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Moms today are busier than ever. Taking care of the planet sounds like a great idea---but in the midst of taking care of your kids, it becomes just one more thing to feel guilty about not doing. Tracey Bianchi knows what it's like to live in the middle of suburbia with a to-do list too long to write down. In this unabridged audio download of Green Mama, she brings green living within reach for every overtired, overstressed, and overwhelmed mom. Her practical suggestions help moms like you make environmentally wise choices at the grocery store, schoolyard, and kitchen table, while keeping an eye on the kids and the budget. With creative tips, tricks, and resources, she shares her stories of successes and failures in saving the planet and inspiring her kids to love God's world. Moms need a resource like Green Mama to remind them that green living is not another chore but an invitation to a creative partnership with God. As Bianchi enthusiastically tells you, green living is more than a trend---it is God's beautiful plan for the planet and for your life. This book and its contents are not authorized, endorsed, sponsored or approved by The Green Mama, LLC
Tracey Bianchi (Author), Rev. Tracey Bianchi, Tracey Bianchi (Narrator)
The Orchid Thief: A True Story of Beauty and Obsession
John Laroche, an obsessed Florida plant dealer, willing to go to any lengths to steal rare and protected wild orchids and clone them, and all for a tidy profit. But the morality of Laroche's actions do not drive the narrative of Orlean's strange, compelling, and hilarious book. She is much more interested in the spectacle this unusual man creates through his actions, including one of the oddest legal controversies in recent memory, which brought together environmentalists, Native American activists, and devoted orchid collectors. She follows Laroche deep into Florida's swamps, tapping into not only the psyche of the deeply opinionated Laroche but also the wider subculture of orchid collectors, including aristocrats, fanatics, and smugglers whose obsession with plants is all-consuming. Orlean portrays the weirdness of it all in wonderful detail, but, ultimately, the book is primarily about passion itself and the amazing lengths to which people will go to gratify it.
Susan Orlean (Author), Anna Fields, Anna Fields (Narrator)
Mentales Golftraining: Quicktipps für ein besseres Handicap
Die Technik stimmt und trotzdem geht der Ball nicht ins richtige Loch? Mentaltrainerin Nadine S. Karsch verrät Tipps und Tricks, wie man den Kopf frei bekommt, Nervosität besiegt und das Golfspiel mit Erfolg krönt. Inhalt: 1. Einführung - die richtige Mentale Einstellung 4:21 2. Zielsetzung für das Golfspiel - Warum spielen Sie Golf? 4:20 3. Beeinflussung der Realität durch positive Zielformulierung 3:49 4. Treffen zweifelsfreier Entscheidungen 3:25 5. Die Schlagroutine - wichtigster Bestandteil Ihres Spiels 7:46 6. Ruhe und Präsenz durch bewusstes Atmen 6:22 7. Steigerung der Konzentration durch Wahrnehmungsübungen 3:27 8. Leistungsförderung durch Stärkung des Selbstvertrauens 6:25 9. Definieren lang-, mittel- und kurzfristiger Ziele 5:06 10. Spielsimulationen auf der Driving-Range 4:49 11. Visualisierung der Balllinie - der Weg zu einem gelungenen Putt 6:41 12. Abbau blockierender Stress- und Angstgefühle 6:51 13. Veränderung der Schlagangewohnheiten 4:19 14. Turniervorbereitung - Quicktipps für die Fahrt zum Turnier 9:58
Nadine S. Karsch (Author), Michael Schwarzmaier, Tommi Piper (Narrator)
Business-Knigge: Erfolgreich durch stilsicheres Auftreten
Wer sich zu benehmen weiß, hat mehr Erfolg im Business. Egal, ob im Meeting, beim Small Talk oder am Messestand - gute Manieren ermöglichen ein sicheres Auftreten im Beruf. Anke Quittschau und Christina Tabernig verraten Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis. Die Inhaberinnen der Agentur korrekt! wissen Antworten auf alle Fragen zu modernen Umgangsformen im Job. Inhalt: 1. Der erste Eindruck - Der Bruchteil einer Sekunde entscheidet 6:40 2. Business-Dresscode - Stilsicher kleiden im Job 11:08 3. Begrüßung & Co. - Die Regeln der Business-Etikette 13:00 4. Small Talk - Die kleinen Tricks des persönlichen Gesprächs 9:02 5. Besprechungen - Effiziente Vor- und Nachbereitung 6:47 6. Korrektes Telefonieren - Kommunikation ohne Körpersprache 7:38 7. E-Mail-Knigge - Form und Anwendung sicher beherrschen 7:38 8. Das Geschäftsessen - Auf den richtigen Umgang kommt es an 9:03 9. Einladungen - Stilvoll aussprechen und annehmen 8:14
