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Make Your Website Win Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Profitable Websites, and Secrets to Boosting Traffic
Make Your Website Win Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Profitable Websites, and Secrets to Boosting Traffic Most people create a website for the purpose of earning money from them. There was a time when running a successful online business or making passive income was new and unheard of. There was a time when it took a courageous and pioneering spirit to make a full-time living from a blog. Stories of people becoming extremely successful through social media and running a website are now commonplace. It's been happening for decades. If you want to start driving more traffic to your website, then there is one single thing that you need to be doing and that is content marketing. Before creating your website, you must first decide how you would like to earn money from them, and what kind of income stream you’re planning to use. This is essential so you can tailor your website towards this income stream and take maximum advantage. This bundle will teach you all the possible income streams for websites so you can see which might work best for you. You will also learn how to create a website that would cater to them. You will also learn strategies on how to boost traffic to your website. There are many ways to monetize your website and everything will be discussed here. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Profitable Websites: The Essential Guide on The Proven Strategies on How to Create Websites That Will Yield Maximum Profits - Secrets to Boosting Traffic: The Essential Guide on How to Increase Traffic on Your Website, Learn the Proven Techniques on How to Get High Volume of Highly Targeted Traffic For Your Website If you want to learn more, download your copy of Make Your Website Win 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Graham Wilder, Miles Villen (Author), B. Marie, Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Advertising and Promotion: The Ultimate Guide to Online Advertising, Discover the Ins and Outs of On
Advertising and Promotion: The Ultimate Guide to Online Advertising, Discover the Ins and Outs of Online Advertising and How it Can Help Get Maximum Exposure for Your Business There is an old saying that says “It pays to advertise.” In those long ago days before computers, businesses could open out in the real brick and mortar world in small towns and never pay for one word of advertising. But those days are gone. If you are to have any kind of business on the internet, advertising is just a given. Because you might have the world’s greatest product but if you don’t advertise on the internet, nobody will be able to find out about you at all. Internet advertising serves two purposes: it tells the world that you have a product and then it tells the world how to find you, your website and your product. This audiobook will teach you all about online advertising for your business, how it works, the benefits and advantages, and how to do it. This audiobook will discuss the following topics: -Internet and the World of Online Advertising -Free Rapid Online Advertising Methods That Work -Low-Cost Rapid Online Advertising Methods That Work -Lousy Advertising Methods You Must AVOID -And many more! Advertising does pay and you need to find the right mixture of paid and free advertising that will best serve your needs. To learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
Nick Erling (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Making Profitable Websites Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Profitable Websites, Secrets to Boosting Traffic,
Making Profitable Websites Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Profitable Websites, Secrets to Boosting Traffic, and Website Advertising Secrets Most people create a website for the purpose of earning money from them. There are many ways to monetize your website. Before creating your website, you must first decide how you would like to earn money from them, and what kind of income stream you’re planning to use. This is essential so you can tailor your website towards this income stream and take maximum advantage. One of the great advantages of the web is that it is a highly targeted media form, so when you are looking to sell space, and you have a site that appeals to a sought after niche, you have a great advantage. Advertisers will pay a premium for those sites that offer access to some of these narrow niches. This bundle will teach you different income streams for websites so you can see which might work best for you. You will also learn how to create a website that would cater to them. You will also learn about website advertising. You will learn different types of advertising and which one would be effective and would drive results. This 3 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Profitable Websites: The Essential Guide on The Proven Strategies on How to Create Websites That Will Yield Maximum Profits - Secrets to Boosting Traffic: The Essential Guide on How to Increase Traffic on Your Website, Learn the Proven Techniques on How to Get High Volume of Highly Targeted Traffic For Your Website - Website Advertising Secrets: The Essential Guide on How to Increase Website Traffic and Generate Revenue for Your Website If you want to learn more, download your copy of Making Profitable Websites 3 in 1 Bundle today!
