Browse audiobooks narrated by Victoria Pearson, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Baby Sleep Training: The Ultimate Guide to Improve Baby's Quality of Sleep and Learn the Benefits th
Baby Sleep Training: The Ultimate Guide to Improve Baby's Quality of Sleep and Learn the Benefits that Good Sleeping Habits Can Provide During the first few months, your baby will be sleeping a lot. Sometimes, they will sleep for most of the day. But don't be lulled by the idea that everything is easy since your baby will just be sleeping most of the time. Some parents actually have a difficult time making their babies sleep or finding it difficult to develop a routine wherein you can determine which times your baby will sleep. This audiobook is your ultimate guide in learning everything you need to know about your baby and sleeping. All your questions will be answered and even ones that you did not even think of will be addressed here. In this audiobook, the following topics will be discussed: -Everything You Need to Know About Baby Sleeping - Baby Sleeping and Intimacy - 5 Steps to Getting Your Baby to Sleep - Baby Sleeping and Family - Allergies - Baby Sleeping For You - Baby Sleeping For New Dads - Refusing to Sleep - Teething and Baby Sleeping - 5 Great Habits for Baby Sleeping - Baby Sleeping Techniques - Home Remedies for Baby Sleeping - Is Baby's Sleeping Affecting Other Children? - Multiple Bedtimes - SIDS If you have a rough first few weeks with your baby's sleeping patterns, don't worry because it will certainly get better. Your baby will start sleeping longer and once you have established a sleeping routine, you will have an easier time. If you're an expecting mom who wants to learn more and be prepared to deal with your baby's sleeping, or you're already someone suffering from lack of sleep because of your baby's erratic sleeping patterns. this audiobook is the perfect guide for you. Scroll up now and click 'add to cart'
Nerisha Wilson (Author), Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Loving Better Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: How We Love and Relationship Cure
Loving Better Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle, How We Love and Relationship Cure All of us enter relationships with the intention of making it last forever. However, life happens and some couples find themselves too busy to make time for romance. Most conversations just revolve around your kids, bills, chores and other things that usually cause stress so romance usually takes the backburner. This is the reason why some relationships fail and end up in divorce. It’s important to make sure that we’re doing what we can to still keep things interesting to keep the romance alive. This bundle will give you useful tips on how you can improve your relationship. You will learn exciting ideas on how to rekindle the romance so you can feel like newlyweds again. You will discover the secrets of what makes relationships last. It will also teach you everything about giving and receiving unconditional love. You will discover what unconditional love truly means and how it can help your own relationship. This two-in-one bundle includes the following audiobooks: 1. How We Love: The Ultimate Guide on Learning How to Love Unconditionally, Learn The Secrets To Removing Attachments and Loving With No Conditions 2. Relationship Cure: The Ultimate Guide to Relationship Success, Learn Relationship Advice on How to Improve Your Relationship and Make it Lasts Get your copy of Loving Better 2 in 1 Bundle today!
N.L. Wallace, Patty Suers (Author), Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
The Relationship Cure: The Ultimate Guide to Relationship Success, Learn Relationship Advice on How
The Relationship Cure: The Ultimate Guide to Relationship Success, Learn Relationship Advice on How to Improve Your Relationship and Make it Lasts All of us enter relationships with the intention of making it last forever. However, life happens and some couples find themselves too busy to make time for romance. Most conversations just revolve around your kids, bills, chores and other things that usually cause stress so romance usually takes the backburner. This is the reason why some relationships fail and end up in divorce. It’s important to make sure that we’re doing what we can to still keep things interesting to keep the romance alive. This audiobook will give you useful tips on how you can improve your relationship. You will learn exciting ideas on how to rekindle the romance so you can feel like newlyweds again. You will discover the secrets of what makes relationships last. This audiobook will discuss about the following topics: - Can You Really Stay Happily Ever After in a Relationship? - Building Trust to Build a Better Relationship - Fix Your Relationship by Improving Communication - Have Common Goals to Keep Interested in Each Other - Show Appreciation For Your Partner - Speak Kindly, Listen, and Grow Your Relationship - 10 Ideas to Spice Things Up in the Romance Department - Fun Tips to Add a Little Romance to Your Life If you were romantic when you were still dating, before all the stress of family happened, then you can definitely do it again! It might take a little effort now but anything worth having usually is. If you want to learn some tips on how to rekindle the flame of your romance, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
N.L. Wallace (Author), Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Network Marketing Solutions Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketers and Online Network Marketing
