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Decision Point: Taking Risks to Save Lives in Emergency Medicine
Coming soon
Kevin Fong (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Normandy to Nazi Surrender: Firsthand Account of a P-47 Thunderbolt Pilot
The late Van Slayden trained on the PT-3 kite-like biplane in 1937, but he learned fighter pilot operations flying 'by the seat of his pants,' walking away from five crashes. Shortly after the invasion of Normandy, he landed on Utah Beach to help establish a US Army Air Forces' (AAF's) presence in Europe. He flew the P-47 Thunderbolt, a fighter-bomber, in combat over Northern France and commanded the 36th Fighter Group-the 'Fightin' 36th-at Batogne, St. Vith, the Bridgehead at Remagen, Operations Grenade, Clarion, Varsity and other missions. His 22nd Fighter Squadron was the first in the AAF to land voluntarily on German soil. He was deep into Germany when the Nazis surrendered on May 8, 1945, which was remarkably anticlimactic. Van Slayden, a country boy from rural Tennessee, like so many of his contemporaries, stepped up to the challenge as part of the Greatest Generation.
Colonel Van H. Slayden, Patrecia Slayden Hollis (Author), Chris Monteiro (Narrator)
Shipwrecked: A True Civil War Story of Mutinies, Jailbreaks, Blockade-Running, and the Slave Trade
Historian Jonathan W. White tells the riveting story of Appleton Oaksmith, a swashbuckling sea captain whose life intersected with some of the most important moments, movements, and individuals of the mid-nineteenth century, from the California Gold Rush, filibustering schemes in Nicaragua, Cuban liberation, and the Civil War and Reconstruction. Most importantly, the book depicts the extraordinary lengths the Lincoln Administration went to destroy the illegal trans-Atlantic slave trade. Using Oaksmith's case as a lens, White takes readers into the murky underworld of New York City, where federal marshals plied the docks in lower Manhattan in search of evidence of slave trading. Once they suspected Oaksmith, federal authorities had him arrested and convicted, but in 1862 he escaped from jail and became a Confederate blockade-runner in Havana. The Lincoln Administration tried to have him kidnapped in violation of international law, but the attempt was foiled. Always claiming innocence, Oaksmith spent the next decade in exile until he received a presidential pardon from U.S. Grant, at which point he moved to North Carolina and became an anti-Klan politician. Through a remarkable, fast-paced story, this book will give listeners a new perspective on slavery and shifting political alliances during the turbulent Civil War Era.
Jonathan W. White (Author), Al Kessel (Narrator)
Learn about the many talents and achievements of Oscar Wilde—the playwright, novelist, critic, poet, and essayist. Author Charles J. Finger is critical of Wilde as a novelist, claiming that only The Picture of Dorian Gray will be remembered in posterity. But he is effusive in his praise of Wilde as a playwright and essayist, and explores each creative aspect of this talented man’s endeavors.
Charles J. Finger (Author), Gary D. Macfadden (Narrator)
[French] - Bonaparte et Joséphine: Le roman de Napoléon
« JE NE VIS PLUS. J'AI PERDU PLUS QUE LA VIE, PLUS QUE LE BONHEUR, PLUS QUE LE REPOS. » (lettre de Napoléon à Joséphine) Napoléon et Joséphine ont formé un couple mythique, qui suscite encore la curiosité aujourd'hui, tant leurs caractères semblent opposés en tous points. Octave Aubry relate, entre roman et histoire, cette flamboyante idylle, qui, malgré ses aléas, ne s'éteignit jamais tout à fait. Celle qui se fera appeler Joséphine est née Marie-Joseph-Rose de Tascher en 1763 sur l'île de la Martinique. Lorsqu'elle rencontre Napoléon, il n'est encore que général, et de 6 ans son cadet. Il tombe fou amoureux de cette veuve piquante, alors que Joséphine, tacticienne et frivole, cherche avant tout à sécuriser son avenir et celui de ses enfants. Ils se marient en 1796. Napoléon lui écrit alors des lettres éperdues de sa campagne d'Italie. Elle n'y répond qu'avec désinvolture, trouvant cet amour de bien mauvais goût de la part d'un époux. Désillusionné, Napoléon se détache peu à peu d'elle, mais lui conserve son affection. C'est désormais Joséphine qui craint que Bonaparte ne la quitte, d'autant qu'il est tombé amoureux d'une certaine Maria Walewska, dont il a eu un fils. Octave Aubry (1881-1946) est homme de lettres avant d'être historien. C'est sans doute pour cela qu'il « raconte » si bien l'histoire, qui, sous sa plume, se lit comme un roman.
Octave Aubry (Author), Philippe Caulier (Narrator)
[Spanish] - ¡Viven! El triunfo del espíritu humano
¡Viven! El triunfo del espíritu humano relata esta escalofriante peripecia y la de los familiares de sus protagonistas, que nunca dejaron de buscarlos. En 1972, partió de Montevideo, con destino a Santiago de Chile, un avión Fairchild Hiller FH-227 de las fuerzas aéreas uruguayas en el que viajaba el equipo de rugby Old Christians y sus acompañantes. Sin embargo, les aguardaba un destino muy distinto del que habían proyectado. Las infernales condiciones climatológicas determinaron la catástrofe y el aparato se estrelló con los Andes. Solo dieciséis de los cuarenta y cinco pasajeros que viajaban en el avión sobrevivieron al accidente y a los casi tres meses de indescriptibles rigores que sufrieron a consecuencia del hambre, el frío y el dolor. Sin otras provisiones, se vieron obligados a enfrentarse al horror de alimentarse con la carne de sus compañeros muertos, en un acto desesperado por conservar la vida.
