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The Pepperpot Diaries: Stories From My Caribbean Table
The ingredients we use in Caribbean cookery tell a story - and it's a huge swirling tale... The Pepperpot Diaries is Andi Oliver's long-awaited first cookbook. Showcasing both traditional and new recipes, cherished ingredients and vibrant flavours from across the Caribbean, let Andi Oliver take you on an exploration of identity and heritage as she shows you how to create simple yet sensational dishes that will bring the unbeatable flavours of Caribbean cooking to your table. The story of food captured in this book will take readers on a journey around the melting pot of cultural influences, history and heritage that has uniquely shaped traditional and contemporary Caribbean cuisine. Through her travels in Antigua, Andi shares her deeply personal journey on reconnecting with the food she grew up eating - the flavours and ingredients that run through her heart and soul - and what the future might hold for Caribbean cookery. This book explores who we were, who we are, and where we're going - all through the food we eat and the people we meet along the way. Please see the digital library to access the accompanying recipe PDF. © 2023 Andi Oliver © 2023 DK Audio
Andi Oliver (Author), Andi Oliver (Narrator)
Teatime Discipleship: Sharing Faith One Cup at a Time
As a mother, friend, and traveler, Sally Clarkson has witnessed on countless occasions how a shared cup of tea can impact a heart. These simple moments of hospitality become poignant opportunities for women to support each other in faith while drawing nearer to God. With Teatime Discipleship, Sally invites you into her beautiful home, pours you a steaming cup of tea, and shares the prayers, Scripture, stories, recipes, and traditions that are dear to her heart. You’ll experience the incredible gift of teatime as you take in eternal truths about God’s love and design while learning how you can use your own unique gifts to share with others the beauty of a life redeemed by Christ. When the atmosphere has been set and the table has been laid, we come together to encourage and strengthen one another, welcoming each other to experience the richness of God. Teatime Discipleship will help you rediscover the joy of gathering others around you and sitting at the feet of Christ to listen together to His life-changing story!
Sally Clarkson (Author), Sally Clarkson (Narrator)
ForkFight!: Whisks, Risks, and Conflicts Behind the Restaurant Curtain
The most compelling, insightful, and white-knuckled journey behind the restaurant curtain since Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential. Mark H. Brezinski is a forty-five-year veteran of the dynamic restaurant industry. A graduate of the famed School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, Mark went on to create or co-create multiple nationally acclaimed restaurant companies. His experiences span the globe in search of culinary discoveries and inspirations with industry icons like the late Norman Brinker, Paul Fleming, Phil Romano, and chefs Michael Mina and Mark Miller. Mark’s restaurants have featured an international buffet of foods that include Indian, Italian, French, and Vietnamese. His travels have taken him from Tokyo to Tuscany, from San Francisco to Shanghai, from Mumbai to Maui. This book takes you to all of these places and more, while telling behind-the-scenes stories—sometimes funny, often heartbreaking, and never without lessons learned. The journey is a remarkable tag-along to the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur and the self-discovery that comes with each stop. Mark resides in Dallas and, never one to leave a stone unturned, is currently founder of his latest concept, Bizzy, which features his vision of better fast food.
Mark H. Brezinski, Mark Stuertz (Author), Mark H. Brezinski (Narrator)
Chinese Takeout Recipes: Recipes Inspired by Chinese Takeout That You Can Make at Home (2022 Guide f
Cook your favourite Chinese takeout dishes at home! Chinese cuisine is one of the most popular in the world. Chinese takeaway restaurants may be located all over the world. Every major city has a Chinatown, and more and more stores are stocking Asian ingredients, making it simpler to prepare authentic Chinese recipes. We're just a phone call away if you want Chicken General Tso or Kung Pao Shrimp. But wouldn't it be wonderful to make your favourites your own? Chinese cuisine uses fresh ingredients, subtle aromas and spices, and cooking methods unique to this cuisine. It's simpler than you think to learn to cook your favourite Chinese takeout meal. It can't get more straightforward with the right materials, fantastic recipes, and step-by-step directions. That is exactly what you will discover in the Chinese Takeout Cookbook. There's no need to order anything anymore; grab your supplies and culinary instruments and get to work! Insider tip: - Cooking tips for preparing delicious Chinese takeout dishes - Ingredients used in Chinese food cooking - Cooking methods used to prepare Chinese meals - Cooking tools required to prepare Chinese food - Delicious appetizers such as Garlic Spareribs or Classic Egg rolls - Traditional Chinese soups such as Wonton soup or Hot and Sour Soup - Satisfying noodles and rice dishes such as Pork Chow Mein or Yang Chow Fried Rice - Delicious pork dishes such as Shanghai Pork Chops or Moo Shu Pork - Delicious beef recipes such as Beef with Broccoli or Chinese Pepper Steak - Desserts such as Fortune biscuits or Mango Pudding And Much More!.... What are you waiting for?... Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right of this page to get this fantastic cookbook!