Network Marketing Solutions Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketers and Online Network Marketing Network marketing has been around for many years. If you've heard of companies like Avon, Tupper Ware, and Mary Kay, all of these businesses employ network marketing strategies to sell their products. Network marketing makes use of a wide range of networks to reach more people which traditional advertising otherwise does not reach. That's why it encourages its participants to recruit more reps or 'downlines'. It relies on a person's ability to influence that network to sell the products. Multilevel marketing gives you a chance of earning a great income while doing fun and fulfilling work as well as impacting the lives of countless people. Successful network marketers are able to impart their knowledge to their team that would make it possible for them to duplicate their success and build networking dynasties of their own. This bundle will teach you all the important information and strategies you need to be effective at network marketing. You will learn different techniques on how to sell products or services as well as recruit downlines as well. This two-in-one bundle series includes the following audiobooks: 1. Network Marketers: The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing Lifelines, Discover Everything You Need to Know About Network Marketing Uplines and Downlines 2. Online Network Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Multilevel Marketing, Discover the Best Techniques and Practices on How to Build a Successful Online Network Marketing Business Get your copy of Network Marketing Solutions Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Lawrence Toms, Melvin Leland (Author), Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Heal Your Skin Bundle, 4 in 1 Bundle: Get Rid of Acne, Healing Eczema, Psoriasis Management and Trea
Heal Your Skin Bundle, 4 in 1 Bundle: Get Rid of Acne, Healing Eczema, Psoriasis Management and Treatment, and Natural Beautiful Skin People are suffering from a lot of different skin issues like acne, psoriasis and eczema. Fortunately, there are many ways to heal and manage them and you can learn them all in this bundle. No one in the world is immune to acne. It affects people from all walks of life and from any age category. People with acne consider it to be an annoying problem, one that frustrates them to the point of hopelessness. Because everyone’s skin is different, they all have different contributing factors that cause their particular kind of acne. Eczema, which is that horrible itchy rash on your skin, isn’t new. This bundle will teach you all the information you need to know about acne, eczema and psoriasis, what causes them and how you can prevent them. If you have acne already, you will learn how to cure them so it doesn’t come back. This 4 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Get Rid of Acne: The Best Guide and Tips on Acne Treatment, Learn All the Facts about Acne and How to Treat Them and Finally Have the Clear Skin Forever - Healing Eczema: The Essential Guide on the Natural Ways to Cure Eczema, Learn All the Safe and Natural Treatments Available so You Can Get Rid of Eczema Permanently - Psoriasis Management and Treatment: The Essential Guide on How to Heal Psoriasis, Learn All About Psoriasis and How it Affects Your Quality of Life Plus All the Treatments Available to Cure It - Natural Beautiful Skin: The Essential Guide on How to Achieve Beautiful Skin the Natural Way, Learn the Best Practices and Tips on Proper Skin Care to Have Beautiful and Glowing Skin If you want to learn more, download your copy of Heal Your Skin 4 in 1 Bundle today!
Alicia Davy, Charline Rodd, Jennie Maiden, Maree Hardwick (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Tanya Neihardt, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Supercharge Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Limitless Mindset and Reprogram and Grow Your Mind
Supercharge Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Limitless Mindset and Reprogram and Grow Your Mind There is a saying that what you think, you become. Are you thinking and visualizing yourself as someone who would achieve massive success in life? Do you sometimes feel like you're stuck and your life is not going anywhere? If you've been failing to get what you want out of life and if you've been feeling as though you're banging your head against the wall in your business, your relationships or your finances - then the problem almost certainly originates from your brain. The way you're thinking, your creativity, your intelligence... all of it comes from the physical makeup of your brain and the way that you're approaching problems. This bundle will teach you how you can adjust your mindset that is geared towards thinking with excellence. You will learn the thought processes of the world's most successful people so you can learn to adapt them as well. You will discover what you can do to change your brain, to break out of old habits and to become more intelligent. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Limitless Mindset: The Essential Guide on How to Achieve Excellence Through a Limitless Mindset, Learn the Strategies on How to Think With Excellence and Reach Your Fullest Potential - Reprogram and Grow Your Mind: The Essential Guide on How to Rewire Your Brain For Success, Learn The Right Mindsets to Cultivate to Achieve Success A change in mindset and perspective will do wonders and you will see for yourself that once you have changed your mindset to adapt success habits, the results you're waiting for will follow through. To learn more, get your copy of Supercharge Your Brain 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Robert Stacy, Simon Wolff (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Achieve Networking Success Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketing Fortune and Networking Mastery
Achieve Networking Success Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketing Fortune and Networking Mastery What are the secrets to building an ultra-successful network marketing business? If you were to ask the top distributors and industry leaders, you will surely get different answers with many areas of commonality. But one thing is for sure, these top leaders and extraordinary individuals have been successful in conveying the essential principles that have allowed their students (downline) to go out and touch the lives of countless others, creating wealth and with it, personal freedom in the process. But network marketing has changed a lot in recent years because you no longer have to visit a thousand people in the hopes of getting 10 interested persons. With the Internet, the age of targeted marketing has been heralded. It is now so very simple to get right to the people who will be interested. If you play everything the right way, you don’t even need to get to these people. You could make these people come to you. This bundle will teach you all the important information you need to know about multilevel marketing or networking marketing. You will learn what it is about, how it works, the benefits and how to get started. You will learn how you can become a top leader and create a profitable network marketing business. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Network Marketing Fortune: The Essential Guide on Online Network Marketing, Learn Proven Methods on How to Build a Successful and Profitable Network Marketing Business - Networking Mastery: The Essential Guide on How to Master Networking Skills and Build Connections in Your Industry Get your copy of Achieve Networking Success 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Andrea Nolan, Marvin Gregg (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Boosting Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Take Care of Your Brain and Reprogram and Grow Your Mind
