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Walk Through Fire: The Train Disaster that Changed America
On February 22, 1978, a devastating freight train derailment drastically altered Waverly, Tennessee, and its place in history. This was one of the worst train explosions of the twentieth century, killing sixteen people, injuring hundreds more, and causing millions of dollars in damage. What could have been dismissed as a single community's terrible misfortune instead became the catalyst for radical change, including the formation of FEMA, much-needed reforms in emergency response training, and the creation and enforcement of national and state safety regulations. Response to the disaster reshaped American infrastructure and laid the groundwork for the future of emergency management and disaster relief . . . and yet most Americans have never heard of Waverly. Dr. Yasmine S. Ali, an award-winning medical writer and Waverly native, sets out to change this in Walk Through Fire, drawing from over a decade of meticulous research and interviews with survivors, first responders, and other firsthand accounts. Ali weaves a compelling narrative of small-town tragedy set against the broader backdrop of United States railroad history, rural healthcare, and other elements of American infrastructure that played a part in the creation-and the aftermath-of the Disaster.
Yasmine S. Ali MD, Yasmine S. Ali Md, Yasmine S. Ali, M.D. (Author), Yasmine S. Ali (Narrator)
A Question of Standing: The History of the CIA
The mission of the CIA has always been intelligence. Seventy-five years ago, in the year of its creation, the National Security Act gave the agency, uniquely in world history up to that point, a democratic mandate to pursue that mission of intelligence. It gave the CIA a special standing in the conduct of United States foreign relations. That standing diminished when successive American presidents ordered the CIA to exceed its original mission. When they tasked the agency secretly to overthrow democratic governments, the United States lost its international standing, and its command of a majority in the United Nations General Assembly. Such dubious operations, even the government's embrace of assassination and torture, did not diminish the standing of the CIA in United States public opinion. However, domestic interventions did. CIA spying on domestic protesters led to tighter congressional oversight from the 1970s on. A Question of Standing offers a balanced narrative and perspective on recognizable episodes in the CIA's history. Famous incidents include the Bay of Pigs invasion, the War on Terror, 9/11, the weapons of mass destruction deception, the Iran estimate of 2007, the assassination of Osama bin Laden, and Fake News. The book also defends the CIA's exposure of foreign meddling in United States elections.
Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones (Author), Roger Clark (Narrator)
A Just Transition: Making Energy Poverty History with an Energy Mix
“The book addresses the many problems with the West’s current approach to development in Africa, showing how foreign aid and misguided investments have often prevented African countries from meeting their own needs, and offers concrete suggestions for a viable program of electrification, economic development, and capacity building that will lead to climate-friendly energy production.” —Kirkus Reviews “Mr. Ayuk shows how the oil and gas industry can unleash economic development and prosperity across the continent.” —The late OPEC Secretary General, Mohammad Barkindo In just a few short decades, the many countries of our planet have become interconnected beyond our wildest imaginations. And as our view of the world has expanded, there has been a rise in the demand for cultures and political institutions around the world to “think globally.” While thinking globally is often well-meaning, acting globally without consideration for local countries can unintentionally cause harmful results. In A Just Transition, renowned Cameroonian author and entrepreneur NJ Ayuk reveals how this sobering reality is unfolding as the International Energy Agency’s ambitious green energy (IEA) policies have stifled and crippled the energy economies of Africa. When the IEA set a hard requirement for countries around the world to embrace “green” energy sources, the burgeoning energy economies of Africa watched in horror as funding and business interest in their oil and gas energy projects evaporated. With a natural abundance of oil and gas resources, Africa has the potential to be a global energy leader. But this transformation cannot happen for African countries through green energy alone. A Just Transition is an insightful exploration into the possibility of a bright future for African countries and the factors that stand in the way of its manifestation. NJ Ayuk takes listeners on a detailed, expert journey through the following topics: The reality of energy poverty The value of natural gas in Africa How foreign aid actually harms Africa Embracing new technology Creating opportunities for women And much more! With thoughtful governance, a keen eye for opportunity, and the due consideration of the countries affected by a sweeping legislation, it is possible for countries in Africa to make a transition to renewable energy that is not only just but prosperous for all involved.
