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内容简介: 《诗经》是中国人的诗意源头,理解《诗经》,就是理解“诗意”的来龙去脉。 高校名师用11个问题讲清楚《诗经》的内涵和外延,既有常识讲解,更有深度分析。学院派的内容,高度浓缩。 让你更准确地理解《诗经》,更“懂行地”谈论《诗经》。 作者简介: 北京小熊写字古典文学工作室,曾出品多档优质的古典文学课程,资料整理和主讲老师为著名高校的任课老师,专业、深刻、好听。
北京小熊写字古典文学工作室 (Author), 小熊写字 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 政府论: 推动英国政治,经济的著名学术作品
内容简介: 《政府论》一书内容包括破坏与建设两个方面,因而在结构上也分上下两篇,上篇是“破”,下篇是“立”。《政府论》上篇,集中驳斥了当时占统治地位的君权神授说和王位世袭论。这种理论以菲尔麦的著作《先祖论》为代表。 罗伯特·菲尔麦(1588―1653),贵族出身,是英国封建贵族、保王派的主要代言人,曾被英国国王查理一世授予爵位。他的代表作《先祖论》是王党将之作为斯图亚特王朝复辟的理论依据。《先祖论》一书,可以用一句简单的话来概括:国王的权力是直接来自上帝的,他的王位是世袭的。具体论证是:上帝创造了第一个人亚当,同时授予他统治妻子、儿女以及世上万物的权力,因此,亚当不仅是第一个家长,而且是第一个国王。亚当这种父权和王权是代代相传,永远世袭的。 作者简介: 约翰·洛克,英国哲学家(1632.8.29——1704.10.28)出身于清教徒家庭,从小接受严格的教育。清教徒的父亲在内战期间为议会军队作战。1646年,洛克在威斯敏斯特学校接受了传统的古典文学的基础训练。1652年克伦威尔主政期间,洛克到牛津大学学习,并在那儿居住了15年。1656年,洛克获得学士学位,1658年获硕士学位。洛克既憎恶经院哲学,又憎恶独立教会派的狂热,主张宗教宽容。他深受笛卡尔哲学的影响,穷其一生而不为独断论所困扰。他开创了经验主义,也是第一个全面阐述宪政民主思想以及提倡人的“自然权利”的哲学家, 他的政治理念深远地影响了美国、法国、英国以及其它的西方国家。 主播简介: 一剑卿城:电视台主持人、有声书主播。擅长类型:历史、社科、网文旁白。代表作品专辑:《天使与魔鬼》、《绝世傲妃 天下为媒》等。
约翰·洛克 (Author), 一剑卿城 (Narrator)
内容简介: 《战争论》是一部军事理论作品。该书在战争的概括性、战争与政治的关系、精神因素的作用、民众战争、集中兵力等许多方面都有精辟论述。书中“战争是政治的续”的理论至今仍是我们解读国际局势的指南。 《战争论》是世界上最伟大的兵学名著之一。书中所蕴含的谋略智慧已远远超过军事范畴,被广泛用于各领域,备受各国政治家、外交家、企业家的青睐。既可用于商业竞争的决策和参谋,又能为个人处世出谋划策,让人受益终生。 作者简介: 克劳塞维茨,德国军事理论家、军事历史学家、普鲁士将军,出生于普鲁士马格德堡的一个贵族家庭,12岁参加普鲁士军队,13走上战场,之后进入柏林军官学校学习,后又出任柏林军官学校校长并晋升为将军。他一生参加了四次著名战役:莱茵战役、奥斯塔德会战、1812年法俄战争和滑铁卢战役。在担任军官学校校长的12年中,他根据自己的亲身经历和感受运用辩证法系统地总结战争经验的思想成果,著就《战争论》一书。这本书被称作“西方军事思想的代表”,他也因此被称作“西方兵圣”。 主播简介: 想说话的耳朵,青叔男声,深沉耐听,擅长:历史、社科、悬疑类有声作品。大龄青年有声路上爬行者,啥都能聊类型,愿我的声音能给大家一些想要的东西
[德]卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨 著 (Author), 想说话的耳朵 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 安徒生童话: 一部经典不朽的童话故事集
内容简介: 《中小学生必读丛书:安徒生童话》收集了安徒生童话的大量代表作品,如《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》《夜莺》和《豌豆上的公主》等,精心甄选了安徒生最为经典的童话,以期引领孩子们在赏心悦目的情境中,进入奇幻有趣的童话世界;使现实压力与日俱增的成人们,重温人鱼公主、丑小鸭、拇指姑娘的快乐记忆,回归天真、宽容的快乐心态。 作者简介: 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日~1875年8月4日),又译汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安德森等,19世纪丹麦童话作家,被誉为“世界儿童文学的太阳”。代表作有《坚定的锡兵》《海的女儿》《拇指姑娘》《卖火柴的小女孩》《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》等。
汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(hans Christian Andersen) (Author), 新华先锋 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 北大国学课: 不在北大,也可以聆听大师的智慧
