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Interstellar Tours: A Guide to the Universe from Your Starship Window
Brian Clegg's acclaimed popular science book Inflight Science explored the science experienced on a plane flight. Interstellar Tours takes that concept and goes large. It takes the reader on a tour of our galaxy on the starship Endurance. That vessel itself is science fiction. But the phenomena you will visit, from the vast nebulae that are birthplaces of stars to stellar explosions in vast supernovas, creating the elements necessary for life - or from the planets of other solar systems to the unbelievably supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way - all reflect the best picture that current science has to offer. Accompanying Interstellar Tours is an online gallery with over 50 images and videos in full colour, each directly accessible from the page using QR codes. Interstellar Tours takes the reader on a tour of our galaxy on the starship Endurance. That vessel itself is science fiction. But the phenomena you will visit, from the vast nebulae that are birthplaces of stars to stellar explosions in vast supernovas, creating the elements necessary for life - or from the planets of other solar systems to the unbelievably supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way - all reflect the best picture that current science has to offer. Accompanying Interstellar Tours is an online gallery with over 50 images and videos in full colour, each directly accessible from the page using QR codes. Interstellar Tours takes the reader on a tour of our galaxy on the starship Endurance. That vessel itself is science fiction. But the phenomena you will visit, from the vast nebulae that are birthplaces of stars to stellar explosions in vast supernovas, creating the elements necessary for life - or from the planets of other solar systems to the unbelievably supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way - all reflect the best picture that current science has to offer. It may never be possible to undertake a voyage through the stars for real. But in reading Interstellar Tours, you can enjoy the ultimate cruise across the Milky Way galaxy.
Brian Clegg (Author), Keith Wickham (Narrator)
Hydro Testing Handbook: Principles, Practices, Applications, Formulas, and Common Q&A
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The 'Hydro Testing Handbook' is an essential guide for anyone involved in the hydrostatic testing of pressure systems. This comprehensive book covers all aspects of the hydrostatic testing process, including principles, practices, applications, formulas, and common Q&A. The hydrostatic testing book provides a detailed explanation of the hydro testing process, outlining the steps involved in planning, preparation, and execution, as well as the interpretation of results. It also covers the best practices to ensure that hydro testing is carried out safely and effectively. Readers will learn how to determine critical parameters such as test pressure, hold times, and test volumes using the formulas and calculations provided in the book. This information is essential to the accurate and successful execution of hydro testing. The hydrostatic test handbook also includes a comprehensive list of common Q&A, addressing frequently asked questions and common challenges that may arise during the testing process. This section is particularly useful for those new to hydro testing or for those who need a quick reference guide to common issues. Overall, the 'Hydro Testing guide book' is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in hydrostatic testing of pressure systems, from novice to experienced professionals.
Chetan Singh (Author), Digital Voice Parag G (Narrator)
Chasing Proof, Finding Faith: A Young Scientist’s Search for Truth in a World of Uncertainty
He had science and an Ivy League pedigree―why did he need God? Immersed in his physics studies at Cornell, Tom Rudelius never thought much about God until his brother, a new convert to Christianity, challenged him to explore faith. To placate his twin, he reluctantly began exploring the Bible and the life of Jesus. Seeking proof of God's existence, he found himself in a world of uncertainty, faced with plenty of reasons for both faith and doubt. In Chasing Proof, Finding Faith, Tom, now a rising young theoretical physicist, traces his journey to unexpected faith, through subsequent doubt and anxiety, and ultimately to a firmer, life-transforming allegiance to Jesus. Along the way, he explores some of the issues he wrestled with, including - Creation and cosmic origins - The problem of evil and suffering - The compatibility of miracles with science and the plausibility of Jesus' resurrection - The reliability of the Bible While Tom never found absolute proof of God or Christianity, he ultimately concluded that the existing evidence for both is compelling and compatible with science. His searingly honest story is a potent guide for those doubting or exploring faith.
Tom Rudelius (Author), Tom Rudelius (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El Universo en expansión
El destacado astrónomo chileno construye en este libro una clara y concisa historia del origen y evolución del universo En El universo en expansión, Mario Hamuy (Premio Nacional de Ciencias Exactas) ofrece al lector herramientas indispensables para comprender, de forma clara y sencilla, los temas centrales de la astronomía contemporánea. Para realizar este viaje por el universo #que nos llevará por exoplanetas, nebulosas planetarias, supernovas, materia oscura, agujeros negros y que culminará en uno de los hitos de la cosmología: la expansión acelerada del universo#, debemos entender primero cuestiones tan fundamentales como qué es una supernova, de qué forma se miden las distancias entre planetas, qué pasó después del big bang o, por ejemplo, quién es Edwin Hubble. El objetivo de esta excursión, veremos, es responder una pregunta que la humanidad deberá enfrentar: ¿Cuál es el destino de las estrellas? Reseña: 'Una excursión cuyo objetivo es ponernos al día en una de las ciencias que más pueden hablarnos sobre nuestro futuro como especie.'
