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The Spanish Empire: A Captivating Guide to Its Imperialism, Expansion into the New World, Colonial C
What was it that set the Spanish Empire on the path to such illustrious glory? Was it the Spaniards’ fiery passion, unwavering ambition, or simply the sheer fortune of timing? To find out, keep reading… The Spanish Empire stands as one of the most magnificent empires in the history of the world. It unfurled its might across multiple continents, conquered all who stood in its way, and left an indelible impact on cultures around the globe. For over four centuries, its dominance remained unchallenged, casting a vast shadow across Europe and beyond. But how did Spain, a modest nation nestled in the Iberian Peninsula, ascend to such meteoric heights? What fueled their insatiable hunger for expansion? And what catalyzed their eventual descent into decline? You will find these answers in this introductory history audiobook. Here are some of the things you can look forward to doing with this guide: - Trace the roots of the Spanish Empire, its influences, and the circumstances that sowed the seeds for its rise. - Sail through the Age of Exploration, a time when Spain’s thirst for land and resources took its explorers across the seas, forging unprecedented global connections. - Witness the brutal conquests, devastating wars, and complex political struggles that shaped the empire’s expansion into the New World. - Revel in the empire’s Golden Age—a period of unparalleled artistic, literary, and scientific achievements. - Learn about the key figures who defined the empire, from its most successful rulers to the infamous conquerors whose actions still spark controversy today. - Understand the impact of colonialism on both the conquered and the conquerors and how this legacy continues to shape our world today. Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to uncover the story of the Spanish Empire!
Captivating History (Author), Jay Herbert (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Antiguo Egipto: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Egipto
Descubra los misterios del antiguo Egipto con quinientos datos fascinantes. ¿Está preparado para explorar y descubrir los secretos de una de las civilizaciones más fascinantes de la historia? Con 500 Datos Interesantes sobre el Antiguo Egipto, obtendrá una visión completa de esta antigua tierra, su cultura y algunas historias increíbles. Desde la época predinástica hasta la llegada de Alejandro Magno, descubra todo lo que conformaba la vida en el antiguo Egipto. Conozca la religión del pueblo, las pirámides, el sistema de escritura y las estructuras de gobierno. Sumérjase en detalles sobre arte y arquitectura o música y danza. Descubra cómo la agricultura conformaba la vida cotidiana o qué ocurría cuando llegaba la muerte. Este libro proporciona una guía de fácil navegación a través de muchos aspectos esenciales de hace más de cinco mil años. Aquí tiene una muestra de lo que le espera en el interior: - Descubra por qué se unificaron el Alto y el Bajo Egipto - Explore las pirámides y las tumbas - Familiarícese con los jeroglíficos - Aprenda sobre los faraones y su ascenso al poder - Descubra el fascinante arte y la arquitectura del antiguo Egipto - Desvele los antiguos misterios de la religión y los festivales - Analice las estructuras sociales, la vestimenta y la apariencia - ¡Y mucho más! ¿Está preparado para abrir una cápsula del tiempo en una de las culturas más antiguas que se conocen? 500 datos interesantes sobre el Antiguo Egipto es su guía perfecta para un apasionante recorrido por la historia. Prepárese para un viaje en el tiempo. Pulse ahora el botón 'añadir al carrito'.
Ahoy Publications (Author), Luis Trumper (Narrator)
Black Women, Ivory Tower: Revealing the Lies of White Supremacy in American Education
Black women are heading to college in record numbers, and more and more Black women are teaching in higher education. But these statistics don’t guarantee our safety there. Willpower and grit may improve achievement for Black people in school, but they don’t secure our belonging. In fact, the very structure of higher education ensures that we’re treated as guests, outsiders to the institutional family—outnumbered and unwelcome. In this compelling exploration of what it means to be a Black woman pursuing higher education, Dr. Jasmine L. Harris moves beyond the “data points” to examine the day-to-day impacts of racism in education on Black women as individuals, the longer-term consequences to our personal and professional lives, and the generational costs to our entire families. “I want to arm as many Black girls and women as I can with the knowledge about these spaces that I lacked,” says Dr. Harris. “By laying bare my own traumas, and those of Black women before me, I am providing them the tools to protect themselves, with an understanding of how deliberately many institutions will try to undercut them.” Trial and error have been required of Black students to navigate systems of discrimination and disadvantage. But this book now offers useful support, illuminating the community of Black women dealing with similar issues. The author’s story is not unusual, nor are her interactions anomalies. Black Women, Ivory Tower explores why.
Jasmine L. Harris (Author), Karen Chilton (Narrator)
[German] - Der schwebende Theo: Episode 02
In dieser Folge sucht Theo den Frühling und trifft dabei auf einen fliegenden Besucher aus der Ferne. Seine Heimat Bad Reichenhall, lernt der kleine Biberjunge aus einer ganz neuen Perspektive kennen.
