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[Spanish] - Más Rico: La Guía de Inversión para Millennials
“Dan Solin ha escrito un digno seguimiento de su extremadamente popular e indudablemente merecido libro Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read, adornado con perlas en casi cada página. Pocos autores pueden igualar el trasfondo cuantitativo, histórico y legal necesario para escribir un libro así. Lee, disfruta y obtén beneficios.' — William Bernstein, Autor de The Four Pillars of Investing Más Rico: La Guía de Inversión para Millennials empodera a los millennials para ser inversionistas y planificadores financieros responsables e inteligentes sin utilizar un asesor financiero. Es útil para lectores en todos los niveles de experiencia en inversión. Aprenderás: Una estrategia de inversión simple utilizando sólo dos fondos cotizados en bolsa que tendrán mejores rendimientos que la mayoría de los profesionales. Por qué la planificación financiera está sobrevalorada y sobrevendida. Cómo Wall Street actúa como una máquina presión política contra los inversionistas, propagando desinformación para hacer que creas que necesitas su ayuda Cómo los medios financieros propagan desinformación e inspiran miedo y codicia, todo en beneficio de sus anunciantes, no de ti. Por qué los expertos con apariencia autoritaria que opinan sobre la dirección del mercado y cómo elegir 'ganadores' en acciones son emperadores desnudos. Un secreto impactante sobre las comisiones de seguros de vida que la industria de seguros teme que descubras. Si deberías comprar o rentar una casa. Por qué las hipotecas de tasa ajustable suelen ser preferibles a las hipotecas de tasa fija. Cómo tu cerebro trabaja en tu contra para impedir que alcances tus metas financieras. Cómo elegir el asesor financiero adecuado cuando lo necesitas. Por qué la práctica del estoicismo es la clave para alcanzar tus metas de vida. ...y mucho más.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - The Secrets Hidden In Mud Lake: Portuguese Cover
Nugget, a transgender boy with an extraordinary imagination, seeks a cure for his mother’s incurable illness. Drawn by tales of Mud Lake’s healing mud and mythical creatures, Nugget, along with his friend Greta, embark on an adventure into the enchanted forest. Will they be able to outsmart clever gnomes, mischievous pixies, and unravel the secrets of Mud Lake? Can Nugget’s determination and the guidance of magical beings bring hope and healing to his ailing mother? Dive into “The Secrets Hidden in Mud Lake,” a captivating story filled with suspense, humor, and teaches teamwork, love, resilience, friendship, bravery and the healing properties of mud lake.
Rocjane (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - The Smart Banana Gardeners: Portuguese Version
Octavio and Amador are two young friends who uncover the secrets of organic farming and the power of teamwork. As they delve into the mysteries of banana soil enrichment, they tried to discover if burying bananas can truly transform their struggling garden. Will they be able to prove the effectiveness of their revolutionary methods?Can Octavio and Amador save their garden, their community, and the planet from the clutches of pollution and greed? Find out in 'The Smart Banana Gardeners,' an engaging story of friendship, discovery, the transformative power of bananas in organic farming, and the natural world's boundless possibilities.
Rocjane (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Unveiling The Layers: A Journey of Healing, Love, and Self Discovery: Portuguese Vers
In this captivating memoir, follow Tommy as he embarks on a powerful journey of self-discovery, navigating the intricate layers of grief, identity, and acceptance. When tragedy strikes, Tommy finds himself grappling with profound loss, igniting a relentless quest to unearth the truth of his own identity and reconcile with his estranged father.Embarking on a poignant exploration of grief, Tommy finds that healing is a deeply personal process. Throughout his journey, he uncovers unexpected moments of forgiveness and understanding that bridge the gaps between heartache and hope. As he unravels the complexities of his own identity as a transgender individual, Tommy’s bravery and resilience shine through, inspiring readers to embrace their true selves with unwavering authenticity.Through moments of vulnerability, Tommy weaves a heartfelt tapestry of lessons learned. From the power of compassion and empathy to the strength found in embracing individuality, this memoir is an empowering testament to the transformative nature of self-acceptance.“Unveiling the Layers” is a story of triumph over adversity, a call for societal change, and a reminder that, beneath the surface, we all possess incredible resilience and the capacity to love and accept one another unconditionally. Delve into this profound memoir and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will leave you empowered to embrace your own truth and fight for equality and acceptance in the world.
