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Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. 'Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics' is an extensive guide designed to help individuals navigate the competitive world of robotics interviews. Whether you are a fresh graduate, an experienced professional, or an aspiring robotics engineer, this robotics book equips you with the knowledge and confidence to ace your interviews. Structured as a question-and-answer format, this book covers a wide range of topics relevant to robotics diploma and engineering interviews. It begins with an overview of the fundamentals, including the history, evolution, and importance of robotics, ensuring you have a solid foundation before diving into the interview-specific content. Delve into various technical areas of robotics, such as mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, computer science and programming, control and automation, sensing and perception, and more. Each section presents commonly asked interview questions along with detailed, extended answers, ensuring you are well-prepared to showcase your expertise and problem-solving skills. Explore mechanical engineering for robotics, including the components, kinematics, dynamics, and structures that form the backbone of robotic systems. Gain insights into actuators and motors, their applications, and how they enable precise and controlled robot movements. 'Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics' is your ultimate resource to prepare for robotics interviews, offering a complete collection of interview questions and in-depth answers. Arm yourself with the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in landing your dream job in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of robotics.
Chetan Singh (Author), Digital Voice Parag G (Narrator)
Metabolism: Boost Your Metabolism Fast
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. In the pages of this book, we delve into the very essence of what keeps your body ticking, exploring the intricate dance of hormones, nutrients, and lifestyle factors that contribute to the metabolism symphony. This isn't just a book; it's a roadmap to understanding and harnessing the incredible power within you. Picture this as your personal guide, navigating the complex pathways of your metabolic landscape. We'll demystify the misconceptions surrounding metabolism, shedding light on the factors that influence its pace and efficiency. From the impact of nutrition to the role of physical activity, each chapter serves as a beacon illuminating the way towards a faster, more responsive metabolism. But it's not just about speed; it's about balance and harmony. 'Metabolism' goes beyond the quick fixes, offering sustainable approaches to fueling your body and enhancing its natural processes. Discover the art of metabolism-boosting foods, learn how to craft workouts that kickstart your calorie burn, and unravel the mysteries of restorative sleep—all integral components of this transformative journey. Prepare to be inspired as you uncover real-life success stories and evidence-based strategies that have empowered countless individuals to reclaim their energy and vitality. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast seeking that extra edge or someone looking to break free from the chains of fatigue, this book is your compass towards a revitalized, more resilient version of yourself.
Jake Herbert (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Hypoglycemia Diet: A Beginner's 3-Week Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Hypoglycemia Symptoms, With Cu
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Have you ever skipped a meal and experienced getting dizzy or groggy a couple of hours later? This is one of the possible scenarios you may experience when your body does not receive enough blood sugar to generate energy. Think of glucose as the brain’s favorite food. Regardless of whether you are awake or asleep, the brain uses sugar from the food you eat to function normally and to give correct instructions to the rest of the body. When the body runs short of glucose, it tries to help itself by breaking down stored sugar, fats, and protein. However, sometimes, when the blood sugar drops too low too fast, symptoms come out to signal the body to consume food. Aside from feeling hungry, you also feel dizzy and tired, to name a few. Aside from fasting, several factors contribute to a sudden drop in blood sugar. It could also be because of a certain medication or condition. If these signs and symptoms are left unchecked or unmanaged, serious consequences can arise. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it would be best to see your primary physician right away to avoid complications. It is always better to catch a disease in its early stage than to treat it later on when it’s too complicated already. As serious as it sounds, know that it can still be managed and prevented by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. You will be surprised that, by only making a few adjustments in your diet, you can avoid hypoglycemic episodes for, possibly, a long time. In this guide, you will discover: The usual triggers of hypoglycemia The signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia The complications that can arise from hypoglycemia The kinds of food to eat and to avoid A step-by-step method on how to start a new diet
Jeffrey Winzant (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Urgent Calls from Distant Places: An Emergency Doctor's Notes About Life and Death on the Frontiers
A profound exploration of emergency medicine practiced at the most remote and challenging frontiers of East Africa. This inspiring collection of essays finds hope and meaning in the face of extraordinary odds, as a young physician asks: What are the ethical and moral dimensions of saving one life knowing countless others will die? In 2008, a young doctor set out for Kenya, to volunteer with the famed AMREF East African Flying Doctors Service. An emergency physician looking to make a difference, Marc-David Munk flew dozens of missions as a flight surgeon to eleven East African countries, including war-torn Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. From his unarmed air ambulance, Munk and his team treated patients suffering from severe trauma, possible Ebola hemorrhagic fever, elephantiasis, malaria, and gunshot wounds. In Urgent Calls from Distant Places, the missions described are real and compelling. Readers will meet sick NGO workers in Somalia, malnourished Ugandan soldiers, suicidal teenagers, violent cow rustlers, American special forces, albino children murdered for their body parts, and even 19th-century explorers David Livingstone and Henry Stanley. Each chapter details the medical challenges of the mission but also explores the greater philosophical questions raised by treating patients in East Africa: African history, the impact of colonialism, communism, religion, terrorism, and war. Munk examines the unique histories and politics of the eleven countries he visits. Urgent Calls is the story of the doctors, nurses, and pilots who tackled complex and dangerous missions to save lives. The book also bears witness to the author’s moral development as a healer and as a human. Urgent Calls takes readers to the wild beauty of East Africa and embraces the challenges of healing patients with humility, gratitude, and hope... one life at a time.
