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[Portuguese] - Gastronomia brasileira: na linha do tempo
Roberto Pinto traça, neste livro, um panorama da gastronomia brasileira nos últimos 40 anos. A pretexto de uma narrativa biográfica sobre mim e também dos chefs Mara Salles e Alex Atala, vai percorrendo as mudanças pelas quais passaram a cozinha brasileira desde a vinda dos franceses Claude Troisgros e Laurent Suaudeau para o Brasil, nos anos 1980. Ele conta de como o ofício de cozinheiro transformou-se ao longo dessas décadas e como os vários produtos regionais passaram a ser valorizados e a fazer parte da mesa dos badalados restaurantes de cozinha brasileira. Culto e determinado, o jornalista investiga a história entrevistando chefs e produtores artesanais. Também aponta as dificuldades de normatização dos bons produtos artesanais, o que os impede de estar legalmente presentes em muitas mesas de restaurantes e lares brasileiros. É uma leitura instigante e inspiradora, que nos remete a uma boa reflexão a respeito da nossa gastronomia.
Roberto Pinto (Author), Marcos Damigo (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - O almofariz de Deméter
José Guilherme R. Ferreira (Author), Dage Kleinertz (Narrator)
AMISH CANNING AND PRESERVING COOKBOOK: Tips and tricks to learn Grandma’s secrets to water bath and
If you were to ask people to tell you what it meant to be Amish, they would say, “It means living a simple, traditional life where the community is very tight knit, stay away from outsiders, and don’t use any technology invented after the dawn of the 20th century.” For the most part, this would be accurate. However, if that tenth person you asked happened to be Nana Ruth, my crooked backed, gnarled-faced, sharp-as-a-thumbtack grandmother, she would have a whole lot more to say about the matter. This is because, until the age of seventeen, Nana Ruth grew up in an Amish community known as the “Pennsylvania Dutch” out in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. When an Amish youth hit their late teens to early twenties, they’re allowed to go on a sort of “spring break” from being Amish, a ritual known as “Rumspringa.” Popular culture will often depict Rumspringa as a period of total anarchy for the participants, where they will wear scandalous clothing like t-shirts and jeans, dance to pop music they hear on the radio, and even watch daytime talk shows on the television. Plenty of partying and alcohol imbibing is included for good measure, just like many teens across the nation who are suddenly without parental guidance will indulge in. For Nana Ruth, though, Rumspringa was a far more mundane affair.
Josephine Fisher (Author), Betty Johnston (Narrator)
AMISH CANNING AND PRESERVING COOKBOOK: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learn to Make Soups, Sauces
From the outside looking in, the Amish appear to be simple people. They eschew any modern conveniences in favor of old-fashioned living. This lifestyle means no motorized vehicles, electronics, or most forms of technology developed after the 19th century. The rejection of advances in the rest of society sometimes includes ideals, viewpoints, practices, and programs developed as the rest of the world evolved. Since most Amish communities are located in the United States, they occasionally conflict with the state and federal governments. When their traditions clash with the official laws and regulations in their jurisdiction, concessions are made on both sides. The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agreed in 1961 that the Amish are exempt from paying taxes to the Federal Social Security program, and was codified by a law passed in 1965. Conversely, despite their insular nature, they are still subject to the United States criminal justice system. They will cooperate with local and federal law enforcement agencies when necessary, despite their preference for using religious bodies to handle legal conflicts. Much of the motivation behind the Amish maintaining such insular communities stems from their difficult history at their inception.
Josephine Fisher (Author), Betty Johnston (Narrator)
Air Fryer Cookbook: Delicious Air Fryer Recipes for Sophisticated Taste Buds
The best way to start your data analytics! Have you ever used an air fryer before? You can create delicious meals with it. In this audiobook, I will show you how. Don't wait any longer and find out about the refined recipes and culinary arts of the day, specifically put together for air fryers: - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner specialties for the entire day. - Yummy poultry recipes - don't be chicken and try them! - Fish and seafood recipes (nothing fishy about them). - Mouth-watering desserts and sweets to treat yourself and consider yourself spoiled. - Advantages and disadvantages of air fryers, so you can understand the difference it makes. - Curious yet? Then start licking your fingers and find out what's in here fast!
Frankie Jameson (Author), Bryan Swee (Narrator)
BBQ Recipes: A Cookbook for Making 34 Finger-Licking Barbecue Recipes
Grilling, barbecuing, and heating that big meat. Are you looking forward to it yet? First, this audiobook starts out by describing the way to be a real barbecuer. It's not just about tossing a few hotdogs or hamburgers on the grill, which you may have seen your friends do at times. It's an art with sophisticated skills, and refined flavors you can add to the delicious, juicy meats you decide to add to your meal. Here are just some of the yummy recipes you will find: - Korean barbecue brisket - Biryani hanger steak - Rosemary baby pork ribs with Vincotto - Cowboy Rib-Eye - Honey spice baby backs - Greek lamb kebabs - Grilled skewered shrimp And there is lots more! Next time you are going to grill, you are going to do it right!