Boosting Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Take Care of Your Brain and Reprogram and Grow Your Mind There is a saying that what you think, you become. Are you thinking and visualizing yourself as someone who would achieve massive success in life? If not, then this might be what’s stopping you from being successful in life. A change in mindset and perspective will do wonders and you will see for yourself that once you have changed your mindset to adapt success habits, the results you’re waiting for will follow through. Our brains are what we use for the majority of careers and everything we do these days, they are what we use to manage our relationships and they are what we use to handle money, navigate, learn, and more. This bundle will teach you all the information you need on how to take better care of your brain. You will learn the inner workings of the brain and how to get the most out of it. You will discover tips on how to improve your brainpower through training, diet, and lifestyle changes. You will also learn how to rewire and change your mindset so you will be able to adapt the habits you need to achieve success. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Take Care of Your Brain: The Essential Guide to Brain Health, Discover the Effective Ways on How to Nurture and Nourish Your Brain For Better Performance - Reprogram and Grow Your Mind: The Essential Guide on How to Rewire Your Brain For Success, Learn The Right Mindsets to Cultivate to Achieve Success Get your copy of Boosting Your Brain 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Franz Weldon, Simon Wolff (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Tracy Pearson, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Baby Whisperer Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Baby Sleep Solution and Potty Training Your Toddler
Baby Whisperer Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Baby Sleep Solution and Potty Training Your Toddler During the first few months, babies are usually just sleeping a lot. Babies will sleep for most of the day. If you’re the parent, you may not get any real interaction, or reactions other than sleep and crying. But there are some parents who have difficulty in putting their babies to sleep or find it difficult to develop a routine wherein their babies will sleep through the night. It makes it difficult for parents to have normal sleep cycles as well. Another common problem is potty training when the baby is soon becoming a toddler. Parents have different experiences when it comes to this situation with some having more luck than others. If you have already slowly dabbled in trying to potty train your child but without success, don’t be discouraged This bundle will teach you everything you need to learn about baby sleeping and potty training. You will learn various tips and tricks on how to put your baby to sleep. You will learn possible causes of why they can’t sleep peacefully so you can look out for them. You will also learn how to develop a sleeping habit and routine that will allow your baby and you to sleep peacefully through the night. You will also learn different practices and tricks on how you can potty train your child. In this audiobook, This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Baby Sleep Solution: Learn Everything About Your Baby's Sleeping Including the Best Tips to Establish Sleeping Habits and How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night - Potty Training Your Toddler: The Best Guide on How to Toilet Train Your Kid, Get the Most Effective Strategies on Potty Training, and Finally Break Free From Dirty Diapers Get your copy of Baby Whisperer 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Ana Karlmann, Corinna Garth (Author), Jessica Budreau, Marcus Mulenga, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Switch On Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle:: Think Bigger and Unleash Your Brain Power
Switch On Your Brain Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Think Bigger and Unleash Your Brain Power Do you want to achieve bigger things in life but are having a hard time making it a reality? The way you’re thinking might have something to do with it. Our mindset plays a bigger and more crucial role than you can imagine. If you think small, chances are you will achieve small as well. So it’s important to always think and aim bigger and higher so you can achieve bigger things as well. If you try to analyze those super successful people, you will notice that one thing they will definitely have in common is their mindset of always thinking bigger than the ordinary people. We all have the power of our mind but most of us don’t take advantage of its full potential. The power of our mind can turn our imagination into reality to make our dreams happen so we can achieve success. This bundle will teach you all the information you need to know on how you can think bigger. You will learn the tricks and useful tips on how you can think bigger and yet set realistic goals for yourself so as not to set yourself up for failure. It will teach you effective methods on how to train your brain to always exercise positive thinking. You will then know how positive thinking can help motivate your actions to achieve the success you’re dreaming of. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Think Bigger: The Essential Guide on How to Think Bigger in Order to Achieve More, Learn How to Expand Your Thinking to Visualize Bigger Goals and Make Them Happen - Unleash Your Brain Power: The Essential Guide on How to Use Positive Thinking to Change Your Mindset and Achieve the Full Potential of Your Brain Get your copy of Switch On Your Brain 2 in 1 Bundle today!
