Browse Survival audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Besser man hat, als man hätte! BAND I Krisenvorsorge für Realisten: Prepping Handbuch zur Vorbereitu
Du hast das Gefühl, dass du die wichtigen Sachen zu Hause nie griffbereit hast? Glaubst du, einem Notfall würdest du unvorbereitet gegenüberstehen? Willst du wissen, womit du auf jeden Fall ausgestattet sein solltest und was dich im Ernstfall erwartet? Dieses Hörbuch ist gleichzeitig ein Ratgeber und eine Praxisanleitung. Es informiert dich darüber, welche Krisen tatsächlich realistisch sind und was nur sehr unwahrscheinlich ist. Es distanziert sich von Verschwörungstheorien und Weltuntergangsängsten, sondern zeigt auf, was du brauchst, damit du im Notfall einige Wochen entspannt zu Hause durchstehst. Was brauchst du wenn du das Haus nicht verlassen darfst oder der Strom ausgefallen ist? Detailliert werden einzelne Szenarien aufgelistet und aufgezeigt, wie du wann am besten handelst. Natürlich zeigt es auch ernstere Fälle auf, macht dir aber gleichzeitig klar, dass du dir keine Sorgen zu machen brauchst. Immer wieder wirst du dazu ermuntert, selbst darüber nachzudenken, was du gebrauchen könntest. Du kannst deine individuellen Bedürfnisse auf den Ernstfall anpassen und so selbst entscheiden, welche Maßnahmen für dich relevant sind. Am Schluss findest du beispielhafte Checklisten, mit denen du einkaufen gehen kannst. Das erwartet Dich: ✓ Mit welchen Szenarien kann ich überhaupt rechnen? ✓ Was ist für mich unverzichtbar? ✓ Wie kann ich ohne Strom kochen? ✓ Wie komme ich an ausreichend Wasser? ✓ Was brauche ich alles für eine präventive Vorsorge? ✓ Welche konkreten Schritte sollte ich einleiten? ✓ und vieles mehr … Höre jetzt dieses Hörbuch, damit du dir keine Sorgen mehr über mangelnde Vorsorge machen musst!
Dr. Martin Siebert (Author), Benjamin Brunken (Narrator)
Outdoor Survival Skills: The Ultimate Guide On How to Survive the Wild Outdoors, Learn All the Valua
Outdoor Survival Skills: The Ultimate Guide On How to Survive the Wild Outdoors, Learn All the Valuable Knowledge and Necessary Skills You Would Need to Survive Outdoors There is no question that people have become spoiled with modern conveniences. Due to all the progress we've had with technology, it seems we have a machine or gadget for anything we need. We have supermarkets and restaurants everywhere so we don't get hungry. We have GPS on our phones. All of these technologies are fine but what happens when all of these are suddenly gone tomorrow? What if disaster strikes, cutting down power and most of the gadgets and machines you have won't work? Do you think you will survive? It is better to be prepared for whatever comes and to know what to do if a situation like this happens. This audiobook will teach you everything you need to know to survive the wild outdoors. You will discover all the important skills you need in order to survive natural disasters, pandemics or maybe even a zombie apocalypse. You will learn the basics of trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following: -Survival Equipment -Survival Skills -Eatable Bugs and Plants for Survival -Additional Training for Survival No one plans to get lost or certainly no one wants a disaster to strike. But it is very important that you learn how to survive on your own when these situations happen. You have to know how to deal with a worst case scenario. If you want to learn all the important information and skills you need in order to survive the outdoors, scroll up and click 'add to cart' now.
Logan Brant (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Survival 101: The Essential Guide to Surviving Disasters and Other Natural Disasters, Learn Everythi
Survival 101: The Essential Guide to Surviving Disasters and Other Natural Disasters, Learn Everything You Need to Know On How You Can Prepare and Survive Disasters We all have no idea when a disaster will strike. It can happen any time, anywhere and no one will be able to foresee it. That's why it is crucial that you be prepared when it strikes. There are places that are more prone to disasters or other natural calamities but the truth is, with all the climate changes and other man-made disasters, nothing and nowhere is safe anymore. Places that didn't use to experience flooding are suddenly finding themselves underwater when there's a deluge of rain. This audiobook will teach you all about disaster preparedness so you and your family will be able to survive in case it happens. You will know the things you need to prepare, the skills you need to learn and what to do in case you have to evacuate. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following topics: -What is a Disaster? -Creating a Disaster Plan For Your Family -A Disaster Kit -Helping Your Children in a Crises -Watch or Warning -Disasters and People with Disabilities -How to Create a Support System -What If You Must Evacuate -First Aid for First Response -Food Stores -What About Your Pets in an Emergency -Medical Emergencies -Safety Proofing Your Home -Disaster Insurance -What You Should Carry In Your Car If you have not experienced any type of disaster, consider yourself lucky because every year, nearly 200 million people are impacted by natural disasters and other 99,000 are killed. But there is no telling when a disaster will strike so it is better to be prepared at all times. If you want to learn all the vital information in order to survive disasters, scroll up and click 'add to cart' now.
