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The 40 Day Warfare Plan of Binding and Loosing
Get ready for war! This book deals with the demonic forces of this world through warfare prayer, praise, and rest. The Strategic 40 Day Warfare Plan of binding the powers of darkness off the innocent people around us, while at the same time, loosing these victims from demonic grips for greater freedom in the Holy Spirit, is the goal of this amazing and powerful book. Get ready for some glorious insight and a strategic action plan to help you in this great battle against the darkness around us and our loved ones. God bless!
Daniel And Sheila Brothers, Daniel Brothers, Sheila Brothers (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine is an anthology of 13 priority books on the basic doctrines of the Christian life by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum.The Way Of LifeThe Way Of ObedienceThe Way Of DiscipleshipThe Way Of SanctificationThe Way Of Christian CharacterThe Way Of Spiritual PowerThe Way Of Christian ServiceThe Way Of Spiritual WarfareThe Way Of Suffering For ChristThe Way Of Victorious PrayingThe Way Of OvercomersThe Way Of Spiritual EncouragementThe Way Of Loving The LordAnyone who begins the Christian walk without them may be limping along the narrow way instead of running or cruising in it.The Lord is looking for Christ-like disciples. The Way Series, if read and studied, will propel you from being a new convert, believer or church member into the kind of disciple that Jesus commanded. In this way, the foundation for an enduring spiritual leadership will be laid. Would you like to become a disciple that pleases the Lord? If 'Yes,' this anthology is an indispensable vehicle to carry you through to your desired destination.We send this anthology out with an outcry to the Lord of the harvest to use it to produce disciples who obey Him in everything out of sinners, saints, converts, church members and believers in Christ. May the Lord reach out to you as you go through it. May He transform you from whatever you are into a dependable disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman, John Fehskens, Mark Christensen, Michelle Murillo, William Crockett (Narrator)
The Way of Victorious Praying: Estas Comidas y Jugos le Ayudarán a Fortalecer Su Sistema Inmune para
This book was born out of prayer. The Lord called a few of us aside to pray. Each night, we wrestled in prayer between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. This went on for many weeks. We came to find ourselves blessed, challenged, and purified. We came to see the Lord in a new way and to understand the purpose of our being in a totally new light.This book was also born out of an experience - an experience of obedience. Some of us were led to obey an obvious command of the Lord, which is clearly written in the Bible and which we had not yet obeyed. That obedience nearly cost us our lives. God honoured that obedience and caused it to lead to the ministries now associated with Christian Literature Centre, Yaounde. It also led to the birth of some assemblies which have, by God's grace, grown into praying communities.The truths charted in this book are coloured by what that local assembly has learnt as it tried, step by step, to follow the praying Lord in the School of Prayer. We have a commitment to prayer, fasting, and evangelism. We are learning and we are growing. Pray for us. Pray with us.We have come to discover that all things are possible to the praying saint and to the praying body of believers. By God's grace, we are determined to wipe out the word "impossible" from the life experience of the members of the assembly.Our hearts' desire is that all those who know the Lord Jesus will truly become people of prayer. So we send this book out with prayer that it will help some individuals and some local assemblies to make progress with the Lord in the "School of Prayer".To the Lord Jesus, the praying, supplicating and interceding Head of the Church be untold honour, glory, and majesty forever and ever.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
No Failure Needs to be Final!: A message of hope and encouragement for all believers
The Lord has a wonderful plan for you. He has purposed great things for you. Regardless of what you were and what you did as an unbeliever; regardless of the sins you have committed since you believed; regardless of your failure and unfaithfulness of the past; regardless of your having denied Him in the past; regardless of your discouragement in His service regardless of your backsliding in the past, regardless of your spiritual barrenness; regardless of His proclamation against you... you can still rise and enter in His fullness, for no failure in the past or present needs to be final. You can turn to Him today and He will receive you and work out His great purpose for you. He wants to begin right now. Let Him have His way. You should say to Him, "Lord, here I am. Have your way. Lord, grant that Your total purpose to give me a future and a hope will come to pass." Then, turn from your past and rest in His love. He will not throw you away. He will receive you and He will work out His glorious purpose for you.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), John H. Fehskens, William Crockett (Narrator)
This book by Prof. Fomum treats the way of salvation, notably:1) God's original purpose in the creation of man.2) The tragic sin of man and its consequences in time and in eternity.3) The unparalleled love of God manifested in the redemptive love of Christ on the cross for rebellious man.4) The sinner's response to God through repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.5) The victorious new life in Christ.Read it and experience in a new way the love of God for you.Give a copy to your friend, spouse, neighbor, colleague, parents, etc. and they will be blessed.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), John H. Fehskens, William Crockett (Narrator)
All the people who have made impact on history varied in many things, but they all had one thing in common - they worked hard. It is only true that "The heights by which great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight but while their companions slept, they kept toiling upwards into the sky."The Lord has given us work to do. He desires it accomplished. If we are to accomplish that work, we must put all that we are and all that we have into it. As far as this book is concerned, we must work with all our might. Only then can we satisfy His heart.This book is written on working hard. We acknowledge that there are other important things in the whole matter of satisfying the heart of God. In this book, we have tried to concentrate on working hard. The other aspects of satisfying God's heart have been covered or will be covered in our other books.You can work hard and satisfy the heart of God.You can work hard and win an eternal reward.You can work hard in preparation for a high rank in the Kingdom of God.You can work hard and improve your position on earth spiritually.You can work hard and improve your situation on earth in all ways.What you can do, you should do.What you should do, you must do.What you must do, you must do it with all your might.What you must do with all your might, you should do at once.The Lord God worked hard and works hard.The Lord Jesus worked hard and works hard.The Holy Spirit is working hard.You go and do likewise.We have written a companion volume to this book entitled, "Deliverance from the Sin of Laziness." Those who are lazy should read that book first and be delivered from laziness, and then, as they become free, they should read this one and master the art of working hard.We write the book, not from a position of people who have "arrived", but as people who are at work, mastering and applying the principles that are written here.If you have been blessed by this book and been enabled to make more progress in working hard, please let us know and may the Lord bless you abundantly.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