John Cook (Author), William O' Connor (Narrator)
CHIA SEEDS: Unlocking Health, Nutrition, and Culinary Delights (2023 Guide for Beginners)
Delve into the world of chia seeds and unlock their incredible potential in this enlightening and flavorful book. Explore the remarkable health benefits, versatile culinary uses, and rich history of these tiny but mighty seeds. From supercharging your nutrition to elevating your favorite recipes, this book will be your go-to guide for harnessing the power of chia seeds. In this book, you'll discover: • A comprehensive overview of the nutritional value and health benefits of chia seeds. • Tips on incorporating chia seeds into your daily diet for increased energy, improved digestion, and overall wellness. • Delicious recipes that showcase the versatility of chia seeds, from refreshing smoothies to hearty salads and delectable desserts. • Creative ways to use chia seeds as a vegan and gluten-free alternative in baking and cooking. • Step-by-step instructions for making homemade chia seed gel, pudding, and other delightful concoctions. • Insights into the cultural and historical significance of chia seeds across different cultures. • Expert advice on sourcing and storing chia seeds for optimal freshness and quality. And Much More!... Whether you're a health-conscious individual, a culinary adventurer, or simply curious about this nutritional powerhouse, 'Chia Seeds' will empower you to embrace these tiny wonders and revolutionize your approach to wellness and cooking. Get ready to experience the boundless possibilities and nourishing benefits of chia seeds in every bite and Buy this book right now!!!
Una Schmidt (Author), Elmer Bowman (Narrator)
KALE: The Leafy Green Powerhouse for Vibrant Health and Culinary Delights (2023 Guide for Beginners)
Immerse yourself in the world of kale and unlock the secrets to its incredible health benefits and culinary versatility. This comprehensive book explores the remarkable qualities of kale, from its exceptional nutrient profile to its ability to elevate any dish with its earthy flavor and vibrant presence. Discover how to embrace kale as a key ingredient in nourishing meals that will leave you feeling energized and revitalized. In this book, you'll find: • A deep dive into the nutritional powerhouse that is kale, uncovering its wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. • Insights into the various types of kale and their unique characteristics, enabling you to make informed choices in the kitchen. • Mouthwatering recipes that showcase kale's versatility, including salads, soups, smoothies, stir-fries, and more. • Tips and techniques for preparing and cooking kale to maximize its taste and nutritional value. • Creative ways to incorporate kale into everyday meals for the whole family, making healthy eating enjoyable and accessible. And Much More!... Whether you're a health enthusiast, a culinary explorer, or simply seeking to add more vibrant greens to your diet, 'Kale' will inspire you to embrace the remarkable benefits of this mighty superfood. Get ready to embark on a flavorful journey and experience the transformative impact of kale on your well-being.
Sydney Daniel (Author), Eloise Wilson (Narrator)
Perfectly Good Food: A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home Cooking
You're standing in front of your refrigerator, a week after your last trip to the supermarket. You've got a bunch of random veggies, some wrinkly fruit, near-expired milk, and those pricey fresh herbs you bought for that one recipe. For a split second you picture yourself throwing everything away and ordering takeout. But instead . . . you pick up this cookbook. You're saving food, shrinking that grocery bill, and learning some key skills for making the most of what you have. It's exciting to be able to create new dishes and waste less food, and most importantly-a delicious dinner is on the table! Perfectly Good Food is a book for those moments everyone has, whether you cook for one or a whole household. Chock-full of ingenious use-it-up tips, smart storage ideas, and infinitely adaptable recipes, this book will teach you: why smoothies are your secret weapon; how to freeze (almost) anything; and why using your senses in the kitchen is more important than so-called shelf-life. Written by the chef-sisters behind Boston's acclaimed Mei Mei Dumplings, this is a crucial resource for the thrifty chef, the environmentally mindful cook, and anyone looking to make the most of their ingredients.
Irene Li, Margaret Li (Author), Catherine Ho (Narrator)
Former sommelier Levi Dalton interviews incredibly famous and knowledgeable wine personalities in his tiny apartment. He gets them to talk candidly about their lives and work, and then shares the conversations with you. Episodes include: 483: Françoise Vannier485: Robert Vifian472: Anthony Hanson 459: Jasper Morris430: Becky Wasserman-Hone
Erin Scala, Levi Dalton (Author), Levi Dalton (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Lo que cuenta el caldero
Por primera vez Leonor Espinosa, la chef más destacada de América Latina en la actualidad, publica las crónicas culinarias que ha escrito a lo largo de su trayectoria y en los miles de recorridos que ha hecho por Colombia. Lo que cuenta el caldero reúne el legado gastronómico Leonor Espinosa a través de paisajes sonoros y humeantes y sus experiencias en territorios de Colombia en los que la cocina es protagonista. Acompañados de recetas cuidadosamente seleccionadas, cada uno de los relatos aquí agrupados transmite los sabores y aromas que marcaron la infancia de la autora y revela las preparaciones que hoy son esenciales en su fogón: el plátano maduro, el suero costeño, el mote de queso y la yuca 'sancochá', entre otras.
Leonor Espinosa (Author), Mariana Marti, Mariana Martí (Narrator)
HERBAL TEA FOR BEGINNERS: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to Make Some of the Best Herbal Teas and
Who doesn’t enjoy a nice, hot cup of tea? A pastime of the kings, drinking tea has always been synonymous with afternoon relaxation and great conversation. What you might not realize is that tea, besides being delicious, also has therapeutic powers. That’s right! Herbal tea, especially, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, and it’s making a big comeback. Herbal tea is created by steeping or decocting herbs, spices, or other plant materials, as opposed to traditional tea derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. It contains no caffeine and has been a natural remedy for thousands of years, dating back to ancient cultures in China, India, and Egypt. Many herbs used back then are still used for their healing properties today. Chamomile tea, for example, has anti- inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties, whereas ginger tea is famous for aiding digestion and reducing nausea. Herbal teas provide numerous health advantages! They reduce stress and anxiety, improve digestion, promote better sleep, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin.
Tiffany Roussaw (Author), Betty Johnston (Narrator)
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