das eine neue positive Dimension in die Digitalisierungsdebatte einbringt. Es ermutigt, das Thema gestaltend und klarsichtig anzugehen, und nimmt jener fatalistischen Sicht den Wind aus den Segeln, die behauptet, der Mensch würde zukünftig von Maschinen beherrscht. Andera Gadeib belegt die Absurdität dieser Meinung und zeigt auf, welche Chancen uns die Digitalisierung bringt, wenn wir im Einklang mit den neuen Möglichkeiten leben. Anhand von konkreten Zahlen, Studien und anschaulichen Beispielen aus allen wesentlichen Lebensbereichen zeigt sie, dass wir alle gefordert sind, ein Mindestmaß an Verständnis für die digitalen Möglichkeiten zu entwickeln und gleichzeitig die Verantwortung für unsere persönliche Zukunft, aber auch für die der Gesellschaft und der Menschheit im Ganzen zu übernehmen. Denn allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz sind es die Gestaltungsfreiheit und der Gestaltungswille jedes Einzelnen, die über die Digitalisierung bestimmen werden.
Andera Gadeib (Author), Andera Gadeib (Narrator)
En Thomas i els seus amics - L'hora dels contes d'en Thomas
A l'illa de Sodor pot passar de tot! Uneix-te a en Thomas i els seus amics en les seves aventures grans i petites. Pel camí aprendreu lliçons importants sobre l'amistat, sobre creure en un mateix i sobre el valor d'ajudar als altres. Vine a divertir-te amb en Thomas i els seus amics! Acompanya a en Thomas, en Gordon, en James, en Cranky, en Dièsel, en Dexter, en Henry i la resta de trens de l'illa de Sodor a trepidants aventures! Vine a buscar el tresor, participa en missions de rescat, resol misteris fantasmagòrics i assisteix a la coronació del rei de Sodor, junt amb totes les locomotores. Xucuxú, xucuxú! Viatgers, al tren! En Thomas i els seus amics és una sèrie creada per Britt Allcroft, basada en una col·lecció de llibres infantils anomenada «The Railway Series», escrita per W. Audry. Des de l'any 1984, milers de nens i nenes de tot el món han gaudit de les històries del tren blau i les seves aventures per l'illa de Sodor. La sèrie és molt estimada per nens, nenes i adults i la petita locomotora s'ha guanyat un lloc a habitacions, estanteries i al cor dels seus espectadors. Pots gaudir de les aventures de Thomas y sus amigos en Netflix i Youtube, i ara també en format audiollibre i en llibre electrònic. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends CREAT PER BRITT ALLCROFT Basat en The Railway Series de The Reverend W Awdry. © 2021 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Thomas & Friends son marcas registradas de Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Design son Reg. U.S. Pat y TM. Off. © 2021 HIT Entertainment Limited.
Mattel (Author), Carles Llado, Carles Lladó (Narrator)
Thomas y sus amigos - Colección de cuentos
En la isla de Sodor, ¡todo puede pasar! Únete a Thomas y sus amigos en sus grandes y pequeñas aventuras. En el camino aprenderán importantes lecciones sobre la amistad, sobre creer en uno mismo y sobre lo divertido que es ayudar al resto. ¡Embárcate en trepidantes aventuras con Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diésel, Dexter, Henry y el resto de las locomotoras de la isla de Sodor! Ve en busca de un tesoro, participa en misiones de rescate, resuelve misterios fantasmagóricos y asiste a la coronación del rey de Sodor junto a todas las locomotoras. ¡Chu, chu! ¡Viajeros al tren! Thomas y sus amigos es una serie creada por Britt Allcroft basada en la colección de libros infantiles «The Railway Series», del reverendo W. Audry. Miles de niños de todo el mundo llevan disfrutando de las historias de la pequeña locomotora azul y sus aventuras en la isla de Sodor desde 1984. La serie ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de niños y mayores y la pequeña locomotora ha estado presente en habitaciones, ferrocarriles y estanterías de todo el mundo durante muchos años. Puedes disfrutar de las aventuras de Thomas y sus amigos en Netflix y YouTube y ahora también en formato libro electrónico y audiolibro. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends CREADO POR BRITT ALLCROFT Basado en The Railway Series de The Reverend W Awdry. © 2021 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Thomas & Friends son marcas registradas de Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Design son Reg. U.S. Pat y TM. Off. © 2021 HIT Entertainment Limited.
