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Gott, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen
Unsere Kinder sind kostbare Geschenke, die uns von Gott gegeben wurden. Er betraut uns mit ihrer Pflege und Erziehung. Ein wesentlicher Teil unserer Verantwortung als Eltern besteht darin, unseren Kindern schon früh zu erklären, wer Gott ist, damit sie eine gesunde, gottesfürchtige Weltsicht und Liebe zu Gott entwickeln können. Jeder Haushalt sollte sich Zeit nehmen, um das Wissen und die Verbindung der Kinder mit Gott zu fördern und zu vertiefen, um ihre Seelen zu nähren. Es wird eine Zeit kommen, in der Ihr Kind auf natürliche Weise neugierig auf seine Existenz wird und Sie nach Gott fragen wird. Eine unterhaltsame Art, unseren Kindern Gott vorzustellen, ist, ihnen vorzulesen und sie zum Lesen zu ermutigen. Das Kinderbuch Gott kennen und lieben lernen - Kinder aller Glaubensrichtungen lernen Gott kennen und erklären Gott auf eine Weise, die Kinder verstehen können. Es lehrt Ihre Kinder auf liebevolle Weise, wer Gott ist und stellt ihnen seine Eigenschaften auf unterhaltsame, attraktive und fesselnde Weise vor. Jede Seite dieses spirituellen Buches für Kinder stellt ein Konzept mit entzückenden und farbenfrohen Illustrationen vor, das Ihre Kinder verstehen und schätzen werden! Dieses niedliche spirituelle Buch für Kinder enthält die folgenden Konzepte: Wer ist Gott? Ist Gott allwissend, allhörend, allsehend? Wo ist Gott? Wie viele Götter gibt es? Wer hat den Himmel, die Erde, die Tiere und das Essen erschaffen? Das Konzept des Gebets zu Gott und warum wir Gott anbeten? Liebt Gott uns und warum sollten wir Gott lieben? Wohin werden die guten Menschen gehen? Obwohl The Sincere Seeker eine islamische Organisation ist, spricht dieses Buch Kinder und Familien aller Glaubensrichtungen an, einschließlich Christen, Katholiken, Muslime und Juden, da es die Gottesvorstellungen aller abrahamitischen Hauptreligionen vermittelt. Sogar Agnostiker und atheistische Familien können von den Ideen, die in diesem Kinderbuch über Gott vorgestellt werden, profitieren.
The Sincere Seeker Collection (Author), Uwe Zoschke (Narrator)
Prophet Yunus & the Big Fish in the Sea
The story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah), peace be upon him, is unique and interesting to many adults as well as children. The story of Prophet Yunus's nation starts with God sending his Prophet to the people in this town to call them and teach them to worship God alone without worshipping anyone or anything else and to follow God's Commandments. But the people in this town were stubborn and did not listen. So, Prophet Jonah, peace be upon him, decided to do something without God’s permission, which ended him up in the belly of a big fish. This beautiful Islamic children’s picture book is perfect for Muslim kids & non-Muslim kids who love bedtime stories. It features colorful illustrations on every page to keep your child's attention while introducing them to Prophet Yunus (Jonah, peace be upon him) and teaching the story of his struggle to spread the Message of God. This cute Islamic kid’s book about Prophet Jonah story & the big whale that swallowed him aims to build an Islamic foundation to the basic concepts of Islam to children at an early age. This beautiful Islamic bedtime story is found in the Holy Quran as well as found in the Bible. Not only will your kids be entertained before bed, but they will benefit & learn lessons from the story of Prophet Jonah, peace be upon him. Everyone loves listening to stories, especially kids, and stories help us remember lessons for a long time. This Quran story & Bible story of Jonah, peace be upon him, teaches us the importance & benefits of the beautiful dua supplication prayer that Prophet Yunus peace be upon him, said that got him out of his very difficult situation in which can do the same for us. This goodnight Islamic Bedtime story also teaches the importance and benefits of remembering God often, patience, and how God is always listening and loves us very much. Grab your copy now and check out The Sincere Seeker’s other Islamic Inspirational stories & stories of the Prophets from the Quran books!
