Browse audiobooks narrated by Ruby Clem, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Are you anxious about the chaotic days of first-time motherhood? Are you suddenly realizing how little you know about pregnancy and newborns? Then you need to keep reading... All mothers can agree on one thing: your first pregnancy is by far the most challenging. Your body has begun changing in significant, unusual ways, and quite frankly, you’re not so sure how to interpret any of it. Which symptoms are normal? When do they signify a complication? How can you avoid a miscarriage? Which lifestyle shifts are necessary? What’s the best way to prepare for childbirth and babycare? And most frustrating of all, how can you keep track of all your must-dos? In this book, you’ll discover: - Every single habit you need to quit RIGHT NOW for your baby’s safety. (Follow this guide and significantly reduce your risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, and other dangers!) - The EXACT methods for managing difficult symptoms of the first, second, and third trimester. - How to start enjoying your pregnancy and immediately bond with your baby bump. - Transformative tricks and exercises to prevent future incontinence. - Ten must-know facts that no one tells you about childbirth and labor. - Crucial practices to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). - A 30-day meal plan to INSTANTLY get on-track for a smooth, healthy pregnancy. (By making these simple and delicious meals, both mom and baby receive all the nutrition they need for a joyous, feel-good nine months!) And much, much more… If you want to access this advanced information and start the beautiful journey of motherhood with the insights that change lives, then you should start this book today!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
The Erotic Heaven Anthology: Dirty Talk + Tantric Sex 2-in-1 Book
Do you want to trigger a deep sense of pleasure with just a simple phrase? Or provoke a thrilling gasp with a not-so-innocent question? Then you need to keep reading… All sex experts can agree on this: if you want to become a master of sex, first you have to learn the art of dirty talk. In fact, some studies show that during foreplay and intercourse the right words can stimulate higher sexual satisfaction. They help reduce anxiety, strengthen all sensations and deepen the whole sexual practice. If one has the right knowledge about dirty talk, it is also possible to arouse to the point of orgasm. This should not be a surprise for you; the brain will always be the most powerful sexual organ. This includes two books: - Dirty Talk: Drive your partner crazy and set the right mood for mind blowing sex. Master dirty talk, even if you’re shy and have taboos - Tantric Sex: Revitalize your sex life and increase libido. Learn how to last longer and have intense tantric orgasms Here's a short preview of what you'll discover: - Why you’re bad at dirty talk and how to improve it RIGHT NOW. (Break free of your mental barriers and start feeling comfortable in your dirty-talking conversations!) - How to arouse anyone you want with these thirty extremely sexy questions. - How to put into practice some naughty but effective tips from phone-sex professionals. - Effective and proven techniques for multiple and intense full-body orgasms that will deepen more and more your sex sessions - The amazing benefits you’ll get when you practice tantric sex - How to achieve alone the strongest physical pleasure (no partner is required!) - How to deepen to the maximum the connection with your partner during lovemaking that will always leave him wanting more. And much, much more… If you want to access these advanced tips and finally transition from an innocent beginner into a dirty-talk master or mistress, then you need to start this book today!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
First Time Parents Must-Have Guide: First Time Moms + Baby Sleep 2-in-1 Book
Are you overwhelmed by the demands of first-time parenthood or pregnancy? Are you exhausted by your restless baby’s constant wake-ups? Then you need to keep reading... In a child’s first year, parents get 59% less sleep than what’s recommended for adults – the same as losing two to three months of shut-eye. And before parenthood even fully begins, pregnant moms struggle with a range of bodily changes and challenging side effects. Parenthood and first-time motherhood are known to be synonymous with a difficult life shift – but they don’t have to be. With access to the right guidance, new parents can take long, confident strides into their exciting futures. This bundle includes: - First-Time Mom: Prepare Yourself for Pregnancy New Mom’s Survival Handbook with All the Helpful Tips and Information That You Need While Expecting + 30 Day Meal Plan for Pregnancy - Baby Sleep: No-Cry Baby Solution for Tired Parents Stress Free Guide with All the Helpful Tips and Information That You Need to Help Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night In this bundle, you’ll discover: - Every single habit you need to quit RIGHT NOW for your baby’s safety. (Follow this guide and significantly reduce your risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, and other dangers!) - The EXACT solutions to the most common baby sleep problems. - Essential sleep strategies for single parents or parents of twins. - Crucial practices to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). - The secrets behind sleep associations and how to make them work for you. - How to choose the right sleep training method for your new baby. (Tailor sleep training methods to your baby’s specific needs and make fantastic sleep a part of your regular routine!) And much, much more… If you want to access these advanced parenting tools and ensure a significantly less stressful day-to-day routine, then you should start this book!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
The Sleeping Baby Handbook for Exhausted Parents
