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THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: A Biography of America's Peculiar Creation Through the Eyes of the People Who
A timely look at how the Electoral College has changed US history and why it endures-told through the lenses of specific people who both influenced the process and were impacted by the results. 'Over the years, no feature of the Constitution has attracted more criticism than that strange creature called the Electoral College. Thomas E. Weaver has made that history into a story with an intriguing cast of characters, some familiar, several new to me. If you want to know why it is so hard to do away with this long-standing anachronism, Weaver's story will help you understand.' -JOSEPH J. ELLIS, Professor Emeritus of History, Mount Holyoke College, author of Pulitzer Prize-winning Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation 'Those who think that throwing stones at political institutions is the same as reasoned debate should take some lessons from this carefully researched book. With a cast of colorful characters in tow, Weaver examines the long-standing controversies surrounding the EC and sets out numerous proposals for reform, which range from outright abolition to removing the 'plus two' clause. Weaver brings a wealth of historical research to the task, writing with authority and clarity.' -Kirkus
Thomas E. Weaver (Author), Steve Menasche (Narrator)
If you’ve looked at this time in American history and wondered how we’ve allowed such ridiculousness to transpire…If you remember screaming at your television in disgust…If you’ve ever been ridiculed for clinging to your core beliefs…If you’ve been called extreme for being Patriotic; or for promoting hard work and moral conduct…Or, if you’ve ever been silenced on an issue because of your race, gender, or religious beliefs…then you are part of “The Silenced Majority.” “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” You want to speak out, but you don’t have time to research every political issue adequately. If you don’t listen to the news you are uninformed. If you do listen to the news, you are misinformed. “The Silenced Majority” is your political Cliffs Notes. You will learn about the psychological manipulation being used to propagate the emotional lies coming out of Washington. You will ascertain the truth as reflected in historical documentation and Constitutional principles. More importantly, you will discover common sense solutions to prevent the continued political division of a country. We don’t roar and you’ll never hear us coming…There’s a reason we’re called “The Silenced Majority.”
Reed Pryor (Author), Bob Westerman (Narrator)
Courage in the People's House: Nine Trailblazing Representatives Who Shaped America
The remarkable stories of nine US Representatives who helped shape America. Courage in the People's House tells the gripping stories of nine individuals who served in the US House of Representatives—the "People's House"—during a span of over one hundred years, from the 1870s to the 1990s. From the first African American to serve in the House, to immigrants elected at the dawn of the 20th century, all were trailblazers who made significant contributions to the country. The book provides an inspiring story of America through profiles of each of them, representatives of all political stripes who overcame the odds and demonstrated the courage to challenge powerful interests, and at times, their own political allies. The nine members of Congress are: -Joseph Rainey, South Carolina -Josiah Walls, Florida -William B. Wilson, Pennsylvania -Adolph Sabath, Illinois -Oscar Stanton De Priest, Illinois -Margaret Chase Smith, Maine -Henry B. Gonzalez, Texas -Shirley Chisholm, New York -Barbara Jordan, Texas Representative Joe Neguse, the first African American elected to the Congress from Colorado, shares how these nine ordinary Americans served nobly despite the barriers before them and did extraordinary things in service to their constituents, the Constitution, and the country.
Joe Neguse (Author), Leon Nixon (Narrator)
Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History
The time has come to acknowledge that America is weathering the worst mass border migration event in the nation's history. Millions of foreign nationals have overrun the southern border, starting on Inauguration Day in 2021, and millions more will cross over by the end of President Joe Biden's term in 2024. This event is historic by all measures, exceeding even the storied chronicles of Ellis Island, and portends the same permanent change for the nation. Unfortunately, a fog of a fierce partisan information war obscures that it is even happening. Radical ideologues, whose ideas even the modern Democratic Party had always rejected, gained power in 2021 and, with impunity, implemented an extreme reality-divorced theology about immigration. Americans never voted for their experiment or the irrevocable consequences that immediately waylaid a surprised nation. But the American electorate has upcoming chances in the election booth to reclaim their say. This book provides what is needed now: reporting-based analysis that will lay bare this crushing ongoing emergency's causes, dimensions, and chaotic impacts so as to finally illuminate the pathway out of it. It is a true story that can be found nowhere else because it comes from the author's frontline reportage throughout the borderlands and all along the migration trails in Central America from its first days.