Florian Falkenberg (Author), Florian Falkenberg (Narrator)
We don't have a teaching problem in our schools; we have a learning problem. Today, we understand quality teaching better than ever. We have skilful teachers doing a great job in our classrooms. But when we have quality teaching and are still not achieving the results we're looking for, it's a sign that we don't have a teaching problem. What we have is a learning problem. Ultimately, learning is not the product of teaching, it is the product of the activity of learners. Too many of our students are passive learners who avoide challenges, failt ot act on feedback, or who waste effort instead of investing in it. To prepare students to not only succeed in school but also to have the agency they need to succeed in life, we must lead them to become skilful learners. In his fifth book, James Anderson unveils the concept of Learnership, which transforms learning from an act to an art. Within this book, you will learn how to: - evaluate the current level of learnership in your school using the Learnership Diagnostic tool - foster a culture of growth that sets students up for success in both school and life - apply the Mindset Continuum to nurture a growth mindset in your students - harness deep insights into the pivotal role of challenges, Habits of Mind, mistakes, feedback and effort in cultivating Learnership drive a Learnership program in your school. If you are ready to show your learners how to get more out of every learning situation, and get better at getting better, it's time to embrace Learnership.
James Anderson (Author), James Anderson (Narrator)
Branca de Neve / Snow White (Unabridged)
An evil queen can't stand that she's only the second most beautiful person in her kingdom. Her magic mirror tells her that her step-daughter, Snow White, is even more beautiful, so the queen orders a huntsman to take Snow White away and kill her. Unable to go through with it, he lets her escape, but what will she do now? Thankfully, she makes friends with seven dwarfs who might be able to help.
Abel Studios (Author), Tbd (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Educación sexual en el aula
El contenido de este libro está dividido en dos grandes partes: materiales para el nivel primario y para el nivel secundario. A su vez, cada nivel está subdividido según las áreas específicas y contiene numerosas fichas: la primera parte de estas fichas consiste en una introducción y un breve desarrollo de cada tema, dirigido a los maestros y profesores y, a continuación, se brinda una serie de propuestas pedagógicas para trabajar con los alumnos, cerrando así el ciclo propio de una clase. Este libro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas: NIVEL PRIMARIO Área de Ciencias Sociales Área de Lengua Área de Ciencias Naturales Área de Formación Ética y Ciudadana NIVEL SECUNDARIO Área de Ciencias Sociales Área de Lengua y Literatura Área de Ciencias Naturales y Educación para la Salud Área de Psicología Área de Formación Ética y Ciudadana Área de Filosofía Descargue ya este libro y conozca la guía para incluir la educación sexual en los niveles primario y secundario. TAGS:- escuela- educacion- aprendizaje- educación sexual- escuela primaria- escuela secundaria- educación sexual integral
María Inés Franck (Author), Deriel Campos (Narrator)
Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unraveling the Art of Understanding, Navigating, and Influencing E
Since the latter part of the twentieth century, breakthroughs in science, like advancements in brain imaging, have sparked a growing fascination with the intersection of emotions and neurobiology. Researchers have come to acknowledge the close connection between the brain and the immune system, the detrimental impact of chronic stress on the human body, and the significant correlation between emotions and health issues such as heart disease. Before this scientific awakening, there was an undue emphasis on academic intelligence by researchers. This bias ignored the reality that intelligence is not a reliable predictor of success and happiness. Instead, emotional intelligence emerges as a more accurate indicator of life trajectory. It encompasses psychological resilience, the ability to persevere in the face of challenges, impulse control, and social skills like empathy. Contrary to earlier beliefs that emotional intelligence was an inherent trait, recent research has revealed it to be a capacity rather than an absolute characteristic. Nevertheless, the formative stage for emotional intelligence is primarily in early childhood. A baby receiving nurturing care is more likely to develop a positive outlook, while a neglected baby may struggle with challenges later in life. Although tendencies toward optimism or pessimism take root early, they can still evolve later on, influenced by one's social network, as emotions tend to be contagious. It's crucial to recognize that complete control over emotions is not feasible. Emotions are a result of the brain processing external feedback and are not consciously regulated. However, individuals can control how they respond to their emotions. The initial step in effective emotional management is being aware of one's emotions, forming the foundation for emotional intelligence.
Vines Graener (Author), Vines Graener (Narrator)
The PhD Debate: Is This Path Right for You?
Embark on a journey through the labyrinth of higher education with 'The PhD Debate: Is This Path Right for You?' This guide serves as a compass, unraveling the rich history of a PhD and exploring personal and professional goals. Delve into financial considerations, uncover funding secrets, and experience the highs and lows of a PhD student's life. Discover the art of selecting a mentor and navigate the post-PhD career landscape. This book isn't just a guide; it's a mirror to your potential and the key to unlocking endless possibilities. Are you ready to step through the door to your future?
