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[Spanish] - Decluttering Despeja tu mente: Aprende a despejar tu hogar y tu mente, a organizar la ca
¿ESTÁS LISTO PARA DESCIFRAR EL CAMINO HACIA LA LIBERTAD? ¡DESPEJA TU HOGAR Y TU MENTE, ADOPTA EL MINIMALISMO Y CREA LA VIDA QUE REALMENTE DESEAS! ¿Luchas con el desorden mental, sintiéndote abrumado por pensamientos, emociones y estrés? ¿Tu casa está llena de pertenencias innecesarias, creando un espacio desorganizado y caótico? ¿Estás buscando un estilo de vida minimalista que traiga claridad, simplicidad y propósito a tu vida diaria? 'Decluttering Despeja tu mente. Aprende a despejar tu hogar y tu mente, a organizar la casa de tus sueños sin desorden y a dominar el estilo de vida minimalista, dejando espacio para la vida que realmente deseas' es la guía completa definitiva que se sumerge en las profundidades del arte de la limpieza y el orden, proporcionando orientación práctica y conocimientos transformadores para ayudarte a recuperar el control sobre tus espacios físicos y mentales. En este audiolibro podrás: - Descubrir los Fundamentos del Decluttering - Conquista el Despeje Mental - Transforma tu hogar - Despeja tu vida digital - Adopta el estilo de vida minimalista - Mantén una vida sin desorden ¡Y mucho más! Imagina la calma de una mente despejada, la tranquilidad de un hogar bien organizado y la liberación que supone abrazar el minimalismo. Este audiolibro le guiará hacia una existencia sin desorden, llena de claridad, propósito y plenitud. ¿Listo para liberarte de las cargas emocionales y físicas que te agobian? ¡Consigue este audiolibro hoy mismo!
Sylvie Martel (Author), Sylvie Martel (Narrator)
The Backyard Homestead Bible: A Beginner's Guide to Sustainable Living and Self-Sufficiency Step into the world of homesteading with author Alex Broome, a seasoned expert in sustainable living. With his wealth of knowledge and practical wisdom, he will guide you through every aspect of backyard homesteading, from planning and designing your space to cultivating a diverse array of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. 'The Backyard Homestead Bible' is more than just a practical guide—it's an invitation to rediscover the joy and fulfillment that comes from connecting with nature and embracing self-sufficiency. Prepare to be amazed as you discover the vast potential of your backyard. Learn how to raise chickens, bees, or even a handful of goats, and tap into their valuable resources for fresh eggs, honey, milk, and more. Master the art of preserving your harvest through canning, fermenting, and drying, ensuring your bounty sustains you year-round. Whether you're a novice gardener, an aspiring beekeeper, or simply someone yearning to live in harmony with the Earth, 'The Backyard Homestead Bible: A Beginner's Guide to Sustainable Living and Self-Sufficiency' is your trusted companion. Let it be your blueprint for cultivating a vibrant, resilient, and self-sufficient homestead right in your own backyard.
Alex Broome (Author), Steven Myles (Narrator)
Essential Homesteading Primer Bundle, 2 in Bundle
Essential Homesteading Primer Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The First-Time Homesteader and The Backyard Homestead Bible Discover the secrets to a self-sustaining and rewarding life with the 'Essential Homesteading Primer Bundle.' This 2-in-1 audiobook collection combines 'The First-Time Homesteader' and 'The Backyard Homestead Bible' to provide you with a comprehensive guide to thriving in your own homestead. In 'The First-Time Homesteader,' you'll embark on a journey from novice to self-sufficient expert, as you learn the fundamentals of homesteading. Discover the joys of growing your own food, raising livestock, and forging a connection with the land. 'The Backyard Homestead Bible' takes you even further, delving into the nitty-gritty of homesteading with expert advice on maximizing your space, resources, and productivity. From cultivating a flourishing garden to mastering the art of preserving, this book empowers you to live off the land while enhancing your sustainability. Whether you're a first-time homesteader or an experienced one looking to expand your knowledge, this bundle is your key to mastering the essential skills and principles needed for a fulfilling and self-reliant homesteading lifestyle. Listen, learn, and start your homesteading journey today!
