Hear the stories of seafarers battling savage storms, rogue waves, starvation and their own fear and suffering. Rough Water is a unique collection of the finest writing on why men and women go to sea, and what they find there.
Ninety-one-year-old Dr. Robert Fulford has spent more than fifty years successfully treating patients failed by conventional medicine. In Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life, this sage physician provides strategies to attain and sustain optimum good health, and offers groundbreaking advice on integrating natural healing methods with modern health care.
Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life includes:
Why our natural state is always good health, and how to foster it
The vital role of breathing in sustaining good health
Why any trauma can adversely affect us, even years later
How negative thought patterns can disrupt the body's chemistry -- and how to overcome them
The link between spirituality and good health -- and how to create it
Sure to become a classic, Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life is framed in the plain language, original thinking, and keen common sense that have characterized Dr. Fulford's remarkable career in medicine.
Outfitted with a pair of ratty sand shoes and a knapsack full of trade goods, Eric Hansen set off to cross the rainforest of Borneo, one of the last places on earth largely untouched by Western civilization. For seven months Hansen hunted wild pig, gathered roots, and lived among tribes whose longhouses were still decorated with the headhunting swords of their ancestors, completing one of the great adventures of our time.