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Shaun Gallagher offers an account of psychopathologies as disorders of the self. The Self and its Disorders develops an interdisciplinary approach to an 'integrative' perspective in psychiatry. In contrast to some integrative approaches that focus on narrow brain-based conceptions, or on symptomology, this book takes its bearings from embodied and enactive conceptions of human experience. Gallagher offers an understanding of the self as a pattern of processes that include bodily, experiential, affective, cognitive, intersubjective, narrative, ecological, and normative factors. He provides a philosophical analysis of the notion of self-pattern; then, drawing on phenomenological, developmental, clinical, and experimental evidence, he proposes a method to study the effects of psychopathologies on the self-pattern. The book includes specific discussions of schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, depression, borderline personality disorder, and autism, among other disorders, as well as the effects of torture and solitary confinement. It also explores a variety of issues that relate to therapeutic approaches, including deep brain stimulation, meditation-based interventions, and the use of artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
Shaun Gallagher (Author), Justin Price (Narrator)
BreakProof: 7 Strategies to Build Resilience and Achieve Your Life Goals (How to Reach Your Life Goa
Discover resilience in adversity. BreakProof chronicles Jenn Drummond's pursuit to conquer the Seven Second Summits, despite no mountain climbing experience. Through this emotional and physical journey toward that audacious goal, the world record-holding mountaineer provides lessons on never giving up, cultivating resilience, and finding strength in the face of life's greatest challenges. Embark on a journey of personal growth. Mountain climbers consider the second-highest mountains on all seven continents to be technically more complex than the seven highest. Jenn's experiences on the mountains serve as metaphors for achieving life goals and inspiring continuous self-improvement. In BreakProof, she shares her struggles and victories and delivers potent insights into achieving balance, setting meaningful objectives, and living life to its fullest. Inside, discover actionable strategies and exercises to take the first steps, build resilience, and handle life's challenges; the importance of goal setting and continuous self-improvement and personal growth; ways to troubleshoot seemingly insurmountable obstacles; and inspiration for becoming a go-getter, never giving up, embracing life balance, and living life to the fullest.
Jenn Drummond (Author), Lisa Larsen (Narrator)
Facing Down the Furies: Suicide, the Ancient Greeks, and Me
An award-winning classicist turns to Greek tragedies for the wisdom to understand the damage caused by suicide and help those who are contemplating suicide themselves In Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus the Tyrant, a messenger arrives to report that Jocasta, queen of Thebes, has killed herself. To prepare listeners for this terrible news, he announces, “The tragedies that hurt the most are those that sufferers have chosen for themselves.” Edith Hall, whose own life and psyche have been shaped by such loss—her mother’s grandfather, mother, and first cousin all took their own lives—traces the philosophical arguments on suicide, from Plato and Aristotle to David Hume and Albert Camus. In this deeply personal story, Hall explores the psychological damage that suicide inflicts across generations, relating it to the ancient Greek idea of a family curse. She draws parallels between characters from Greek tragedy and her own relatives, including her great-grandfather, whose life and death bore similar motivations to Sophocles’ Ajax: both men were overwhelmed by shame and humiliation. Hall, haunted by her own periodic suicidal urges, shows how plays by Sophocles and other Greek dramatists helped her work through the loss of her grandmother and namesake Edith and understand her relationship with her own mother. The wisdom and solace found in the ancient tragedies, she argues, can help one choose survival over painful adversity and offer comfort to those who are tragically bereaved. Edith Hall is a professor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University. She is the author of more than thirty books, including Aristotle’s Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life. She lives in Cambridgeshire, UK.
Edith Hall (Author), Edith Hall (Narrator)
[Russian] - Кризис обязательно вернётся. Что делать?
Кризис может загубить бизнес любого размера. Есть угроза потерять всё. Это книга содержит 121 практический совет от собственника бизнеса, преодолевшего три кризиса. Как пережить самому и сохранить бизнес. Как вести себя, когда все вокруг сходят с ума. Возможности заработка в кризис и как их использовать. Как действовать во время кризиса и какие шаги предпринять после его прекращения. Рекомендации, приведённые в книге, полезны бизнесу любого размера и рыночной ниши. Автор – бизнес-эксперт и наставник с международным опытом. Основатель нескольких успешных международных брендов и производств, которые передал в собственность и под управление своим сыновьям. 30 лет исполнилось бизнесу автора, управляет им уже второе поколение, оба сына руководят инжинирингом, производствами, маркетингом и продажами. Воспитать сыновей, которые управляют семейной корпорацией — это тоже бизнес-успех, чему обязательно будет посвящена отдельная книга.Содержание: Как часто бывают кризисы и почему они возникают Экономика – большая рулетка От цунами лучше бежать на гору Замещение или разрушение? Какими могут быть кризисы «Резекция бизнеса», или Методы сокращения расходов Принимайте экстренные меры! Кризис как повод для новых побед Выживает тот, кто умеет маневрировать и меняться Берегитесь банковских капканов Как обмануть бизнес-смерть Выходим за рамки привычных продуктов и привычных рынков Гроза, но не пожар Конкурентные войны Раздвигаем границы Кризисы – бульдозеры изменений, учимся ими управлять Великая депрессия как эталон беды Верные клиенты возвращаются Спрос не должен опьянять
юрий яворский (Author), иван забелин (Narrator)
[Russian] - Банкротство.net (Задачник)
Банкротство — это не смерть. Трудно в это поверить, но банкротство может стать вашим спасением. Книга описывает правила выживания и задачи, которые необходимо решить в процессе подготовки к банкротству, если его уже не избежать, и даёт понимание полного комплекса мер неюридического характера. Одновременно показаны методы защиты, которые являются тактикой построения будущего бизнеса — выжившего бизнеса, бизнеса без долгов и кредитов. Книга основана на реальных событиях и личном опыте автора. Автор – бизнес-эксперт и наставник с международным опытом. Основатель нескольких успешных международных брендов и производств, которые передал в собственность и под управление своим сыновьям. 30 лет исполнилось бизнесу автора, управляет им уже второе поколение, оба сына руководят инжинирингом, производствами, маркетингом и продажами. Воспитать сыновей, которые управляют семейной корпорацией — это тоже бизнес-успех, чему обязательно будет посвящена отдельная книга.