Alex Herder, Graham Wilder, Miles Villen (Author), B. Marie, Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Traffic Gold Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Viral Marketing Strategies and Secrets to Boosting Traffic
Traffic Gold Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Viral Marketing Strategies and Secrets to Boosting Traffic If you want to start driving more traffic to your website, then there is one single thing that you need to be doing. This indisputable, critical aspect of your marketing is non-negotiable and has the biggest potential for increasing your viewers, your authority, and your engagement. And this is to do content marketing. Viral marketing can also drive traffic to your website. The concept of viral marketing is to implement something that is so compelling, so interesting, so valuable that anyone who comes in contact with it immediately has the desire to share it. This bundle shows you some of the most effective ways and methods of generating traffic to your website. Learn the proven techniques on how to increase your traffic on your website. Discover how to get high-volume traffic for your website. You will also learn about viral marketing, how it works and its advantages. You will also learn the primary ingredients needed to make your viral marketing campaign effective and successful. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Viral Marketing Strategies: Get the Best Guide on Viral Marketing Strategies and Effective Viral Marketing Campaigns That Can Help Your Business Attract More Traffic - Secrets to Boosting Traffic: The Essential Guide on How to Increase Traffic on Your Website, Learn the Proven Techniques on How to Get High Volume of Highly Targeted Traffic For Your Website If you want to learn more, download your copy of Traffic Gold 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Anna Reiz, Graham Wilder (Author), B. Marie, Marcus Mulenga, Todd Studder (Narrator)
Web Traffic Flood Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Viral Marketing Strategies, Website Advertising Secrets
Web Traffic Flood Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Viral Marketing Strategies, Website Advertising Secrets There’s really no limits to the methods in which viral marketing can be implemented. The only criteria is that viewers have the ability to either tell other people about it or to personally pass it along to someone else. Beyond that, the “virus” can pretty much spread itself which is exactly what you want to happen. The concept of viral marketing is to implement something that is so compelling, so interesting, so valuable that anyone who comes in contact with it immediately has the desire to share it. One of the great advantages of the web is that it is a highly targeted media form, so when you are looking to sell space, and you have a site that appeals to a sought after niche, you have a great advantage. Advertisers will pay a premium for those sites that offer access to some of these narrow niches. This bundle will teach you everything about viral marketing, how it works and its advantages. You will also learn the primary ingredients needed to make your viral marketing campaign effective and successful. You will also learn about website advertising and the different types of advertising, which one would be effective and would drive results. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Viral Marketing Strategies: Get the Best Guide on Viral Marketing Strategies and Effective Viral Marketing Campaigns That Can Help Your Business Attract More Traffic - Website Advertising Secrets: The Essential Guide on How to Increase Website Traffic and Generate Revenue for Your Website If you want to learn more, download your copy of Web Traffic Flood 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Alex Herder, Anna Reiz (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Todd Studder (Narrator)
LA MAGIA DEL AMOR: Cómo ser felices ante los cambios
El solo hecho de pensar en «el amor» nos deja con ojos soñadores y es capaz de quitarnos más de un suspiro. Es una fuerza tan poderosa, que es el principal foco de algunas personas. Es tan maravilloso que llega a nuestras vidas y es capaz de cambiarlo todo. Pero ¿somos realmente capaces de entender de qué se trata? ¿Por qué nos pasa esto? ¿Y cómo saber si lo que estamos sintiendo es realmente amor o es algo pasajero? Todo esto puede llegar a dejarnos reflexionando durante horas o días, llegando a veces a causarnos angustia, sobre todo si nuestra situación amorosa no es de nuestro agrado por completo. Así que vamos a buscar la forma de aclarar todo este enrollo sobre «el amor» para poder disfrutar lo que tengamos que disfrutar y no permitir que las preocupaciones de la vida ocupen tiempo y energía adicional en nuestra cabeza y corazón, ¿estás de acuerdo? Para empezar, debemos definir lo siguiente:
