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[Chinese] - 邓小平讲话实录:会议卷: 深入了解邓小平的重要读本,还原伟人真实一生
内容简介: 《邓小平讲话实录.会议卷》本书记录了从1938年到1987年,邓小平参加的有关会议,并对邓小平在会议中所作的重要讲话、对一些政策问题的阐述、处理民生要务的方法和态度等进行了详细的叙述和评析。 作者简介: 本书编委会主要成员有:逄先知、于友先、冯蕙、聂震宁、谢春涛、冯俊科、王媛等人,其中多人长期从事毛泽东生平、邓小平思想的研究和编辑工作,参与编写《毛泽东选集》、《邓小平文选》、邓小平《建设有中国特色社会主义》等图书。
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著 (Author), 先读 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 邓小平讲话实录:会谈卷: 深入了解邓小平的重要读本,还原伟人真实一生
内容简介: 《邓小平讲话实录.会议卷》本书记录了从1938年到1987年,邓小平参加的有关会议,并对邓小平在会议中所作的重要讲话、对一些政策问题的阐述、处理民生要务的方法和态度等进行了详细的叙述和评析。 作者简介: 本书编委会主要成员有:逄先知、于友先、冯蕙、聂震宁、谢春涛、冯俊科、王媛等人,其中多人长期从事毛泽东生平、邓小平思想的研究和编辑工作,参与编写《毛泽东选集》、《邓小平文选》、邓小平《建设有中国特色社会主义》等图书。
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著 (Author), 先读 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 傅雷家书: 中国人不容错过的家书经典
内容简介: 《傅雷家书》中,傅雷和自己的儿子傅聪谈论了艺术的真谛与精神的修养,同时又与朋友谈学论道。书中所包含的智慧,不只是从学问的研究中来,更是从生活的体验中来。《傅雷家书》不仅包含了家书最重要的内容,还有着家书之外的才情与学识。 作者简介 傅雷:字怒安,上海市南汇县人,翻译家、文艺评论家。1928年赴法国研习美术理论与艺术评论。1931年回国,任教于上海美术专科学校。傅雷从20世纪30年代起致力于法国文学的译介工作,译有《高老头》《约翰•克利斯朵夫》《艺术哲学》等,全部译作收录于《傅雷译文集》。文学、美术、音乐等著述收录于《傅雷文集》。书信结集为《傅雷家书》。 主播简介: 志远,黑龙江大庆电台主持人,从事有声行业近10年,录制作品《决战朝鲜》喜马拉雅付费点击1200多万,被评为“优选专辑”。
Woman Up!: Your Guide to Success in Engineering and Tech
Have you ever felt your career's trajectory was in someone else's hands? In the male-dominated world of engineering, breaking through barriers and claiming your rightful place can seem like an impossible challenge. Yet for Anat Rapoport, this challenge was an opportunity, not just for her, but for women everywhere. In 2015, she stood on the cusp of a significant promotion. With every project milestone achieved, deadline met, and positive feedback garnered, she felt ready. But was her career trajectory truly in her hands, or was it subject to the whims of superiors/ mercy of the higher-ups? An illuminating conversation with a friend shattered this illusion. The power, Anat realized, had always been hers. In Woman Up!: Your Guide to Success in Engineering and Tech, Anat delves deep into her journey, detailing the internal and external obstacles women commonly face in their careers. Drawing from her rich experience in both corporate and startup spaces, she lays out strategies to tackle discrimination, loneliness, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome. The message is clear: your career's path isn't determined by others but by your own tenacity, decisions, and actions. Don't just be a spectator of your own life. Take charge of your journey, and let Anat guide you every step of the way. Get your copy now and redefine your path to success! ANAT RAPOPORT, a distinguished leader in the tech arena, has ascended through the ranks, establishing herself as an authoritative voice and a beacon for women in engineering. As a VP at multiple companies, most of them are AI-based companies, her achievements speak for themselves. Armed with an MSc from Tel Aviv University and a stellar background with the Israel Defense Forces 8200.
