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Por primera vez la hija de Diana Turbay revela detalles de una historia que partió su vida en dos: el asesinato de su madre en una de las épocas más violentas de la historia reciente de Colombia María Carolina Hoyos Turbay tenía 18 años cuando se enteró por la radio de la operación autorizada por el entonces presidente César Gaviria para intentar liberar a su mamá, secuestrada por Pablo Escobar. Horas después, luego de un rescate fallido y frente al cuerpo sin vida de Diana Turbay, su hija le prometió que nunca más volvería a sonreír. Tuvieron que pasar muchos años, muchas lágrimas y mucho dolor para que María Carolina decidiera incumplir esa promesa, retomar su vida e intentar ser feliz. Esta es la historia de cómo una mujer colombiana, una hija a quien el narcotráfico le arrebató a su madre, decidió perdonar. Pero también podría ser la historia de aquellos que un día pensaron que jamás se recuperarían de una enfermedad, un divorcio o una crisis económica. Este testimonio confirma que, a pesar de las situaciones más adversas, es posible salir a flote y volver a sonreír. 'Me asombra gratamente una combinación que aflora en todos los párrafos de este libro: la naturalidad de periodismo auténtico con que la autora describe sus emociones más íntimas y sus pesares más entrañables. Solo una persona que tenga el corazón en paz puede traducir así los rincones de su propia alma, con sencillez y maestría al mismo tiempo'. -Tomado del prólogo de Juan Gossaín
María Carolina Hoyos Turbay (Author), Silvia Aira (Narrator)
Desde las cenizas se desarrolla en un universo pequeño, engañosamente simple, de personajes identificables y comunes. Sin embargo, Claudia Amengual los vuelve únicos. Un día Diana ingresa, accidentalmente, en el correo electrónico de un hombre al que no conoce pero con el que inicia un juego mediático, anónimo y audaz, que les concede a ambos la cuota de seducción que les estaba faltando. Y así, lo que empieza como una travesura deviene una necesidad: los mensajes son un remedio para Diana, una ilusión que le cubre los días vacíos, y la llena de expectativas.
Claudia Amengual (Author), Silvia Aira (Narrator)
Entrenar líderes se ha convertido en una necesidad imperiosa para las organizaciones que quieran sobrevivir en el tiempo. Es, de hecho, la esperanza más genuina para aprovechar y organizar el escenario crítico que hoy atravesamos. Entrenar líderes es un arte. Se trata de descubrir y modelar el estilo propio de servicio de aquellos que fueron llamados a conducir una empresa o una corporación. El éxito de este aprendizaje quedará cifrado en la manifestación de su amor a los demás, en sus ideas y en el coraje de producir acciones innovadoras. Este programa de entrenamiento ha sido probado y optimizado de manera profesional y responsable durante muchos años. Sus resultados han sido excelentes en cuanto a clima laboral, productividad, rentabilidad y entusiasmo. Aspiramos al publicarlo a que los entrenadores la utilicen como guía y que transfieran lo aprendido a todos los ámbitos que frecuenten. Confiamos en que resultará de enorme provecho para quienes intervienen en cada segmento del proceso de producción.
Hilda Cañeque, Martin Cañeque (Author), Silvia Aira (Narrator)
Looking for Spanish novels? I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language. You usually don't have a large vocabulary. You aren't able to listen to long and complex novels intended for native speakers. You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now. A typical beginner's Spanish language book isn't interesting or is just plain boring. But this book is not like that. Learning with Spanish novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult, long texts with English translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that: It will take you to the next level in no time! That means less effort and struggle on your way to fluency in Spanish. Tango milonga is the 5th book of the Spanish Novels Series. This Spanish reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, buying things, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who already knows the basics of the Spanish language is ready to read this book. I assume you have a general knowledge of personal pronouns, articles, and some common verbs/nouns in Spanish. Actually, the only verb tense you need to know is simple present. Rodolfo is a tango dancer and lives in Buenos Aires. Tango is his passion and life. He goes every day to the milonga. One evening, when he leaves the milonga he is knocked over by a car and breaks his leg. He will try hard to recover and dance tango again. This easy Spanish book will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right, you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: A beginner Spanish book is the perfect place to start practicing the language. Why this Spanish novels series? Short sentences. Short chapters. Easy vocabulary.
Paco Ardit (Author), Gonzalo Moreno, Silvia Aira (Narrator)
Looking for Spanish novels? I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language. You usually don't have a large vocabulary. You aren't able to listen to long and complex novels intended for native speakers. You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now. A typical beginner's Spanish language book isn't interesting or is just plain boring. But this book is not like that. Learning with Spanish novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult, long texts with English translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that: It will take you to the next level in no time! That means less effort and struggle on your way to fluency in Spanish. Los novios is the 4th book in the Spanish Novels Series. This Spanish reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, buying things, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who already knows the basics of the Spanish language is ready to read this book. I assume you have a general knowledge of personal pronouns, articles, and some common verbs/nouns in Spanish. Actually, the only verb tense you need to know is simple present. Pablo and Pamela are engaged to be married soon. They are looking forward to living together, but don't know how much stress is involved in planning the wedding. And they'll find out that maybe they don't even need to marry. This easy Spanish book will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right, you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: A beginner Spanish book is the perfect place to start practicing the language. Why this Spanish novels series? Short sentences. Short chapters. Easy vocabulary.
Paco Ardit (Author), Gonzalo Moreno, Silvia Aira (Narrator)
Looking for Spanish novels? I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language. You usually don't have a large vocabulary. You aren't able to read long and complex novels intended for native speakers. You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now. A typical beginner's Spanish reader isn't interesting or is just plain boring. But this book is not like that. Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult, long texts with English translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that: It will take you to the next level in no time! That means less effort and struggle on your way to fluency in Spanish. Ana, estudiante is the first book of the Spanish Novels Series. This Spanish reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, buying things, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who already knows the basics of the Spanish language is ready to read this book. I assume you have a general knowledge of personal pronouns, articles, and some common verbs/nouns in Spanish. Actually, the only verb tense you need to know is simple present. A funny story about love and friendship. A girl who studies Psychology at the University falls in love with her teacher, prepares exams, and goes out with friends. The action takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, so you'll be exposed to real Argentinian slang. This easy Spanish book will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right, you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: A beginner Spanish book is the perfect place to start practicing the language. Why Spanish Novels? Short sentences Short chapters Easy vocabulary
Paco Ardit (Author), Gonzalo Moreno, Silvia Aira (Narrator)
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