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Elvis is King: Costello's My Aim is True
An explosive, groundbreaking album that crowned a new king of rock in just 33 minutes Before Elvis Costello was one of Rolling Stone’s greatest artists of all time, before he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he was Declan P. McManus, an office drone with a dull suburban life and a side gig in a pub rock band. In 1976, under the guidance of legendary label Stiff Records, he transformed himself into the snarling, spectacled artist who defied the musical status quo to blaze the trail for a new kind of rock star with his debut album, My Aim Is True. In Elvis Is King, Richard Crouse examines how the man, the myth, and the music of this arrestingly original album smashed the trends of the era to bridge the gap between punk and rock ’n’ roll.
Richard Crouse (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
Little did Evan know his suicide attempt would not be a disappearing into a void but the beginning of a journey to repentance and faith. Long suffering from alcoholism and depression, college sophomore Evan Esco hoped to escape his pain by committing suicide. Evan hoped he would simply cease to be, but he did not count on the existence of God to foil his plans. Instead of wrath, God is now giving Evan the chance to repent—that is, the chance to return to the world above, turn from his sins, and place his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But if Evan is to learn what it means to repent, he must first travel through the realms of the Inferno—Hell—and speak with those condemned. There, by interviewing shades and demons, some you may find familiar, Evan will learn why he must turn from his sins, look to Christ as his Savior, and trust in God to save him from such a realm.
Winston Brady (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
Donick Walsh and the Reset-Button
Donick Walsh: king of the school bullies, secret dancer, closet-case. What’s to be done when a football injury means he can never play again? Dance in the school musical, of course! Not like he has a choice. Fingers crossed his father doesn’t find out! Enter Michael Penrose: theatre-kid, and Donick’s former best friend. For years Michael has been the object of Donick’s ridicule simply because Michael is out and proud, and Donick is afraid. Suddenly confronted with his old friend, Donick sinks under the weight of the guilt of his past. How can a bully make amends for all the hurt he’s caused? How can a closeted ex-high school football player make peace with the very real crush he suddenly has on a boy? And what in the world can be done to hit the reset-button on an entire life? Donick Walsh and the Reset-Button examines the confusing nature of what it means to forgive, the discovery of living one’s authentic self, and yes, even the joys and pains of first love.
Nathaniel Shea (Author), Joel Leslie, Shea Taylor (Narrator)
Anselm: A Very Short Introduction
Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) was the outstanding philosopher-theologian of the Latin West between Augustine and the thirteenth century. As a public figure, especially as Archbishop of Canterbury, he corresponded with kings and nobles, popes and bishops, in letters that reveal a fascinating personality and flesh out the practical dimensions of his theoretical philosophy. He wrote at a time when a renewed interest in logic encouraged careful and rigorous argumentation, but before the recovery of Aristotle filled the philosophical discourse with difficult technical jargon, making for writing that is unrivalled for its lucidity and accessibility. He offers the first clear account of what we now call a libertarian view of free will, according to which free choices cannot be determined by the agent's internal states or by external influences. His famous 'ontological argument' for the existence of God continues to generate discussion, debate, and puzzlement. His understanding of God is rightly regarded as one of the definitive expressions of classical theism or perfect-being theology, which remains influential in philosophy of religion and analytic theology. His account of the Atonement is one that every theologian to this day still grapples with.
Thomas Williams (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
The Giant Awakes: A Jake Kruse Novel
Following back-to-back, long-term undercover assignments in Indianapolis and Dallas, the latter resulting in four dead, FBI Special Agent Jake Kruse returns to Los Angeles to take on another undercover operation. Posing as an office supply salesman, Jake befriends a Chinese American business owner believed to be working for an intelligence officer operating out of the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles. Within weeks, the probe reveals a public corruption and human trafficking operation involving politicians and Hollywood executives. When a young girl is victimized by targets of the investigation, Jake must risk his life and his career to save her from sexual exploitation.