Gordon Barr (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Evading and Escaping Capture: Urban Escape and Evasion Techniques for Civilians
Teach Yourself Escape and Evasion Tactics!Whether you're a high profile individual, a tourist, or a random target for an opportunistic criminal, there's a chance you'll be taken. This book is packed with covert military and spy escape techniques adapted for the average person. Discover the skills you need to evade and escape capture, because you never know when they will save your life. Get it now. Part One: Evading CaptureAll the knowledge you need to avoid becoming a victim. Learn how to: - Protect yourself online. - Bolster your home security. - Build a safe room without renovating your house. - Recognize common scams, whether at home or abroad. - Create a covert escape and survival kit. - Hide things so no-one will ever find them. - Track a missing person. - Disappear permanently. Part Two: Escaping CaptureHow to plan and execute an escape, including the techniques you need to: - Escape from restraints. - Breach entry and exit points. - Handle hostile negotiations. - Leave covert clues for rescuers to find you. - Endure captivity until you escape or are rescued. - Escape from vehicles. - Survive a car chase. - Pick pockets. - Escape a prisoner compound without being detected. - Evade guard dogs. … and more! Teach yourself escape and evasion, because anyone can be a target. Get it now.
Sam Fury (Author), Oliver Smith (Narrator)
The Disaster Survival Handbook: A Disaster Survival Guide for Man-Made and Natural Disasters
Do You Know How to Survive a Disaster?If the answer is 'NO' then The Disaster Survival Handbook is a MUST-HAVE! This is a no-nonsense reference book on how to stay alive during man-made and natural disasters. It will also teach you the basics of prepping so you can survive the aftermath. Prepare yourself with the knowledge you need, because you never know when disaster will strike. Get it now. Knowledge is Your Best Disaster Survival ToolLearn the disaster preparedness and recovery steps in case of... - Fire - Tornado - Nuclear Attack - Tsunami - Volcanic Eruption - Earthquake - Avalanche - Flood - Hurricane - Public shootings ... and many others! Also Learn the Fundamentals of Prepping, such as... - How and what to stockpile in case there is a breakdown in society - Ideas on how to sustain your survival needs indefinitely if needed - Bugging in/out - Caches and Bug Out Bags (BOB's) - What extra security measures to take when the rule of law is no longer in effect … and more! This book is a must-have in your disaster survival kit, because the information will save your life. Get it now.
Sam Fury (Author), Oliver Smith (Narrator)
Evasive Wilderness Survival Techniques: How to Survive in the Wild While Evading Your Captors
Teach Yourself Evasive Wilderness Survival!Learn everything you need to survive in the wild while escaping your enemy. From stealth movement to covert shelters to finding food and water while on the run, and everything in between. Evasive survival is the hardest type of wilderness survival there is, and the best type to learn. Discover all the evasive survival skills you need, because if you can survive under these circumstances, you can survive anything. Get it now. Your Ultimate Wilderness Survival BookInside this wilderness survival handbook you will learn how to: - Make improvised knives and other tools. - Evade trackers. - Build evasive wilderness survival shelters. - Navigate with or without a map and compass. - Move safely through various terrains. - Predict the weather and use it to your advantage. - Find water and wilderness survival foods while leaving as little trace as possible. - Build covert fires with or without matches. - Attract rescue without giving away your position to your enemy. ... and many more wilderness survival tips. Teach yourself evasive survival, because surviving in the wild is harder when your enemy is chasing you. Get it now.