Todd Bensman (Author), Frank Block (Narrator)
[German] - Das Donald Trump Buch: Die Hauptvorwürfe im Faktencheck
Alle haben eine Meinung, aber nur wenige das nötige Hintergrundwissen. Abseits des Medienspektakels widmet sich 'Das Donald Trump Buch' objektiv und unvoreingenommen den vielen Vorwürfen, mit denen das ehemalige amerikanische Staatsoberhaupt konfrontiert wird – und liefert dabei interessante Einsichten und manchmal (un)eindeutige Antworten auf die brennendsten Fragen. Ist Trump wirklich ein Rassist, der Nazis verteidigt hat? Welche Beweise haben ihn in einem Fall von sexueller Nötigung überführt und die Verurteilung ermöglicht? Was hat der für seine einseitige Wortwahl bekannte ehemalige Präsident über Mexikaner und Juden gesagt? Und was ist dran an der umstrittenen Einreisesperre für Muslime, die für so viel Aufregung sorgte? Und trägt er eine Mitschuld am Sturm auf das Kapitol? Außerdem, wie steht es um all die Gerichtsverfahren, mit denen sich Trump im Wahlkampf konfrontiert sieht? Die größten Anschuldigungen, Vorwürfe und Mythen rund um Donald Trump im Faktencheck. Der 45. US-Präsident polarisierte nicht nur im Amt, sondern beherrscht auch weiterhin die Schlagzeilen. Es geht um Skandale, Gerichtsverfahren und um vieles mehr. Donald Trump, der seine Karriere als Bauunternehmer begann, dann als Reality-TV-Ikone landesweit bekannt wurde, ist einer der wohl umstrittensten Präsidenten der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. Jetzt nachlesen – nachdenken – und informiert mitdiskutieren!
Tom David Frey (Author), Tom David Frey (Narrator)
How Sweet It Is: Defending the American Dream
The first Black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia reveals in her memoir how her Christian faith, unwavering patriotism, and fervent commitment to conservative principles propelled her to serve and sacrifice for her country and a better future. Winsome Earle-Sears sent shock waves across Virginia and the country at large when she pulled off her stunning upset victory in November 2021 and became the first woman lieutenant governor of Virginia and the first Black woman, the first naturalized female citizen, and first female veteran elected to statewide office. She earned intense national coverage because of her unwavering support for Second Amendment rights and her strong commitment to education opportunity for all students. Now in her memoir, How Sweet It Is, Winsome will tell her story and explain how she arrived at that historic moment in time. A devout Christian, Winsome is also a true believer in the promise of the American Dream. Her father was approved to immigrate to the U.S.A. and left Jamaica, arriving in America on August 11, 1963, with only $1.75 in his pocket. Winsome joined him when she was just six years old, and ever since she has never ceased enthusiastically bucking conventions, defying expectations, and charging straight toward challenges. Winsome's remarkable story is one of faith and family, personal loss and perseverance, philanthropy and patriotism, service and sacrifice. But through it all, her Christian faith sustained her, drove her, and compelled her to give back to her community and her country. Her unyielding belief in the fundamental righteousness of America stands in stark opposition to the increasingly pervasive ideologies that are dividing the country. In How Sweet It Is, Winsome encourages Americans to never stop fighting for their country and shows them how to chart a new path forward.
Winsome Earle-Sears (Author), Winsome Earle-Sears (Narrator)
What if teachers in the United States were compelled to carry guns to school? Would it prevent school shootings or compound the problem? Set in Minnesota in the very near future, ‘Teach and Protect’ is a short story which discusses these questions from the perspective of an elementary school teacher.
