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Deborah and the War of the Tanks 1917
Deborah is a British First World War tank that rose from the grave after taking part in one of the most momentous battles in history. In November 1917, she played a leading role in the first successful massed tank attack at Cambrai. Eighty years later, in a remarkable feat of archaeology, the tank's buried remains were rediscovered and excavated, and are now preserved as a memorial to the battle and to the men who fought in it. John Taylor's book tells the tale of the tank and her crew and tracks down their descendants to uncover a human story every bit as compelling as the military one.
John A. Taylor (Author), Jonathan Cowley (Narrator)
Aerospace Engineer Career Planning Audio Book Bundle: 3 in 1 Career Development Plan Box Set
End Money Worries! Aerospace Engineer Career Planning Audio Book Bundle Career Planning Audio Book Bundle 3 in 1 Career Development Plan Box Set Discover... * What a Aerospace Engineer does * How to Become a Aerospace Engineer * What is the salary of a Aerospace Engineer * What is the Aerospace Engineer Work Environment like * What is the future Job outlook for a Aerospace Engineer * How long does it take to become a Aerospace Engineer * How to Prepare for Your Job Interview * Tips the pros use to Ace their Job Interview * You'll be confident with the best answers for the toughest job interview questions The knowledge & ability to change your life all for less than the cost of 1 movie ticket! If you are ready to get started & want the knowledge, help & motivation to change your life now!... How to start a YouTube Channel & Make Money Discover... * Why YouTube is Essential for Business Marketing * Creating a YouTube Marketing Strategy *Creating Engaging Video Content *Optimizing Your YouTube Channel *Monetizing your YouTube Channel *Measuring your YouTube Marketing Success *YouTube Shorts Video & Channel Promotion So take advantage of this chance for a lifetime passive income stream from YouTube! Goal Setting Mastery: A Action Plan to Achieving Your Dreams Now you you can take advantage of this goal setting audio book & discover how to achieve success in all aspects of your life: * Understanding the Power of Goal Setting * How to set meaningful goals using the SMART Method * Creating a Action Plan * Reviewing & adjusting your Goals * Using Goal Setting in all areas of Your life So Don't wait. You'll wait your life away...
Brian Mahoney (Author), Brian Mahoney, Katie Johnson (Narrator)
2100: Una historia del futuro. Claves geopolíticas y tecnológicas para entender el mundo que vivirán
¿Cuáles serán las grandes potencias del siglo XXI? ¿Cómo será el mundo del mañana? ¿Qué vivirán nuestros nietos? ¿El ser humano alcanzará la inmortalidad? 2100 se perfila como un escenario en el que un nuevo orden planetario desbancará a EE.UU. del primer puesto, y llevará a países como la India o a continentes como África a convertirse en las nuevas grandes potencias. Una sociedad donde la inteligencia artificial determinará nuestro día a día, los coches autónomos nos trasladarán sin piloto y los drones llevarán la compra a la azotea de nuestras casas tras visitar una tienda virtual. Es posible que asistamos a la boda de algún familiar con un androide, un implante cerebral nos diga cuál es nuestra presión arterial. Un mundo nuevo forjado a partir del desastre que vaticina el convulso tiempo en el que vivimos, pero que augura un futuro esperanzador, donde el ser humano pueda edificar de nuevo sus sueños. Borja F. Zurrón, autor de los conocidos canales de Youtube Memorias de Pez y Memorias de tiburón, nos dibuja en 2100:Una historia del futuro, cómo será el porvenir de la humanidad a 75 años vista. Un libro para entender las grandes revoluciones que se encuentran a la vuelta de la esquina y los increíbles cambios que darán forma al futuro que vivirán nuestros nietos. «Haría falta todo un cataclismo, un cisne negro de proporciones bíblicas para que Estados Unidos pierda su hegemonía mundial antes de 2050. Sin embargo, a un plazo mayor, con una China ya madura y militarmente capacitada y una India desarrollada que alcance los 2.000 millones de habitantes, el escenario se vuelve mucho más borroso».