Anat Rapoport (Author), Emily M. Wilson (Narrator)
内容简介: 《国富论》,原名《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》,是一部经济学专著,也是学术领域内颇具影响力的一部作品。本书共分五篇,总结了近代初期各国资本主义发展的经验,批判吸收了当时的重要经济理论,对整个国民经济的运动过程作了系统的描述,为经济学确定了完整的架构,奠定了资本主义自由经济的理论基础,第一次提出了市场经济会由“看不见的手”自行调节的理论。该书的问世成为了现代政治经济学研究的起点,使经济学成为了一门独立的科学。 作者简介: 亚当·斯密(AdamSmith),英国著名经济学家,现代经济学的主要创立者。出生于苏格兰法夫郡的寇克卡迪,青年时就读于格拉斯哥大学,后转入牛津大学继续学习。毕业后,他先在爱丁堡大学担任讲师,主讲英国文学及经济学课程;后来回到母校格拉斯哥大学任教授,主讲逻辑学和道德哲学,同时还兼管学校的行政事务。在此期间,他首次公开发表了经济自由主义的言论,形成了自己的经济学观点。他在政治学、伦理学、经济学等领域颇有建树。《国富论》的出版被视为经济学作为一门独立科学诞生的标志,其本人也因此被尊称为“现代经济学之父”和“自由企业的守护神”。 主播介绍: 咚咚:2009年毕业于四川传媒学院播音与主持艺术系,2009年至今市级电台主播,从事有声演播10多年,个人演播风格多变,演播作品涵盖,名著、历史、军事、都市、穿越、玄幻、搞笑等多个门类。代表作:全本《西游记》,《黄埔风云》《大角逐-台海风云》《老帅与少帅》《东周列国志》《深圳青年律师纪实》,《宋朝进行时》,以及网络畅销作品《大汉帝国》、《天下珍玩》等。
亚当·斯密(adamsmith) (Author), 咚咚 (Narrator)
How to be a Digital Nomad and Enjoy the International Tax Law: Guide to Financial Freedom for Beginn
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Being a digital nomad is a great opportunity to live THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS. But, make no mistake, it is not the same as being a vagabond. A well-informed nomad can enjoy financial freedom, pay only the taxes they want to pay, have multiple passports, offshore bank accounts and enjoy an unbeatable lifestyle. Your government does not want you to read this book, you will discover secrets that will allow you to decide if you want to undertake taking advantage of the best of international taxation, with tax avoidance tactics that will surprise you. You don't need any previous knowledge, in this brief guide you will find a simple step-by-step guide that anyone can do, yes, anyone. Anyone, yes, you don't need to be a millionaire already. Be careful, this book may be banned, take advantage of the opportunity and get your copy now.
Matthew Rymer Harrison (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
[French] - Utiliser les Mots avec Succès: Découvrez Comment Vous Exprimer Avec Confiance et Convicti
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Avez-vous déjà ressenti la frustration de ne pas pouvoir vous faire entendre ? La difficulté à trouver les mots justes, le désir de vous exprimer avec assurance et la crainte de perdre votre confiance et votre conviction ? Vous essayez d'établir des relations fructueuses, mais vous êtes confronté à des malentendus, à des conflits et à un manque de respect ?Si vous êtes un leader, un manager, un professionnel, ou si vous voulez simplement améliorer vos compétences en communication pour construire des relations fructueuses, ce guide est la réponse que vous cherchez. Ce livre est votre guide ultime pour maîtriser l'art de la communication assertive, une compétence vitale qui a le pouvoir de révolutionner vos relations et votre existence tout entière. Le voyage au sein de ces pages vous conduira à travers une série de thèmes fondamentaux : - L'essence de la communication assertive et son pouvoir de transformation. - L'importance de la conscience de soi comme guide dans l'émotivité et pour une communication authentique. - Comment renforcer l'estime de soi et la confiance, piliers essentiels de la communication assertive. - Le développement de la maîtrise de la communication, l'acquisition de compétences pour s'exprimer clairement et efficacement. - L'apprentissage de techniques pour gérer les conflits et les critiques, en les transformant en opportunités de croissance. Si vous êtes prêt à vous exprimer avec confiance, conviction et respect, ce livre vous ouvrira les portes d'un monde de relations réussies.
Lou Dorian (Author), Voix Numérique Francine G (Narrator)
Fire Your Boss: Transform Your Life From Employee To Digital Entrepreneur
DO YOU WANT TO FIRE YOUR BOSS? Been thinking about going into business for yourself but feel too scared to take the leap? Want to go from employee to entrepreneur? Well, you can. With the right mindset, strategies and skills you can transform your career, your life and your income. In this book you will learn how to: • Develop the right mindset for success • Utilise tried-and-tested strategies to move out of your day-to-day job and into the career of your dreams • Start your journey as an entrepreneur – the right way • Make money from day one • Grow your business and make a difference at the same time It’s time to begin your new life and never look back. Let Hemi show you how.
