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Prophets of the Bible: Revised Geneva Translation
This is a full, unabridged, uninterrupted version of all 4 Major Prophets (including Lamentations) and all 12 Minor Prophets contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, as read by best-selling faith-based narrator, Steve Cook. The recording contains no commentary or other human adornment, only the pure, living Word of God, profitable for teaching, convicting, correcting, and instructing in righteousness. The text is taken from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. The RGT is a 21st Century update of the 1599 Geneva Bible. It eliminates archaic and potentially distracting 16th Century words, phrases, and punctuation, while at the same time maintaining the strict attention to original intent for which that version of The Holy Bible has always been known. In scholarly terms, it is a formal equivalency, based on the Byzantine text-type family of manuscripts. The RGT is one of only a handful of modern translations of the Holy Bible to do so. Almost all other modern translations, including the NASB, ESV, NIV, and NLT, use the shorter Alexandrian text-type family of manuscripts as their base text, which excludes passages such as Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, and the “Johannine Comma” of 1John 5:7-8, in addition to hundreds, if not thousands, of other smaller textual omissions, such as Acts 8:37, Matthew 17:21, Mark 11:26, Luke 23:17, and John 5:4. In addition, the RGT strives to preserve the textual cadence and poetry that is so essential to Elizabethan literature. Just as in all preceding centuries, Biblical text in the 1500’s was meant to be heard and seen, as much as read, because so many of those who received it were illiterate and needed to memorize it and speak it back to each other often in order to facilitate meditation. And so the living and active characteristic of God’s word is very much kept in mind on these recordings.
Various (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Revelation: Revised Geneva Translation
This is a full, unabridged, uninterrupted version of the Book of Revelation, read by best-selling faith-based narrator, Steve Cook. It contains no commentary or other human adornment, only the pure, living Word of God, profitable for teaching, convicting, correcting, and instructing in righteousness. The reading is taken from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. The RGT is a 21st Century update of the 1599 Geneva Bible. It eliminates archaic and potentially distracting 16th Century words, phrases, and punctuation, while at the same time maintaining the strict attention to original intent for which that version of The Holy Bible has always been known. In scholarly terms, it is a formal equivalency, based on the Byzantine text-type family of manuscripts. The RGT is one of only a handful of modern translations of the Holy Bible to do so. Almost all other modern translations, including the NASB, ESV, NIV, and NLT, use the shorter Alexandrian text-type family of manuscripts as their base text, which excludes passages such as Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, and the “Johannine Comma” of 1John 5:7-8, in addition to hundreds, if not thousands, of other smaller textual omissions, such as Acts 8:37, Matthew 17:21, Mark 11:26, Luke 23:17, and John 5:4. In addition, the RGT strives to preserve the textual cadence and poetry that is so essential to Elizabethan literature. Just as in all preceding centuries, Biblical text in the 1500’s was meant to be heard and seen, as much as read, because so many of those who received it were illiterate and needed to memorize it and speak it back to each other often in order to facilitate meditation. And so the living and active characteristic of God’s word is very much kept in mind on these recordings.
John The Apostle (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Book of the Torah: Revised Geneva Translation
“Torah”, the Hebrew word for instruction or law, is the collective name for the first five Books of the Tanakh, or Jewish Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. They first appeared widely in written form among English-speaking Christians with the Geneva Bibles of the 16th century. This 21st century modernization of that text is called the Revised Geneva Translation. It is intended to make the Received Text as actionable as possible to a modern audience. It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Torah in Judeo-Christian history. It is more central to the Jewish faith than any other institution, certainly more any other text. The “Book of the Torah” is referenced no less than 20 times by 6 different authors throughout the rest of the Old Testament, from Joshua 1:8 to Malachi 4:4. And it is referenced in the New Testament (as “The Law of Moses”) at least 11 times by the Apostles John, Luke, and Paul. It's also easy to see the Torah’s influence on the founding of relatively modern democratic republics like the United States. The Book of Deuteronomy is widely regarded as the most-quoted text by the US Founding Fathers in both their personal diaries and official writings. Furthermore, of all the possible inscriptions for the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, they chose this one: '... proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants.' ~Leviticus 25:10 (RGT) We thank God that He has appointed this time for you to engage with His Word—simply, openly and honestly. We do not take lightly our responsibility to present that Word passionately and reverently, in the pursuit of His peace. We expectantly pray that the Holy Spirit will make His Word as fruitful for you as Joshua predicted.