Rocjane (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
Retired Astrophysicist and U.S. Black Ops program scientist Dr. Horace Mitchel has been placed on an international government hit list. He’s on the list because he’s in possession of highly classified information, information that would literally change the world’s entire traditionally accepted religious and historical views and destroy the system. He possesses above top-secret information that reveals how we've always had 'Visitations' from the negroid looking, black aliens who created us. In his old leather journal is secret information about how these interdimensional entities have assisted by giving us new technology and on occasion intervening in the affairs of men. Dr. Mitchel has detailed evidence that proves that the 1947 Roswell New Mexico so-called alien crashes were faked, to give birth to the lie of 'little green men' and flying saucers. His journal holds the proof that exposes how the governments of the world, led by the United States of America, have conspired to never allow the masses to know the truth. The truth is we are not alone and never have been. Dr. Mitchel and the twelve people who eventually join him, go on an amazing journey to where mankind's history really begins. A distant place called Adimowa, which we call Heaven.
James Iber (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
Manuel de civilité pour les petites filles à l'usage des maisons d'éducation
Une parodie des rigoureux manuels d'éducation du début du xxème siécle, et est ainsi composée de conseils courts (le plus souvent une phrase ou deux) regroupés en thèmes : « À la maison », « Devoirs envers votre mère », « En classe », etc. Le ton de l'ouvrage est vif, voire lapidaire, le style particulièrement cru et chatoyant. Pierre Louÿs use volontiers d'ironie pour évoquer les amours viles des jeunes filles perverses, et cette relative distanciation lui permet de faire fi de toute censure morale (inceste, pédophilie...). De fait, on est loin du raffinement précieux des Chansons de Bilitis par exemple, et le Manuel de civilité est sans doute l'œuvre la plus subversive de Louÿs, véritable attaque en règle contre le puritanisme bourgeois de la Belle Époque. À titre d'illustration, le « Glossaire » qui ouvre l'ouvrage se compose de cet avertissement : « Nous avons jugé inutile d'expliquer les mots : con, fente, moniche, motte, pine, queue, bitte, couille, foutre (verbe), foutre (subst.), bander, branler, sucer, lécher, pomper, baiser, piner, enfiler, enconner, enculer, décharger, godmiché, gougnotte, gousse, soixante-neuf, minette, mimi, putain, bordel. Ces mots-là sont familiers à toutes les petites filles. »
Pierre Louÿs (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
This is a story about Gianni, a man whose mission was to lead a simple lifestyle of finding love and getting married, and starting a family. He wanted to live out this dream he had since he was in his late teens, and he endured many obstacles over the years to get to where he felt he needed to reach his goal. This story takes place over many years of his life and covers his many different trials and tribulations while growing up from a shy kid to a confident adult. It also covers the reasons he goes through his struggles of finding love and how he tried to lead a simple life and the examples of what he did to maintain the simple lifestyle. Sometimes it was a completely innocent encounter, but nothing was simple for Gianni because no matter where he went, trouble would begin for him. Many times, his friends would be surprised or shocked by these encounters with women even though they would see it happen in front of their own eyes, but the person who was most often surprised was Gianni himself. Because he had many different encounters and circumstances with women that were beyond his control, the dream that he had envisioned was altered and led him to live a completely opposite lifestyle that he was seeking. Not only did he have many different encounters with women in his life, but these encounters would also happen to him anywhere he would be. And it did not matter what his age was, whether he was a teenager or when he was already in his forties. Once he started into the opposite lifestyle, could he turn back in time to reverse course and accomplish his original mission?
Massimo Parlermo (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
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