Anke Quittschau, Christina Tabernig (Author), Andreas Wilde, Joachim Kerzel, Julia Fischer (Narrator)
Kein DAX-30-Unternehmen verzichtet heute mehr auf Coaching, denn Management-Coaching ist die professionelle Methode zur Steigerung von Erfolg und Motivation. Top-Coach Felicitas von Elverfeldt vermittelt einen anschaulichen Einblick in das Vorgehen aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Zu Ihren Kunden gehören unter anderem Aventis, BMW, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, KPMG und Schott. Inhalt: 1. Einführung 0:26 2. Über die Autorin 0:30 3. Ich bin anders und top - wozu Coaching? 2:24 4. Individualität erwünscht? Was macht ein Adler auf dem Hühnerhof, wenn er dazugehören will? 11:09 5. Feinschliff! So bringen Sie Ihren Diamanten zum Strahlen 10:01 6. Nobody is perfect! Gehen Si auch erst auf die Skier, wenn Sie schon perfekt Skie laufen können? 11:36 7. Selbstwert als Wert - Wie Sie die Trauben auf die optimale Höhe hängen 09:19 8. Nein-Sager: Dürfen Sie nein sagen? 09:21 9. Der lange Atem - Ziehen Sie sich auch gerne an den Blumen, damit sie schneller wachsen? 10:30 10. Kopfsprung - Sind Fische wasserscheu? 13:05 11. Natur als Vorbild? Strengt sich ein Wasserfall an? 10:30 12. Häuptling oder Indianer? Führung, der ganz normale Wahnsinn. 12:34 13. Anglerweisheit: So schmeckt der Köder dem Fisch. 13:30 14. The Gender Trap - Darf man(n) weibliche Manager mit 'Mis(s)-Management' ansprechen? 17:45 15. Eros der Macht - Potenzen auf den Prüfstand 12:01 16. Work-Life-Balance? - Das letzte Wort11:49 17. Hinweis auf Checklisten 0:13
Felicitas Von Elverfeldt (Author), Felicitas Von Elverfeldt, Martin Falk (Narrator)
Thousands of household products contain toxic ingredients. Today, more and more people are seeking more natural cleaning methods to reduce their exposure to harsh chemicals. From the kitchen and bath to the living room and laundry, Green Cleaning For Dummies provides readers with green solutions to every common cleaning chore. Focusing on organic, nontoxic, sustainable alternatives to conventional cleaning products, it's packed with suggestions and tips for effective cleaning, and even offers green solutions for sprucing up patios, garages, vehicles, and the exterior of a house.
Betsy Sheldon, Elizabeth Goldsmith (Author), Brett Barry (Narrator)
If You Invite Them, They Will Come. It's true. In a national survey done by author Thom Rainer and his staff, eight out of ten unchurched men and women said they would come to church---if only someone would invite them. When and how is the next big question. Rainer helps you figure out where your neighbors, friends, and coworkers are in their spiritual quest, and how you can know who among the unchurched people in your life are receptive to Christ. In this fascinating book, Rainer identifies five 'faith stages'---levels of responsiveness, prefixed with a 'U' for 'Unchurched'---that represent your running buddy, your sister-in-law, or your hairdresser: U1 Highly receptive to hearing and believing the Good News U2 Receptive to the gospel and church U3 Neutral, with no clear signs of being interested yet perhaps being open to discussion U4 Resistant to the gospel, but with no antagonistic attitude U5 Highly antagonistic and even hostile to the gospel 'A discovery we made is that reaching lost and unchurched people is not always best accomplished with some cookie-cutter strategy,' Rainer writes. 'The unchurched are different in how they respond to the gospel.' How different? You'll be amazed at the variables that exist when it comes to how open people are to the Christian message. Once you've recognized which stage your unchurched friends and family are, you can much more effectively connect them with Christ. Open this book, and open your mind and heart to the powerful new possibilities of reaching The Unchurched Next Door.