Sam Fury (Author), Oliver Smith (Narrator)
The Disaster-Ready Home: A Step-by-Step Emergency Preparedness Manual for Sheltering in Place
A complete, step-by-step manual for safely sheltering-in-place at home so you are prepared for any disaster or disease. If a disaster forces you to shelter in place, do you think you have everything you need to safely and comfortably stay put in your home? If the answer is no, The Disaster-Ready Home will help you create a safe, well-stocked place to weather out any emergency. Survival expert and bestselling author Creek Stewart gives you a step-by-step emergency preparedness plan to meet your food, water, heat, and sanitation needs during any disaster. Including detailed lists, photographs, and complete instructions to make the plan easy to follow, this book is the only resource you need for a disaster. You'll learn how to: -Create an emergency pantry stocked with enough food for the timeframe of your choice—from two weeks to three months to a full year -Select and store food that fits your taste, diet, and budget -Easily rotate and use your emergency food supply, so nothing goes to waste -Set up long-term water storage and renewable water sources -Cook food and boil water when your kitchen appliances aren't working -Safely heat and light your home when the power is out -Effectively manage sanitation issues if running water is unavailable -And much more! With daily headlines dominated by disease and disasters, the need to be prepared has never been more evident. This practical, field-tested guide will help you protect and provide for your family when any situation arises.
Creek Stewart (Author), Creek Stewart (Narrator)
SURVIVAL: DIE PREPPER LISTE: Die Ultimativ Kompakte Liste Von Survival Equipment Für Prepper. BONUS:
SURVIVAL: DIE PREPPER-LISTEDie Ultimativ Kompakte Liste Von Survival Equipment Für Prepper. BONUS: Die 10 Survival Gebote! - Möchten Sie auf ein unerwartetes Ereignis wie eine Pandemie oder einen Stromausfall vorbereitet sein? - Möchten Sie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung haben, um völlig autark zu werden und jede Katastrophe zu überleben? - Wollen Sie überleben? Wenn das der Fall ist, dann ist DIES das richtige Hörbuch für Sie. Kurz gesagt gebe ich Ihnen praktische Tipps, woran Sie denken müssen, wenn Sie auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet sein wollen. In diesem Hörbuch spreche ich über Wasser, Feuer, Bushcraft, Werkzeuge, Nahrung und vieles mehr! Ich gebe Ihnen auch Ratschläge für die richtige mentale Einstellung, wenn Sie überleben wollen! Die Pandemie des Coronavirus hat uns gezeigt, wie anfällig unser Lebensstandard ist. Die Ausbreitung des Virus führt dazu, dass wichtige Häfen geschlossen werden, was Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungsketten für lebenswichtige Güter hat. Wenn Sie nicht von diesen Ereignissen abhängig sein wollen und das Überleben von Ihnen und Ihrer Familie sichern wollen, müssen Sie vorbereitet sein. Dieser praktische Leitfaden wird Ihnen dabei helfen, indem er Ihnen eine einfache Liste der Dinge gibt, an die Sie denken müssen, damit Sie keine lebenswichtigen Gegenstände vergessen. Seien Sie also auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet und kaufen Sie diesen Leitfaden! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, K.K.
K.K. (Author), K.K. (Narrator)
BLACKOUT PREPARATION: THE SURVIVAL PREPPER LIST: The Best Guide On Survival & Prepping Including Tip
BLACKOUT PREPERATION: THE SURVIVAL PREPPER LISTTHE BEST GUIDE ON SURVIVAL & PREPPING INCLUDING TIPS ON WATER SUPPLY, BUSHCRAFT & COOCKING - Do you want to be prepared for unexpected event like a blackout? - Do you want to have a step by step guide to become completely self sufficient and survive any disaster? - Do you want to survive? If that is the the case THIS is the right audiobook for you. In a nutshell I will give you practical tips on what to think if you want to be prepared for the worst. In this audiobook I will talk about water, fire, bushcraft, tools, food and much more! I will also give you advice on the right mindset if you want to survive! According to specialists, the grids in the western world are outdated and weak! For example in the USA there are more power outages than in any other developed country! A blackout that lasts several days will cause turmoil. So it is better to anticipate these events now! THAT MEANS: YOU HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST! The corona virus pandemic show us how vulnerable our standard of life is. The spread of the virus causes important harbors to close, which has effects on the supply chains of essential goods. If you don't want to be dependent of these events and ensure the survival of you and your family - you have to be prepared. This handy guide will help you by easily give you a simple list of what to think of, so you do not forget vital things. So be prepared for the worst and buy this guide! Best regards, K.K.