Alex Broome, Jenna Woginrich (Author), Steven Myles (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La Ley de la Atracción y el Decluttering: Atrae la vida que realmente deseas creando esp
¡DESCUBRE LA PODEROSA COMBINACIÓN DE LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN Y EL DECLUTTERING Y DESVELA LOS SECRETOS PARA MANIFESTAR TUS SUEÑOS Y LOGRAR UNA VIDA LIBRE DE DESORDEN Y REBOSANTE DE ABUNDANCIA! ¿Anhelas una vida llena de positividad, éxito y paz? ¿Te sientes abrumado por el desorden mental y físico que obstaculiza tu progreso? ¿Estás listo para dominar el poder de la Ley de Atracción y el Decluttering para transformar tu vida? Si estás listo para vivir en un ambiente armonioso que magnetice la vida que realmente deseas, entonces 'La Ley de la Atracción y el Decluttering: Atrae la vida que realmente deseas creando espacios libres y organizando tu hogar y tu mente para manifestar y atraer dinero, amor y éxito' ¡es para ti! Con este paquete de 2 audiolibros en 1, podrás: - Comprender los orígenes y principios de la Ley de la Atracción - Explorar poderosos métodos de manifestación - Obtener información sobre el impacto del desorden mental en tu vida y aprender a ordenar tu mente - Descubrir estrategias efectivas para ordenar tu casa - Aprender a organizar tu vida digital - Adoptar el estilo de vida minimalista ¡Y mucho más! Imagina una vida en la que atraes la abundancia sin esfuerzo, vives en un entorno libre de desorden y experimentas paz interior. Imagina la libertad y la plenitud que te esperan cuando adoptes la Ley de la Atracción y el Decluttering. ¡Puedes estar seguro de que 'La Ley de la Atracción y el Decluttering' te ofrece toda la orientación práctica y las técnicas probadas para manifestar la vida que deseas! ¡Adéntrate en una vida de abundancia y organización con este audiolibro hoy mismo!
Sylvie Martel (Author), Sylvie Martel (Narrator)
Declutter Workbook: The Ultimate Guide to Organizing your House and Decluttering your Life, Clean an
Tired of being surrounded by clutter? Feel overwhelmed by the number of daily tasks at hand? Or do you dream of getting organized ? The truth is... While the world seems to be in love with the idea of minimalism, many of us simply can't purge it all and start from nothing. Our homes are 'suffocated', and this makes it difficult to keep everything organized and well maintained. A lot of people are carrying the clutter in their psyches that are taking up space mentally and is preventing them from being the best version of themselves. Being organized is the key to succeeding in both your personal and professional life. Whatever your clutter is, Declutter Workbook will be your go-to resource for learning how to tidy your home, becoming more efficient at work, and staying on top of your family's schedule. You'll also learn how to identify emotional clutter and work through tough decisions with objectivity and clarity. The goal of this book is: we will help you get rid of your mental and physical clutter and get back on track at home, work, and school. Here's what you'll find in this book: - Main Causes of Mental, Physical, and Emotional Clutter - Simple Strategies to Determine what Areas of Your Life Need to be Decluttered - How to Tidy Up your House from your Attic Down to your Basement - 4 Proven Techniques to Fight Office Space Clutter and Skyrocket your Productivity - How to Reclaim your Life by Letting Go Unnecessary Belongings - Simple Steps to Get Rid of Inner Chaos and Negative Subconscious Chatter - The Importance of Setting and Sticking to Goals and Deadlines - Different Strategies to Clean and Organize every Room of Your House If you get Declutter Workbook today, you'll get an easy, step-by-step plan for sorting, purging, and organizing every space in your house. Simply add this audiobook to your library to get started!