Don Reed, Thom S. Rainer (Author), Don Reed, Zondervan Publishing (Narrator)
Features strategies to apply green principles in your daily life Minimize your impact on the world and enjoy a green lifestyle Want to join the worldwide environmental initiative? This practical guide is packed with realistic ways to help the environment and create a better home for you and your loved ones, from reducing energy use and waste and scaling back reliance on your car to making a difference in your diet, at work, and in your community. You'll see how green living affects the environment'and why going green is great for your well-being! Discover how to: Make eco-friendly home improvements Work greener transportation into your lifestyle Eat locally and organically Repair, restore, and reuse
Liz Barclay (Author), Brett Barry, Michael Grosvenor (Narrator)
House Lust: America's Obsession with Our Homes
What is it about the rustic beauty of hardwood floors or the luxury of natural stone countertops that turns ordinary people into covetous friends, competitive neighbors, and shameless snoops? In House Lust, Newsweek writer Daniel McGinn takes readers inside the homes---and the psyches---of people all over the country to discover what's fueling the national fixation on where and how we live today.
Daniel McGinn (Author), David Drummond (Narrator)
Organizing For Life: Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your World
Say good-bye to the stress of mess - for good! You can find the order, beauty, and peace you desire - and deserve - in your home. Organizing for Life reveals the secrets of keeping your house neat, clean, and organized without spending every minute of your life working on it. Finally an audio book that goes beyond the how-tos of cleaning and looks right at the heart of messiness so permanent change can take place. You'll learn why things are out of control so you can get them back in order and keep them that way. You'll uncover the mental and emotional roots of clutter - guilt, fear, rebellion, habit - so you can get rid of it. Even the best cleaning methods are useless if you can't keep up and soon slip back into old habits. Stop struggling. You can overcome that old, unsuccessful mind-set and discover a new way of thinking that makes messiness a thing of the past.
Sandra Felton (Author), Melinda Schmidt (Narrator)
Beds covered with laundry that hasn't been put away; kitchen tables that look like dumping grounds for mail and books and shopping bags; counters covered with coveted appliances that are rarely used; closets stuffed with clothes that no longer fit or were never worn; Videos/dvds/cds piled on TVs or stereos. These are familiar sights for many people who seek organization in their lives but have too much mental and physical clutter to attain it. In It's All Too Much, organizational guru Peter Walsh challenges listeners to answer a very simple but scary question: Does the stuff they own contribute to the life they hope to achieve or does it get in the way of their vision?
Peter Walsh (Author), Peter Walsh (Narrator)
A dusty box discovered in the wreckage of a once prosperous plantation on Agate Hill in North Carolina contains the remnants of an extraordinary life: diaries, letters, poems, songs, newspaper clippings, court records, marbles, rocks, dolls, and bones. It's through these treasured mementos that we meet Molly Petree. Raised in those ruins and orphaned by the Civil War, Molly is a refugee who has no interest in self-pity. When a mysterious benefactor appears out her father's past to rescue her, she never looks back. Spanning half a century, On Agate Hill follows Molly's passionate, picaresque journey through love, betrayal, motherhood, a murder trial-and back home to Agate Hill under circumstances she never could have imagined.
Lee Smith (Author), Danielle Ferland, Ed Sala, Kate Forbes, Katie Firth, Linda Stephens, Tom Stechschulte (Narrator)
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