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The Self-Forgiveness Workbook: Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Blame and Find Tru
Many people who've experienced trauma tend to blame themselves. This tendency to self-blame often begins in childhood and is carried into adulthood and can manifest in a number of emotional and behavioral problems. You've probably tried to quiet your critical inner voice through avoidance and distraction, only to have the negative self-talk return time and time again to sabotage your self-esteem and interfere with your life. Fortunately, you possess the power to forgive yourself and discover your inner strength. With this workbook, you'll learn proven-effective skills that integrate self-forgiveness with acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT), functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP), and relational frame theory (RFT). You'll develop the self-compassion and self-acceptance needed to overcome the sense of shame and guilt that's keeping you from a meaningful life. You'll also gain a new perspective on your life's story, empowering you to get in touch with your values and make an ongoing commitment to self-forgiveness. Forgiving yourself does not mean the pain of the past will go away forever, but it can reduce the burden you've placed on yourself. If you're ready to replace self-blame with self-empowerment and self-reliance, this book will be your guide on a journey toward healing and joy.
Grant Dewar Phd, Grant Dewar, Phd (Author), Grant Cartwright (Narrator)
Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!: Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs & In-Betweens
Witty, honest, and wise spiritual reflections that invite readers to embrace the bad, not just the good-from the three-time New York Times bestselling author of Everything Happens for a Reason (And Other Lies I've Loved) Kate Bowler believes that the cultural pressure to be cheerful and optimistic at all times has taken a toll on our faith. But what if we could find better language than forced positivity to express our hopes and our anxieties? Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! is packed with bite-size reflections and action-oriented steps to help you get through the day, be it good, bad, or totally mediocre. This is a devotional for the rest of us-which is to say, the people who don't have magical lives that always work out for the best. As she composed these meditations during a season of chronic pain, Bowler understands how every day can be an obstacle course. She encourages us to develop our capacity to feel the breadth of our experiences. The better we are at identifying our highs and lows, the more resilient we become. Like modern-day psalms, Bowler's spiritual reflections look for the ways we can expand our capacity for courage, love, and honesty-while discovering divine moments with God. With bonus sections to use during the seasons of Advent and Lent, this is an easy book to read along with other people too. If you want to build your daily habit of spiritual attentiveness, this book is here to say: May all your days be lovely. But for those that aren't, have a beautiful, terrible day!
Kate Bowler (Author), Kate Bowler (Narrator)
XChange: How to torch your work treadmill, retire your boss, dump the ingrates, torment the passive-
Too many people in their forties and fifties (Gen X) are trapped in work that bores them, drains them of energy, stresses them out, threatens their relationships or simply feels meaningless. This rebellious generation has been tamed by the corporate master and trained into submission. Lucia Knight challenges you to step back, look at what you wanted, where you are now and what you want to create next. It is possible to take control of your own career and work story. BUT Without a clear understanding of how to do this effectively you risk everything. The stories and underlying strategies uncovered in X Change are the essential missing step to your future. The aerospace executive turned gin maker, the bank manager turned public-speaking trainer, the corporate financier now financial guru for SMEs. These people have walked the road ahead of you and share their insights with you. In X Change you are reminded why you work and are called back to your own unique purpose. Are you ready to free yourself from work that isn't making you happy? Are you ready to reclaim your purpose and your fire? Are you ready to rewrite the story of your work?
Lucia Knight (Author), Lucia Knight (Narrator)
Optimal: How to Sustain Excellence Every Day
Brought to you by Penguin. Emotional intelligence is now embedded in our public discourse: an idea so pervasive and important in our work, culture, politics and society that leaders such as Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase and New York City mayor Eric Adams have placed it at the heart of what they do. Daniel Goleman's bestselling book Emotional Intelligence was the first to coin this idea and bring it to a mass audience. Now, more than a quarter of a century after it was first published, he and Rutgers professor of psychology Cary Cherniss take a fresh look at how emotional intelligence has evolved over the past few decades, reframing its importance in this definitive book. Beginning with a dissection of what makes for individual success, Goleman and Cherniss then set out how high performance can be cultivated at every level, scaling up the concept to top team performance and outstanding organisations. Building on attributes such as self-awareness, a sense of meaning and emotional balance, high concentration and 'flow' states, they demonstrate that it is in our optimal moments that our mental clarity shines. ©2024 Cary Cherniss & Daniel Goleman (P)2024 Penguin Audio
Cary Cherniss, Daniel Goleman (Author), Mike Lenz, TBD (Narrator)
How We Break: Navigating the Wear and Tear of Living
Brought to you by Penguin. An expert, empathetic guide to the science, psychology and physiology of breaking, from the acclaimed author of How We Are What happens when our minds and bodies are pushed beyond their limits? Vincent Deary is a health psychologist who has spent years helping his patients cope with whatever life has thrown at them. In How We Break, he has written a book for all of us who sometimes feel we have reached our breaking point. Drawing on clinical case studies, cutting-edge scientific research, intimate personal stories and references from philosophy, literature and film, How We Break offers a consoling new vision of everyday human struggle. The big traumas in life, Deary points out, are relatively rare. More common is when too many things go wrong at once, or we are exposed to prolonged periods of difficulty or precarity. When the world shrinks to nothing but our daily coping, we become unhappy, worried, hopeless, exhausted. In other words, we break. Breaking, he shows us, happens when the same systems that enable us to navigate through life become dysregulated. But if we understand how the wear and tear of life affects us, then we have a better chance of navigating through times of burnout, stress, fatigue and despair. By equipping us with a better understanding of what happens to us when we're struggling to cope, and making a bold case for the power of rest and recuperation, How We Break helps chart a path through difficult times. ©2024 Vincent Deary (P)2024 Penguin Audio
Vincent Deary (Author), Vincent Deary (Narrator)
[German] - Das tibetische Buch vom Leben und vom Sterben: Ein Schlüssel zum tieferen Verständnis von
Das tibetische Buch vom Leben und vom Sterben wird weithin als eine der vollständigsten und maßgeblichen Präsentationen des tibetischen Buddhismus betrachtet, die je geschrieben wurden. Es ist ein Leitfaden für Leben und Tod, eine Quelle der Inspiration aus dem Herzen der tibetischen Tradition. Es bietet eine klare und inspirierende Einleitung in die Praxis der Meditation, in die Natur des Geistes, zu Karma und Wiedergeburt, zu mitfühlender Liebe und Fürsorge für Sterbende, sowie zu den Herausforderungen und Früchten des spirituellen Pfades. Die gedruckte Ausgabe hat eine Auflage von über 3 Millionen Exemplaren erreicht und ist in 34 Sprachen und 80 Ländern erschienen. Es wurde von verschiedensten Institutionen, Zentren und Gruppen im medizinischen und spirituellen Bereich aufgegriffen und wird von Krankenschwestern*pflegern, Ärzten*innen und anderen im Gesundheitsbereich tätigen Menschen genutzt.