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection (Author), Erin S (Narrator)
Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon
Alien Encounters is the result of years of research into the history of UFO sightings, reports of alien abduction, and the struggle between Good and Evil. It confronts the issues head-on and offers answers to many of the most pertinent questions confronting mankind. Questions such as: Are UFOs real? Are aliens real? Are they hostile or friendly? Why do reports of alien abduction always seem to include experiments being performed on the human reproductive system? Are angels involved? What about demons? Is there a cosmic destiny for planet Earth unfolding before our very eyes? The answers to these questions and their implications are even more shocking than the events themselves. Behind the hype, the hoaxes, and the government disinformation lies a reality so astonishing that the original publisher was too shocked to follow through with this book. However, the reality remains: your personal destiny and that of your family may depend upon how you deal with the strange events that may soon take place. Are you prepared for an encounter? If these things are real, it will lead to the biggest challenge ever faced by mankind. There is increasing evidence that what lies behind these strange events will shortly affect every living person on this planet.
Chuck Missler, Mark Eastman (Author), Gordon Russell (Narrator)
What You'll Learn from the Angel Healing Therapy Course The Angel Healing Therapy Course has been created to guide beginners and those already working in spiritually-based careers step-by-step through asking for and accepting help from angels. Whether you are taking the course to aid your own spiritual path or to help others do the same, the course will teach you about the angels themselves as well as how to go about contacting them, the ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works with other therapies, and how to start a business in this area. Students will learn about the history of angels, as well as the different types of angels, and their hierarchy. You will also learn how to connect with angels and discover how to open yourself up to them, how to invoke angel protection, the types of angels you can all upon and what they are responsible for, and how to connect with your guardian angel. The work of angels can be difficult for us to understand, as they help in ways we that we are not aware of. You will work on your faith and fears ensuring you can work with angels in the most positive and productive way possible. You will also learn about the shielding power of angels and how this can benefit you. This Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course covers the 6 spiritual gifts and how you can go about uncovering any of these that you may have, as well as how to honour this and increase and improve any clairvoyant abilities you may have. The module also talks briefly about mediumship and how this can manifest itself. You will learn about the unique indigo, crystal and rainbow children, explaining who they are and how they differ. Looking in more detail at mediumship, combining card readings with angel readings and the use of oracle cards and angel card decks are illustrated along with how numerology relates to angels. Students will learn the signs that angels are near and affecting your life. Signs can include coincidences and synchronous events, among other, specific signs. Looking in more detail at the 7 primary archangels, before introducing the other archangels and what their roles and responsibilities are and how angels may go about helping you. Working with angels doesn't just help you with day-to-day and life events, but helps with continuing your own spiritual growth. We offer students the knowledge of how they can go about creating their own Angel Healing Therapy business, explaining good practices for health, safety and hygiene in the workroom, along with the ethics and insurance needed, as well as how you should present yourself in your practice. If you wish to become an Angel Therapist, it is likely because you want others to feel the same benefits that you do, but you also need to treat it as a business, so that you can continue to do so.
Centre of Excellence (Author), Jane Branch (Narrator)
Book Description: Still Restless tells the stories of individuals who had personal one-on-one conversations with Jesus as recorded in the Bible. Parallel stories are told of people alive today who have had similar encounters with Jesus. The book’s purpose is to catalyze an end to the inner restlessness that so many of us experience. It opens the door to personal peace that Jesus promises.
Jan D. Hettinga (Author), Jan D. Hettinga (Narrator)
Introducing youngsters to classic Bible stories, this collection features four beloved tales of courage, friendship and imagination! Kids will love hearing the story of David as he faces Goliath, and following Jonah, as they learn the importance of bravery. The Good Samaritan teaches kindness to all, while Joseph's coat of many colors leads him on an adventure into Egypt. Featuring vivid storytelling and strong messages, these tales will capture the imagination of kids everywhere.
Various, Various Authors (Author), Elizabeth Cottle (Narrator)
E.M. Bounds was truly a man of prayer. His wisdom on prayer was not just academic, but a life spent full of prayer. His daily 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. devotional life was well-known and strengthened his relationship with God. His writings have influenced generations, and few have written as powerful and Bible-centered books on prayer. E.M. Bounds is the author of many books on prayer including Prayer and Praying Men, The Necessity of Prayer, and The Purpose of Prayer.
E.M. Bounds (Author), P. J. Ochlan, P.J. Ochlan (Narrator)
Space at the Table:Conversations Between An Evangelical Theologian and His Gay Son
Love does not begin with condemnation Can an evangelical theologian and his gay son overcome the differences in belief that threaten to destroy their relationship? For Brad and Drew Harper, that question wasn't theoretical-and neither was the resounding "yes" they found after years of struggle. Writing to each other with compassion, grit, and humor, Brad and Drew take us on their journey as parent and child -from the churches of Middle America to the penthouses of New York's party scenes, from a pastor's-kid childhood and painful conversion therapy to the hard-won victories of their adult relationship. But Space at the Table is more than just a memoir. It is a guide, showing us a way through the roadblocks that threaten to devastate both families and the broader evangelical and LBGTQ communities. Speaking from their own experience, Brad and Drew offer an invitation to join them in a place where love is stronger than the beliefs that divide us.