Jia Nianzu (Author), Eloise Wilson (Narrator)
NATIVE AMERICAN HERBAL DISPENSATORY: The Guide to Producing Medication for Common Disorders and Radi
Are you ready to obtain maximum vitality using old natural remedies? Today, we are urged to utilize costly chemicals to cure practically everything, and we end up enduring all of the unavoidable side effects. But it wasn't always like this... Before European settlement in North America, indigenous peoples practiced herbalism and learned the secrets of natural medicine. They adopted a comprehensive approach to staying healthy and achieving explosive energy and vitality levels that are seldom seen now. They were able to harness the power of plants that developed alongside our physiology over millions of years by using plants present in the surrounding environment. What you'll discover inside: - Native American herbalism's spiritual background - Spirituality was essential to Native American healing. You will learn to understand spirituality in your practice via engaging storytelling. - 22 Prevalent Diseases - Discover how to treat 22 of today's most common ailments with positive healing that encourages the whole feeling of wellness. - Essential advice - Discover each medicine's specific uses, doses, and advantages to maintain the ideal healthy balance and get the most benefits from each mixture. - Updated with crucial information on how these cures may mix with any western medication to keep you and your loved ones well and safe. And Much More!... Still waiting?... Get your copy now and fill your medicine cabinet with all-natural, low-cost herbal remedies.
Ted Waters (Author), Peter Finch (Narrator)
Culinary Excellences Of Umbria
Take a culinary journey through the heart of Italy with this book on Umbrian typical recipes. This region is home to some of the most authentic and delicious dishes in the country, and this book showcases the best of the best.Take a culinary journey through the heart of Italy with this book on Umbrian typical recipes. This region is home to some of the most authentic and delicious dishes in the country, and this book showcases the best of the best. Discover the rich history and culture of Umbria through its traditional dishes, such as pasta alla norcina, made with black truffle and sausage from Norcia, and strangozzi, a type of spaghetti made from flour and water. Indulge in the succulent roasted pork, porchetta, stuffed with garlic, rosemary, and fennel. Savor the flavors of hearty soups like spelled soup and torta al testo, a flatbread filled with prosciutto, cheese, or vegetables. Of course, no Umbrian meal is complete without a glass of wine. The book features some of the region's best wines, including Sagrantino di Montefalco, Torgiano Rosso Riserva, and Grechetto di Todi. Through detailed recipes, this book transports you to the rolling hills and charming villages of Umbria. You'll feel like a local as you explore the region's culinary treasures and learn about its culture and history. So, whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to experience the authentic flavors of Umbria. Get ready to indulge in the rich and hearty cuisine of this enchanting region and elevate your culinary skills with Umbrian typical recipes. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
J. Bastiani (Author), Danilo Clementoni (Narrator)
[German] - So isst dein Baby Beikost: Eine Starthilfe für Eltern – mit und ohne Babybrei (Das Grundl
Das Grundlagenbuch für den Beikoststart Beschäftigst du dich gerade mit dem Thema Beikosteinführung? Fragst du dich: Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt? Was kann ich meinem Baby anbieten? Wie stelle ich sicher, dass es meinem Baby gut geht? Dieses Buch unterstützt dich in diesen Fragen, liefert einen umfassenden Einstieg in die Thematik und zeigt, wie eine sichere Beikosteinführung gelingen kann. Wichtige Informationen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen In diesem modernen Ratgeber findest du alle wichtigen Informationen zum Thema Beikost. Praxisnahe Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, kombiniert mit fundiertem Ernährungswissen und den neusten Erkenntnissen aus der Wissenschaft sorgen für einen optimalen Beikoststart. Alles, was du über die Beikosteinführung wissen musst, steht in diesem Buch. Beikostrezepte für die ersten vier Wochen Neben detaillierten Informationen zum Beikoststart erwarten dich zahlreiche Umsetzungstipps und babyfreundliche Rezepte. Ein 4-Wochen-Beikostplan führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch die ersten vier Wochen der Beikosteinführung – und zwar mit und ohne Babybrei. Auf diese Weise kannst du auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse deines Babys eingehen. Beikosteinführung leicht gemacht – modern, einfach und sicher! Mit diesem Praxisleitfaden wird der Beikoststart zum Kinderspiel. Die ausgebildete Fachkraft für babyfreundliche Beikosteinführung, Franka Lederbogen, gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Grundregeln, beantwortet die häufigsten Fragen und verrät ihre besten Rezepte für den Beikoststart. So wird dein Baby garantiert zu einem glücklichen Esser!