Marc-David Munk (Author), Marc-David Munk (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La Pandemia de Gripe Española: La Pandemia Más Mortal de la Historia y Cómo Cambió el Mu
Aprenda todo sobre las tragedias que ocurrieron durante la época de la pandemia de gripe española y adquiera una comprensión más profunda del pasado. ¿Sabía que la gripe española de 1918 es la pandemia más mortífera de la historia? Infectó alrededor de un tercio de la población mundial y mató a entre 40 y 100 millones de personas. Al igual que lo que está sucediendo ahora, cuando el SARS-CoV-2 plaga el planeta, la gente de todo el mundo estaba obligada a usar tapabocas, cada establecimiento no esencial fue cerrado y los cadáveres se desbordaron en morgues improvisadas. Pero, ¿cuánto sabe de la gripe española? Por suerte para usted, la pandemia de gripe española de Elliot Frank establece todo lo que necesita saber sobre la pandemia más mortífera de la historia y cómo cambió el mundo para siempre. Con este libro informativo, usted podrá convertirse en un experto sobre todas las consecuencias que surgieron durante la mortífera marcha mundial del virus, evitar eficazmente los errores que la gente hizo durante ese periodo y aprender todo sobre los conceptos que eran equivocados, comprender profundamente la enfermedad y sus semejanzas con las pandemias actuales y futuras, y mucho más. Dicen que el pasado tiene muchas lecciones que enseñarnos. En tiempos de caos, incertidumbre y desinformación, la gente tiende a subestimar las pandemias como una gripe ordinaria, pero dadas las estadísticas, este simplemente no es el caso. Con este libro, aprenderá sobre todas las consecuencias socioeconómicas, físicas, emocionales y psicológicas que las personas tuvieron que soportar durante la era de la gripe española para que no tenga que repetir las tragedias del pasado en la situación actual. ¡Desplace hacia arriba, haga clic en comprar y aprenda más sobre la gripe española hoy!
Elliot Frank (Author), Samuel Pelemonte (Narrator)
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. APRENDE COSMETOLOGÍA ELEMENTOS EXTERNOS PIEL, UNAS Y CABELLOS, EXPLICADO PASO A PASO La cosmetología es el tratamiento de la piel, el cabello y las uñas e incluye, entre otros, manicuras, pedicuras, aplicación de uñas artificiales, peinado para ocasiones especiales, champú, aplicación de cosméticos, depilación corporal, alisadores o alisadores químicos del cabello, ondas permanentes. , coloración y mechas de cabello y extensiones de cabello o tratamientos con pelucas. Una persona con licencia en cosmetología se llama cosmetóloga. Un cosmetólogo , a veces llamado esteticista , especialista en belleza o esteticista o esteticista , es un trabajador que se especializa en brindar tratamientos de belleza. Los destinatarios de estos tratamientos suelen ser mujeres, sin embargo hay un número creciente de hombres. Una cosmetóloga general es competente en todas las formas de cuidado de la belleza y puede brindar tratamientos para el cabello, tratamientos faciales, tratamientos para la piel y tratamientos para las uñas. Hay disciplinas específicas de la cosmetología en las que algunos cosmetólogos pueden especializarse. Los diferentes tipos de cosmetólogos especiales incluyen estilistas, champúes, manicuristas, esteticistas y electrólogos. Muchos cosmetólogos se especializan en al menos una de estas categorías.