Bob Hamer, Oliver North (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels
Modern historical study of the Gospels seems to give us a new portrait of Jesus every spring-just in time for Easter. The more unusual the portrait, the more it departs from the traditional view of Jesus, the more attention it gets in the popular media. Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus? Why is the public so eager to accept such claims without question? What methods and assumptions predispose scholars to distort the record? Is there a more sober approach to finding the real Jesus? Commenting on such recent releases as Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus, James Tabor's The Jesus Dynasty, Michael Baigent's The Jesus Papers and the Gospel of Judas, for which he served as an advisory board member to the National Geographic Society, Craig Evans offers a sane approach to examining the sources for understanding the historical Jesus.
Craig A. Evans (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
The Secrets of Doctor Taverner: Esoteric Classics: Occult Fiction
Dion Fortune was a British occultist and co-founder of the Fraternity of Inner Light. She was also a prolific author of occult fiction. These paranormal adventures of Dr. Taverner and Dr. Rhodes take on everything from death hounds and curses to vampires, using the esoteric sciences to tackle the case. Although published as fiction, Fortune maintained that all her stories were based on true events.
Dion Fortune (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
“Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.” Regarded by some as one of the “best self-help books of all time” (Christian Science Monitor), As a Man Thinketh is the exploration of the power of thoughts. Ruminating on beautiful and happy thoughts influences the life of the thinker and shapes their character in that beautiful likeness, while thinking on negative things will cause the soul of the man to wither. Furthermore, Allen’s writing posits that our success in life is determined by the thoughts we think – believing and thinking of ourselves as valuable and worthy of success is essential to bringing about external success. To create the lives of our dreams, we simply need to harness the power of positive thinking. An early predecessor of the modern self-help and self-actualization craze, As a Man Thinketh has timeless messages to those wanting to manifest greatness and success in their lives.
James Allen (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
Get whisked away to an anarchist "Utopia" in Men Like Gods, a novel by esteemed science fiction writer H.G. Wells. Mr. Barnstaple is an average man living in English in the early 1900s. He is a journalist, and after facing a stressful time at his newspaper, decides to take a vacation. But his vacation goes from ordinary to extraordinary in an instant when his vehicle is transported to an alternate world, one called Utopia. Utopia is several centuries ahead of the real world's technological advances, and their society diverges in many strange and fascinating ways from the world that Mr. Barnstaple knows. He learns about this different society run on the principles of privacy and education, and plots how he can bring these ideals back to the real world. H.G. Wells' examination of what a future society could look like is one of the earliest works in the utopia subgenre, and is a classic foray into speculative fiction.
H. G. Wells, H.G. Wells (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
"Another plague year would reconcile all these differences; a close conversing with death, or with diseases that threaten death, would scum off the gall from our tempers, remove the animosities among us, and bring us to see with differing eyes than those which we looked on things with before." In 1665, London was struck by the bubonic plague, an epidemic that was the last major instance of the bubonic plague in England. This instance of the plague killed 100,000 people over a year and a half, and was transmitted through rats that ran through the city. A Journal of the Plague Year was presented as an eyewitness account of the epidemic through the eyes of Londoners, though Daniel DeFoe was only a child during the plague. This book was likely based on the journals and writings of his uncle, but is written with factual specificity and authority that place it among other contemporary accounts of the year. Whether it should be called fiction or nonfiction has been widely debated due to its astonishing amount of factual details, but its ultimate fictitious nature of the authorship. This journal, whether considered fact or fiction, remains relevant centuries later in a world experiencing similar events and casualties. The words within the journal echo the same sentiments as those experiencing the modern pandemic have felt and expressed. Delving into the observations of the past generations gives current readers a sense of shared suffering through the centuries, and may impart retroactive wisdom that is remarkably relevant for current times.
Daniel Defoe (Author), Shea Taylor (Narrator)
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