Franka Lederbogen (Author), Hannah Dautzenberg (Narrator)
The Chefs' Knowledge: The Modern Culinary Repertoire
In a first for the chefs' profession The Chefs’ Knowledge has gone audio. We broke new ground with our first-ever book for junior chefs and now we’ve gone one step further by releasing a new audio version that takes the project in a completely new direction. The Chefs’ Knowledge contains interviews, advice, and expert knowledge as well as working professional recipes for the 100 dishes every chef should know. The new audio version is a collection of 100 scenes that brings the book to life all acted out by 3rd years students from the Arden School of Theatre at UCEN Manchester. Catherine Farinha, publisher of The Chefs’ Knowledge explained: “We wanted to do an audio version of The Chefs’ Knowledge for a number of reasons. Chiefly because dyslexia is widespread in kitchens and a lot of chefs, especially juniors, can be at a real disadvantage because of it. However, we didn’t want to just record recipes being read out. So, we came up with something new. Our editor, Chandos Elletson, used to work in Film and Television and he wrote a few test scenes that made the recipes into little dramas. We got these acted out by real actors and they came alive. And that became the format for the new audio version.” Elletson told The Chefs’ Forum: “What we’ve done is very unusual. We took the 100 Dishes that Every Chef Should Know idea and turned it on its head. What you have in the audio version are 100 imaginary scenes where junior chefs learn about dishes on the menu of a fictitious hotel. One of the examples I wrote was a scene where two honeymooners wanted to know the recipe for the granola they enjoyed at breakfast. So the head chef goes to their table and explains it. It brings the recipe alive in a way that is relatable and that’s the secret of what we’ve done. We’re hoping this really resonates with listeners who can learn by enjoying some dramatic scenes rather than listening to dry recipes.”
Chandos Elletson, The Chef's Forum (Author), Arden School Of Theatre, Rachel Austin (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Granadas selvagens e Delicadezas de Vatel
O figo-da-índia, que brota do cacto Opuntia, foi domesticado no México e foi parar até na Grécia. Chef François Vatel apresentou o 'creme da casa' ao rei sol Luís XIV. Nascia o chantilly.
José Guilherme R. Ferreira (Author), Dage Kleinertz (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Gosto barroco em Noto e Santa Ceia de Piave
A refrescante granita de amêndoas de Noto, na Sicília, é tão barroca e tradicional quanto a cidade. Em Piave, província de Treviso, lagostins estão no centro de uma secular Última Ceia renascentista.
José Guilherme R. Ferreira (Author), Dage Kleinertz (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - A caixa de tâmaras e O vendedor de castanhas
Preciosidades do Norte da África e Crescente Fértil, as tâmaras levam ao mundo mensagens de doçura. Na Europa, tradicionais castanhas assadas trazem eficiente conforto ao estômago.
José Guilherme R. Ferreira (Author), Dage Kleinertz (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Kräftskiva de agosto e Rainha de Cayman
Despedida do verão na Suécia é celebrado com lagostins e akvavit. Nas ilhas Cayman, a Strombus gigas é a concha-rainha que já foi provisão de marinheiros capitaneados por Cristovão Colombo.
José Guilherme R. Ferreira (Author), Dage Kleinertz (Narrator)
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