Asomoo.Net (Author), Voz Digital Leonardo G (Narrator)
The Autumn Ghost: How the Battle Against a Polio Epidemic Revolutionized Modern Medical Care
Americans knew polio as the 'summer plague.' In countries further North, however, the virus arrived later in the year. It was described by one writer as 'the autumn ghost.' Intensive care units and mechanical ventilation are the crucial foundation of modern medical care: without them, the appalling death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic would be even higher. In The Autumn Ghost, Dr. Hannah Wunsch traces the origins of these two innovations back to a polio epidemic in the autumn of 1952. Drawing together testimony from doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients, Wunsch relates a gripping tale of an epidemic that changed the world. Wunsch tells the true story of how insiders and iconoclasts came together in one overwhelmed hospital in Copenhagen to save the lives of many polio patients dying of respiratory failure. Their radical advances in care marked a turning point in the treatment of patients around the world-from the rise of life support and the creation of intensive care units to the evolution of rehabilitation medicine. The Autumn Ghost will leave listeners in awe of the courage of those who battled the polio epidemic, and grateful for the modern medical care they pioneered.
Hannah Wunsch (Author), Emily Durante (Narrator)
[German] - Die Natur-Docs - Meine besten Heilmittel für Gelenke. Arthrose, Rheuma und Schmerzen (Ung
Schmerzen lindern, Einschränkungen überwinden - mit der Heilkraft der Natur Immer mehr Menschen leiden unter Gelenkerkrankungen. Doch viel zu wenig beachtet und genutzt werden die vielfältigen Verfahren der Naturheilkunde bei Arthrose, Rheuma und Gelenkschmerzen, die oft als Folge unseres modernen Lebensstils auftreten: Bewegungsmangel, Ernährung, Stress, Übergewicht. Andreas Michalsen, Chefarzt für Naturheilkunde am Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin und Professor der Charité Berlin, empfiehlt daher in seinem neuen Hörbuch die besten Therapien der Naturheilkunde. Das Spektrum der naturheilkundlichen Behandlungsmethoden ist überraschend breit: von Heilfasten, Yoga, speziellen Gelenkübungstechniken, Heilpflanzentherapie, Kneipp-Therapie bis zu Akupunktur, Ayurveda, Blutegeln und Schröpfen. Er zeigt: Wir sind bei der Behandlung nicht ohnmächtig und können selbst einiges tun, bevor eine Operation notwendig wird.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen (Author), Julian Mehne (Narrator)
Wilderness and Travel Medicine: A Complete Wilderness Medicine and Travel Medicine Handbook
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. This is the Only Wilderness Medicine Book You Need! Could you save yourself or a loved one when there are no doctors around? All too often travelers and outdoor enthusiasts get sick, injured, or worse. Learn how to prevent and cure a wide range of ailments whether at home, abroad, or in the wilderness. Discover how to heal yourself, because this comprehensive manual has all the information you need. Get it now. A Wilderness Medicine Handbook Like No Other - Diagnoses and treatments for a wide range of injuries and illnesses. - How to improvise what you need when modern medicine isn't available. - Pharmaceuticals, medicinal plants, veterinary substitutes, and other alternative remedies. - Preventative methods so you don't get sick/injured in the first place. - Safe use and dosage instructions for suggested medications. - Sample wilderness medicine kit that you can take on a commercial flight. Information for Each Condition Contains - A brief description. - Possible symptoms. - Appropriate treatment(s) depending on the situation. - Other supplementary information, e.g., causes, prevention, alternative remedies, complications. ... and much more. No matter where you go you need this book, because the information inside it saves lives. Get it now.