内容简介:《北大国学课》是国学常识的普及读本,内容包括经学、史学、地理、诸子哲学、诗词曲赋、小说戏曲、金石学、图书学、中医、艺术等中国传统文化领域的常识知识,力求从五千年中华文化中撷取精华呈现给读者。全书解读深入浅出,语言简练质朴,让深奥的国学变得亲近和易懂。一本书让普通人读懂传统国学的常识,感悟中华文化的魅力。 作者简介:经典课程编委会成员由北京大学、中国人民大学等国内知名高校的教授和讲师组成。编委会成员都具有深厚的文化素养和严谨负责的工作态度,主持编辑的“读经典”系列广受读者欢迎。 主播简介: 时伦,活动策划、主持人,全声线有声书主播,擅长类型:历史、社科、悬疑推理、言情,声音辨识度高,有磁性,代入感强,擅长讲述、角色类型的模仿和转换。喜马拉雅粉丝数量:2.3万,播放总量572万。代表作品专辑:《大唐狄仁杰之洛阳神罚》、《邪儿门》等。
经典课程编委会 (Author), 新华先锋 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 别和孩子对着干: 30堂简单实用亲子沟通课
理解,才是最好的教育方式。 为什么即使是婴儿,父母也要多和他讲话? 爸爸怎么带好孩子? 如何理解挫折教育? 怎样的陪伴才是高质量陪伴? 如何做善于倾听的家长? 在家庭教育中,你属于哪一类父母?
The Smart Elementary School Teacher - Essential Classroom Management, Behavior, Discipline and Teach
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Congratulations, you’re an elementary school teacher! But the question is, what’s next? You might be beginning your career as an Elementary School Teacher, and you’re both excited and a little nervous to get up to get started. But this is a BIG step forward so you’re secretly a little worried… Or you might be an experienced elementary school teacher. You’re feeling a little overwhelmed, burnt out and wondering if teaching is still the right vocation for you. The good news is that you’re in the right place. This book will share with you the proven tips & strategies to help you confidently manage your classroom, delight your students, de-stress, set clear boundaries for great discipline and behavior, feel in control and love your job again. In the Smart Elementary School Teacher you'll discover: - 16 in-depth and practical strategies to easily manage your elementary school class, love your job and reduce your stress levels. - How to easily implement rules and expectations to create a stress-free classroom - 3 creative ways to inspire and motivate your students, even if you’ve tried all the usual ideas! - How to create the perfect classroom seating plan to stop trouble before it starts, and set your teaching day up for success. - The power of personalized learning opportunities and management to boost motivation and fun in the classroom - 4 ways you can add movement in the classroom for greater student focus, education and memory skills - Practical parent connection strategies to build powerful relationships - Common elementary school teaching mistakes to avoid at all costs - The #1 way to stop trouble before it starts - And many more proven successful class management tips and hacks With this book you’ll be able to look forward to many happy years as a successful, organized and stress-free elementary school teacher.