Borja Fernández Zurrón (Author), Aram Delhom (Narrator)
Flying Green: On the Frontiers of New Aviation
Can flying be green? Everyone loves to travel, and the industry's room for growth seems almost limitless-except that flying will soon be responsible for 19 percent of global emissions. Some people have even decided never to fly. Over the coming decades, aviation will witness more innovation than at any time since the invention of the jet engine in the 1940s, transforming the way planes are powered and the way they look. In Flying Green, Christopher de Bellaigue meets the inventors, visionaries, and entrepreneurs who are at the frontier of new technologies, from a European startup that makes fuel out of thin air, to a California firm using hydrogen to power flight, and an airship called the Flying Whale. What will it take for a new generation of travelers to fly guilt-free? This is the story of the search for a way to fly green.
Christopher De Bellaigue (Author), Christopher De Bellaigue (Narrator)
You need to hear the bad news first: the results of STEM outreach to girls haven’t improved in twenty years. The good news? This book will tell you why, and how to fix it. Currently, dated narratives push girls away in fear, and blind spots result in missed opportunities to pull them in. While efforts to increase diversity in science and mathematics have succeeded, outreach has largely ignored engineering—where there is still only one woman for every five men. This is especially troubling because engineering offers vastly more jobs than other STEM fields. Plus, girls are telling us they’re eager for the kind of work engineering offers—yet we fail to help them connect the dots. As a woman enjoying a career in STEM, author Julie Newman is committed to changing this. With extensive research and actionable steps, Pull, Don’t Push clarifies the challenges facing STEM outreach and will help you create a new framework for your efforts. Following the guidelines in this book could literally put a million women into STEM jobs within the next decade. Learn how to stop pushing girls away and instead pull them toward unexplored paths to fulfillment.
Julie Newman (Author), Julie Newman (Narrator)
Important Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and Other Spaceflight Personalities
This book is the eighth volume of “The Living in Space Series”. Each volume focuses on one particular technology of living in space. This book covers the Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and other individuals who were responsible for some of the biggest space adventures to date. When I was a kid growing up in the 1960s my friends and I were always listening to the latest news about the Mercury Seven and their latest adventures flying into space. As of 2020 less than 600 persons have gone into space. These people have pioneered many different types of space activities and are responsible for many legends. In 1985 while working for Hewlett Packard I got myself transferred to work at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas for a couple of years. It was incredible for me because I got to see the manned space flight center up close, walk inside of Space mockups, and meet many astronauts. In fact it was David Wolf—who later became an astronaut who took me up for rides in his Pitt Special Acrobatic plane (where I got really sick) which convinced me to get my own pilots license. I even applied for the astronaut corps but didn’t make it. I also knew Julie Resnick who was killed in the Challenger explosion. It was very impressive attending the Challenger public funeral where President Reagan spoke. As a lifelong space buff, I’m very happy to write this book series and introduce the key players here. In this book we will profile those persons who have been the star players in man’s exploration of space, and who have made major space contributions over the years.
Martin K. Ettington (Author), Martin K. Ettington (Narrator)
The Art of Lean: Production Systems and Marketing Strategies in the Modern Era
‘The Art of Lean: Production Systems and Marketing Strategies in the Modern Era’ explores a range of production and operations management systems, including the Toyota Production System, The Speedy System, The Henry Ford Assembly Line, and Zara Just In Time, as well as the marketing and branding strategies of The Golden Circle and the Mad Men scene 'Lucky Strike - It's toasted'. By examining the use of Kanban at McDonald's and Disney World, the book demonstrates how these production systems can be applied in a variety of industries. Through this comprehensive exploration, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the principles and practices that underlie successful production and marketing strategies.
Julian Cambridge (Author), Graham Mack (Narrator)
CDL Study Guide: Exam Prep Book With 425+ Questions and Explained Answers to Pass the Commercial Dri
Do you want to ace your commercial driving test? With the assistance of this CDL Study Guide, you can now Is all of the information on the internet confusing you and increasing your anxiety? Are you prepared for a highly targeted study guide that will prepare you for what to expect and increase your chances of success? There's no need to be concerned if you're a first-time taker or have previously failed. This 2-in-1 audiobook was prepared by specialists with people like you in mind, with everything from example questions to FAQs, keywords, and proven studying and test-taking tactics! Here's what to expect: - Utilize comprehensive but simple guides to quickly and easily absorb a large amount of information. - Using expert test-taking strategies, you can achieve perfect results on your first try. - Ensure success by following extensive, beginner-friendly preparation tips. - With expert-created practice questions and answers, you can avoid getting lost in extraneous information and stay on track. - Covering both Class A and Class B commercial driving license exams, this course ensures thorough preparation for any type of commercial vehicle. - Don't waste time with out-of-date knowledge; instead, use information that is linked to the new CDL test questions. - CDL exam preparation in Florida, Alabama, California, Illinois, New York, and 45 more states. - and much more! Even if you've never been confident about taking your CDL test or have already failed it, you no longer need to be concerned! Scroll up and click 'Buy Now with 1-Click' to get your copy today!