Mattel (Author), Juan Diego Rodriguez (Narrator)
Never Stop Driving: A Better Life Behind the Wheel
With glorious photography and sharp writing, Never Stop Driving presents the case for the mental and social benefits of driving and engaging with automobiles. It also shows you-from dreaming about a car to living with it-how to jump in and get the most from your machine. There's never been a better time to go for a drive. As a nation, we are chronically overstressed, overworked, and not sleeping enough. Worse yet, our digital devices are taking ever increasing chunks of what remaining free time we do have. Activities that force us to engage with ourselves and the environment around us are needed more than ever. Might I suggest a spin in a four-wheeled escape pod? The car-the act of driving, repairing, maintaining-drives out distraction and demands we be "present." Making the car a pursuit invites not just the freedom of the road, but the potential to connect with thousands of like-minded individuals as well as the pleasure of simply caring for the machine. Further, there's the thrill of commanding an object that represents a high point of human ingenuity and design. Cars invite passion. The first step is embracing the itch and acting on it. Learn how to choose your perfect weekend car, hunt for it, and make the deal. Then, find peace in the wrenches with tips on taking the plunge into maintaining your ride, including how your car can be an opportunity to tear your kids away from their screens and strengthen your bond with them. Next, explore the joy of driving, from scenic byways to taking your car to its performance limit. You'll also tour the various highlights of the driving life, like how to become an automotive archaeologist, the possibilities for those short on cash but high for adventure, the car as a social gathering point, and what the future with autonomous cars means for those who love to drive. Never Stop Driving shines some light on why we find these machines so captivating, offering some inspiration and validation, and finally inviting those who are curious but haven't made the leap to get in the car. Let's roll.
Larry Webster (Author), Doug Clark (Narrator)
This Is Your Captain Speaking: Stories from the Flight Deck
For everyone from frequent fliers to aviation geeks, travel buffs to nervous travelers, Captain Doug Morris tells you everything you want (and need!) to know about flight Captain Doug Morris has been writing for his airline's in-flight magazine for twenty-four years and has answered a gamut of questions. This Is Your Captain Speaking will draw from his extensive experience and explain everything you ever wanted to know about airline travel: whether airliners have keys, why the bumps, what aircrew get up to on layovers, what's the deal with 'mile-high memberships,' and how to become a pilot. It also provides entertaining anecdotes from air travel's unsung heroes-flight attendants. It's the A to Z of airline travel with a twist of humor. The flight deck door will always be closed, but Doug exposes the unique inner world of aviation to the public.
Doug Morris (Author), Doug Morris (Narrator)
The 5 Keys to a Clear Mix: Create YOUR Mix Philosophy for Christian Artists, Songwriters, and Church
Do you feel like there's no way you'll mix a song demo as good as (insert name here)? Are you struggling to understand how to make the worship band sound better? Do you want to start being confident with your mixes? Stephen Robert Cass has been playing and mixing songs in church and for bands for over 50 years. He has 14 album projects and hundreds of studio hours as a musician and producer and wants to help produce your next song demo or worship team mix. Find your new mix philosophy with the 5 Key method. Take charge behind the mixing console, physical or digital. These 5 Keys, plus two bonus strategies with immediate results for a professional mix, will inform and prepare you, instilling the confidence you need to manage a multi-track recording or a live band.