Sogyal Rinpoche (Author), Jost Meyer (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Condenado a la soledad: Temas espirituales
La soledad emocional es un estado mental que puede surgir en soledad física o en compañía, y que se construye basada en sentimientos relacionados con la incomprensión, la falta de apego con otras personas, la tristeza, la inseguridad, sensación de vacío…
Oslos Molina (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La honradez: Experiencias AA
La honestidad, hablar y actuar con sinceridad, es más que no mentir, engañar, robar o hacer trampas. Implica mostrar respeto hacia los demás y tener integridad y conciencia de sí mismo.
Bill W. (Author), Oslos Molina (Narrator)
Mindful Focus Mastery: Strengthening Attention in a Distracted World
Discover the Art of Unwavering Focus in a World of Distractions! Welcome to 'Mindful Focus Mastery: Strengthening Attention in a Distracted World' by Dr. Zayden Zander, your ultimate guide to conquering the chaos of the digital age! 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.' In today's hyper-connected world, this couldn't be more true. 'In the realm of distraction, the one who maintains focus reigns supreme.' Dr. Zayden Zander brings these proverbs to life, offering you the key to mastering your focus in an attention-scarce world. Why Choose This Audiobook? - Sharpen Your Focus: Learn to cut through the noise of endless notifications and digital buzz. - Mental Clarity: Gain insights into the art of being fully present and deeply engaged. - Combat Digital Distractions: Equip yourself with strategies to overcome digital interruptions. - Mindful Living: Embark on a journey of mindfulness, enhancing both personal and professional aspects of your life. - Practical Application: Engage in guided focus sessions with the flexibility to adjust as per your needs. - Reflect and Grow: Make the most of each session with thoughtful reflections and note-taking. Join us on this transformative journey at Www.ZaydenZander.Com. Dive into 'Mindful Focus Mastery' and unlock your potential to thrive amidst digital chaos! Ready to elevate your focus and live mindfully? Grab your copy and start mastering the art of focused attention today!
Dr Zayden Zander (Author), Dr Zayden Zander (Narrator)
Our Radiant Redeemer: Lent Devotions on the Transfiguration of Jesus
Marvel at Jesus' glory with these daily reflections on the transfiguration. This devotional looks at the transfiguration of Jesus in depth, giving readers a glorious lens through which to view Jesus during Lent and Easter. Tim Chester says in his introduction: "The transfiguration is a light that illuminates the meaning of the cross and resurrection. As we look deeper, we'll discover that it's not just Jesus who is transfigured. His promise is that we, too, can be transfigured by the light he brings to our lives." As we see Jesus in all his glory, we will be reminded of how marvelous he is and how brilliant our future with him will be. We will be moved to worship Jesus with our whole lives, giving thanks for all that he is and all that he has done. Each of the 40 devotions includes prompts to reflect and pray.
Tim Chester (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
The Mindful Run: A Runner's Guide to Mindful Running
Embark on a transformative journey with 'The Mindful Run: A Runner's Guide to Mindful Running,' an audiobook that marries the physicality of running with the serenity of mindfulness.
Dr Zayden Zander (Author), Dr Zayden Zander (Narrator)
[German] - Bhajan: Im Garten des Herzens (Vṛndāvana Tagebuch September 2023)
Bhajan Wie kann sich ein Mensch im Leben verwirklichen, wie kann er die Welt besser machen und verlassen? Auf Reisen wurde ich schnell fündig, aber es war kein einfacher Weg. Es musste eine gute Portion innere Arbeit her. Bhajan ist eine solche innere Arbeit und kann nur durch spirituelle Lehrer erleichtert werden, welche die gleiche innere Arbeit schon taten, nämlich das Reinigen des inneren Spiegels des Herzens, das Jäten ungewollter Angewohnheiten und das Wässern der kleinen Pflanzen der Hingabe. Wir bitten hierbei auch Sie, liebe Leser. Machen Sie sich die Mühe und investieren sie täglich in die Kultivierung dieses Gartens der Glückseligkeit, welcher direkt in der Bhagavad-Gītā und in allen Schriften Śrīla Prabhupādas zu finden ist.
Jan Wolter (Author), Yashomatinandana Dasa (Narrator)
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