Moses (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Book of Psalms: Revised Geneva Translation
This is a full, unabridged, uninterrupted version of the Book of Psalms, read by best-selling faith-based narrator, Steve Cook. It contains no commentary or other human adornment, only the pure, living Word of God, profitable for teaching, convicting, correcting, and instructing in righteousness. The reading is taken from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. The RGT is a 21st Century update of the 1599 Geneva Bible. It eliminates archaic and potentially distracting 16th Century words, phrases, and punctuation, while at the same time maintaining the strict attention to original intent for which that version of The Holy Bible has always been known. In scholarly terms, it is a formal equivalency, based on the Byzantine text-type family of manuscripts. The RGT is one of only a handful of modern translations of the Holy Bible to do so. Almost all other modern translations, including the NASB, ESV, NIV, and NLT, use the shorter Alexandrian text-type family of manuscripts as their base text, which excludes passages such as Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, and the “Johannine Comma” of 1John 5:7-8, in addition to hundreds, if not thousands, of other smaller textual omissions, such as Acts 8:37, Matthew 17:21, Mark 11:26, Luke 23:17, and John 5:4. In addition, the RGT strives to preserve the textual cadence and poetry that is so essential to Elizabethan literature. Just as in all preceding centuries, Biblical text in the 1500’s was meant to be heard and seen, as much as read, because so many of those who received it were illiterate and needed to memorize it and speak it back to each other often in order to facilitate meditation. And so the living and active characteristic of God’s word is very much kept in mind on these recordings.
Various (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Wisdom Books of the Bible: Revised Geneva Translation: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of
This is a full, unabridged, uninterrupted version of the Wisdom Books contained in the Old Testament (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon), read by best-selling faith-based narrator, Steve Cook. It contains no commentary or other human adornment, only the pure, living Word of God, profitable for teaching, convicting, correcting, and instructing in righteousness. The reading is taken from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. The RGT is a 21st Century update of the 1599 Geneva Bible. It eliminates archaic and potentially distracting 16th Century words, phrases, and punctuation, while at the same time maintaining the strict attention to original intent for which that version of The Holy Bible has always been known. In scholarly terms, it is a formal equivalency, based on the Byzantine text-type family of manuscripts. The RGT is one of only a handful of modern translations of the Holy Bible to do so. Almost all other modern translations, including the NASB, ESV, NIV, and NLT, use the shorter Alexandrian text-type family of manuscripts as their base text, which excludes passages such as Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, and the “Johannine Comma” of 1John 5:7-8, in addition to hundreds, if not thousands, of other smaller textual omissions, such as Acts 8:37, Matthew 17:21, Mark 11:26, Luke 23:17, and John 5:4. In addition, the RGT strives to preserve the textual cadence and poetry that is so essential to Elizabethan literature. Just as in all preceding centuries, Biblical text in the 1500’s was meant to be heard and seen, as much as read, because so many of those who received it were illiterate and needed to memorize it and speak it back to each other often in order to facilitate meditation. And so the living and active characteristic of God’s word is very much kept in mind on these recordings.
