In the second installment of Jo Beverley's Malloren series, a reckless gamester and a woman whose luck appears to have run out will find that love is the greatest gamble of all.
Portia St. Claire's brother has gambled and lost, throwing her into the power of ruthless men. Their price for his life is her virtue, to be auctioned off in London's most notorious brothel.
To retrieve an incriminating letter, Bryght Malloren once broke into a house where he was greeted at pistol point by a resolute woman—a woman he could swear stands before him, masked and trembling, on a madam's auction block.
Unable to leave Portia to such a cruel fate, Bryght turns the private wager into a very public game of seduction, one that confirms his reputation as a shameless rake and keeps all of London society breathless with anticipation. But on a night shimmering with destiny, truth, and passion, those who tempt fortune risk losing everything, including their hearts.