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The bookshop is, and will always be, the soul of the trade. What happens there does not happen elsewhere. The multifariousness of human nature is more on show there than anywhere else, and I think it's because of books, what they are, what they release in ourselves, and what they become when we make them magnets to our desires. A memoir of a life in the antiquarian book trade, A Factotum in the Book Trade is a journey between the shelves-and then behind the counter, into the overstuffed basement, and up the spine-stacked attic stairs of your favorite neighborhood bookshop. From his childhood in rural Ontario, where at the village jumble sale he bought poetry volumes for their pebbled-leather covers alone, to his all-but-accidental entrance into the trade in London and the career it turned into, poet and travel writer Marius Kociejowski recounts his life among the buyers, sellers, customers, and literary nobility-the characters, fictional and not-who populate these places we all love. Cataloging their passions and pleasures, oddities and obsessions, A Factotum in the Book Trade is a journey through their lives, and a story of the serendipities and collisions of fate, the mundane happenings and indelible encounters, the friendships, feuds, losses, and elations that characterize the business of books-and, inevitably, make up an unforgettable life.
Marius Kociejowski (Author), A.W. Miller (Narrator)
Globo arte April 2023 Issue: art magazine for helping artist in their art career
Hi guys this is the April 2023 Magazine issue, s contains artists interviews to inspire artists, and so much more to help the artist in their art career,it contains artist interviews, art-related topics articles and question of the month, step of the month and social media updates
Globo Arte Team (Author), Parshwika Bhandari (Narrator)
A defense of the dying art of losing an afternoon—and gaining new appreciation—amidst the bins and shelves of bricks-and-mortar shops. Written during the pandemic, when the world was marooned at home and consigned to scrolling screens, On Browsing’s essays chronicle what we’ve lost through online shopping, streaming, and the relentless digitization of culture. The latest in the Field Notes series, On Browsing is an elegy for physical media, a polemic in defense of perusing the world in person, and a love letter to the dying practice of scanning bookshelves, combing CD bins, and losing yourself in the stacks.
Jason Guriel (Author), Tom Lute (Narrator)
[Spanish] - EL COFRE ENCANTADO: Cuentos y fábulas
Hace algunos siglos vivía en babilonia un sabio rico de quien se decía tenía un cofre encantado, en el cual, según, guardaba celosamente un gran secreto. El secreto enseñaba como ser un gran triunfador. Este sabio se consideraba ser el hombre más feliz sobre la tierra. Algunos Reyes se acercaban a él para ofrecerle poder y riquezas y lo hacían con el fin de que se confiase y así poder robarle el cofre encantado, sin embargo todo era en vano. Pasaron los años y el sabio seguía prosperando día con día, año tras año, hasta que un día un humilde campesino tocó a su puerta y éste pidió: —Señor veo que tienes grandes riquezas y felicidad, ¿me puedes enseñar como conseguirlas? —¿Así que quieres aprender cómo hacerlo? —preguntó el sabio con curiosidad. Continua...