Stephen Robert Cass (Author), Stephen Robert Cass (Narrator)
Con el constante avance tecnológico en la industria aeronáutica, los diferentes procesos de comunicación han ido evolucionando con el correr del tiempo. Sin embargo, la importancia de una correcta comunicación entre los diferentes actores en las operaciones aéreas, sigue siendo uno de los pilares más importantes de la seguridad operacional. Comunicaciones aeronáuticas propone que todos los pilotos y operadores aéreos, sea cual sea su área de trabajo, realizan los procesos de comunicación de una manera estándar según los requerimientos de OACI (organización de aviación civil internacional), pero explicados y analizados por piloto de líneas aéreas de vasta experiencia en la materia. Un manual teórico y práctico que guiará al lector hacia la comprensión de un proceso de comunicación y la adaptación de este al ámbito aeronáutico, con todos los tecnicismos adecuados y una fraseología estándar utilizado a nivel mundial. Una vez más, la biblioteca aeronáutica en español más completa del mundo, aporta un material indispensable para la formación profesional de pilotos y afines.
Facundo Conforti (Author), Amelia (Narrator)
The Highway Code: Updated for 2022
Our audiobook is the ONLY complete, up-to-date, 2022 edition of the Highway Code. Other audiobooks available on the market were published in 2013 and have not been updated. The Highway Code is essential reading for all road users in England, Scotland and Wales, providing all the latest rules of the road and traffic signs. All road users have a responsibility to keep their knowledge up-to-date. This new edition incorporates new rules on: a) The hierarchy of road users - this means the introduction of new responsibilities towards more vulnerable road users, to keep them safe on the road. These will be known by the 'H' rules b) Mobile Phones - tighter restrictions on the use of mobile phones whilst driving c) Junctions - you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road that you're turning into d) Parking Laws - new rules around parking on pavements. The Highway Code remains one of the source materials for all theory tests.
Drivingsuccess Education (Author), Andrew James Roberts (Narrator)
Are we alone? Ever since ancient people first looked up into the night sky, one question has obsessed humankind: Are we alone—are we the only life in the universe? At last, we're starting to get some answers. From Galileo's handheld telescope to powerful space-based machines that can see for billions of miles; from listening passively for radio wave anomalies to launching active probes to remotely explore distant worlds, the search for life has kicked into high gear, and is already yielding incredible results. Thirty years ago we weren't certain there were any planets anywhere outside our solar system—today we've confirmed literally thousands of them, right here in our own galaxy, many with the right conditions to support life as we know it. Join us for an exciting overview of where we stand in our quest to find extraterrestrial life. **This ZINIO Audio Digest is based on the Bookazine ""Are We Alone?"", published by A360 Media. It contains a featured selection of its articles. To experience the entire Bookazine, please find the issue at your favorite newsstand online or near you.**
A360 Media LLC (Author), Sam Scholl (Narrator)
Atoms and Ashes: From Bikini Atoll to Fukushima
Brought to you by Penguin. In 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the following days, explosions would rip buildings apart, three reactors would go into nuclear meltdown, and the surrounding area would be swamped in radioactive water. It is now considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters ever. But Fukushima was not the first, and it was not the worst. . . In Atoms and Ashes, acclaimed historian Serhii Plokhy tells the tale of the six nuclear disasters that shook the world: Bikini Atoll, Kyshtym, Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Based on wide-ranging research and witness testimony, Plokhy traces the arc of each crisis, exploring in depth the confused decision-making on the ground and the panicked responses of governments to contain the crises and often cover up the scale of the catastrophe. As the world increasingly looks to renewable and alternative sources of energy, Plokhy lucidly argues that the atomic risk must be understood in explicit terms, but also that these calamities reveal a fundamental truth about our relationship with nuclear technology: that the thirst for power and energy has always trumped safety and the cost for future generations. © Serhii Plokhy 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022
Serhii Plokhy (Author), Leighton Pugh (Narrator)
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