Mario Hamuy (Author), Claudio Munda (Narrator)
[German] - Können wir auf Gravitationswellen surfen?: Ein Reiseführer durch Raum und Zeit
Globetrotter war gestern! Der neueste Reisetrend führt Touristen in den Weltraum. Zwischen Galaxien, Schwarzen Löchern und explodierenden Sternen gibt es für jeden Geschmack das richtige Urlaubsziel. Doch bei der schier unendlichen Anzahl an möglichen kosmischen Urlaubsdestinationen verliert man leicht den Überblick. Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten muss man auf dem Zwergplaneten Pluto gesehen haben? Sollte eine Supernova-Explosion nur mit Sicherheitsabstand bestaunt werden? Ist für eine Tour durch ein Wurmloch ein Guide notwendig? Und wieviele Urlaubstage sollte ich mir nehmen, um den Urknall in seiner vollen Pracht bestaunen zu können? In diesem Buch finden kosmische Touristen Antworten auf all diese Fragen, sodass der nächste Weltraumurlaub zum galaktischen Erfolg wird - und auch für Reisemuffel, die lieber auf der Erde bleiben, bietet die Lektüre spannende Erkenntnisse über das Universum. Das neue Buch von Tim Ruster, dem Macher von Astro-Comics TV! Die Themen im Buch: Reiseziele im Weltraum- Unsere Kosmische Heimat: Das Sonnensystem - Eine Insel aus Sternen: Die Milchstraße - Auf zu fremden Ufern: Ferne Galaxien - Alles auf Anfang: Der Urknall - Die Reise endet: Der Tod des Universums Praktische Informationen für die Weltraumreise- Die optimale Vorbereitung auf Ihren Weltraumurlaub - Die galaktischsten Andenken - Die nützlichsten Vokabeln für eine Reise durch den Kosmos - Den Weltraum mit Kindern bereisen - Verkehrsmittel- und Wege Die Reise endet: Rückkehr auf die Erde
Tim Ruster (Author), Tim Ruster (Narrator)
The Planet X Hypothesis: The History and Legacy of the Theory that the Solar System has a Hidden Pla
Naturally, as technological advances and the creation of flying aircraft became realities, the sighting of UFOs increased, as did the interest in potential contact with aliens. While incidents like the one at Roswell led to conspiracies and a craze among those who insisted the government was hiding proof of extraterrestrials’ existence, governments across the world were actually secretly studying UFO sightings by the mid-20th century. Given all of that, it was hardly groundbreaking for scientists in the 19th century to have plenty of heated debates about their imperfect knowledge of astronomy. One particular argument was over whether there was a hidden planet beyond Neptune, dubbed by the theory’s original proponent, Percival Lowell, as Planet X. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, at the start of the Great Depression, scientists originally thought this new world, in the extreme cold at the outer edge of the Solar System, would solve a decades-old mystery regarding the orbit of Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun. But soon, scientists realized that Pluto, at one point considered the 9th planet, was too small to explain the discrepancies found. Thus, some researchers began looking for the next planet, or Planet X. Throughout our modern culture, “X” has remained the proverbial symbol of mystery. On the maps of buried pirate treasure, “X” is supposed to mark the spot where treasure seekers are to dig. In public schools, teenagers learn the utility of “X” as a variable in algebraic equations or as an axis in the Cartesian coordinate system. And “X” is also a Roman numeral symbolizing the quantity of 10, the highest value which can be counted on the fingers, and the next value beyond “9,” the largest single digit. The search for “Planet X,” then, is a quest rich with symbolism and mystery, rooted in history, astronomy, and astrology.
Charles River Editors (Author), Jim D. Johnston (Narrator)
The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
An award-winning astronomer and physicist’s spellbinding and urgent call for a new Enlightenment and the recognition of the preciousness of life using reason and curiosity—the foundations of science—to study, nurture, and ultimately preserve humanity as we face the existential crisis of climate change. Since Copernicus, humanity has increasingly seen itself as adrift, an insignificant speck within a large, cold universe. Brazilian physicist, astronomer, and winner of the 2019 Templeton Prize Marcelo Gleiser argues that it is because we have lost the spark of the Enlightenment that has guided human development over the past several centuries. While some scientific efforts have been made to overcome this increasingly bleak perspective—the ongoing search for life on other planets, the recent idea of the multiverse—they have not been enough to overcome the core problem: we’ve lost our moral mission and compassionate focus in our scientific endeavors. Gleiser argues that we’re using the wrong paradigm to relate to the universe and our position in it. In this deeply researched and beautifully rendered book, he calls for us to embrace a new life-centric perspective, one which recognizes just how rare and precious life is and why it should be our mission to preserve and nurture it. The Dawn of a Mindful Universe addresses the current environmental and scientific impasses and how the scientific community can find solutions to them. Gleiser’s paradigm rethinks the ideals of the Enlightenment, and proposes a new direction for humanity, one driven by human reason and curiosity whose purpose is to save civilization itself. Within this model, we can once again see ourselves as the center of the universe—the place where life becomes conscious—and regain a clear moral compass which can be used to guide both science and the politics around it.