Raymundo Ramírez (Author), Sofía López (Narrator)
[German] - Drei Romane: Rache, Wahn, Liebe
Die 'Drei Romane' von Pola Polanski stellen jeweils künstlerisch begabte Frauen in den Mittelpunkt, die ihre Kreativität als Schriftstellerinnen und Malerinnen – oft um die passenden Worte, Farben oder künstlerischen Mittel ringend - ausdrücken. Ihnen ist ihre seelische Fragilität gemein, sie haben Phasen psychischer Erkrankung und Therapien durchlebt, müssen teils Medikamente nehmen, um ihre Stimmungsschwankungen auszugleichen. Dennoch wehrt Mia in 'Das Wolfsbaby' sich gegen den Stempel einer Diagnose. Das Auf und Ab ihres Seelenlebens versteht sie als wesentlichen Teil ihres Selbst und auch als Quelle ihrer Inspiration. Während Toni in 'Mein Alter Ego' und Angelika in 'Die schwarzen Engel' Fehlgeburten und eine Abtreibung verarbeiten müssen, woran ihre Beziehungen zu einem Mann scheiterten, gebiert Mia in 'Das Wolfsbaby' ein Kind mit dem Werwolf- Syndrom, was ihren Partner in den Alkoholismus treibt und ihre Liebe auf eine Zerreißprobe stellt. Annika begegnet auf einer Nil-Kreuzfahrt ihrem Alter Ego Toni, die sich auf einem Feldzug der Rache befindet, und fühlt sich genauso von ihr angezogen und umgekehrt wie Angelika in 'Die schwarzen Engel' von Simone, bei der sie als Untermieterin einzieht, bevor sie in einen Wahn stürzt. Diese Ambivalenz in der gefühlsmäßigen und sexuellen Orientierung zwischen einem weiblichen und einem männlichen Pol gilt für beide Frauen-Paare. Alle drei Romane sind durchzogen von intensiven plastischen Träumen, Mia besucht in ihren geistigen Visionen außerdem einen fantastischen Planeten. Reisetagebücher in 'Mein Alter Ego' und 'Das Wolfsbaby', die in die Kultur des Alten Ägypten und die griechische Mythologie führen, Musik und Literatur, auf die Bezug genommen wird, verdichten die unverschnörkelt formulierten Texte mit den knappen Dialogen zu einem vielfältigen Ganzen.
Various (Author), Anke Haas (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Más listo que el método de Napoleón Hill: Desafiando lasideas de éxitodel libro 'Más lis
Si está buscando un nuevo enfoque para alcanzar el éxito en su vida, este libro electrónico es para usted. Contrastando el método de Napoleón Hill en su libro 'Más listo que el diablo', esta guía presenta 'críticas' razonadas y alternativas efectivas para alcanzar tus metas. Al final de la lectura, tendrá en sus manos una visión más clara y profunda sobre cómo alcanzar el éxito en su vida, de forma más eficaz y duradera. ¡No pierda la oportunidad de adquirir esta obra e iniciar su camino hacia el éxito de una forma más consciente!
Max Editorial, Napoleon Hill (Author), Conchita, Zira (Narrator)
Amez dihardute, nondik edo handik, liburu hau osatzen duten hogeita bat narrazioek. Amei buruz, alegia. Baina baita ama izateko edo ez izateko asmo eta pultsioez. Edo ama izateko edo ez izateko modu askotarikoez, kontraesankorrez. Eta ama izateak edo ez izateak berekin dakarrenaz, edo berekin daramanaz, kasu batean zein bestean akaso betiko… Horietaz guztietaz dihardute Goiatz Labandibarren narrazio indartsuok. Eta baita ere, jakina, amaren estatusa ematen duten seme-alabez, eta haiekiko harreman eta kontraesanez. Emakumeen bizimodua (ez emakumearena, ez inolako arketipoarena) dute ardatz nagusi kontakizunok, eta ama izatea edo ez izatea gune-guneko bizikizun bihurtzen den une horri begiratzen diote bereziki. Askotarikoak dira, era berean, erregistroak. Ironiatsu doaz ale batzuk, kronika kutsukoak dira beste zenbait, ez dira bakanak gogoetan edota emakume zein garai zehatzen historian murgiltzen direnak… Guztiek dute, baina, literatur asmo bat eta bera: pertsonaien kontzientzian arakatzea, eta irakurlea eramatea haien ekintza eta jokabideen arrazoibideetan barrena, jakin-minaren eskutik. Eta helburua lortzen dute, zinez.