Train your baby to sleep smoothly through the night, even if it’s your first-time motherhood and with a very cranky baby. During the child’s first year, parents usually get 59% less sleep than the amount recommended – that corresponds to losing sleep for a period of two or three months. The challenges with a new born are constant, even if a parent gets enough sleep. But clearly, without any rest, being a parent can feel worst than a battleground. Sleep-deprived parents are more likely to suffer from depression, slower cognitive functions, and impaired judgment. While many parents tend to just keep bearing this discomfort, some studies have stated that there is a solution. In this audiobook you’ll discover: - How to overcome baby sleep problems with SPECIFIC solutions. (You’ll learn how to recognize the reasons behind your baby’s cries and you’ll be able to find effective solutions!) - How to make the baby rest even if he’s sick or struggling with colic. - Efficient methods for single parents or parents of twins. - What are the sleep associations and how they can work for you? - The reasons behind your baby’s sleep habits and their meaning. - How to select the sleep training method that works best for your baby. (Choose one of the sleep training methods accordingly to your baby’s unique needs and train him to get the rest he needs every single day!) And much, much more… Even if your baby is always in pain and you haven’t got some rest in weeks, with this guide you’ll learn to understand perfectly your baby's sleep needs, how to find a quick solution, and which are the most efficient methods to recover a restful atmosphere. With this book, you'll learn a deep knowledge of child sleep patterns and little-known parenting techniques for overcoming sleep-related struggles. If you want to access these advanced parenting tools and ensure a significantly less stressful day-to-day routine, then you should start this audiobook today!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
The Oh God, Dear Lord! Book about Dirty Talk you Need to Read
Do you want to trigger toe-curling pleasure with a simple phrase? Or elicit a body-trembling gasp with a not-so-innocent question? Then you need to keep reading… Every sex expert will tell you this: to truly become a master of the bedroom, you must harness the power of dirty talk. Studies have shown that talking during foreplay and intercourse leads to higher sexual satisfaction. It diminishes anxiety, enriches all sensations, and heightens the sexual experience as a whole. When performed with skill, it can even arouse to the point of orgasm. Of course, none of this is any surprise to sex researchers; science has always known that the most powerful sexual organ is, in fact, the brain. In this book, you’ll discover: - The surprising reasons why you’re bad at dirty talk and how to overcome them RIGHT NOW. (Break down unseen barriers and immediately feel more comfortable letting your dirty-talking prowess shine!) - How to project powerful sexual confidence that others find irresistible. - Naughty but highly effective advice from phone-sex professionals. - Ten steamy roleplay ideas to turn up the heat on your next lovemaking session. - Thirty extremely sexy questions to arouse absolutely anyone. - Thirty erotic phrases to INSTANTLY get someone hot and heavy. (Utter tried-and-true phrases that are known to awaken deep sexual desire and take things to the next level!) And much, much more… Even if you’re a total beginner to dirty talk or you find it extremely embarrassing, the extensive research behind this guide will ensure you relinquish all sexual insecurities, cultivate deeply magnetic sexual appeal, and develop a skin-tingling mastery over highly arousing dirty talk. If you want to access these advanced tips and finally transition from an innocent beginner into a dirty-talk master or mistress, then you need to listen to this book!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
Tantric Sex: The Ancient Road to Divinity
How to reach the highest and strongest forms of pleasure that can only be described as divine. With the word “tantric,” often people think about a fantastic form of sexuality — more intense, deeper, longer, and even that leads to multiple orgasms. Celebrities like Sting have stated to have tantric lovemaking sessions that can last hours. Experts and tantric practitioners claimed that with proper breathing, mindfulness, and focus it is possible to create a higher level of sexual experience. With tantric sex, you will experience the deepest sensations and energies, intensify the pleasure between you and your partner. In this audiobook, you’ll discover: - How you and your partner can get ready for MIND-BLOWING sex (and the essential step you don’t have to skip!) - How to reach the deepest intercourse with physical and mental flexibility - How to approach not only sex but also other areas of your life with tantra - Effective and proven techniques for multiple and intense full-body orgasms that will deepen more and more your sex sessions - The amazing benefits you’ll get when you practice tantric sex - How to achieve alone the strongest physical pleasure (no partner is required!) - How to deepen to the maximum the connection with your partner during lovemaking that will always leave him wanting more. And much, much more… Even if you’ve never been a mystical or spiritual person, or you are not sure of what tantric sex is about, this guide will teach you step-by-step all the techniques you need to experience in your life more captivating and more satisfying sexuality. With Tantric Sex, you’ll quickly learn the right strategies to touch and connect with your partner in a way that stimulates the body and mind that leaves you desiring always more. And you’ll get more and more, even for hours. If you want to try out these ancient but proven techniques and become an expert in having mind-blowing sex, then you need to start listening to this audiobook today!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
