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Girl Hunter: Revolutionizing the Way We Eat, One Hunt at a Time
The Omnivore's Dilemma meets The Pioneer Woman Cooks: a provocative book that pushes the boundaries of the foodie revolution and considers why, how, and what we eat.
Georgia Pellegrini (Author), Amy Rubinate (Narrator)
Essen kann jeder, doch genießen - das will gelernt sein. Für alle Feinschmecker ist dieses Hörbuch Amuse Gueule, Hauptgang und Dessert in einem. Delikat und leicht verdaulich entführt es in die Welt der kulinarischen Genüsse. Egal, ob einfach oder exklusiv - lernen Sie, worauf es in der Gourmetküche wirklich ankommt.
Gordon Lueckel (Author), Andreas Wilde (Narrator)
Nem Leigo, Nem Expert: Manual Básico do Mundo do Vinho
Neste audiolivro, como num bate-papo informal, Didú Russo passa para o ouvinte as principais informações sobre o mundo do vinho para que ele possa apreciar cada vez mais essa bebida milenar sem precisar se transformar em um "desagradável expert". O elitismo não faz parte dessa obra e nem da visão do simpático Didú, que mostra ao ouvinte como avaliar um vinho, seus aromas, seus sabores, os processos, as melhores combinações e a etiqueta para consumi-lo com toda reverência - não confundir com afetação - que essa bebida cheia de vida e de tradição milenar merece. Didú Russo é apaixonado por vinhos. Fundou a Confraria dos Sommeliers, que reúne grandes Sommeliers de São Paulo para avaliar o que há de melhor no mercado de vinhos. É editor do site e dos blogs e, além de colaborar com as publicações: Prazeres da Mesa, Jornal Vinho & Cia, Gourmet Life, Revista 29hs., entre outras publicações eletrônicas. Didú também apresenta o programa de TV CELEBRE!, pela BlueTV (TVA). Algumas máximas de Didú incluem: Lembre-se: o melhor vinho é aquele que você mais gosta! O vinho não feito para ditar regras de etiqueta social, ele feito para o nosso prazer! É muito simples combinar vinhos e comidas!
Didú Russo (Author), Didú Russo (Narrator)
For millennia, fresh olive oil has been a necessity - for food, medicine, beauty, and religion. Today's researchers continue to confirm the remarkable, life-giving properties of true extra-virgin, and 'extra-virgin Italian' has become the highest standard of quality. But what if this symbol of purity has become deeply corrupt? Starting with an explosive article in The New Yorker, Tom Mueller has become the world's expert on olive oil and olive oil fraud - a story of globalization, deception, and crime from ancient times to the present, and a powerful indictment of today's lax protections against fake and even toxic food products in the United States. Extra Virginity is an inspiring account of the people who are defending the extraordinary oils that truly deserve the name 'extra-virgin.'
Tom Mueller (Author), Peter Ganim (Narrator)
Kleiner Leitfaden für Weinschmecker - Der Guide für den Gusto - Die Weinkarte richtig lesen - Die Sprache der Kenner Jeder kennt das Gefühl: Man möchte etwas mehr über ein Thema wissen, ist sich aber nicht sicher, wo man am besten startet. Denn: Das Gebiet scheint endlos! Beim Thema 'Wein' gilt das ganz sicher. Fachleute schätzen die Anzahl sämtlicher Weine der Welt auf weit mehr als hunderttausend! So wie ein guter Eiswein eine Essenz bester Trauben ist, die zur richtigen Zeit geerntet werden, so ist Weinkenner in 60 Minuten ein Extrakt des allerwichtigsten Wein-Wissens. In lockerem Ton verführt der Weinkenner und -sammler Gordon Lueckel den Hörer zum Öffnen der einen oder anderen Flasche, um immer neue Welten zu erleben. Er gibt exakte Hilfen für den Weinkauf- und Antworten auf zahlreiche Fragen: Welcher Wein paßt zu welcher Mahlzeit? Was macht einen guten Wein überhaupt aus? Welche Weine muß man wirklich kennen? Wie läßt sich ein Wein optimal genießen? Welche Weine gehören in jeden Keller?
