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Plowed Hard by the Vampire: Gay Men Paranormal Interracial Erotica
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The walk home after a night out was something I’d done on more occasions than I care to remember. This time was different though. Bumping into Alphonse in the park brought thoughts of sex with a muscular, black man. It’s not all he wanted, however, and there was nothing I could do when he revealed his true self. Being with a big black vampire seemed unreal, but it’s what I got that fateful night.
Bobby Large (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Caza de brujas : un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick #1
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. CUIDADO CON LO QUE DESEAS... ¡Los billonarios muertos no son buenos para los negocios! Es lo que le dice la tía Pearl a Cen cuando encuentran un cadáver en el hostal familiar en Westwick Corners. Sin embargo, Cen opina que no es su problema. Vive una vida normal lejos de la magia por algo. Tiene un prometido normal y un trabajo normal como periodista, sin magia de por medio, y un inconveniente como un asesinato en el pueblo no va a perturbar su cómoda existencia. Aunque todo el pueblo acuse a la tía Pearl de haber asesinado a su huésped. Aunque su prometido actúe de manera sospechosa y vea fantasmas donde no los hay. Aunque el nuevo y atractivo sheriff, Tyler Gates, la trate como la más sexy de las brujas. Si te gustan los misterios ligeros con una dosis de humor y un toque sobrenatural, ¡te encantará está historia de brujas! «Una cautivadora Aventura mágica. Si te gustan los misterios ligeros te encantarán Cendrine West y su peculiar familia de brujas.»
Colleen Cross (Author), Voz Digital Silvia G (Narrator)
[German] - Verhext und ausgespielt: Verhexte Westwick-Krimis #2
Dieses Hörbuch wird von einer digitalen Stimme erzählt. Ein weiterer verhexter Krimi aus Westwick Corners! Cendrine West kommt einfach nicht zur Ruhe. Sie steht kurz davor, endlich einen bezahlten Job zu finden und mit dem gutaussehenden Sheriff Gates läuft es mehr als gut. Das alles ändert sich schlagartig, als ihre rebellische Tante Pearl sie entführt und sie auf eine geheime Mission mitnimmt, um den Tod einer Freundin zu rächen. Alles oder nichts… und so landet Cenny unfreiwillig in Las Vegas. Rocco Racatelli ist eine große Nummer in Vegas – und das nächste Ziel der örtlichen Mafiosi. Die Glücksfee hat ihm schlechte Karten zugespielt und er ist auf Rache aus. Tante Pearl ist mehr als motiviert, ihm unter die Arme zu greifen und ihre Mission Vegas Vendetta endet beinahe in einem Bandenkrieg. Während die Hexen immer tiefer in die Unterwelt der Stadt der Sünde eintauchen, stolpern sie über Leichen und andere Geheimnisse. Aber nicht nur die Hitze von Vegas bringt die Stimmung zum Kochen… Rocco will Cennys Herz für sich gewinnen. Wäre da nicht ihr Herzblatt in Westwick Corners… Doch zuerst muss sie erst einmal einen Mordfall lösen, ihre halsbrecherische Hexentante im Zaum halten und die Vegas-Mafia zu Fall bringen. Was kann dabei schon schief gehen? Wenn Sie unterhaltsame Krimis mit einem Schuss Humor und etwas Zauberkraft mögen, dann wird es Ihnen in Westwick Corners gefallen.
Colleen Cross (Author), Digitale Stimme Gabriela G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La bruja de la suerte: Un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick #2
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Cendrine West no tiene tiempo para descansar. Está a punto de conseguir un nuevo empleo, y la tensión con el atractivo sheriff Tyler Gates no deja de crecer. Todo cambia cuando es secuestrada por una bruja malhumorada, su tía Pearl, que se ha empeñado en vengar la prematura muerte de su amiga. Irán a Las Vegas o morirán en el intento… por las razones equivocadas. Rocco Racatelli es un apuesto hombre de negocios de Las Vegas y el próximo objetivo de la mafia. Salió perdiendo en un trato que hizo con la suerte y ahora quiere venganza. Cuando la tía Pearl empieza a estar ansiosa por ayudar, la misión Vegas Vendetta acaba convirtiéndose en una disputa territorial. A medida que las brujas se adentran en el sórdido mundo subterráneo de la ciudad del pecado, los cadáveres se acumulan y los secretos quedan al descubierto. El calor de Las Vegas no es lo único que quema… Rocco intenta ganarse el corazón de Cen, pero ella solo tiene ojos para el hombre que ha dejado atrás en Westwick Corners. Solo tiene que resolver un asesinato, vencer la magia de su malhumorada tía y derrotar a la mafia de Las Vegas. ¿Qué podría salir mal? Cuando el crimen organizado choca con la magia desorganizada puede ocurrir cualquier cosa. Mientras aumenta el número de muertes, lo que está claro es que Cen necesita algo más que un milagro en medio del desierto para poner cada cosa en su lugar.