Max Darden, Rainier Dempsey (Author), John Hays, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
World of Network Marketing Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketing Success, Network Marketing Fortu
World of Network Marketing Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Network Marketing Success, Network Marketing Fortune, Confident Prospecting Network marketing or multilevel Network Marketing (MLM) is a method of marketing that makes use of independent sales reps as a way to reach a wider range of networks, where conventional methods such as traditional online or offline advertising wouldn’t work. It is a very popular business opportunity for people looking to work part-time doing flexible jobs. Hundreds of companies utilize this method, including some well-known brands such as Avon, Tupperware, and Mary Kay Cosmetics. One of the best skills you need to develop when you're in network marketing is your ability to find prospects. A network marketer's main goal is to recruit new prospects and new network marketers. This bundle will teach you all the important information you need to know about multilevel marketing or networking marketing. You will learn what it is about, how it works, the benefits and how to get started. You will learn how you can become a top leader and create a profitable network marketing business. This 3 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Network Marketing Success: The Essential Guide on Network Marketing Businesses, Learn Useful Tips on How to Network and Find Prospects and Become a Network Marketing Superstar - Network Marketing Fortune: The Essential Guide on Online Network Marketing, Learn Proven Methods on How to Build a Successful and Profitable Network Marketing Business - Confident Prospecting: An Essential Guide in the Art of Prospecting, Learn the Secrets for Effective Prospecting to Help You Grow Your Network Get your copy of World of Network Marketing 3 in 1 Bundle today!
Elizabeth Kempf, Jase Ammons, Marvin Gregg (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Todd Studerr, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
Building Your Relationship Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Heart of Unconditional Love, Relationship Help, an
Building Your Relationship Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Heart of Unconditional Love, Relationship Help, and How to Meet and Attract People Any relationship must start with dating or attracting another person. Attracting the opposite sex is fairly easy to do if you are someone who responds well to emotions, touch, and body language. When learning the basics of attraction, you need to look for certain signs in order to know if someone is interested in you or not so you don’t misread the situation. Once you’re in a relationship, you have to learn how to love your partner properly. The greatest power that mankind could ever achieve is the power of unconditional love. This is when people love with no limitations, conditions or boundaries. This type of love is also comparable to true love which is used to describe love between lovers. This audiobook will teach you all about attraction, the laws of attraction and tips on how you can attract someone. You will learn the qualities and skills you need to develop in order to make yourself appealing and attractive. You will also learn everything about the power of unconditional love. You will learn how to give and receive unconditional love. This 3 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: - Heart of Unconditional Love: The Essential Guide on How to Love Unconditionally, Learn Useful Ways and Tips on How to Remove Attachments and Conditions When Loving Someone - Relationship Help: The Essential Guide on How to Cultivate a Healthy Relationship, Discover Expert Advice on How to Maintain a Happy and Lasting Relationship - How to Meet and Attract People: The Ultimate Guide on Dating, Learn How to Meet and Attract The Perfect Partner For You so You Never Have to Be Alone Again Get your copy of Building Your Relationship 3 in 1 Bundle today!
C.J. Meyer, Sheila Colten, Taylor Elwood (Author), Marcus Mulenga, Todd Studer, Victoria Pearson (Narrator)
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