Various (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Book of Enoch: Rise and Fall of the Watchers
Most scholars believe that the origins of evil stem from the idea that God, in His “not wanting to create obedient robots,” gave both angelic and human beings FREE WILL. However, the danger is that if that free will goes against God, then devastating consequences arise from “rebellion which is the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” (1 Samuel 15:23) One example of this is what scholars refer to as 'The Fall of the Watchers', depicted in Genesis 6. In it, some 200 angels touch down on Mount Hermon to take the seed of human women for themselves through a forbidden pact they make with each other. These Watchers (or sons of God – “the bnei HaElohim”) are supposed to be watching over the Earth (its weather patterns, affairs of men, etc.) but are influenced by the kingdom of darkness, as well as their own lust and pride. Jude 1:6 says “they kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.” The devastating consequence of these unholy unions is that their offspring become, as Genesis 6:4 says “Giants” (which, in the original Hebrew, means “Nephilim” and “Men of Renown”). Not only do the Watchers cause this abominable thing, they also teach forbidden knowledge to humans such as witchcraft, divination, astronomy, mind-altering drugs (Pharmacia), writing before God’s timing to do so, smithing and metal working, weapon-making, gene-tampering and animal cross-breeding, each with its own devastating consequences. While the Nephilim are not called out by name in the Book of Enoch, it is indeed they who are mentioned throughout the provocative ancient manuscript. The translators of the Book of Enoch, as well as The Holy Bible, are using words common to their audience, not giving their readers the credit of doing their own research on rarely-used or rarely-heard words like “Nephilim.”
Enoch (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
“Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scripture.” ~Dr. Martin Luther The beginning of the Holiday season in the US is marked by a pagan party on the last day of October known as Halloween. In recent years, this day has grown in popularity. In fact, a quick tour of any local neighborhood will reveal yard decorations of a scope and complexity bigger and more widespread than ever before. It quite literally rivals Christmastime now. Many knowingly embrace Halloween’s demonic foundations. But, the vast majority (including many professing Christians) simply dismiss it as “harmless fun”, dedicated to dressing up and eating candy. The whole demonic part is really not to be taken all that seriously. So, what’s a Bible-believer to do at this time of year? Well, we could head out to the garage and just dust off the Nativity scene early. In fact, that may not be such a bad idea. But if we as Christians want to celebrate a specific event other than Halloween on October 31st, then Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 Theses onto the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517 is as good an alternative event as any. Because that event sparked one of the biggest revivals of a love for God’s Word in history, and October 31st is recorded as the actual day it took place. Hallelujah! What better example of how God works! To that end, we’ve decided to help fan the flame of that alternative celebration with this recording of Luther’s 95 Theses in English. Study them in your homeschool, your small group, your classroom or just listen in the car by yourself, with family or friends. And begin your Holiday season a little differently this year. Five Talents Audio shares Martin Luther’s love of God’s Word and it is our hope that both his and ours shine through in this recording, and that it helps bring you peace with God and peace with this fallen world, just as Jesus promised. Blessings today and love to all.
Martin Luther (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
What if there was a sola-scriptura 'primer' for the story of Christ's Resurrection, designed specifically for this generation? As currently featured on Bible Gateway, Witness the Bible: Mark presents the Bible's entire second Gospel in a kind of 'entry-level' format, with slightly abridged text in all but the last 4 Chapters. There are also full cinematic sound effects and music throughout the audio version. The goal is to foster the imagination of Mark's Gospel as vividly as possible in modern minds, thus giving opportunity for the Spirit to create a lifelong love of God's word. Witness Easter, the 7th volume in the 'Witness the Bible' series, features just the last 6 Chapters of Mark's Gospel (again with the last 4 Chapters being completely unabridged) in that same format, allowing the listener to focus in even more intently on just the story of Passion Week. The text itself is taken entirely from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. There is nothing more powerful than the Word of God, especially when it comes to the human heart and mind. Whatever reasons you may have for picking up this book, whatever things you may be going through in your life right now, we believe this is an appointed time for you. And we expectantly await what the Holy Spirit is going to do over the next few minutes and beyond through the power of His Word alone.