Colleen Cross (Author), Voz Digital Silvia G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Bruja y famosa: Un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick #3
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Luces, cámara, asesinato… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Empieza el rodaje de una película de Hollywood en el pueblo y la periodista Cendrine West está lista para la primicia. Su familia de brujas también quiere participar, pero las travesuras con las estrellas se convierten pronto en la tragedia de Tinseltown. Los cuerpos se acumulan más rápido que las maldiciones de un aquelarre y todo apunta a la extravagante familia de Cen. No se detendrán en su búsqueda del mágico estrellato, aunque eso signifique resolver un caso de asesinato. Las brujas han lanzado un hechizo que ha acabado en desastre y le ha dado al asesino la oportunidad de escapar. Cen recurre a su propia combinación de justicia y magia para mantener a su familia bajo control, pero… ¿podrá desenmascarar al asesino antes de que vuelva a actuar? ¡Bienvenidas al lado salvaje, familia West! Bruja y famosa es perfecta para fanáticos del misterio paranormal, misterio ligero y brujas mágicamente divertidas. Este libro puede leerse como un misterio independiente, pero si quieres saber más sobre las brujas de Westwick y su historia familiar, puedes empezar por el primer libro: Caza de brujas.
Colleen Cross (Author), Voz Digital Silvia G (Narrator)
Betrayal. He was the deception waiting in the night; the truth I never saw coming. After a lifetime of manipulation, I finally learned the truth. I was his puppet—even if I never saw my strings. Even knowing how deep his betrayal runs, I can’t shake the undeniable connection between Gray and I—the way a single glance from him sets my soul on fire. We are not the same. We’re enemies, poised to battle for the future of the very thing I’d wanted to destroy. With the Covenant gone, the revenge I thought I wanted is no longer my priority. The witches that remain played no role in my aunt’s death, and the only person standing in the way of righting those wrongs is the very man determined to keep me in his bed. But the remaining members of the Coven will never forgive me for the role I played in their demise and subjugation, and the worst part of all is that I can’t even blame them for it. I’d been naïve, believing my own delusions of grandeur when destiny clearly had other plans for me—plans that had been set in motion centuries before my birth. But even that had been a lie, and now it is my duty to do everything in my power to undo it, to protect my Coven from my husband’s hatred—no matter the cost.
Harper L. Woods (Author), Ellis Evans, Emilia Bauer, TBD (Narrator)
Kingsnake promised me he would let me go once he found the cure, but he’s known this entire time and never once shared it with me. And now that I know the truth—that there is no cure—he still won’t let me go. Now I’m his prisoner once again. He asks to feed from me several times, but I refuse all his advances. If he wants my blood, he’ll have to force it from me. He comes to my bedchambers to speak with me, but I pretend he doesn’t exist. Once his hunger intensifies and the weakness sets in, he’s forced to feed—and it won’t be from me. Viper escorts me from my chambers to the brothel where his prey awaits, and I’m forced to look at a gorgeous naked woman waiting for him. His betrayal has iced my heart and closed off my feelings, but my jealousy can’t be controlled. I may be angry with him, but I don’t want him to have anyone else but me. So I submit to the vampire king—again.
Penelope Barsetti (Author), Michael Ferraiuolo, Ramona Master, TBD (Narrator)
Mina Wilde-bookstore owner, girlfriend to three of the hottest heroes of literature, and now . . . reluctant vampire hunter. In the sixth novel in the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries, Mina, Heathcliff, Morrie, and Quoth face off against their ultimate enemy. Add meddling villagers, an army of fictional characters to wrangle, Mina's mother's latest get-rich-quick-scheme, and a curious dog into the mix, and Mina's got her hands full. But Nevermore Bookshop still has secrets to reveal. Mina and her men are ready for an epic showdown worthy of a Homeric poem . . . if they survive. Contains mature themes.
