The Evil Emperor Charr is capturing magical creatures, forcing them to perform in a circus to entertain humans. Ranamayve, a beauty even amongst elves, is taken from the only land she's ever known to a world filled with humiliation and savagery. As she strives to conceal her identity, Ranamayve must make alliances with Races that she would have preferred never to meet. She is forced to take a closer look into her prejudices when Bozek, a half-ogre, befriends her. His beastly form frightens her, yet she's intrigued by his soft heart. Bozek has struggled his whole life with his half-ogre heritage. Nevertheless, he has a mission, and his resolve is unwavering until the beautiful Ranamayve distracts him from his task of discovering the Emperor's source of power. Bozek loses his heart, but can Ranamayve see past the beast? Can their alliance grow into Devotion?