Hemi Hossain (Author), Robert Plank (Narrator)
From Job Loss to Dream Job: Doing Well in Midlife Career Changes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Start turning things around from job loss to landing your dream job with From Job Loss to Dream Job: Doing Well in Midlife Career Changes. This book is for people in their midlife, showing you step-by-step how to bounce back after losing a job. It helps you figure out your dream job and how to make it happen. Packed with easy-to-follow tips and explanations, this book is like a map to help you get through tough times and do well. Whether thinking about your job differently or dreaming big, this book gives you the tools and ideas to succeed in your midlife career changes. Is it possible to change your professional life after your 40 years? Is it possible to change your life so that you can be satisfied with it? What will it take to do this? How can we do it in the best way? to You may find some helpful information by listening this audiobook about: job change at will loss of job job search choosing the type of education being an entrepreneur or a hired employee etc The author hopes you find this information valuable. Do not just get by – do great with this helpful audiobook.
Yana Chizhikova (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
The West Virginia Coal Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Mine Wars and the Battle of Blair Mountain,
Did you know the coal fields of West Virginia were the scene of violence and strife between coal miners and coal company management in the early 20th century? The West Virginia Coal Wars are often overlooked in US history. It is time that changed. Several lessons can be learned from what happened during the West Virginia Coal Wars. These confrontations led to developments in labor relations that define collective bargaining to this day. There were heroes and villains, saints and sinners, and a mountain culture that was inexorably changed. It is a story that is fascinating and disturbing at the same time. This audiobook holds some fascinating tidbits of information many people do not know, including the following: - The impact of company stores - The role minorities played in the coal wars - The story behind the term “redneck” - Safety hazards the coal miners faced - Organizations that supported the miners and better working conditions This audiobook on the West Virginia Coal Wars lets us look down the mine shafts of West Virginia into the dark world of exploitation and worker abuse that was common one hundred years ago. The hills were alive with sounds of gunfire as coal miners and their union stood up against management. The West Virginia Coal Wars is a fascinating journey through the dark mountains of Appalachia and the struggle its people endured to win basic rights and respect. What are you waiting for? Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to begin your journey into the past today!
Captivating History (Author), Jason Saffir (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Civilización del valle del Indo: Una apasionante visión general de la civilización Harap
El pueblo Harappa ocupó el valle del Indo durante unos dos mil años, ¡todo ello sin conflictos ni guerras! La civilización del valle del Indo se fundó hace al menos cinco mil años en la zona que hoy es Pakistán y el norte de la India. Los harappa vivieron en paz, dedicándose a la agricultura, la artesanía y el comercio. En este libro se explica cómo los harappa construían sus ciudades, cómo vivían su vida cotidiana, qué creían que ocurría después de su muerte y mucho más. En este libro, descubrirá lo siguiente: - Los intrincados planos de Mohenjo-daro y otras grandes ciudades. - Los baños rituales en los grandes baños. - De dónde venían y adónde iban los harappa. - Las relaciones comerciales con Mesopotamia, India y China. - Estatuas de bronce de expertos y obras de arte. - Fábricas de abalorios y joyería. - La misteriosa escritura del valle del Indo. - Desmitificación de la teoría de la invasión aria. - Vínculos con el hinduismo actual. - Barcos tan grandes como para transportar elefantes. - ¡Y mucho más! Haga clic en el botón «añadir a la cesta» para empezar a aprender sobre la civilización del valle del Indo.
Billy Wellman (Author), Carlos Verne (Narrator)
History of Arizona: A Captivating Guide to Historical Events and Facts You Should Know About the Gra
Did you know that Arizona was the last of the contiguous states to be admitted into the Union? Even being the last, Arizona’s rich history predates its statehood by centuries, and that can be hard to digest in one sitting. What happened in Arizona before it became the forty-eighth state of the United States? Step back in time with us, and witness the legacy of the Native American tribes that once thrived in this desert landscape. Uncover the tales of resilience, ingenuity, and cultural richness that continue to thrive throughout the canyons and mesas of Arizona. Learn how the early settlers and Spanish missionaries molded the territory in ways that can still be seen today. Here’s a taste of what you’re about to discover: - Unveil the captivating tales of the ancient civilizations of Arizona - Discover the architectural wonders that still remain today - What challenges the settlers endured - How the economic foundation has affected the modern era - How two world wars, a pandemic, and the Great Depression molded the region into what we know today - And so much more! Scroll up and click on the “add to cart” button today to learn about the Grand Canyon State!
Captivating History (Author), Jason Saffir (Narrator)
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