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No Free Parking: The Curious History of London's Monopoly Streets
From the medieval cobbles, through Dickensian iron and fog, to the neon lights and bustle of the twenty-first century, the ever-changing streets of London map out the vibrant stories, triumphs and struggles of everyone who ever called London home. From the Roman and Celts marching along the ancient Old Kent Road, to the rattling newspaper presses of Fleet Street, the game of Monopoly has painted London's story across cheerful coloured tiles. But those Monopoly streets live and breathe - they don't just illuminate our history. They open up whole new ways of thinking about it. The mobs have taken to our streets. The overlords have taken them back. Wars have spilled out into them. Lovers have snuck around them, and fires have raged through them. In a city of rags and riches, where folk hero Dick Whittington believed the streets were paved with gold, anything could happen - and everything has. You may think you know the history of London. You don't. Or at least, not entirely. This is the story of the capital as you've never, quite, heard it before.
Nicholas Boys Smith (Author), Unknown (Narrator)
Die Informationen in diesem E-Book zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Renovierung und Umgestaltung sowie verwandten Themen sind in 20 Kapitel mit jeweils etwa 500-600 Wörtern unterteilt. Ich hoffe, dass es für diejenigen interessant ist, die privat oder bei der Arbeit in einer geeigneten Umgebung leben möchten. Als zusätzlichen Bonus erteile ich Ihnen die Erlaubnis, den Inhalt auf Ihrer eigenen Website oder in Ihren eigenen Blogs und Newslettern zu verwenden, wobei es besser ist, wenn Sie die Texte zuerst in eigenen Worten formulieren.Die Informationen in diesem E-Book zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Renovierung und Umgestaltung sowie verwandten Themen sind in 20 Kapitel mit jeweils etwa 500-600 Wörtern unterteilt. Ich hoffe, dass es für diejenigen interessant ist, die privat oder bei der Arbeit in einer geeigneten Umgebung leben möchten. Als zusätzlichen Bonus erteile ich Ihnen die Erlaubnis, den Inhalt auf Ihrer eigenen Website oder in Ihren eigenen Blogs und Newslettern zu verwenden, wobei es besser ist, wenn Sie die Texte zuerst in eigenen Worten formulieren. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Owen Jones (Author), Bianca Balzer (Narrator)
The Intimate City: Walking New York
From the New York Times architecture critic, his celebrated walking tours of New York City, now expanded, covering four of the five boroughs and some 540 million years of history, accompanied by some of the people who know it best As New York came to a halt with COVID, Michael Kimmelman composed an email to a group of architects, historians, writers, and friends, inviting them to take a walk. Wherever they liked, he wrote-preferably someplace meaningful to them, someplace that illuminated the city and what they loved about it. At first, the goal was distraction. At a scary moment when everything seemed uncertain, walking around New York served as a reminder of all the ways the city was still a rock, joy, and inspiration. What began with a lighthearted trip to explore Broadway's shuttered theater district and a stroll along Museum Mile when the museums were closed soon took on a much larger meaning and ambition. These intimate, funny, richly detailed conversations between Kimmelman and his companions became anchors for millions of Times readers during the pandemic. The walks unpacked the essence of urban life and its social fabric-the history, plans, laws, feats of structural engineering, architectural highlights, and everyday realities that make up a place Kimmelman calls "humanity's greatest achievement." The Intimate City is the ultimate insider's guide. The book includes new walks through LGBTQ Greenwich Village, through Forest Hills, Queens, and Mott Haven, in the Bronx. All the walks can be walked, or just be read for pleasure, by know-it-all New Yorkers or anyone else. They take readers back to an age when Times Square was still a beaver pond and Yankee Stadium a salt marsh; across the Brooklyn Bridge, for green tea ice cream in Chinatown, for momos and samosas in Jackson Heights, to explore historic Black churches in Harlem and midcentury Mad Men skyscrapers on Park Avenue. A kaleidoscopic portrait of an enduring metropolis, The Intimate City reveals why New York, despite COVID and a long history of other calamities, continues to inspire and to mean so much to those who call it home and to countless others.