Robert Leary (Author), Ivan Busenius (Narrator)
[German] - Die Mini-PV-Anlage als Balkonkraftwerk: Leitfaden für die solare Energiegewinnung zu Haus
Die Mini-PV-Anlage als Balkonkraftwerk: Ein Leitfaden, der keine Fragen offen lässt Wer ein Balkonkraftwerk kaufen möchte, sollte sich informieren, auch um Überraschungen zu vermeiden. Dieser Leitfaden liefert eine fundierte Entscheidungsgrundlage. Viele Detailfragen zu Anschaffung, Installation und Rentabilität werden genauso geklärt wie die Frage, welchen Beitrag eine leistungsbegrenzte Anlage zum großen politischen Ziel des Klimaschutzes beitragen kann. Das Buch ist eine Pflichtlektüre für kosten- und umweltbewusste Ratsuchende. Der Leitfaden 'Die Mini-PV-Anlage als Balkonkraftwerk' taucht ein in die Welt der kleinen Solaranlagen. Immer mit dem Blick auf effiziente Stromerzeugung werden folgende Fragenbehandelt: Faktoren für effizienten Betrieb: Globalstrahlung, Ausrichtung, Neigungswinkel, Leistung, Ertrag, Amortisation Was ist in Sachen Genehmigung und Anmeldung zu beachten? Welche neuen steuerlichen Regelungen gelten zu Investition und Einspeisevergütung? Gibt es Fördermöglichkeiten? Was wird vor Ort gebraucht, um ein Balkonkraftwerk in Betrieb zu nehmen? Wie funktioniert Photovoltaik und welche Charakteristika sind bei Mini-PV-Anlagen wichtig? Wie wird eine Mini-PV-Anlage installiert und elektrisch angeschlossen? Dazu gibt es Infos zu Zubehör wie Speicher, Checklisten und hilfreiche Links Boni 1: Kostenlose Checkliste für den Kauf und die Installation eines Balkonkraftwerks zum Download Boni 2: Gratis Excel Balkonkraftwerk-Amortisation Rechner zum Download mit Vergleichen bis zu 5 Szenarien Können Balkonkraftwerke den Klimawandel aufhalten? Wie schwierig ist es, eine Mini-PV-Anlage ans Laufen zu bringen? Lohnt sich ein Balkonkraftwerk mit 600 W Leistung überhaupt? Auf diese und viele weitere Fragen gibt der Leitfaden Antworten.
Louis Benz (Author), Kai Seuthe (Narrator)
HOW TO HAVE FUN WITHOUT INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY: Discover the Benefits of Unplugging and Connecting
'How to Have Fun Without Internet and Technology: Rediscovering the Joy of Offline Activities' is your essential guide to reclaiming real-world experiences, fostering meaningful connections, and enriching your life without the constant presence of screens and digital distractions. Inside this engaging guide, you'll find: The Digital Detox Mindset: A refreshing perspective on the benefits of unplugging and rekindling your offline life. Rediscovering Hobbies: Practical ideas and tips for reviving old hobbies or exploring new ones that don't require screens. Outdoor Adventures: Inspiration for embracing the great outdoors, from hiking and camping to stargazing and nature photography. Creative Pursuits: Fun and imaginative activities like painting, crafting, writing, and cooking that ignite your creativity. Social Connection: Strategies for nurturing deeper, in-person connections with family and friends. Physical Well-Being: Tips for prioritizing your health and fitness through activities like yoga, dancing, and sports. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Techniques for reducing stress and promoting mental well-being through meditation, journaling, and more 'How to Have Fun Without Internet and Technology' is more than just a book; it's your ticket to a richer, more fulfilling life beyond screens. Whether you're seeking a break from digital overload, looking to strengthen your relationships, or simply exploring new interests, this guide empowers you to reclaim your offline world. Rediscover the joy of real-world experiences, deepen your connections, and embrace a balanced, screen-free lifestyle. Start your journey to a more intentional, fulfilling life today.
Don Vaughn (Author), Evan Brown (Narrator)
NATIVE AMERICAN HERBAL ENCYCLOPEDIA: A Comprehensive Guide to Traditional Healing Plants and Remedie
'Native American Herbal Encyclopedia' is your definitive resource for exploring the rich and time-honored herbal traditions of Native American cultures. This encyclopedia is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering insights into the medicinal, spiritual, and cultural significance of native plants.Inside this comprehensive encyclopedia, you'll discover:Indigenous Herbal Wisdom: An introduction to the deep-rooted herbal knowledge and practices of Native American tribes across North America.Plant Profiles: Detailed profiles of native plants used in traditional healing, including their properties, uses, and preparation methods.Medicinal Applications: Insights into how these plants have been used to address common ailments, from colds and headaches to digestive issues and skin conditions.Modern Herbalism: How Native American herbal knowledge has influenced contemporary herbal medicine and holistic healing.Cultural Context: A deep dive into the cultural and historical context of Native American herbalism and its enduring relevance.The 'Native American Herbal Encyclopedia' is a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern wellness, providing readers with a profound understanding of the healing traditions of Indigenous peoples.Whether you're a herbal enthusiast, a holistic practitioner, or simply curious about the natural world, this encyclopedia offers a wealth of knowledge to deepen your connection with the healing power of native plants and the cultural heritage of Native American communities. Explore the rich tapestry of Native American herbalism and embark on a journey of discovery and holistic well-being.