Christian Ghezzi (Author), Chloe Ainake (Narrator)
The Curse of Demagogues: Lessons Learned from the Presidency of Donald J. Trump
The Curse of Demagogues: Lessons Learned from the Presidency of Donald J. Trump is a collection of 32 essays by 22 writers that make the case that the pathway back to a healthy American democracy is for citizens to understand demagogues and defend against them. More than any other book in print, The Curse of Demagogues makes the story of Donald Trump's rise to the White House coherent and understandable. Trump, a demagogue, gained ascendancy in a laissez-faire political culture wherein neither the Republican Party nor the other gatekeepers of democracy, including the news media, effectively counteracted him. Once in the highest office in the land, Trump devolved into authoritarianism in order to retain power, as demagogues are well-known to do. The book has three overarching aims. First, it constitutes a short history of Trump's years in the White House (and his first two campaigns for president) as told from the perspective of scholars, journalists, and legal experts who specifically warned the public about his dangers as a demagogue in real time. Second, the collection is a detailed primer on demagogues and the multifarious ways they poison the vital organs of constitutional democracy. Third, the book is an urgent call to restore gatekeepers to their essential role as defenders of democracy against demagogues. To revivify our once great democracy, we must defend it against demagogues by strengthening gatekeeping systems within political parties, the media, and the US Congress (powers of impeachment, conviction, and disqualification from future office), and through vigorous civics, ethics, and media literacy education for grades K-12. As Eli Merritt, editor and contributor, writes in the book's introduction: 'The enemy of democracy is not a Democrat or Republican. It is a demagogue.' ©2022 Eli Merritt (P)2023 Peter Lerman
Eli Merritt (Author), Peter Lerman (Narrator)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court
Guaranteed to give the reader a deeper understanding of America’s most powerful judicial body, John Yoo, professor of law at UC Berkeley, and Robert Delahunty, professor of law at the University of St. Thomas detail in sprightly, slightly irreverent manner how the black robed judges who make up the U.S. Supreme Court have swung like a pendulum from saviors of the Republic to super-legislators who usurp the roll of Congress and dictate law from the bench, back to defenders of the Constitution again—or at least for the moment.
John Yoo, Robert Delahunty (Author), Jim Seybert (Narrator)
Alexander Hamilton in his own words. Here is a short and accessible collection of the Founding Father's most essential writings that reflects his constitutional legacy, as part of the new Penguin Liberty series. A Penguin Classic Penguin Liberty is a newly curated series of historical, political and legal classic texts relevant to constitutional rights. This collection includes key historic speeches, pamphlets, essays and letters by Alexander Hamilton, focusing on his legacy as the author of the majority of the essays of The Federalist Papers, defending the U.S. Constitution. Each Penguin Liberty volume will feature a series introduction and volume introduction by series editor Corey Brettschneider.
Corey Brettschneider (Author), Caleb Summers (Narrator)
The Puppeteers: The People Who Control the People Who Control America
Why does it feel like no matter what happens in American politics, the Democrats still get their way? When he left Congress in 2017, Jason Chaffetz still thought elections could save us. For generations, conservatives have hoped that freedom-loving congressional majorities could turn back the tide and restore America’s liberties and prosperity. But now, he says, winning elections will not be enough. Increasingly, the work of government is being done by people outside the government—unelected power brokers who are invisible to the American public but who pull the strings, set the agendas, create the incentives, and write the rules we must all live by. Using both government and non-governmental institutions, leftists have bypassed the legislative process to compel institutional compliance with partisan goals. The White House or the Congress may change hands, but the left remains in power. In The Puppeteers, Chaffetz reveals how: Susan Rice was put in charge of using the bureaucracy to make sure Republicans never win another election The federal government now could be deployed to harvest ballots from Democrats President Biden hired a Blackrock executive to run his economic agenda for the first two years of his presidency State treasurers planned to use billions of government dollars to “address climate change” and “racial inequality,” with almost no way for voters to stop them Randi Weingarten makes more decisions for the education department than people who actually work there Electing the right leaders is no longer enough. To take back our country, the American people need to understand that they’re in a new fight. But it’s a fight that’s still eminently winnable, and Chaffetz reveals the playbook.
Jason Chaffetz (Author), Jason Chaffetz (Narrator)
The March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution
In March to the Majority, New York Times bestselling author Newt Gingrich takes readers behind the scenes of the Republican Revolution in 1994 and the rise of the modern GOP. The story of Gingrich's rise from college professor, to architect of the Contract with America, to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is historic. There were many adventures, personalities, missteps, and victories on the road from a seemingly permanent House GOP minority to the first Republican majority in 40 years. These untold stories and inspiring lessons about the rise of modern conservatism are immensely relevant today as the United States faces profound and extraordinary challenges. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joins with former National Republican Congressional Committee Executive Director Joe Gaylord to bring alive the stories, events, and activities that led to the Contract with America and the first re-elected Republican majority since 1928. No two people are better positioned to tell this story than Gingrich and Gaylord. They were there, and they got it done. Gingrich and Gaylord share never-before-told stories about: - Ronald Reagan - Richard Nixon - Tip O'Neill - George H.W. Bush - Bill Clinton, and other pivotal political figures March to the Majority is not only about the past, but also about the challenges our nation faces today and offers principles for governing the American people.
Newt Gingrich (Author), Brian Troxell, Fleet Cooper, Newt Gingrich (Narrator)
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