Michael Kimmelman (Author), Eileen Noonan, Karen Murray, Michael Kimmelman, William Demeritt (Narrator)
EL ESCRITOR DEL SIGLO 21: No necesita editorial para publicar sus libros
Uno de mis máximos anhelos cuando era pequeño era ser escritor, pero escritor de los buenos y para lograrlo tenía que estudiar y prepararme bien. Empecé a estudiar algunos libros interesantes que me ayudarían a escribir un libro profesional, solo que en aquellos años (1980) cuando era jovenzuelo aún no se inventaba la Internet. Otra desventaja era que no tenía los medios para asistir a una escuela donde pudiera tomar clases de lectura y escritura, que pena, todo estaba en contra para los escritores noveles, además teníamos cerradas las puertas de las editoriales, ellos no se atrevían ni se atreven a arriesgar su dinero con un escritor principiante, ellos solo invierten su capital a lo que creen es seguro o sea en autores de éxito. Si no me equivoco pienso que todos los escritores que han sobresalido al iniciar tuvieron que invertir su propio dinero para hacer que la fortuna o la suerte se inclinara de su lado.
Raymundo Ramírez (Author), Sofia López (Narrator)
This Is a Prototype: The Curious Craft of Exploring New Ideas
A practical guide to prototyping as a way to revolutionize your work and creative life, from Stanford University's world-renowned Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, aka the Prototyping is a way to test an idea to see if it can be successful before investing too much time and too many resources. But it's not only designers who 'prototype' as they work. A skateboarder tries a new trick; that's a prototype experience. A chef experiments with a new dish and new ingredients; that's a prototype experience, too. Once a prototype is made, the creator gains knowledge about what worked and what didn't, what should be used again and what should be trimmed from the experience. This is a book about becoming better at prototyping by building things and experiences that will help you learn from your attempts, no matter what you're aiming to achieve. Readers will learn how to not only create prototypes but also how to reflect on the success and failure of those attempts. Scott Witthoft, who teaches courses in design and prototyping to students around the world, introduces a comprehensive number of tools and materials for prototyping, including digital platforms and physical objects. And he breaks down real-life examples of prototype experiments with accompanying photographs for the reader to observe large- and small-scale prototyping in action. With Witthoft as your guide, you'll put the principles of design into practice and bring your vision to life-one prototype at a time. *Includes a downloadable PDF of visual references and illustrations from the book
Scott Witthoft (Author), Scott Witthoft (Narrator)
Speculative Futures: Design Approaches to Navigate Change, Foster Resilience, and Co-Create the Citi
How the emerging field of speculative futures can help us dream--and build--better, sustainable, and more equitable cities for everyone. Speculative futures--design approaches that help us visualize new and potential worlds--move us beyond what currently exists into what could one day be. Inspired by art, film, fiction, and industrial design, they use speculation to provoke, imagine, and dream into what lies ahead. Written for futurists, urbanists, and artists looking to enact city-wide transformation--and for readers at the intersection of disruption, design, innovation, and city living--this book offers creative paths toward urban resilience, using design tools that already exist. Artist and urbanist Johanna Hoffman uses an interdisciplinary lens informed by her experience in architecture, art, engineering, and construction to examine how we can reimagine our cities at every level: as individuals, in community, and on a professional scale. Hoffman blends precedent studies, compelling research, and professional memoir, connecting urban development issues with the processes and actions best positioned to create better solutions for our cities. The result is a dynamic field guide that uses speculative futures to imagine, advocate for, and adapt to modern scales, scopes, and speeds of change. While this book is of great utility to professionals in the urban design and planning industries, it's also for people who resist received, capitalistic, technocratic ways of thinking--readers who seek new solutions to old problems with anti-colonial, living-systems-oriented lenses.