Nj Ayuk (Author), Adera Gandy, Edward Herrmann (Narrator)
History's Greatest Automotive Mysteries, Myths, and Rumors Revealed: James Dean's Killer Porsche, NA
Explore the origins of some of the automotive world's most intriguing stories, mysteries, myths, rumors, and legends. Fantastic stories have swirled around the automobile since the first car appeared over 100 years ago. History's Greatest Automotive Mysteries, Myths, and Rumors Revealedcompiles a juicy selection covering subjects from racing to automakers, crime to pop culture, and historical to modern day. Did you know that after James Dean's death behind the wheel of his Porsche 550 Spyder, parts of the car were sold off, and said parts then cursed their new owners? Or did they? Did you know Bonnie and Clyde stole Ford V-8s almost exclusively as getaway cars because they were the fastest cars of their day? Or that Clyde Barrow wrote Henry Ford a "thank-you" note for building the cars that made escaping his bank heists so successful? NASCAR has been the source of countless myths and legends. Did you know, for example, that a monkey by the name of Jocko Flocko once won a Grand National race? (Hall of Fame driver Tim Flock helped.) Or that one of the most famous stock cars in NASCAR lore-a Chevelle built by legendary rules-bender Smokey Yunick-never actually turned a lap on a racetrack? Did you ever hear the one about the 1964 Impala that flew into a cliff-at 350 miles per hour-in the Arizona desert, thereby winning the inaugural Darwin Award? How about the Ford Pinto that flew like a bird? Or the 68-horsepower Hyundai Excel that maxed out at 115 miles per hour while speeding Rodney King to a rendezvous that would eventually lead to the L.A. Riots? What was the first car to break the sound barrier? Who won the first Indy 500? What kind of car was dancer Isadora Duncan in when she was killed? What car performed the most spectacular stunt in the James Bond movie oeuvre? In all of these cases, the answers may not be what you think. These are just a few of the automotive world's crazy stories, mysteries, myths, and legends. Listen and be amazed!
Matt Stone, Preston Lerner (Author), Roger Wayne (Narrator)
Racing with Rich Energy: How a Rogue Sponsor Took Formula One for a Ride
Formula One has long maintained a glitzy aura that masks dark and strange goings-on in the background. But with the 2019 season came a force louder than Formula One could dream of muffling: William Storey, the founder of British energy drink startup Rich Energy. Storey became a multimillion-dollar sponsor of the Haas Formula One team a year after records showed Rich Energy having a mere $770 in the bank. He equated his doubters to moon-landing truthers and publicly mocked both the Haas team and the entities winning legal disputes against him. But where were actual cans of Rich Energy, and did the supposed sponsorship funds exist? In the six months between Storey's first race as a Formula One sponsor and his very public exit, he stole the spotlight with a loud mouth and an active Twitter account. Haas team boss Guenther Steiner once described the Rich Energy news cycle as: 'I'm getting sick of answering these stupid fucking questions on a race weekend. I've never seen any fucking thing like this.' No one else had, either. This book uncovers the complete, bizarre story.
Alanis King, Elizabeth Blackstock (Author), Linda Jones (Narrator)
Die Akte Pegasus - Wie die Spionagesoftware Privatsphäre, Pressefreiheit und Demokratie attackiert (
PEGASUS: der Investigativ-Bericht über den größten Spionage-Skandal seit der NSA-Affäre Die Spionage-Software Pegasus, die von der israelischen Firma NSO entwickelt wurde, kann jedes Mobiltelefon vollständig überwachen - und zwar ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen. Genutzt wird die Späh-Software von zahlreichen Regierungen weltweit, darunter autoritäre Staaten genauso wie EU-Staaten. Unter den Ausgespähten sind Journalistinnen, Menschenrechtsanwälte, Umwelt-Aktivistinnen, Geschäftsleute und sogar Staatsoberhäupter. Die Spionage-Software Pegasus hat ihre täglichen Bewegungen aufgezeichnet, persönlichste Informationen gesammelt, Korrespondenzen mitgelesen und Gespräche abgehört. Die Folge: Die Ausgespähten - darunter auch Emmanuel Macron, König Mohammed VI. von Marokko oder Hatice Cengiz, die Verlobte des ermordeten saudiarabischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi - werden eingeschüchtert und erpressbar. Es drohen ihnen Inhaftierung oder Ermordung. Kurzum: Pegasus ist nicht weniger als die perfideste Überwachungs-Software der Welt. Die ausgezeichneten französischen Investigativ-Journalisten Laurent Richard und Sandrine Rigaud (Forbidden Stories) decken in ihrem Buch erstmals das ganze Ausmaß der Pegasus-Affäre auf und enthüllen, wer wirklich hinter dem größten Spionage-Skandal seit der NSA-Affäre steckt. Sie gehen auf die Entwicklung der Technologie und auf die Geschichten der Menschen, die Opfer von Pegasus wurden, ein. Mit ihrem Insiderbericht geben sie einen Blick hinter die Kulissen ihrer brisanten Ermittlungen und beweisen, dass autoritäre Systeme vor nichts zurückschrecken, um ihre Macht zu sichern und auszubauen. Die gläserne Gesellschaft ist schon längst Realität geworden.