юрий яворский (Author), иван забелин (Narrator)
[Russian] - Януш Корчак. Жизнь до легенды
Всем известно: Януш Корчак – великий педагог, который погиб вместе со своими воспитанниками в газовой камере Треблинки. Он не бросил детей, совершив абсолютный и безусловный подвиг. Ему было 64 года. Как жил он до этого? Его отец сошел с ума, а в маминой смерти Корчак до конца своих дней винил себя. Всю жизнь он думал о самоубийстве и даже пытался покончить с собой. В юности дал обет безбрачия, однако прожил с женщиной три десятка лет под одной крышей. Обожал чужих детей, но своих не имел. Безусловный гуманист, Корчак тем не менее воевал на трех войнах. И наконец, самое главное: Януш Корчак, без сомнения, – великий педагог, который предложил совершенно новый принцип в отношениях с детьми. Выводы, сделанные педагогом Янушем Корчаком, будут и сегодня полезны любым родителям, мечтающим видеть в своих детях близких друзей. Андрей Максимов старается разобраться в этой невероятной, противоречивой и очень интересной судьбе. Так, чтобы разговор был не только увлекателен, но и полезен родителям XXI века. Содержание: Предисловие Часть первая. Начало Глава первая. Детство Глава вторая. Чужие школы и родной отец Глава третья. Театр Глава четвертая. «летучие» знания и отказ от любви Глава пятая. Здравствуйте, господин Песталоцци! Глава шестая. «дитя улицы» и другие приключения Глава седьмая. Первая война Глава восьмая. Две жизни одного человека Глава девятая. Мальчишки и… мальчишки Глава десятая. Решение, ты где? Глава одиннадцатая. Здравствуй, решение! Глава двенадцатая. Стефания Глава тринадцатая. Дом сирот. Вид сверху Глава четырнадцатая. Дом сирот. Жизнь Часть вторая. Продолжение и финал Глава пятнадцатая. Стефания. Одиночество Глава шестнадцатая. Поговорим с Корчаком Глава семнадцатая. Эх, дороги… Глава восемнадцатая. Мария. Непокоренность Глава девятнадцатая. Возвращение и поиски смерти Глава двадцатая. Матиуш не будет большим Глава двадцать первая. «никогда не стану маленьким» Глава двадцать вторая. Что бы еще придумать Глава двадцать третья. Совсем другие палестины Глава двадцать четвертая. Обыкновенный ад Глава двадцать пятая. Бессмертие Основные даты жизни и деятельности Эрша Генрика Гольдшмита (Януша Корчака)
андрей максимов (Author), станислав федосов (Narrator)
Possible: How We Survive (and Thrive) in an Age of Conflict
The author of the world’s best-selling book on negotiation draws on his nearly fifty years of experience and knowledge grappling with the world’s toughest conflicts to offer a way out of the seemingly impossible problems of our time. Conflict is increasing everywhere, threatening everything we hold dear—from our families to our democracy, from our workplaces to our world. In nearly every area of society, we are fighting more and collaborating less, especially over crucial problems that demand solutions. With this groundbreaking book, bestselling author and international negotiator William Ury shares a new “path to possible”—time-tested practices that will help readers unlock their power to constructively engage and transform conflict. Part memoir, part manual, part manifesto, Possible offers stories and sage advice from Ury’s nearly 50 years of experience on the front lines of some of the world’s toughest conflicts. One of the world’s top experts in the field, Ury has worked on conflicts ranging from boardroom battles to labor strikes, from the US partisan divide to family feuds, from wars in the Middle East, Colombia and Ukraine to helping the US and USSR avoid nuclear disaster. Now, in Possible, he helps us tackle the seemingly intransigent problems facing us. In Possible, Ury argues conflict is natural. In fact, we need more conflict, not less—if we are to grow, change, evolve and solve our problems creatively. While we may not be able to end conflict, we can transform it—unleashing new, unexpected possibilities. Successfully tested at Harvard University with almost a thousand participants from business, government, academia, and the nonprofit sector, Ury’s “Path to Possible” proved so valuable that Harvard’s Program on Negotiation selected it as its inaugural online daylong in April 2022. Possible introduces Ury’s methods and makes them available for everyone. Combining accessible frameworks and powerful storytelling and offering dozens of examples, it is an essential guide for anyone looking to break through the toughest conflicts—in their workplace, family, community or the world.