Gordon Lueckel (Author), Andreas Wilde (Narrator)
Ich bin dann mal schlank - Die Show: LIVE (MP3-Download)
Gesundheits-Coaching mit Comedy: Lachen Sie sich schlank Achtung! Dieses Hörbuch gefährdet Ihr Übergewicht Schon mal was von Naschdemenz und Frustfuttern gehört? Oder von Hüftgold und Schenkelsilber, von Rettungsringen, die wachsen, weil trotz bester Vorsätze doch wieder zu viel im Schnitzelfriedhof gelandet ist? Wenn der Entertainer und Bestseller-Autor Patric Heizmann auf der Bühne mit Witz und Charme über gesunde Ernährung spricht, wird viel gelacht und dabei höchst amüsant gelernt, wie man ein paar Pfunde verlieren und das Leben trotzdem genießen kann. Tracklist 1. Schneewittchenkomplex 7:37 2. Teure Regierung 3:41 3. Naschdemenz 1:40 4. Steinzeit-Hartz IV 3:43 5. Von Papier und Briketts 5:33 6. Gemüse mal lecker 3:29 7. Vorsicht - Killer-Öle 2:57 8. Alles Tofu oder was? 7:16 9. Flachpopo und Winkearm 3:31 10. Sport ist Mord 4:11 11. Fett weg nach 30 Minuten? 3:57 12. Sport macht dick! 4:14 13. Fettverbrennung rund um die Uhr 5:27 14. Jeder hat 'nen Waschbrettbauch 6:17 15. Faustformel und Kerosin 4:58 16. Rund um die Heizmann-Uhr 4:48 17. Die Hutze - Freund und Helfer 4:21 18. Der perfekte Tag 5:52
Patric Heizmann (Author), Patric Heizmann (Narrator)
Nonsense Cookery: Recipes for Amblongus Pie, Crumbobblious Cutlets and Gosky Patties
Three disconcerting culinary masterpieces from the fevered brain of the inimitable Mr. Lear.
Edward Lear (Author), Cathy Dobson (Narrator)
Judgment of Paris: California vs. France and the Historic 1976 Paris Tasting That Revolutionized Win
Told for the first time by the only reporter present, this is the true story of the legendary Paris Tasting of 1976---a blind tasting where French judges shocked the industry by choosing unknown California wines over France's best---and its revolutionary impact on the world of wine.
George M. Taber (Author), Sean Runnette (Narrator)
Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World
From bestselling author Kathy Freston comes a fresh, upbeat look at how changing the way you eat can improve your health and the world around you.
Kathy Freston (Author), Karen White (Narrator)
Debut author Alicia Bessette gently blends the lives of two characters to create a sure-to-please recipe of tender insights. When Rose-Ellen's husband dies, she is devastated. Her husband loved cooking, so now she refuses to do so'until she hears about a baking contest sponsored by celebrity chef Polly Pinch. In another part of the duplex where Rose-Ellen lives, nine-year-old Ingrid Knox is convinced that Polly Pinch is the mother she's never met. When chance brings Ingrid and Rose-Ellen together, they form a friendship that changes their lives.
Alicia Bessette (Author), Andrew Garman, Jodi Dick, Rich Orlow (Narrator)
Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People
Read by the author! America's most delightfully unconventional hostess and the bestselling author of I Like You delivers a new book that will forever change the world of crafting. According to Amy Sedaris, it's often been said that ugly people craft and attractive people have sex. In her new book, SIMPLE TIMES, she sets the record straight. Demonstrating that crafting is one of life's more pleasurable and constructive leisure activities, Sedaris shows that anyone with a couple of hours to kill and access to pipe cleaners can join the elite society of crafters. You will discover how to make popular crafts, such as: crab-claw roach clips, tinfoil balls, and crepe-paper moccasins, and learn how to: get inspired (Spend time at a Renaissance Fair; Buy fruit, let it get old, and see what shapes it turns into); remember which kind of glue to use with which material (Tacky with Furry, Gummy with Gritty, Paste with Prickly, and always Gloppy with Sandy); create your own craft room and avoid the most common crafting accidents (sawdust fires, feather asphyxia, pine cone lodged in throat); and cook your own edible crafts, from a Crafty Candle Salad to Sugar Skulls, and many more recipes. PLUS whole chapters full of more crafting ideas (Pompom Ringworms! Seashell Toilet Seat Covers!) that will inspire you to create your own hastily constructed obscure d'arts; and much, much more!
Amy Sedaris (Author), Amy Sedaris (Narrator)
Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Modern beer has little in common with the drink that carried that name through the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Looking at a time when beer was often a nutritional necessity, was sometimes used as medicine, could be flavored with everything from the bark of fir trees to thyme and fresh eggs, and was consumed by men, women, and children alike, Beer in the Middle Ages and Renaissance presents an extraordinarily detailed history of the business, art, and governance of brewing. During the medieval and early modern periods beer was as much a daily necessity as a source of inebriation and amusement. It was the beverage of choice of urban populations that lacked access to secure sources of potable water; a commodity of economic as well as social importance; a safe drink for daily consumption that was less expensive than wine; and a major source of tax revenue for the state. In Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Richard W. Unger has written an encompassing study of beer as both a product and an economic force in Europe. Weaving together the stories of prosperous businessmen, skilled brewmasters, and small producers, this impressively researched overview of the social and cultural practices that surrounded the beer industry is rich in implication for the history of the period as both a product and an economic force in Europe.
Richard W. Unger (Author), John Pruden (Narrator)
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