Laurent Richard, Sandrine Rigaud (Author), Sascha Tschorn, Tanja Fornaro (Narrator)
As we approach 2050, it is projected that human consciousness will encounter a superior intelligence for the very first time: artificial machine intelligence. It is important for us to understand the evolutionary impact of this event, but also that we are being altered from the inside out for the singularity to arise. Are we ready? Will we be adaptive? How will we change? The Coming Singularity explores the psychological impact of the changes coming our way and the many adaptations we will have to make. We are transitioning to a world of one degree of separation, with only the illusion of privacy, autonomy and anonymity. All of us are undergoing a transition to an electronic identity, one that can reach back and change the real you. The question going forward will be, who is the real you? A cluster of psychological symptoms are evolving from our technology interface––Identity Diffusion. Its key feature is the de-realization of life. Direct brain-to-technology interfaces will soon render our brains an open-source forum. We need to discuss who is in there and why! The impact of e-technology on human identity will be profound, but it is also a prerequisite for machine intelligence to arise. We need to discuss this. We humans reside in complex, dynamical networks. The goal of artificial intelligence will be to evolve and stabilize these networks. And we may not be the priority.
Gary A. Freitas (Author), Andrew Sykes (Narrator)
I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique
Will artificial intelligence improve the way we work and live, or will it alienate us? The choice is ours. What will we decide? It's no secret that AI is changing the way we live, work, love, and entertain ourselves. Dating apps are using AI to pick our potential partners. Retailers are using AI to predict our behavior and desires. Rogue actors are using AI to persuade us with Twitter bots and fake news. Companies are using AI to hire us-or not. This is just the beginning. As AI becomes smarter and more humanlike, our societies, our economies, and our humanity will undergo the most dramatic changes we've seen since the Agricultural Revolution. Some of these changes will enhance our species. Others may dehumanize us and make us more machinelike in our interactions with others. It's up to us to adapt and determine how we want to live and work. Are you ready? In I, Human psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic offers a guide for reclaiming ourselves in a world in which most of our decisions will be made for us. To do so, we'll need to double down on what makes us so special-our curiosity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence-while relying on the lost virtues of empathy, humility, and self-control. Filled with big-think fascinations and practical wisdom, I, Human is the book we need to thrive in the future.
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (Author), Timothy Andrés Pabon (Narrator)
Pass the respirator fit test exam with ease: Over 100 practice questions and detailed answers
This audiobook is a study guide to prepare for the Respirator Fit Test CNC method exam. It presents more than hundred questions and answers relating to human respiratory system and defence mechanisms, health effects of airborne contaminants, respiratory hazards in the workplace, general respiratory fit testing and respiratory selection requirements, and a sample script to prepare for the submission of a video demonstrating respiratory fit testing by the CNC (Condensation Nuclei Counter) method. Respirator fit testing is a process used to determine whether a particular respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fits an individual properly and provides an adequate seal to protect against hazardous substances. Fit testing is required for tight-fitting respirators, from disposable filtering facepieces to reusable full-face respirators, including some respirators that typically operate in positive pressure mode. There are several methods that can be used for respirator fit testing, including the CNC (Condensation Nuclei Counter) method. The CNC method involves measuring the particulate concentration inside the respirator while the user is wearing it and performing a series of exercises or movements to simulate the physical demands of the job. If the ratio between the air concentration inside the respirator and outside of the respirator meets the respiratory protection standard it is considered to have a good fit. To prepare for the RESP-FIT CNC method exam, this book provides the listener the principles and procedures of respirator fit testing, including the CNC method. This includes excerpts from Australian and International Standards and guidelines and learning about the various types of RPE and their specific fit testing requirements. The listener should also become familiar with the equipment and procedures used in fit testing, as well as the potential risks and limitations of the CNC method.