Mike Chambers, Pl Exam Preparation (Author), Dm Studios (Narrator)
“I hope that Cori’s belief in each one of us as a maker and inventor—and her examples of how technology and business can be fundamentally humanist—will be motivating and inspiring to many people, particularly those who are still choosing their path.” Yo-Yo Ma, an excerpt from the book’s Foreword Inventors are makers, artists, musicians, and creators, and every one of us has that creative ability within. Like a play or concert, an invention is a fundamentally collaborative effort and a journey of shared experiences. Are you a maker, creator, inventor, or artist? Are you curious about technology and want to make the world a better place? Explore the possibilities of tomorrow through the twenty-year journey of Dr. Cori Lathan, Founder and CEO of AnthroTronix, and embark on your own adventure to invent the future.
Corinna Lathan (Author), Corinna Lathan (Narrator)
Humanity Reimagined: Where We Go From Here
For years, executive Martin Fiore has been advising leaders from a wide range of industries about technological trends that are reshaping the world of business, from artificial intelligence and the rise of autonomous systems to human/machine convergence. Now, in Humanity Reimagined, Fiore explores how these trends are disrupting industries, changing the world of work, transforming the economy, and creating both threats and opportunities for leaders at all levels, from entrepreneurs nurturing start-up businesses to C-suite leaders at the world’s biggest corporations. Fiore’s main focus is on what we can do to ensure that the forces of change now sweeping the planet will protect and enhance the most cherished qualities of human life rather than undermining them. He offers thoughtful recommendations for addressing many of the big issues that today’s transformational technologies are raising, from the threats to privacy posed by misuse of big data to the infiltration of autonomous systems by racial and gender bias. Most important, Fiore provides advice on how to prepare for an unpredictable future that business leaders, policy makers, and individuals forging their careers will find both practical and inspiring. “Fiore combines perceptive forecasting of change with an understanding of how the world and public already has shifted, making a compelling case that making the best of the future demands improving upon the leadership of the past.”—BookLife Reviews “For those looking for a glimpse at the future, this book isn’t a bad place to start. An encouraging, unflinching look at the tech changes to come.”—Kirkus Reviews
Martin Fiore (Author), Karen Leeds (Narrator)
The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology
A new dawn of brain tracking and hacking is coming. Will you be prepared for what comes next? Imagine a world where your brain can be interrogated to learn your political beliefs, your thoughts can be used as evidence of a crime, and your own feelings can be held against you. A world where people who suffer from epilepsy receive alerts moments before a seizure, and the average person can peer into their own mind to eliminate painful memories or cure addictions. Neuroscience has already made all of this possible today, and neurotechnology will soon become the “universal controller” for all of our interactions with technology. This can benefit humanity immensely, but without safeguards, it can seriously threaten our fundamental human rights to privacy, freedom of thought, and self-determination. From one of the world’s foremost experts on the ethics of neuroscience, The Battle for Your Brain offers a path forward to navigate the complex legal and ethical dilemmas that will fundamentally impact our freedom to understand, shape, and define ourselves. A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin’s Press.
Nita A. Farahany (Author), Rachel Perry (Narrator)
America Robotization Plan: Plan for Doubling the American National GDP by Adding AI and Robots to th
Robocentric, the transhumanistic American high-tech corporation founded and managed by Allen Young, the transhumanistic Asian-American man, aims to double America's national GDP by adding its ubiquitous and pervasive AI and robotics technology products to the American national economy, and forming strategic partnerships. This book presents Robocentric's strategic foundations and high-level strategies for doubling America's national GDP by adding Robocentric's ubiquitous and pervasive AI and robotics technology products to the American national economy, and forming strategic partnerships.
Allen Young (Author), Allen Young (Narrator)
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