Piers Paul Read (Author), Ignacio Rodríguez De Anca (Narrator)
Un divertido y conmovedor recorrido por distintos momentos de la vida de Wendy Ramos 'Tu vida es tu fiesta, no la de tus invitados', es la poderosa premisa de este libro en el que Wendy Ramos ha dejado su corazón. La autora te irá llevando, a través de los relatos, como por un río a veces calmo y a veces agitado. Te alegrarás, te sorprenderás, te entristecerás y te quedará la música de un aprendizaje compartido: si tu fiesta es tuya, entonces elige el color de tu vestido, la lista de canciones, con quién quieres bailar y cuándo. La inspiración vendrá naturalmente en forma de pregunta: '¿de verdad esto es lo que quiero?'. Al escuchar este audiolibro, sentirás la magia de un buen libro para ti.
Wendy Ramos (Author), Wendy Ramos (Narrator)
From Fail to Grace: My Journey of Self-Actualisation
There is light in the sharing of our stories. 'I began to realise that maybe things didn’t have to be this way. That maybe something can be done to turn things around. That perhaps miracles are attainable when faith and hope are shaped into crowns on our tiny brains. There were voices in me urging me to step out of my comfort zone to make that change. And I remember having an inclination — to not repeat the mistakes my parents made. For that’s their way of showing me what I should not be doing. But I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t know what I had to do to turn things around. I was clueless. But I gathered small steps would lead me to big ones and I asked myself what was the worst choice I had ever made in my life at that point. To my surprise, it didn’t take me long to figure this one out at all. It came to me like lightning itself. Striking, clear, and loud — it was my thoughts. My very negative thoughts.' - FROM THE PREFACE
Grace Gan (Author), Daeren Tan, Grace Gan, Mollyni Joanne (Narrator)
Where Two Worlds Touch: An Outsider's Memoir in England
After the fairy tale of Happily Ever After ends in heartbreak, what then? From multi-award-winning author River Faire comes an inspiring account of second chances, healing, inexplicable magic, and following the soul’s compass. River, an alternative healer and Paris-trained chef—a decidedly reluctant mystic—returns to England from America to help his ex-partner, back from the brink of death. Stepping into a London life he left behind, haunted by ghosts, he finds himself on an unanticipated journey of the heart. When the two men relocate to the English countryside, he discovers more than a charming pastoral landscape, he unexpectedly glimpses the fabric of life itself. With disarming honesty and a searching, lyrical voice, Where Two Worlds Touch is a transcendent narrative about navigating the intricacies of the human heart, no matter whom we love. An invitation to say yes to uncertainty and vulnerability, to trust the unknowable mystery, while seeking the place we belong and what is uniquely ours to bring. A genre-defying memoir—one part love story, one part celebration of the table, one part ode to nature, and one part soul guide—woven as an indelible offering that lingers long past the final page.
River Faire (Author), River Faire (Narrator)
[Marathi] - Oja Shankar ओजा शंकर
As per the esteemed guidance of revered Golwalkar Guruji, the first teacher to venture into the northeastern part of India was Shankar Dinkar and Bhayyaji Kane. The first batch of propagators, in 1946, went to northeastern India following the instructions of Golwalkar Guruji. After spending approximately 25 years in northeastern India, Ishanya Bharat, they took it upon themselves to tackle the terrorist-infested regions beyond the international border of Manipur. This was the first non-propagator group, a selfless service organization. A journey spanning 51 years from 1971 to 2022. Today, it is not Bhayyaji, but for the remembrance of their students, three schools have been established in Manipur's Ukhrul, Tamenglong, and Churachandpur districts under the aegis of the Former Students Development Foundation. The fascinating story of the 51-year journey of educational transformation in the Meitei, Naga, and Kuki societies. परम पूजनीय गोळवलकर गुरुजी यांच्या निर्देशानुसार शिक्षक म्हणून ईशान्य भारतात गेलेला पहिला शिक्षक म्हणजे शंकर दिनकर तथा भय्याजी काणे. प्रचारकांची पहिली तुकडी १९४६ साली ईशान्य भारतात गेल्यानंतर तब्बल २५ वर्षांनी ईशान्य भारतात जाऊन, मणिपूरमधील आंतरराष्ट्रीय सीमांनी वेढलेल्या दहशतवादी भूभागात स्वतःला गाडून घेतलेला हा पहिलाच गैर प्रचारक संघ स्वयंसेवक. १९७१ ते २०२२, तब्बल ५१ वर्षांचा कार्यप्रवास. आज भय्याजी नाहीत, परंतु त्यांच्या स्मरणार्थ त्यांच्याच विद्यार्थ्यांनी उभ्या केलेल्या पूर्व सीमा विकास प्रतिष्ठानतर्फे आज मणिपूरच्या उखरूल, तमेंगलाँग आणि चुराचांदपूर या तीन जिल्ह्यात मिशनच्या नाकावर टिच्चून उभी आहेत तीन विद्यालये. मैतेयी, नागा आणि कुकी समाजाच्या शैक्षणिक परिवर्तनाच्या ५१ वर्षांच्या थरारक प्रवासाची ही रोचक कहाणी.
Sudhir Joglekar (Author), Yogesh Ranganekar (Narrator)
Robyn's story is one of resilience, overcoming adversity, empowering others and driving positive change. She tells of a childhood dogged by domestic violence; a promising athletics career; 35 years as a professional soldier who helped vulnerable women and children in war zones. Her determination and self-belief saw her complete the grueling Commando selection course and become the first woman in Australia to wear the coveted Green Beret. She faced her mortality - both on the battlefield and also unexpectedly in civilian life. A compelling, brave and inspirational memoir with a message!
Robyn Fellowes (Author), Robyn Fellowes, Simone Feiler (Narrator)
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