Brad Harper, Drew Harper (Author), Brad Harper, Drew Harper (Narrator)
Radically Normal: You Don't Have to Live Crazy to Follow Jesus
Do you feel that your life is pleasing to God, almost? When you hear about pastors, missionaries, and popular speakers, do you feel just a bit second-class, as if your life appears lukewarm and not as radical as theirs? You're not alone. A vague sense of guilt is common in the church. We know God's grace is the key to eternal life, but it's so much more than that,it's the key to a joy-filled walk with Him every moment. Josh Kelley shows why you don't have to give away everything you own to be a fully committed follower of Jesus Christ. He demonstrates that. -God is crazy about you right where you are. -You are just as important as any other member of Christ's body. -The work you do every day can be pleasing to God. Discover the joy of radical obedience to Christ in your normal, everyday life.
Josh Kelley (Author), Josh Kelley (Narrator)
Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Development Vol 1
In this enlightening book, internationally renowned psychic, coach and author Elsabe Smit breaks down some key concepts of spiritual development into short, highly accessible articles, and provides ways in which the reader can achieve spiritual growth. Inspired by a lifetime of facing sometimes seemingly insurmountable challenges, including drug and alcohol addiction of loved ones, an abusive marriage and other challenges, Elsabe examines the subtle nuances that influence our lives, and explores these age-old questions: Why are we born? What is the purpose of our lives? Is there life after death? Drawing on elements of quantum physics, plus works by some of the world’s most prominent researchers and gurus in the fields of health, business and relationships, Elsabe will help you to understand the ancient mystery of Love. She will help you to regain control of your life and, using spiritual concepts, make sense of life's daily challenges. All life experiences, whether you label them as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, are simply stepping stones on a journey towards finding self-acceptance and compassion. In this highly practical guide to modern day spirituality, Elsabe shares her life experiences and wealth of knowledge gained over many years both on this plane and in psychic work. Elsabe will show you how to discover your true self and to appreciate the life you have been given. In "Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Development Vol 1" you will learn: •Where do I find solace? •How can I improve my karma? •Why do we experience the dark night of the soul and how can we get through it? •How do we match our expectations to the outcomes we get? •What is the true meaning of time and numbers? •Does faith require trust and belief? •How do the risks we take strengthen our faith? •How do you celebrate your beliefs? •Did you know that clinging to the wrong idea can affect your health? •Why is it important to live every day, not just Sundays, as part of your faith? •How can the Law of Attraction give you the opposite of what you want? •How do you have to explore your Awareness and find your spiritual teacher? •How do you deal with tough decisions about injustice to others? •How to practice detachment and improve your own judgement •How to find the gain from dealing with grief and death •How to identify and eliminate your self-imposed labels and boundaries •Why should older people be respected •Who is your neighbour and how should you love your neighbour? •How can you deal with prejudice? •Why does the church discriminate against gay people and females? The book is written as a series of short articles.
Elsabe Smit (Author), Elsabe Smit (Narrator)
Una colección de microcuentos que nos dan, a través de la metáfora, pequeñas pistas para que nos conozcamos mejor.Fiel al carácter terapéutico de todos sus escritos, Alejandro Jodorowsky se interna en el mundo de las fábulas espirituales, de los cuentos sanadores, para que intentemos encauzar nuestro ser maltratado por la vida, hacia el autoconocimiento y la paz. Esta colección de microcuentos nos da, a través de la metáfora, pequeñas pistas de quiénes somos. En resumidas cuentas, Jodorowsky en estado puro.Estos relatos forman parte de la antología Cuentos mágicos y del intramundo.
Alejandro Jodorowsky (Author), Fernando Solis, Fernando Solís (Narrator)
Addicted to Busy: Recovery for the Rushed Soul
Are you busier than you want to be? Than you need to be? Than you are meant to be? It's time to break busy. We are all spread too thin, taking on more than we can handle, trying to do so much-almost as if we are afraid that if we were to take a moment of rest, we might discover that all our busyness is covering up an essential lack in our lives. But God never meant for us to be so busy. God desires for us peace. God desires rest. Brady Boyd shows you how to live a life that embraces stillness and solitude and finds the peace that God wants for you. ***Please contact Member Services for additional documents***
Brady Boyd (Author), Wes Bleed (Narrator)
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