Johanna Hoffman (Author), Henriette Zoutomou (Narrator)
There has always been an unacceptable amount of burglary. It is such a harrowing experience to be burgled. People are forced to accept that they are not safe even in their own homes. In the days of larger families, it was not easy for the burglar. There was always someone at home, and usually several people. Burglars would be detected and easily overpowered. Nowadays, on the other hand, many people live alone, and many of those are elderly baby-boomers. It can induce a permanent state of worry and anxiety. One way around this, is to implement a home security system. They are actually quiet affordable now too. A decent home security system, coupled with friendly neighbours, is an affordable solution.I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and profitable. The issues in this ebook concern various aspects of protecting your family and home and related ideas is organised into 15 chapters of about 500-600 words each. I hope that it will interest those who are concerned about their safety. There has always been an unacceptable amount of burglary. It is such a harrowing experience to be burgled. People are forced to accept that they are not safe even in their own homes. In the days of larger families, it was not easy for the burglar. There was always someone at home, and usually several people. Burglars would be detected and easily overpowered. Nowadays, on the other hand, many people live alone, and many of those are elderly baby-boomers. It can induce a permanent state of worry and anxiety. One way around this, is to implement a home security system. They are actually quiet affordable now too. A decent home security system, coupled with friendly neighbours, is an affordable solution. As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Owen Jones (Author), Robert Sebastian Cooper (Narrator)
Painted People: Humanity in 21 Tattoos
In 1881, a writer in the Saturday Review called tattooing ‘an art without a history’. ‘No-one’, it went on, ‘has made it the business of his life to study the development of tattooing.’ Until now. Painted People is a beguiling and intimate look at an untold history of humanity. The earliest tattoos yet identified belonged to Ötzi, the ‘iceman’, whose mummy allows us a brief glimpse into the prehistory of the practice. We know that over the more than five thousand years since he was tattooed, countless cultures have performed this ancient practice, and people in every corner of the world have been tattooed. For the most part, these fascinating histories remain stubbornly untold, and the secrets of Siberian princesses, Chinese generals and Victorian socialites have been hidden on the skin, under layers of clothing and under layers of history. Now with access to a wealth of new and unreported material, this book will roll up its sleeves and reveal the artwork hidden beneath them. In Painted People, Dr Matt Lodder, one of the world’s foremost experts on tattooing, tells the stories of people like Arnaq, who was tattooed in keeping with her cultural and religious traditions in sixteenth-century Canada, and Horace Ridler, who was tattooed as a means to make money in 1930s London. And in between these two extremes, he describes tattoos inked for love, for loyalty, for sedition and espionage and for self-expression, as well as tattoos inflicted on the unwilling, to ostracise. Taken together, these twenty-one tattoos paint a portrait of humanity as both artist and canvas.
Matt Lodder (Author), Henry Nott (Narrator)
A sweeping yet intimate account of life on the edge of England and what it takes to make a home. Gavin Plumley considered himself a distinctly urban being… until he met his rural husband, Alastair. Together, they bought Stepps House - a three-storey building in Pembridge, Herefordshire - on love at first sight. But then came the inevitable question from an insurance salesman: 'How old is it?' The date they'd been given of 1800 seemed out by centuries. As Gavin traced Stepps House through various hands and eras, he uncovers a past steeped in history and art, memory and nature that resonates powerfully with our present. “A wide-ranging meditation on place and past… a gentle, reflective book. Plumley is at his best when describing the things he loves: his husband, his new home, its history.” - Literary Review
Gavin Plumley (Author), Gavin Plumley (Narrator)
Manual del arquitecto descalzo (The Barefoot Architect): Un manual para la construcción ecológica (A
Este libro es para constructores, para quienes hacen viviendas y otras edificaciones para la comunidad. Sean maestros de obras, albañiles, carpinteros, plomeros o algún otro artesano; autoridades de pequeños municipios, que deciden cómo se van a desarrollar las comunidades y sus alrededores; o personas que quieren proyectar o construir su propia casa o indicar al contratista o maestro albañil cómo quieren tener su casa.
Johan Van Lengen (Author), Adrian Ogazón (Narrator)
For history readers, travelers, and scholars alike, an indispensable behind-the-scenes guide to the great cathedrals of Paris. Over the years, R. Howard Bloch has become renowned for the insider tours of Paris that he gives to students abroad. Long sought after by travelers and history buffs for his near-encyclopedic knowledge of French cathedrals, the eminent scholar finally shares his expertise with a wider audience. In Paris and Her Cathedrals, six of the most sublime cathedrals in the penumbra of Paris-Saint-Denis, Notre-Dame, Chartres, Sainte-Chapelle, Amiens, Reims-are illumined in magnificent detail as Bloch, taking us from the High Middle Ages to the devastating fire that set Notre-Dame ablaze in 2019, traces the evolution of each in turn. Animating the past with lush evocations of architectural splendor, Bloch then contextualizes the cathedrals within the annals of French history. Here thrilling tales of kingly intrigue-as in Saint-Chapelle, where the pious King Louis IX amassed relics, including Christ's crown of thorns-and audacious abbots are interspersed with anecdotes about the meeting of aristocratic and everyday life, culminating in 'a rich, colorful narrative that clearly but expertly explains the history and symbolism of some of the world's most magnificent buildings' (Ross King).
R. Howard Bloch (Author), Matthew Josdal (Narrator)
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