Matilda Walsh (Author), Digital Voice Madelyn G (Narrator)
Personality Disorders, The Complete Guide: Understanding the darker sides of the human being
Do You Long To Deeply Understand The Labyrinth That Makes Up Your Mind And Personality? Do You Wish To Decode And Understand The Actions And Behaviors, Not Only Of Yourself But Also Of Those Around You? Do You Feel The Urgency To Equip Yourself With Tools And Strategies To Face, Overcome And Transform The Emotional And Psychological Challenges That Sometimes Feel Trapping You? If You Answered Yes, Then This Essential Guide Is Perfect For You, But Before You Immediately Begin This Magical And Fascinating Adventure, Let Me Explain Why This Book Will Transform Your Life Almost Automatically And In A Way That Meets All Your Needs, Almost Without You Even Realizing It. Holistic Vision: This Comprehensive And Up-To-Date Guide Approaches The Concept Of Personality Disorders From Multiple Perspectives: From Neurobiology To Real Life Stories. In Fact, The More You Delve Into Its Chapters, The More You Will Marvel At The Level Of Depth And Detail It Provides, Giving You A Comprehensive Understanding. 2. Practical Strategies And Tools: It's Funny How When You Begin To Decipher The Complexity Of The Mind, You Can Feel A World Of Possibilities Open Up. This Book Not Only Helps You Understand, But Also Equips You With Therapeutic Strategies, Nutritional Approaches, And The Relevance Of Dynamic Psychotherapy And Pharmacology. 3. A Human Approach: Beyond The Science And Techniques, This Powerful Read Connects You To The Core Of Humanity. As You Immerse Yourself In The Stories Of Hope And Triumph, You Will Build A Deeper Connection With Your Own Self And Those Around You.
Antonio Jaimez (Author), Jackson Anderson (Narrator)
Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide: Innovative Techniques For The Management Of Anxious Symptom
Are you constantly worried, fearful, or do you feel like your heart is always about to jump out of your chest? Perhaps you find yourself avoiding certain situations for fear that they will trigger an anxious response. Or perhaps sleepless nights and constant thoughts have been a constant in your life. While these situations may seem overwhelming, you are not alone and there are solutions within your reach. Many books on anxiety focus on approaching the problem from a clinical standpoint, focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy and medication as the only solutions. However, this does not address the root of the problem and simply treats the symptoms. For example, you could learn to breathe deeply to calm your anxious thoughts, but what happens when deep breathing no longer works? Consider this perspective: anxiety is not just a problem of runaway thoughts or brain chemistry, but is a whole-body reaction to an environment and lifestyles that are out of sync with our fundamental needs. This book offers you a holistic, multidimensional approach to managing anxiety that you won't find elsewhere. Instead of treating anxiety as an enemy to be eliminated, it teaches you how to understand it, embrace it, and transform it. For example, in Chapter 7, 'Exploring Sensory Yoga for Anxiety Relief' (page 72), you'll learn how to use your body to manage anxiety, connecting with your physical self in a way you've never considered before. In Chapter 16, 'Technology and Anxiety: Applications and Tools for Wellness' (page 143), you will discover how you can use technology, not as a source of anxiety, but as a resource for calm and relaxation. Imagine waking up feeling rested and revitalized after a good night's sleep. Imagine facing situations that previously caused you fear with a sense of calm and confidence. Imagine having a set of tools at your disposal that you can use at any time to help you manage your emotions.
Antonio Jaimez (Author), Jackson Anderson (Narrator)
The Columbian Exchange: A Captivating Guide to the Transatlantic Transfer of People, Plants, Animals
How two worlds became one. In this audiobook, you will understand how Christopher Columbus proposed something new: reaching the riches of the East Indies by sailing west from Europe. The rulers of Spain agreed to support his risky venture, and he sailed off in 1492. He unexpectedly ran into two continents nobody in Europe knew about. He didn’t discover the continents; that had been done centuries before. Discover how the Old World of Eurasia and Africa began a monumentally important exchange of people, ideas, crops, animals, and diseases that changed history and humanity forever. This extended stitching together of the two hemispheres is called the Columbian Exchange. You’ll be fascinated by how Europeans did not know if the fifty million indigenous Americans were human and how a pope issued a proclamation in 1534 that the American native peoples actually had souls. You’ll learn how the initial contacts led to one of the greatest catastrophes in all of human history and how smallpox enabled Cortes and the Spanish to conquer the Aztec Empire, which was bigger than Spain. In this captivating audiobook, you will learn about the following: - Japanese samurai who guarded silver shipments in Mexico in the 1600s; - Catarina de San Juan, who began life as a Muslim girl in India and ended as a popular saint in Mexico; - The immense amount of silver from Peru and Mexico, which fueled Spain’s Golden Century and led to repeated bankruptcy; - American chili peppers giving some heat to cuisines from Hungary to Korea; - Crops domesticated by indigenous Americans enabling China to double its population; - Disease from the Americas making millions of Europeans miserable, including Henry VIII, Casanova, Ivan the Terrible, and Beethoven; Be sure to click the “add to cart” button so you can start learning about this world-shaking event in history!