Ted Valdez (Author), Eloise Wilson (Narrator)
Hello and thank you for your interest in this ebook called Keeping Koi Carp. Welcome to the enchanting, almost silent, meditative world of Koi carp keeping, where beauty, serenity, and the art of aquatic care converge. This beginner's manual is designed to be your gateway into the captivating realm of these exquisite ornamental fish. Whether you're a newcomer to the aquatic hobby or an enthusiast seeking to expand your knowledge, this guide will provide you with essential insights to ensure the well-being and vitality of your Koi.Hello and thank you for your interest in this ebook called Keeping Koi Carp. Welcome to the enchanting, almost silent, meditative world of Koi carp keeping, where beauty, serenity, and the art of aquatic care converge. This beginner's manual is designed to be your gateway into the captivating realm of these exquisite ornamental fish. Whether you're a newcomer to the aquatic hobby or an enthusiast seeking to expand your knowledge, this guide will provide you with essential insights to ensure the well-being and vitality of your Koi. Despite being found worldwide, and being inextricably linked to China and Japan, they actually originated in the bodies of fresh water around the Black, Caspian and Aral Seas. Koi carp have transcended their humble beginnings to become cherished symbols of tranquillity and harmony in water gardens around the globe. Their dazzling array of colours, elegant patterns, and graceful movements make them living masterpieces that can transform any pond into a living canvas. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Owen Jones (Author), Kim Somers (Narrator)
Gardening at the Margins: Convivial Labor, Community, and Resistance
Gardening at the Margins tells the remarkable story of a diverse group of neighbors working together to grow food and community in the Santa Clara Valley in California. Based on four years of deeply engaged ethnographic field research via a Participatory Action Research project with the people and ecosystems of La Mesa Verde home garden program, Gabriel R. Valle develops a theory of convivial labor to describe how the acts of care among the diverse gardeners-through growing, preparing, and eating food in one of the most income unequal places in the country-are powerful, complex acts of resistance. The individuals featured in the book are imagining and building alternative worlds and futures amid the very real challenges they embody and endure. Climate change, for example, is forcing thousands of migrants to urban areas, which means recent immigrants' traditional environmental, nutritional, and healing knowledge will continue to be threatened by the pervasiveness of modernity and the homogenization of global capitalism. Moreover, once rural people migrate to urban areas, their ability to retain traditional foodways will remain difficult without spaces of autonomy. The stories in this book reveal how people create the physical space to grow food and the political space to enact autonomy to revive and restore agroecological knowledge needed for an uncertain future.
Gabriel R. Valle (Author), Lee Osorio (Narrator)
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs: Your Complete Guide to the Hidden Powers of Herbs
Incorporate herbs into spells, rituals, and divination with this all-inclusive guide to the benefits of using herbal magic in witchcraft. From creating potions to using dried herbs in rituals, herbal magic is a natural way to practice witchcraft. Herbs can be used in many different ways to help set the intention through every part of a witch's process. In The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs, learn everything you need to use the most powerful herbs and use them as an essential part of your practice. Including information on which herbs are best for what kinds of spells, how to use herbs in divination and rituals, and step-by-step guides to making herbal bundles, potions, and sprays, this guidebook has all the important facts to make your herbal witchcraft a success. Jam-packed with herbal ideas, this guide is perfect for both beginners and experienced witches looking to incorporate more herbs into their practice. Beautiful and functional, it is easy to navigate and offers a detailed guide to herbal magic!
Judy Ann Nock (Author), Tegan Cohan (Narrator)
Near Zero Cost Ecofriendly Gardening : A Thrilling Practical Experience
Try this simple, totally safe, environment friendly alternative at almost no cost. No more harmful pesticides. No expensive chemical fertilizers. Not even bulky organic manures. A real practical choice that can revolutionize gardening.
Anand, Dr .King (Author), Dr. King (Narrator)
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