Time is one of the most precious gifts that the Lord has given man. In giving people the gift of time, the Lord has ensured that no one may consider himself specially favoured or disfavoured. In His wondrous love, God has given the President of a populous nation and a simple street sweeper in that nation, the same number of hours per day : twenty-four. The President has not been given a forty-eight hour day while the street sweeper has been given a twenty-four hour day. God expects the President to faithfully use the twenty-four hour day given to him, to discharge his presidential duties. He also expects the street sweeper to use the twenty-four hour day given to him, to faithfully discharge his duties as a street sweeper.If God has given people the same length of each passing day, then how do we account for the fact that some people seem to accomplish so much and others so little? The difference comes in the way people use the twenty-four hours of each day that the Lord has given them. Some sleep for four hours and then carefully invest the remaining twenty hours on the priority issues of their lives, and thus make impact on the world. Others sleep for eight hours everyday, then spend another eight hours doing nothing, because they are plagued with indecision, and the last eight hours are invested in non-essentials. These two groups of people, with twenty-four hour days, are investing them differently and will, consequently, reap different products from their lives. I had the privilege of being brought up by a father who knew the importance of time and, consequently, used it wisely. When I handed the master key of my life to the Lord Jesus on 1st October 1966, the Word of God came alive in me and the godly principles in which I had been brought up (including the use of time) came alive in me and the Lord has helped me to begin to learn how to use time. At the moment, I am investing an average of 16 hours a day into the service of the Lord and as a University teacher. My goal is that one day, I shall render 18 hours of full service to God and man. I am, consequently, only a student in the School of Using Time. Some of the principles shared with you in this book have been applied and are being applied in my life for profit. My prayer is that they should be a source of blessing to you.In writing this book, I have endeavoured not just to give you some formulae or some techniques to apply in your life. Time is a gift from the Lord and its correct use cannot be separated from a deep and increasing knowledge of Him.The extent to which this book helps you to draw near to the Lord, know Him and use time to accomplish His will, will be the extent to which I consider that writing it has served the Father's interest, and that, to me, is wonderful. God bless you exceedingly!
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
Retreats For Spiritual Progress
I am burdened by the increasing numbers of believers who know the Lord very superficially. They do not love Him. They find the time spent in His presence uninteresting. Often they do not know what to say to Him.We live in a generation that does not provide for quiet. Everything is moving fast. There is so much activity going on. The leaders of the day, be they in worldly circles or in the Church, are activists. Those who withdraw to wait on God are few.We believe that when believers in an increasing number, begin to withdraw and spend time alone in God's presence, something will happen to them. They will know God and then they will seek Him more and more. They will serve Him from His presence and things will be different. They will make spiritual progress.We send out this small book with prayer that the Lord will use it to help some make spiritual progress by withdrawing to seek God, know Him and obey Him.If you have been blessed through reading this book, please help put a copy in the hands of another believer and pray that he, too, will be blessed.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
Adventures in Religion: Finding Your Destiny in God
Interested in religion? Curious about your destiny? John G. Lake, the great man of God of the early 20th century, covers a wide landscape of true religion and what it means to walk with God in power and devotion. He beautifully portrays stories that will captivate your attention and expand your wonder at what is truly possible. May you be blessed as you listen to this book!
John G. Lake (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
Adventures in Religion: Finding Your Destiny in God
Interested in religion? Curious about your destiny? John G. Lake, the great man of God of the early 20th century, covers a wide landscape of true religion and what it means to walk with God in power and devotion. He beautifully portrays stories that will captivate your attention and expand your wonder at what is truly possible. May you be blessed as you listen to this book!
John G. Lake (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
"It seemed most wonderful how the Spirit revealed to these simple believers, who had only heard of the Bible for a few months, the things of Christ, His salvation, and the things of the future by visions of the unseen worlds." - H.A. Baker Harold Armstrong Baker was the grandfather of Rolland Baker - husband of Heidi Baker of IRIS Ministries. He and his wife were missionaries to China during the 20th century. This book discusses different visions that should not only excite the believer, but encourage him to prepare for the coming of the Lord. May this audiobook bless you in Jesus name!
H. A. Baker (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
'It seemed most wonderful how the Spirit revealed to these simple believers, who had only heard of the Bible for a few months, the things of Christ, His salvation, and the things of the future by visions of the unseen worlds.' - H.A. Baker Harold Armstrong Baker was the grandfather of Rolland Baker - husband of Heidi Baker of IRIS Ministries. He and his wife were missionaries to China during the 20th century. This book discusses different visions that should not only excite the believer, but encourage him to prepare for the coming of the Lord. May this audiobook bless you in Jesus name!
H. A. Baker (Author), William Crockett (Narrator)
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