K.K. (Author), K.K. (Narrator)
Survival: The Prepper List: The Best Guide On Survival & Prepping Including Tips On Water Supply, Bu
Survival: The Prepper ListThe Best Guide On Survival & Prepping Including Tips On Water Supply, Bushcraft & Cooking - Do you want to be prepared for unexpected event like a pandemic or blackout? - Do you want to have a step by step guide to become completely self sufficient and survive any disaster? - Do you want to survive? If that is the the case THIS is the right audiobook for you. In a nutshell I will give you practical tips on what to think if you want to be prepared for the worst. In this audiobook I will talk about water, fire, bushcraft, tools, food and much more! I will also give you advice on the right mindset if you want to survive! The corona virus pandemic show us how vulnerable our standard of life is. The spread of the virus causes important harbors to close, which has effects on the supply chains of essential goods. If you don't want to be dependent of these events and ensure the survival of you and your family - you have to be prepared. This handy guide will help you by easily give you a simple list of what to think of, so you do not forget vital things. So be prepared for the worst and buy this guide! Best regards, K.K.
K.K. (Author), K.K. (Narrator)
LE GRAND GUIDE DE SURVIE - Survivre dans des situations dangereuses et extrêmes: Les techniques d'ex
Le guide de la survie: Planifiez votre aventure survivaliste et soyez complètement prêts à débuter une aventure inoubliable, en harmonie avec la nature Vous souhaitez savoir si vous seriez en mesure de survivre seul dans une région sauvage ? Vous voulez apprendre où chercher pour trouver de la nourriture, de l'eau et un abri adapté ? Vous êtes attirés par l'idée de vivre seul en complète autonomie, comme les chasseurs cueilleurs autrefois ? Dans ce cas, vous avez trouvé le livre parfait ! L'entraîneur en survie Andrew Bramstone vous donne dans ce guide tous ses conseils pratiques et efficaces, avec lesquels vous pourrez survivre en pleine nature et garantir votre sécurité en cas de danger ! Ce livre vous prend par la main et vous montre pas à pas tout ce dont vous aurez besoin, de la planification jusqu'à la réalisation de votre aventure. Vous serez parés pour faire face à toutes les situations. - Préparation : Préparez votre itinéraire, informez-vous sur le climat et la législation et commencez à améliorer votre fitness ainsi que votre résistance au jeûne pour l'excursion - Équipement : Notre check-list complète et précise vous montrera quels équipements survie doivent absolument se trouver dans votre sac à dos ! - Techniques de survie : Apprenez les meilleures stratégies des experts pour trouver de la nourriture et de l'eau, construire un abri, faire du feu, s'orienter et bien plus encore ! - Les mythes : Dans toutes les idées reçues sur la survie, départagez le vrai du faux, pour ne pas vous fier à des fausses informations qui pourraient vous coûter la vie en cas de danger ! Grâce aux explications simples et aux conseils en or de l'expert en survie Andrew Bramstone, fruit de ses nombreuses années d'expérience dans le domaine, vous vous préparerez de façon optimale à faire face à tous les scénarios et difficultés possibles. Procurez-vous dès maintenant ce guide ultime de la survie, devenez un champion du survivalisme et débutez enfin l'aventure de votre vie !
Andrew Bramstone (Author), Thibaud Auere (Narrator)
Never Give Up: A Life of Adventure, The Autobiography
Brought to you by Penguin. The extraordinary new autobiography from adventurer Bear Grylls. In Never Give Up, global adventurer, Chief Scout and TV presenter Bear Grylls immerses readers in some truly remarkable adventures. As Bear shares personal stories from his toughest expeditions, this inspiring autobiography captures the exhilarating reality behind some of his hairiest survival missions. The follow up to his internationally bestselling Mud, Sweat and Tears, Grylls takes readers behind the scenes on infamous 'Man vs. Wild' shoots and provides an insight into what it's really like to go 'Running Wild' with guests including President Obama, Roger Federer and Julia Roberts. Along the way, Grylls explores the valuable lessons he's learned in the wild, opens up about his most personal challenges and achievements, and celebrates the true value of adventure and the enduring importance of courage, kindness and resilience. © Bear Grylls 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Bear Grylls (Author), Bear Grylls, Elliot Fitzpatrick (Narrator)
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