Adrian Moscoso (Author), Alonso Bieberach (Narrator)
A fascinating journey through the history of railways, packed with first-hand accounts of innovation, triumph, and tragedy. From the earliest steam engine to the high-speed bullet trains of today, A Short History of the Railway reveals the hidden stories of railway history across the world - the inspired engineering; the blood, sweat, and tears that went into the construction of the tracks; the ground-breaking innovations behind the trains that travelled along them; and the triumphs and tragedies of the people who made the railway what it is. Chart the history of the Trans-Siberian railway, the Orient Express, and Maglev trains and the impact of world events on the development of trains and the railway. Explore the pioneering railway lines that crossed continents, the key trains of each era, and the locomotives that changed the world. Previously published as The Iron Road, A Short History of the Train makes perfect reading for train buffs. © 2019 Christian Wolmar © 2023 DK Audio
Christian Wolmar (Author), Robert Maskell (Narrator)
Guía de Estudio para la CDL: Todo lo Que Necesitas Saber para Aprobar el Examen de la Licencia de Co
¿Quieres Aprobar Tu Examen que Te Permite Obtener la Licencia de Conducir Comercial? Ahora Puedes con la Ayuda de Esta Guía de Estudio de CDL. Si no tienes mucho tiempo para estudiar o si eres un terrible examinador, o incluso si tienes problemas para absorber mucha información, no tienes que preocuparte en absoluto. Esta guía de estudio de CDL te ayudará con cualquier problema que tengas para que puedas tener un puntaje perfecto en la prueba de CDL. Muchas otras guías de estudio de CDL en el mercado te ofrecerán sólo contenido simple sin ninguna guía extra. En cambio, esta guía te proporcionará todo lo que necesitas saber para aprobar el examen de la licencia de conducir comercial. Las guías son fáciles de entender y concisas—perfectas para principiantes o personas que no tienen mucho tiempo para estudiar. Esto es lo que esta guía de estudio de CDL puede ofrecerte: - Manera de absorber mucha información rápida y fácilmente a través de guías completas pero directas - Amplia lista de pruebas de práctica de CDL con respuestas minuciosamente revisadas y explicadas - Estrategias expertas para la toma de exámenes que garantizan resultados perfectos - Los mejores consejos para la toma de exámenes a través de los cuales ganarás cómo evitar hasta los más pequeños errores que la gente comete al tomar el examen de CDL - Guías detalladas de preparación que garantizan el éxito - ¡Y mucho más! Aunque no tengas mucho tiempo para estudiar, esta guía de estudio de CDL para principiantes te pondrá en el camino del éxito, y seguro que aprobarás el examen. Entonces, ¿qué estás esperando? Desplázate hacia arriba, haz clic en 'Comprar Ahora con 1 Clic' y obtén tu copia ahora.
Travis Hoffman (Author), Nicolas Villanueva (Narrator)
Smart Home für Anfänger: Intelligente Lösungen für ein modernes Zuhause einfach und leicht umsetzen
Auf der letzten Grillparty staunte ich nicht schlecht, als mir der Gastgeber das Wohnzimmer zeigen wollte, wir den Raum betraten und das Licht wie von Geisterhand eingeschaltet wurde, entspannte Musik aus den Lautsprechern dröhnte und eine fremde weibliche Stimme wie aus dem Nichts sagte: 'Temperatur wird auf 21 Grad angehoben, Ambiente-Modus wurde gestartet.' 'Smart-Home'… rief mir mein bekannter Freund zu, während ich wie versteinert beobachtete, wie außerdem noch ein Zimmerbrunnen begann, das Wasser spielen zu lassen, und wie bunte Lampen anfingen, mir Farben zu präsentieren, die ich bislang nur von Farbkarten aus dem Baumarkt kannte. Nachdem die Jalousien dann vollautomatisch ihren Weg nach unten gefunden hatten, um den 'Ambiente-Modus' zu komplettieren, konnte man mir sehr gut ansehen, dass diese technischen Finessen absolut mein 'Ding' waren. Schnell war klar: 'Das muss ich auch haben!' Was heutzutage in fast jedem zweiten Haushalt zu sehen, aber doch längst nicht für jeden zu verstehen ist, behandeln wir in diesem Buch und erklären einfach und verständlich, was es mit 'Smart Home' auf sich hat. Schritt für Schritt besprechen wir notwendiges Grundwissen und wichtige Punkte, die erforderlich sind, um unsere erste eigene Smart-Home-Steuerung zu realisieren. Vor- und Nachteile sowie die finanziellen Aspekte klären wir genauso wie eine Beispiel-Berechnung, um zu einer Erkenntnis zu kommen, ob die Möglichkeit besteht, Energie einzusparen, oder ob wir am Ende deutlich 'draufzahlen' müssen. Nutzen Sie dieses Buch als Entscheidungshelfer vor der Anschaffung von Smart-Home-Geräten, als unwissender Anfänger mit bereits gekaufter Technik oder nur als Informationsquelle, um bei der nächsten Grillparty mit den selbsternannten Smarthome-Experten mitreden zu können und mit Fachwissen zu glänzen.
Cornelius Perlich (Author), Frank Krimphove (Narrator)
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