Sam Fury (Author), Digital Voice Matt G, Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Heartburn Solved: How to Reverse Acid Reflux and GERD Naturally
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Do you want to find the real causes for heartburn? Do you want a permanent solution for acid reflux? One that doesn't just mask the symptoms for a few hours, only to have the burn return? If so, this audiobook's for you. Did you know that scientific research has proven a number of simple natural solutions? If you are willing to take a look at (or even skim) this information, you'll come away with dozens of simple tools proven out by science. Heartburn is also called acid reflux disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Isn't this just an issue of too much stomach acids? Not so fast. The mass media, internet and conventional medicine have largely mischaracterized this condition - affecting millions and growing each year - for decades. “Heartburn Solved” identifies the real causes for this condition and lays out simple and low-cost natural solutions that physicians and their patients can readily employ. “Heartburn Solved” is not an anecdotal essay of opinionated conjecture. The author's groundbreaking scientific findings are supported by nearly a thousand clinical studies and hundreds of references from traditional medicines around the world, forming the most comprehensive alternative health treatise on GERD available today. Note: The information provided in this audiobook is for educational and scientific research purposes only. The information is not medical or legal advice and is not a substitute for medical care or professional advice. Information provided is not to be construed as health or lifestyle advice. A medical practitioner or other expert should be consulted prior to any significant change in diet, supplementation, exercise or any other lifestyle change. The full written book (PDF) is provided at no cost in the supplemental section.
Case Adams (Author), Digital Voice Archie G (Narrator)
PEMF Therapy Guide: A Beginner's 5-Step Quick Start Guide on How to Get Started with PEMF Therapy fo
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Pulsed electromagnetic frequency treatment, often known as PEMF therapy, is an approach that uses very particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiation to enhance patients' overall health and well-being. On the other hand, the frequencies used in PEMF are supposed to be healthy, in contrast to the frequencies used in cell phones, which are thought to be detrimental. A negative charge is present on the cell wall of every cell in our body. The cell wall is the outermost membrane. This charge normally hovers around -60 mV in nerve cells; however, the net negative charge of other cells can vary quite a bit. Nerve cells are the exception to this rule. Potassium and magnesium are both essential components when it comes to keeping this negative charge inside the cells. Both of these elements contribute to the retention of these essential ions within the cell, which is why they are so important. Calcium and sodium, on the other hand, should be maintained outside of our cells since an excessive amount of either of these ions might disrupt the delicate equilibrium that exists between these ions. This delicately balanced system may be properly managed with the help of PEMF treatments, which will contribute to an improvement in the patient's general health and sense of well-being In this beginner's guide, we'll take a closer look at the following subtopics of PEMF therapy: What is PEMF therapy? How does PEMF therapy work? Benefits of PEMF therapy Use cases of PEMF therapy Pros and Cons of PEMF therapy Side effects of PEMF therapy Risks of PEMF therapy Who should not use PEMF therapy? A 5-step plan for getting started with PEMF therapy Picking the perfect PEMF therapy device
Felicity Paulman (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
The Power of Prediction in Health Care: A Step-by-step Guide to Data Science in Health Care
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. In this comprehensive guide, I offer valuable insights tailored for data science graduate students and early career researchers stepping into the dynamic world of data science. My distinctive background merges clinical medicine with data science expertise, holding an MBBS, an MBA in Healthcare, and a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. This diverse foundation allows me to bridge the gap between these two fields. During my early career and Ph.D. journey in data science, I encountered and surmounted the challenges of navigating complex data analysis and machine learning, despite lacking a computer science background. Today, I'm excited to share the knowledge and experiences I've gained with newcomers in the field. Within the pages of this book, you'll discover a structured, step-by-step approach to conceptualizing, designing, and executing data science projects within the healthcare domain. Tailored for graduate students and early career researchers, this educational journey equips you with practical skills and knowledge to harness the remarkable potential of data science in healthcare. This book offers: • A systematic guide for planning and executing data science projects in healthcare. • A beginner-friendly structure designed to facilitate project development. • Direct links to valuable resources and open-source tools for creating and executing AI projects in healthcare. • Access to freely available healthcare databases. • Real-world case studies illustrating the construction of data science projects. Whether you're a healthcare professional looking to expand your skill set or a budding data scientist seeking to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare sector, 'The Power of Prediction in Health Care' is an invaluable companion for unlocking the potential of data science in healthcare. Filled with practical examples and actionable advice drawn from real-world scenarios, this book empowers you to make data-driven decisions that enhance patient outcomes and reshape the healthcare landscape.
Rafiq Muhammad (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
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