Do you have the uncanny ability to sense exactly what another person is feeling? Are you often told to stop being too sensitive and start having “thicker skin”? Have you ever wondered how other people go through life without being overwhelmed by all the negativity of modern life? Then you need to keep reading… Here’s a preview of what you will discover: - The revolutionary formula for transforming yourself into a joyful and healthy empath (even if you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders). - The scientific research provides undeniable proof that empaths are real and not just mystical creatures made up by the media. - How to INSTANTLY recognize that you have the rare gift of empathy and utilize it in ways that few people know. - The most effective ways to create an emotional force field and protect yourself (hint: you need to avoid certain types of people like the plague). - The five worst self-damaging habits that empaths need to overcome IMMEDIATELY. - Why being an empath is akin to having a superpower (and how to harness this ability to manifest success). And much, much more… Even if you’re extremely sensitive and burnt out by being an emotional sponge, the expert research behind this guide can ensure that you’ll develop self-management skills, boost your mental health, and achieve personal and professional goals. By relying on the expert research in this book, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your unique strengths and challenges as an empath and respond in a positive and life-affirming way to any given situation. If you want to unlock access to this potent information about the empath psyche and reach your full potential, then you should purchase this book!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
Empath Survival Guide + Narcissistic Relationship 2-in-1 Book
Are you in a relationship with someone who demands to be the center of attention? Do you always feel ignored or dismissed whenever you disagree with your partner? Have you ever wondered how you could successfully end a relationship with a narcissist? Then you need to keep reading... Narcissism is on the rise, according to a long-term study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. This personality disorder is characterized by a constant need for admiration, obsession with status, and lack of empathy. While there’s some debate if there is truly a narcissism epidemic, one this is for sure: being in a relationship with a narcissist can be extremely complicated. This includes two books: - Empath Survival Guide: Protect yourself from narcissists & toxic relationships. Discover how to stop absorbing other people’s pain - Narcissistic Relationship: Discover how to recover, protect and heal yourself from a toxic abusive relationship with a narcissist Here's a short preview of what you'll discover: - The revolutionary formula for transforming yourself into a joyful and healthy empath (even if you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders). - The most effective ways to create an emotional force field and protect yourself (hint: you need to avoid certain types of people like the plague) - The five worst self-damaging habits that empaths need to overcome IMMEDIATELY. - How to avoid confusing narcissism with similar personality traits and why telling them apart is crucial. - Why it’s important to know IMMEDIATELY if you are in a narcissistic relationship. - How to EFFECTIVELY stop being a victim even if this has been the status quo for a long time. - The tried and tested ways to heal from a narcissistic relationship and recover your self-worth. And much, much more… If you want to unlock access to this potent information about the empath psyche and reach your full potential, then you should start this book today!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Dale Floyd, Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
Do you want to understand what makes your partner, friends or co-workers tick – and by doing so, change your relationships for the better? Are you interested in getting along with someone who is your complete opposite? Then you need to keep reading… Personality tests are quite popular, as demonstrated by the viral personality quizzes on social media. Not only do people enjoy identifying their personality types, but they also want to seek others with similar traits and form relationships with kindred spirits. This is particularly true of empaths, who have the uncanny ability to sense and absorb the emotions of people around them. Why not give yourself an advantage and deepen your understanding of the human psyche? This includes two books: - Enneagram: The Road to Self-Discovery, Personal Growth, and Healthy Relationships - Empath: The Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People Here's a short preview of what you'll discover: - The sure-fire ways to IMMEDIATELY identify your unique personality type (you’ll be AMAZED at how eerily accurate these descriptions are!) - Why EMBRACING the fact that you’re “born this way” is the KEY to knowing your purpose and living your best life. - How to INSTANTLY recognize that you have the rare gift of empathy and utilize it in ways that few people know. - The revolutionary formula for transforming yourself into a joyful and healthy empath. - Why being an empath is akin to having a superpower and how to harness this ability to manifest success. - What MOTIVATES each personality type and how do give them EXACTLY what they want? - The secrets to a DRAMATIC turnaround from instant dislike to genuine connection with people of different personality types (hint: bribery is not required.) And much, much more… If you want to unlock access to this potent information about the human psyche and unleash your full potential, then you should purchase this book!
Elaine Ortega (Author), Dale Floyd, Pia Nebrada, Ruby Clem (Narrator)
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