Raymundo Ramírez (Author), Sofia López (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Los Misterios más Impactantes sin Resolver: Descubre los sucesos más sorprendentes de la
¿Te has preguntado cuáles son los sucesos más impactantes de todos los tiempos que han dejado a la humanidad sin poder encontrar explicación o sentido alguno? Entonces sigue leyendo.. “Se encuentra frente al gran misterio... Al que hace temblar a la humanidad desde su origen: lo desconocido.” - Gastón Leroux. Más allá de lo que se ha registrado en los libros, los tesoros en la historia son muchos más de los que ya se han podido documentar, y sin duda las maravillas que guarda nuestro planeta también son tan vastas que quizá nunca lleguemos a conocerlas todas en algún punto. Es importante, aún así, que echemos un vistazo y tratemos de descifrar estos misterios y maravillas, naturales que no hemos podido entender, para estar familiarizados con aquello que se encuentra fuera de nuestro alcance y comprensión. En este libro descubrirás: -Las ciudades ocultas y civilizaciones perdidas más impactantes de la historia. -Apariciones y maldiciones que han dejado un rastro de horror. -Crímenes sin resolver que aún no tienen sentido hoy en día. -Los personajes más misteriosos que han dejado confundidos a miles. -Lugares peligrosos y misteriosos donde han desaparecido o muerto incontables personas. -Y mucho más.. Ciudades perdidas,crímenes sin resolver, tesoros perdidos y lugares fantásticos cuyos orígenes aún se mantienen un misterio a pesar de los esfuerzos de los investigadores y la impresionante tecnología que tenemos a la mano y las teorías que, aunque muchos se empeñan en desmentirlas, aún tienen partes que pueden hacer dudar a muchos y cuestionarte si puede haber algo más allá de lo registrado oficialmente. No lo pienses más y explora hoy mismo los casos más impactantes que aún no tienen explicación ¡Haz clic en comprar ya y adéntrate en una serie de misterios que han dejado a la humanidad confundida!
Blake Aguilar (Author), Vinicio Aguinaga (Narrator)
AMOR DULCE AMOR: Como vivir una vida feliz y duradera en pareja
Se han escrito cientos de libros sobre el amor y cómo mantener a las parejas unidas, cada autor tiene su propia visión y sus propias ideas de cómo los enamorados pueden mantenerse juntos, compartiendo el amor que sienten el uno por el otro. No soy consejero matrimonial, ni una persona autorizada profesionalmente que cuente con una varita mágica que solucione todos los problemas de pareja, pero si soy un hombre que se ha mantenido junto a su esposa apoyándola y siendo apoyado por ella por más de treinta años, eso me autoriza a dar mi opinión sobre este tema. En este libro y audiolibro vas a leer y escuchar consejos para que tu matrimonio perdure unido por muchos años. No sé cuánto tiempo has estado compartiendo las alegrías y amarguras junto a tu pareja, eso no importa, digamos que todo empieza desde el momento en que damos el «Si acepto» frente al altar y establecemos el compromiso de amarnos, respetarnos y sernos fieles en la salud y enfermedad, en la pobreza o la riqueza hasta que la muerte nos separe.
Raymundo Ramírez (Author), David Quero (Narrator)
Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History
For centuries, clothing has been a wearable status symbol; fashion, a weapon in struggles for social change; and dress codes, a way to maintain political control. Dress codes evolved along with the social and political ideals of the day, but they always reflected struggles for power and status. In the 1700s, South Carolina's 'Negro Act' made it illegal for Black people to dress 'above their condition.' In the 1920s, the bobbed hair and form-fitting dresses worn by free-spirited flappers were banned in workplaces throughout the United States, and in the 1940s the baggy zoot suits favored by Black and Latino men caused riots in cities from coast to coast. Even in today's more informal world, dress codes still determine what we wear, when we wear it-and what our clothing means. And even when there are no written rules, implicit dress codes still influence opportunities and social mobility. Silicon Valley CEOs wear t-shirts and flip flops, setting the tone for an entire industry: women wearing fashionable dresses or high heels face ridicule in the tech world and some venture capitalists refuse to invest in any company run by someone wearing a suit. In Dress Codes, law professor and cultural critic Richard Thompson Ford presents an insightful and entertaining history of the laws of fashion from the middle ages to the present day.