Darius Robinson (Author), Dorothy Fenwick (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La inclusión desde el acompañamiento terapéutico: en lo escolar... en lo social... en lo
El acompañamiento terapéutico es un recurso que nace en el ámbito de la salud mental hace ya más de 60 años en Argentina. Actualmente, se inmiscuye cada vez más en espacios cotidianos para favorecer también la inclusión de personas con discapacidad. Hoy el acompañamiento terapéutico es una herramienta que, por sus características de flexibilidad y dinamismo, permite a los profesionales de la salud y educación, así como a las familias, contar con un apoyo externo que potencia las posibilidades de inclusión de personas con discapacidad en la escuela y en la sociedad. La propuesta que ofrecemos en este audiolibro es la de operar —en el sentido de intervenir desde el acompañamiento terapéutico— en la tensión que se genera entre procurar la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en ámbitos comunes y las dificultades que surgen en ese intento. Este audiolibro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas entre otros: • ¿Quién es el acompañante terapéutico y cómo llega a un aula? • ¿Hay diferencias entre integración e inclusión? • ¿Cómo trabaja el docente con un niño integrado y su acompañante terapéutico? • ¿Quiénes pueden contribuir a un proceso de inclusión? • ¿Cómo puede colaborar la familia? • ¿Vida adulta o niños eternos? ¡Descargue ya este audiolibro! Y comience a aprender mas sobre este capítulo de la compañía terapéutica de las personas con discapacidad.
Samanta Audisio (Author), Paty Colathem (Narrator)
Publicado em 1532 pelo controverso e complexo filósofo Maquiavel, O Príncipe traz uma abordagem direta e desapaixonada acerca da natureza e do poder político. Neste tratado, o autor defende conceitos pragmáticos, entre os quais a ideia de um governante ser capaz de agir sem restrições morais para manter o controle de seu estado. Com base em exemplos históricos e em sua própria experiência como diplomata, Maquiavel também oferece conselhos práticos sobre como conquistar e manter o poder, reforçando, ainda, a importância de manter a lealdade do povo e dos aliados. Trata-se de um livro que oferece uma visão única e fascinante do mundo político de sua época, repleta de intrigas, conflitos e traições. Esta edição especial traz capa dura com acabamento almofadado, conferindo um toque de elegância e durabilidade à obra. Além disso, inclui um marcador de páginas de fitilho, proporcionando aos leitores uma experiência ainda mais prazerosa. Uma obra indispensável na biblioteca de qualquer leitor.
Nicolau Maquíavel (Author), Ronney Thiago (Narrator)
[German] - Positive Psychologie - Positives Denken kannst du lernen: Mit einem positiven Mindset Äng
Vielleicht hast du auch schon mal Gedanken wie diese gehabt: - Das ist einfach zu schwer für mich. - Ich bin nicht klug oder talentiert genug, um das zu schaffen. - Optisch komme ich nicht an die anderen ran; ich bin nicht attraktiv genug. - Erfolg ist für andere gemacht, nicht für mich. - Ich hab bisher nichts Nennenswertes in meinem Leben vollbracht. 'Positive Psychologie - Positives Denken kannst du lernen' öffnet dir die Augen für die wahre Kraft der positiven Psychologie und wie sie dein Leben von Grund auf verändern kann. Starte deine Reise in ein glücklicheres, erfüllteres Dasein, indem du die Lügen entlarvst, die du dir selbst erzählst. Ja, es wird Zeit, deinem inneren Kritiker den Laufpass zu geben! Dieses Hörbuch solltest du kaufen, wenn du: - Ein Leben voller Glück und Zufriedenheit anstrebst. - Negative Gedanken endgültig in positive Energie transformieren willst. - Mit einer praxisorientierten Anleitung deinen Lebensweg optimieren möchtest. - Dein Selbstwertgefühl auf ein neues Level heben willst. - Bereit bist, deinen Ängsten die rote Karte zu zeigen. - Dir ein Leben mit mehr Gelassenheit und weniger Stress wünschst. 'Positive Psychologie' ist wie ein Mosaik deines Lebens, in dem jedes Kapitel dir neue, wissenschaftlich fundierte Einblicke in deine mentale Gesundheit bietet. Es stützt sich auf anerkannte Forschungen und Studien, so dass du weißt, dass das Gelesene mehr als nur heiße Luft ist. Aber keine Angst, wir bleiben nicht nur in der Theorie stecken. Das Hörbuch ist gespickt mit praktischen Tipps und Übungen, um das Gelernte auch im Alltag umzusetzen. Ob du also nach handfesten Strategien suchst oder einfach nur deine grauen Zellen mit spannenden Informationen füttern willst, dieses Hörbuch hat beides. Ein guter Mix aus fundiertem Wissen und unterhaltsamen Anekdoten wartet auf dich.
Ronny Marx (Author), Marco Thiemann (Narrator)
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