Goiatz Labandibar (Author), Klara Mendizabal (Narrator)
[French] - Plus intelligente que laméthode de Napoléon Hill: remettreenquestionlesidées de réussited
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une nouvelle approche pour réussir votre vie, ce livre est fait pour vous. Contrastant avec la méthode de Napoléon Hill dans son livre 'Plus malin que le diable', ce guide présente des 'critiques' raisonnées et des alternatives efficaces pour atteindre vos objectifs. A la fin de la lecture, vous aurez entre les mains une vision plus claire et plus profonde sur la manière d'atteindre le succès dans votre vie, de façon plus efficace et plus durable. Ne manquez pas l'occasion d'acquérir cet ouvrage et de commencer votre voyage vers le succès d'une manière plus consciente !
Max Editorial (Author), Céline, Zira (Narrator)
The MatrÏx Explained: Redefining your user role
This book is divided into 14 chapters. Each one is exploring a key dimension that significantly impacts who you are, and thus your user role. - Explosive perspective on Existence, pain and suffering, Family, marriage what it means and why you should never take your life for granted to help ground yourself. - Deep diving the Matrix, the user role, strategic thinking and financial literacy by way of examples, contextualizing the subject matter and destroys education as you know it, redefine and categorize it Whilst reviewing its true purpose. - Debunks and Destroying the idea that your career is set in stone or rigid or that your goal should be to start a small business. Go big or go home. Context is everything. Meaning your career is subject to change and a function of your opportunities. - Explore the concept of truth vs lies, problems, incentives, Discipline and Luck and everything in-between to understand how it impacts YOU, your User Role. 'This book is a starting point for anyone looking to get a handle of one's socio-economic situation. Think of this book as a piece of software that has the necessary updates to your already existing operating system. i.e. your current mind-set.'/USA TODAY The main reason people struggle to get ahead is because of a wrong mindset.. they have been mis-educated in many respects. Work, money, career and business etc. Ultimately people end up poor working for money vs having money work for them./ ARMEL TEKAM Armel Tekam has challenged and changed the way millions of people approach socio-economic situations around the world. With a new perspective that helps understand our modern society at a global and local level simultaneously. Armel has earned a reputation as a strategic and systemic thinker and has personally coached thousands of people with fantastic outcomes. He is regarded worldwide as a passionate advocate of believing in one's abilities.
Armel Tekam (Author), Deedeeash (Narrator)
Globo arte March 2023 issue: art magazine for helping artist in their art career
Hi guys this is the March 2023 Magazine issue, s contains artists interviews to inspire artists, and so much more to help the artist in their art career,it contains artist interviews, art-related topics articles and question of the month, step of the month and social media updates
Globo Arte Team (Author), Parshwika Bhandari (Narrator)
Este cuento trata sobre dos compañeros de colegio que fueron enviados a la sierra de Jalisco, a lugares apartados de la civilizacion en busca de pequeños que no estaban recibiendo instrucción escolar básica, ellos debían realizar un censo, pero escuchemos los pormenores y las barreras que tuvieron que enfrentar para conseguir su propósito.
Raymundo Ramírez (Author), David Quero (Narrator)
How To Win Cardfight Tournaments: Break Through Your Mental Barrier And Top In Trading Card Game Tou
Has anyone told you how to ace trading card games in the most efficient way? In this strategy guide, Jaime Ulises Alvarez (a.k.a. Commander Jaime) reveals the most efficient methods on how to prepare and win Cardfight tournaments. We will find out the most fascinating approaches that can guide us in playing one of the most renowned games which involves learning, failure, and success. This book is also filled with life lessons that can reinforce our motivation and self-confidence. In this book, you will learn: - The ways on how to develop strong self-confidence. - Different strategies on how to top in trading card game tournaments. - The methods on how to create an influence/brand, create a strong circle of friends for success, and become more efficient in preparation for tournaments. This book is for anyone who wants to step up their game and reach the top in Cardfight!! Vanguard tournaments. Alvarez offers a new set of tips and mindset to equip players in breaking through their mental barriers and establish the foundation to success. To learn more, grab a copy now!
Jaime Alvarez (Author), Jaime Alvarez (Narrator)
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