Steffanie Holmes (Author), Gabrielle Baker (Narrator)
Will Lottie be able to deal with the possibility of the supernatural-even if she turns out to be one of them? Charlotte 'Lottie' Montgomery has recently graduated from Cambridge University and has accepted a veterinarian job in the small town of Lupine Valley. Upon arrival, Lottie finds herself drawn to five men, who are loyal, protective, and just a little bit quirky. Are their mannerisms because of their small-town culture, or is there something deeper to it? Something more . . . supernatural? But, it turns out, Lottie has secrets of her own. But the choice is taken from her on whether she wants to share them. Some secrets need to be revealed, even if it means destroying her entire life. When the truth is revealed, Lottie has to decide whether she can accept her new life and the people in it, or if she's going to go back to a life of ignorance. Contains mature themes.
Letty Frame (Author), Sarah Sampino (Narrator)
A Glorious and Devilish Expanse: Witches of the Island
Three prophecies. Two queens. One love. Hour zero. The world teeters on the brink of a fated apocalypse and time is running out. The Fae have one chance to save the earth from the demons that seek to possess its inhabitants . . . but there is no promise of victory when three prophecies foretell three outcomes-all with separate victors. Worse, Cassie is without Orion, who has fallen prey to a scheming demon prince and transformed into her most deadly foe. Racing against the clock to fulfill the only prophecy that will keep them alive, she must find a spell that will bring the young queens into their full power before war is upon them. But as the world crumbles to dark forces, alliances are broken, sides are swapped, and enemies descend in all forms. Without Orion at her side, Cassie's darkest hour looms. The only hope she has is to convince Orion that his heart belongs to her, her soul belongs with his, and that they are fated to be together, in love, for the rest of their lives. For as long-or as little-as those lives might still last. Or everything they fought to save will be forever lost.
Katie McGarry (Author), Heather Costa, Tyler Darby (Narrator)
Morrie's been arrested on suspicion of murder. Mina knows the Napoleon of Crime is innocent, but how can she prove her favorite con-artist is being stitched-up? Being the spider in the center of a vast criminal web has left Morrie in hot water. His list of enemies is long . . . too long for Mina and her men to unravel. Mina doesn't have a clue to stand on when a shadow from Morrie's past shows up and threatens to destroy everything she's fought for. If Morrie's ex solves the murder before them, it could mean the end of Nevermore Bookshop. But is Mina ready to pit her sleuthing skills against literature's foremost consulting detective? Add a rambunctious puppy, a meddling mother, a cockroach cookery lesson, and their ultimate enemy closing in, and Mina's on her toughest case yet. There's only one way to get the answers they need, but are Heathcliff and Quoth prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to save their friend? Contains mature themes.
Steffanie Holmes (Author), Gabrielle Baker (Narrator)
The Viper's Nest Roadhouse & Café
I'm Sam, the werewolf book nerd owner of The Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore & Bar. Clive, Fergus, and I are moving into our new home, the business is going well, and our folly is taking shape. The problem? Clive's maker Garyn is coming to San Francisco for a visit, and this reunion has been a thousand years in the making. Back then, Garyn was rather put out when Clive accepted the dark kiss and then took off to avenge his sister's murder. And now, Garyn has had plenty of time to align her forces. Stheno and her sisters are adding to their rather impressive portfolio of businesses around the world by acquiring The Viper's Nest Roadhouse & Cafe. Medusa found the place when she was visiting San Francisco. A dive bar filled with hot tattooed bikers? Yes, please! Clive and I will need neutral territory for our meeting with Garyn, and a biker bar should fit the bill. I'd assumed my necromancy would give us an advantage. I hadn't anticipated, though, just how powerful Garyn and her allies were. When the fangs descend and the heads start rolling, it's going to take every friend we have and a nocturne full of vamps at our backs to even the playing field. Contains mature themes.
Seana Kelly (Author), Samantha Desz (Narrator)
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