Captivating History (Author), Colin Fluxman (Narrator)
Canadian History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Canada’s Pas
Join us in these captivating tales of significant events and interesting characters from Canada’s past! Do you have a keen interest in Canadian history? Do you want to learn about the historical figures and events that laid the foundations for modern-day Canada? Are you looking for a guide that appreciates the diversity and complexity of Canadian history? From indigenous beginnings and European explorations through Confederation and modern challenges – Canada has seen its share of diverse cultural, social, and political events – and this audiobook will guide you through it all. In this audiobook, you will: - Dive into the background of Canadian Indigenous communities. - Learn about the role French explorer Jacques Cartier played in Canadian history. - Explore the past of the Huron-Wendat people, their society, and their culture. - Uncover the roots of French-Canadian identity, including their unique cultural heritage, language, and religion. - Gain a better understanding of the Canadian Confederation from enchanting stories. - Understand the excitement, challenges, and impacts of the Klondike Fever era. - Learn about Canada’s pivotal role and sacrifice in World War I. - Explore riveting stories from the Avro Arrow Saga. - Understand the public reaction resolution, as well as the immediate and long-term impact the October Crisis had on Canadian society, law, and politics. - Read about how human rights and legislative change in Canada have evolved over recent years. This audiobook brings together captivating narratives from different eras of the country’s history by illuminating key events and influential figures and offering a broad yet intimate understanding of Canada’s evolution. Click on the “add to cart” now to begin your journey throughout Canadian history!
Ahoy Publications (Author), Jay Herbert (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 邓小平讲话实录:演讲卷: 深入了解邓小平的重要读本,还原伟人真实一生
内容简介: 《邓小平讲话实录》记述了邓小平从革命战争年代到社会主义建设中发挥的重要作用,他的历次讲话,尤其是他讲话中改革开放这一主张,对我国的政治、经济、文化都有巨大的推动作用。其中,《演讲卷》记录了从1943年到1988年邓小平的历次重要演讲。内容涉及国家建设、干部选拔、军队国防、财政、教育、党内思想等诸多方面。时至今日,在党的十九大上立未来五年“工作坐标”时,仍然坚定着改革开放的决心。全面深化改革,将“一张蓝图绘到底”,成为新时代改革新部署。 除了精彩而充满智慧的讲话实录,本书在编写过程中还补充了大量的背景资料,让读者可以更清楚地了解当时的国际背景以及政策出台的前因后果,从国家建设、军队国防、民生要务、政治经济、文化教育、干部选拔、党建思想等诸多方面领略领袖人物的睿智与风采。 改革开放40年之际,《人民日报》评论:民族复兴必将在改革开放进程中实现。站在新的历史起点上,回顾从邓小平“不改革死路一条”的大声疾呼,到习近平“改革不停顿、开放不止步”的铮铮誓言,中国在困顿中踏上改革开放之路,又在接续奋斗中让这条伟大的道路不断向前。 作者简介: 本书编委会主要成员有:逄先知、于友先、冯蕙、聂震宁、谢春涛、冯俊科、王媛等人,其中多人长期从事毛泽东生平、邓小平思想的研究和编辑工作,参与编写《毛泽东选集》、《邓小平文选》、邓小平《建设有中国特色社会主义》等图书。
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著 (Author), 先读 (Narrator)
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