Mark (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Dramatized by best-selling narrator, Steve Cook, this abridged re-telling of Dickens' classic Christmas tale has something for everyone. All the sounds of 19th Century London are captured, from clopping hooves on cobblestones to booming Westminster chimes at midnight to the supernatural comings and goings of Scrooge’s four nocturnal visitors. Plus, a complete soundtrack of suspenseful and seasonal music throughout puts the finishing touches on a true, old-fashioned radio theatre-style experience. “Often great pieces of literature are so abridged when they’re dramatized that they lose the full power of the language and the storytelling,” says Cook. “I’ve taken great care to be as gentle as possible with this abridgment while still seeking to hold the attention of today’s audience. Of course, having over 20 different character voices and a full cinematic soundscape underneath always helps too.” This dramatized recording is taken directly from Cook's performance of Dickens' full, 3.5-hour, five-chapter masterpiece, which is also available for download at 'God bless us, every one!'
Charles Dickens, Steve Cook (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Has your child outgrown their kid's Bible but still doesn't quite have the attention span for all 800,000 words of Scripture yet? Then, the 'Witness the Bible' dramatized audio series makes a great sola scriptura transition. As currently featured on Bible Gateway, this series is designed to help young believers and seekers activate the reality of Jesus and His love for us throughout the entire Bible. This second volume in the series, 'Witness the Bible: Joseph and Judah', focuses entirely on the narrative of Genesis 37-50, with a special awareness of Judah's transformation from Joseph's jealous and arrogant older brother into a specially-blessed and humble member of Christ's earthly family. As with all WTB installments, the text is slightly abridged and there are full cinematic sound effects and music throughout. Help the kids you love draw closer to God with 'Witness the Bible: Joseph & Judah' (performed by 7-time #1 Amazon Best-Selling Narrator, Steve Cook).
Moses (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Has your child outgrown their kid's Bible but still doesn't quite have the attention span for all 800,000 words of Scripture yet? Then, the 'Witness the Bible' dramatized audio series makes a great sola scriptura transition. As currently featured on Bible Gateway, this series is designed to help young believers and seekers activate the reality of Jesus and His love for us throughout the entire Bible. This first volume in the series, 'Witness the Bible: Genesis to Jesus', presents a kind of “highlight reel” of Jesus' life in Scripture (up to His birth in Bethlehem) by synthesizing different parts of the Old and New Testament into one single narrative, with a slightly abridged text (taken entirely from the Revised Geneva Translation) and full cinematic sound effects and music throughout. WTB_G2J includes Creation, The Fall, The Flood, Abraham's Calling, David & Goliath, The Christmas Story and the full books of Ruth and Jonah. In addition, it dynamically intersperses parts of Christ's Genealogy (from Genesis 5 and Matthew 1) to heighten the reality of His earthly line. Help the kids you love draw closer to God with 'Witness the Bible: Genesis to Jesus' (performed by 7-time #1 Amazon Best-Selling Narrator, Steve Cook).
Various (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
Has your child outgrown their kid's Bible but still doesn't quite have the attention span for all 800,000 words of Scripture yet? Then, the 'Witness the Bible' dramatized audio series makes a great sola scriptura transition. As currently featured on Bible Gateway, this series is designed to help young believers and seekers activate the reality of Jesus and His love for us throughout the entire Bible. This third volume in the series, 'Witness the Bible: Mark', presents the Bible's second Gospel in a kind of 'entry-level' format, again with slightly abridged text and full cinematic sound effects and music. The goal is to foster the imagination of Mark's Gospel as vividly as possible in younger minds, giving opportunity for the Spirit to create a lifelong love of God's word. The text itself is taken entirely from the Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible. Help the kids you love draw closer to God with 'Witness the Bible: Mark' (performed by 7-time #1 Amazon Best-Selling Narrator, Steve Cook).
Mark (Author), Steve Cook (Narrator)
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