Marcelo Gleiser (Author), Timothy Andrés Pabon (Narrator)
Einstein's Unfinished Dream: Practical Progress Towards a Theory of Everything
Humanity has long looked to the sky and marveled at the world around us. We've wondered why the world is the way it is and whether it has to be that way. For millennia these questions were theological, transitioning to philosophical during the Enlightenment, but the discipline that now drives progress is science. We now look forward, hoping to make additional connections and create a better understanding of the ultimate laws of nature. We dream of a time when we have developed a theory of everything-a theory that answers all questions. There is so much that we don't know. This book is up front about our ignorance and spends some time dispelling some of the more popular theories. It then redirects the listener's attention to how we will actually move forward, by identifying things we don't yet understand and engaging with the experiments that will drive our comprehension. Einstein's Unfinished Dream explores the cutting-edge research of modern particle physicists that pushes us slowly towards a theory of everything. Marshalling decades of experience in distilling high-level scientific concepts, Lincoln invites listeners into the mysteries of dark matter, dark energy, matter/antimatter asymmetry, quark and lepton flavor, and other phenomena that have puzzled humanity for centuries.
Don Lincoln (Author), Daniel Henning (Narrator)
على أعتاب كونٍ فسيح وفراغ لامنتهي، يقف Carl Sagan، عالم الفلك الأمريكي الذي اشتهر بكونه مُبسطًّا للعلوم وباحثًا شغوفا في نظريات الحياة وأشكالها المختلفة خارج كوكب الأرض، حاملاً بين يديه هذا الكتاب الثمين؛ مصطحبا إيانا في رحلة ممتعة ومغامرة مليئة بالتساؤلات إلى أعماق الكون! «ما الكون؟ ما أصله؟ كيف نشأت هذه الحياة؟ هل نحن حقًّا وحدنا هنا أم أنه من المحتمل أن نجابه غزوًا فضائيًّا في يومٍ من الأيام؟» أسئلة كثيرة سألها البشر وما زالوا يتجولون باحثين عن إجابة لها.. أو بالأحرى، آملين أن يجدوا أي إجابة!
كارل ساغان (Author), Sahla Books (Narrator)
[Arabic] - ملخص كتاب نحن المناخ: إنقاذ الكوكب يبدأ من وجبة الإفطار
يعدُّ كتاب 'نحن المناخ: إنقاذ الكوكب يبدأ من وجبة الإفطار' من أهمّ الكتب فيما يتعلقُ بموضوع شديد التعقيد مثل تغير المناخ والاحتباس الحراري، وذلك لأنَّ الكاتب قد استطاع أن يمدّ القراء بمعلومات بسيطة وفعالة في الوقت نفسه. يخاطب Jonathan في كتابه بشكلٍ أساسيّ المواطنين غير المتخصصين في علوم البيئة ويشرح لهم ببساطة ما يمكن أن يفعلوه لكي يحدثوا تغييرًا إيجابياً وفعالًا في حياة أولادهم وأحفادهم من بعدهم.
جوناثان سافران فوير (Author), Sahla Books (Narrator)
[Arabic] - ملخص كتاب الكتاب الوحيد الذي تحتاج إلى قراءته عن الأبراج
كيف يستطيع علماء الأبراج تخمين شخصيات الناس، من تاريخ مولدهم وحركة النجوم والأفلاك؟ لماذا قد يختلف ما قد تقرأه عن برجك الخاص، عن طبيعة شخصيتك؟ في كتاب The only astrology book you'll ever need تشرح المؤلفة Joanna Martine Woolfolk أساسيات علم التنجيم التي قد تخفى على كثير، وتقدم دليلا وافيًا لفهم الأبراج وتأثيرها في السمات الشخصية.
جوانا مارتين وولفولك (Author), Sahla Books (Narrator)
[Arabic] - ملخص كتاب سبعة دروس موجزة في الفيزياء
نشر Carlo Rovelli في عام (ألفين وأربعة عشر) كتابه هذا بعنوان 'سبعة' دروس موجزة في الفيزياء'، وهو كتاب صغير يحاول شرح أهم التطورات التي طرأت على هذا العلم منذ أن وضع إسحاق نيوتن نظريته المعروفة في الجاذبية، إلى أهم التطورات التي اختزلها في سبعة موضوعات أساسية. حقق هذا الكتاب نجاحًا باهرًا، إذ بيعت منه ملايين النسخ حول العالم وترجم إلى أكثر من أربعين لغة، من ضمنها اللغة العربية
كارلو روفيلي (Author), Sahla Books (Narrator)
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