William Ury (Author), William Ury (Narrator)
High on Life: How to Harness the Power of Six Hormones and Revolutionise Yourself
Coming soon
David Jp Phillips (Author), David Jp Phillips, TBD (Narrator)
How to Be The Grown-Up: Why Good Parenting Starts with You
Brought to you by Penguin. Drawing on her years of experience as a clinical psychologist, as well as her growing and dedicated social media community, Dr Martha Deiros Collado's first book is the must-have toolkit for any parent. Martha understands the many modern-day parenting struggles and worries we all face: - How can I make my child listen to me? - Can I stop a tantrum in its tracks? - What can I do when my child feels sad? - Why does my child only eat three very particular things without having a meltdown? - What should I do when I lose my sh*t? With humour, boundless energy, wit and warmth, Dr Martha tackles it all; from how to talk about honesty and lies, death, co-parenting, consent, gender, attachment, boundaries, and tantrums, as well as the small but critical day to day challenges parents face. And she explains why beneath each dilemma, it's the behaviours and scripts we learned as children that shape the parents we become. This deceptively simple and always empathetic guide promises to become the new word of mouth 'must have' for parents or any grown-up interested in what makes a healthy, happy, confident parent and child. ©2023 Martha Deiros Collado (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Martha Deiros Collado (Author), Martha Deiros Collado, TBD (Narrator)
Wellness Warrior Style: A Simple, Peer-Supported Guide to Help First Responders and Veterans Heal
A traumatic way of life. First responders have the incredibly difficult job of running toward danger while the rest of us run away. After thirty years in law enforcement, her husband took his own life. This agonizing experience opened Kim's eyes to the desperate need for an effective form of stress-relief and support for first responders. The power of meditation. Taking care of our mental health is a priority. For first responders, like cops and EMTs facing trauma, ensuring that their heads are in a healthy place is crucial. A source of hope. In 2017, Kim founded The PauseFirst Project, Mindfulness for First Responders. Kim offers the PauseFirst block of training to organizations across the country; teaching techniques that help reduce stress, regulate emotion, and improve overall health and well-being. In Mental Wellness and Trauma Recovery Handbook for First Responders find: - Evidence-based practices to help first responders and families deal with stress - Interviews with first responders who share stories of overcoming, surviving, and thriving - Colegrove's own raw and intimate story of her husband's troubles and how she continues each day fighting in his memory
Kim Colegrove (Author), Eva Wilhelm (Narrator)
The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying about What People Think of You
High-performance psychologist Michael Gervais presents a groundbreaking guide for overcoming what may be the single greatest constrictor of human potential: our fear of people's opinions (FOPO). FOPO shows up almost everywhere in our lives-and the consequences are great. When we let FOPO take control, we play it safe and small because we're afraid of what will happen on the other side of critique. When challenged, we surrender our viewpoint. We trade in authenticity for approval. We please rather than provoke. We chase the dreams of others rather than our own. But it doesn't have to be this way. In The First Rule of Mastery, Michael Gervais shows us that the key to leading a high-performance life is to redirect our attention from the world outside us to the world inside us. He reveals the mental skills and practices we need to overcome FOPO-the same skills he's taught to the top performers in the world, including sports MVPs, world-renowned artists and musicians, and Fortune 100 leaders and teams. Filled with fascinating stories from the worlds of sports and business, leading-edge science, and insights from the frontier of human performance, The First Rule of Mastery is a much-needed wake-up call that when we give more value to other people's opinions than we do our own, we live life on their terms, not ours.
Michael Gervais PhD, Michael Gervais Phd, Michael Gervais, Phd (Author), Michael Gervais (Narrator)
Breakthrough Coaching: Creating Lightbulb Moments in Your Coaching Conversations
This book is a highly actionable guide for coaches to change the narratives holding clients back from resolving problems, realizing dreams, and living into their strongest and most joyous selves. Breakthrough Coaching provides methods, resources, and exercises to help you activate immediate and sustainable shifts in perspective and behavior. The purpose of the book is to light the way on your path of coaching mastery. Lightbbulb moments are touching, surprising, or inspiring insights characterized by the intensity of feeling that often accompanies a new way of seeing a situation or oneself. The 'new sight' provides an image or idea that was previously inaccessible. The revelations are transformational, often changing your client's views of themselves as well as their situations. The book also serves experienced coaches who seek to be more compassionately and fully present to create the powerful energetic connection that provokes insights to emerge. Listen to Breakthrough Coaching to unlock access to five modules of learning and discovery, nineteen resource tools and five practice exercises, coaching case studies and examples, and so much more.
Marcia Reynolds (Author), Candace Joice (Narrator)
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