Richard Thompson Ford (Author), William Andrew Quinn (Narrator)
Best Marketing Strategies Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Branding Power and Art of Influencer Marketing
Best Marketing Strategies Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Branding Power and Art of Influencer Marketing For many of us, the word brand calls to mind two things: a name and a logo. It’s not hard to find companies that lack brands when you look online – or that haven’t invested the time or effort into their branding. These are the websites that look horribly bland and generic. Now think about the companies that have become international house-hold names like ‘Apple’, ‘Adidas’, ‘Coca-Cola’, ‘Nike’, ‘Microsoft’, ‘Disney’, ‘Starbucks.’ They have interesting names and unique logos. Many of these logos have become almost cultural symbols. Almost everyone in the world knows them and that is because of the power of branding. In this day and age of social media, most companies also make use of influencers now. Influencers are individuals who have the power to sway the purchasing decisions of other people because of their perceived authority, knowledge, position and relationship with his or her target audience. In this bundle, you will learn all about branding and how to create a memorable and powerful brand for your product or business. You will discover how to have a cohesive vision that will drive you forward and win you customers. You will also learn how to be a top influencer and build a massive following. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Branding Power: The Essential Guide on How to Create a Strong Brand and Identity That Can Help Drive Your Business to Success - Art of Influencer Marketing: The Ultimate Guide on How to Master Influencer Marketing, Discover the Effective Methods and Useful Tips on How to Build Your Tribe and Create a Massive Following Get your copy of Best Marketing Strategies 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Christoffer Dells, Ian Hale (Author), Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
Marketing and Branding Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Build Brand Authority and Branding Strategy
Marketing and Branding Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Build Brand Authority and Branding Strategy Branding has evolved from nonsensical trademark names to descriptive words that tell people who you are and what your passion is in life. Having a strong brand makes it much easier for you to market your products and services, creating new opportunities to make people think about your business. Your brand will also help you to inspire more emotion from your users and customers. With a brand, you'll feel that people will get behind what you're doing and become fans of your products and services. Without a brand, you won't be able to get that kind of loyalty or interest surrounding what you do. This bundle will teach you all the essentials of creating, building and managing your brand. You will understand the importance of having a strong brand, know how to choose a company name and create a logo and have a plan in place for promoting your business/website and building trust This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Build Brand Authority: The Essential Guide on Effective Brand Marketing, Learn How to Be Everywhere and Make Your Brand Stand Out to Beat Your Competition - Branding Strategy: The Ultimate Guide on How To Build Your Unique Brand, Discover Useful Tips on How to Make and Promote a Stand-out Brand For Your Online Business Get your copy of Marketing and Branding 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Drew Seward, Riley Cleveland (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Todd Studer (Narrator)
Branding and Social Media Marketing Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Savvy Social Marketing and Gain More Foll
Branding and Social Media Marketing Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Savvy Social Marketing and Gain More Followers If you’re a business owner, you might wonder if it’s really necessary to have a social media page for your business. In this era where almost everyone is online and has at least one social media account, having no social media for your business would almost mean failure, especially if your competitors all have active engagements with customers in their social media pages. Social media marketing is all about connecting with your audience to build your brand and increase your sales with the use of different social media platforms. Social media is now a big part of everyone’s lives and most people log in to at least one social media platform every day. As the internet is global, you can also reach customers all over the world. Even if your business is just local, being easily accessible through your social media will really be a big help. This bundle will teach you all about social media marketing. It will be your guide where you will learn all the tips on how you can use social media as effective business tools. You will learn how to increase your followers and build your tribe. You will learn how you can use social media to promote your business and build your brand. You will also discover the tools that can help your social media marketing become a success. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Savvy Social Marketing: The Essential Guide on How to Build Your Brand, Grow Your Audience and Become a Social Media Superstar - Gain More Followers: The Essential Guide on How to Use Social Media to Get a Massive Following for Your Business If you want to learn more, download your copy of Branding and Social Media Marketing 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Cyril Tevin, Greg Ditmar (Author), Jesse Gross, Marcus Mulenga (Narrator)
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