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The Prosperity Factor: How to Achieve Unlimited Wealth in Every Area of Your Life
Everyone wants prosperity in their life. Yet each one of us defines prosperity just a little bit differently. For some it's defined as financial abundance and wealth. For others, prosperity begins with perfect health or freedom. The Prosperity Factor is your guide to realizing your vision and personal dream of prosperity. In this one-of-a-kind book, more than 50 authors share their knowledge and experience on their path to attracting their ideal lives. The Prosperity Factor is a collection of stories from people all around the world who have attracted prosperity, abundance, and wealth into their lives. They join with bestselling authors, Joe Vitale and Dan Lok, as they share their stories, secrets, and life lessons on the path toward abundance, wealth, happiness, and financial freedom. It's your personal guide to achieving unlimited wealth in every area of your life. Join Joe Vitale, author of The Attractor Factor and star of the hit movie, The Secret,and learn how to apply the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking in your life to start attracting more income, a new career, better health, or loving relationships. The Prosperity Factor is your guide to fully embracing the life that you want to live. If you're ready for a major shift in your energy, mindset, and financial wellbeing, The Prosperity Factor offers new stories, explains new process, and shares simple steps that you can start taking today.
Joe Vitale, Other Leading Experts (Author), Rose Itzcovitz, The World\'s Leading Experts (Narrator)
Under The Sunset Short Story Collection
"Under the Sunset" was Bram Stoker's first short story collection written in 1881. These short stories were intended for children and includes the following stories: "Under The Sunset", "The Rose Prince", "The Invisible Giant", and much more.
Bram Stoker (Author), James Langton, Karen White, Rose Itzcovitz, Walter Dixon (Narrator)
The Glitter Plan: How We Started Juicy Couture for $200 and Turned It into a Global Brand
Part memoir, part business manual, and 100% juicy-the inside story of Juicy Couture, one of the most iconic brands of our times While working together at a Los Angeles boutique, Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash-Taylor became fast and furious friends over the impossibility of finding the perfect T-shirt. Following their vision of comfortable, fitted T-shirts, they set up shop in Gela's one-bedroom Hollywood apartment with $200 and one rule: Whatever they did, they both had to be obsessed by it. The best friends' project became Juicy Couture. Pam and Gela eventually sold their company to Liz Claiborne for $50 million, but not before they created a whole new genre of casual clothing that came to define California cool. Pamela and Gela built an empire from the ground up, using themselves as models to build their patterns and placing their merchandise by storming into stores and handing out samples. They balanced careful growth with innovative tactics-sending Madonna a tracksuit with her nickname, Madge, embroidered on it-and created a unique, bold, and unconventional business plan that was all their own: the Glitter Plan. Now, Pam and Gela reveal the secrets of Juicy's success: how they learned to find and stick with the right colleagues and trust their instincts when it became time to move on to their next project. They also share their missteps and hilarious lessons learned-like the time robbers stole one thousand pairs of maternity shortalls, which the partners took as the first sign to get out of the maternity clothing business. Told in the bright, cheery voice that defines Juicy style even today, The Glitter Plan shows readers how to transform passion and ideas into business success. Aspiring designers, Juicy fans, and business readers of all stripes will be enthralled by the story of spirit and savvy behind Pam and Gela's multimillion-dollar fashion empire.
Booth Moore, Gela Nash-Taylor, Pamela Skaist-Levy (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
Unworthy: How to Stop Hating Yourself
"Self-loathing is a dark land studded with booby-traps. Fumbling through its dark underbrush, we cannot see what our trouble actually is: that we are mistaken about ourselves. That we were told lies long ago which we, in love and loyalty and fear, believed. Will we believe ourselves to death?" -from Unworthy As someone who has struggled with low self-esteem her entire life, Anneli Rufus knows only too well how the world looks through the eyes of those who are not comfortable in their own skin. In Unworthy, Rufus boldly explores how a lack of faith in ourselves can turn us into our own worst enemies. Drawing on extensive research, enlightening interviews, and her own poignant experiences, Rufus considers the question: What personal, societal, biological, and historical factors coalesced to spark this secret epidemic, and what can be done to put a stop to it? She reveals the underlying sources of low self-esteem and leads us through strategies for positive change.
Anneli Rufus (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
Middle School Makeover: Improving the Way You and Your Child Experience the Middle School Years
Middle School Makeover is a guide for parents and educators to help the tweens in their lives navigate the socially fraught hallways, gyms, and cafeterias of middle school. The audiobook helps parents, teachers, and other adults in middle school settings to understand the social dilemmas and other issues that kids today face. Author Michelle Icard covers a large range of topics, beginning with helping us understand what is happening in the brains of tweens and how these neurological development affects decision-making and questions around identity. She also addresses social media, dating, and peer exclusion. Using both recent research and her personal, extensive experience working with middle-school-aged kids and their parents, Icard offers listeners concrete and practical advice for guiding children through this chaotic developmental stage while also building their confidence. Gildan Media and Bibliomotion are proud to bring you another Bibliomotion Audiobook. Featuring exceptional content for today's listener, these notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your life.
Michelle Icard (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: Girl Meets Oil
There is an invisible army of people deep inside the world's biggest and best-known companies, pushing for safer and more responsible practices. They are trying to prevent the next Rana Plaza factory collapse, the next Deepwater Horizon explosion, the next Foxconn labor abuses. Obviously, they don't always succeed. Christine Bader was one of those people. She loved BP and then-CEO John Browne's lofty rhetoric on climate change and human rights -- until a string of fatal BP accidents, Browne's abrupt resignation under a cloud of scandal, and the start of Tony Hayward's tenure as chief executive, which would end with the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Bader's story of working deep inside the belly of the beast is unique in its details, but not in its themes: of feeling like an outsider both inside the company (accused of being a closet activist) and out (assumed to be a corporate shill); of getting mixed messages from senior management; of being frustrated with corporate life but committed to pushing for change from within. The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: Girl Meets Oil is based on Bader's experience with BP and then with a United Nations effort to prevent and address human rights abuses linked to business. Using her story as its skeleton, Bader weaves in the stories of other "Corporate Idealists" working inside some of the world's biggest and best-known companies. Gildan Media and Bibliomotion are proud to bring you another Bibliomotion Audiobook. Featuring exceptional content for today's listener, these notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your life.
Christine Bader (Author), Christine Bader, Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
Global Brand Power: Leveraging Branding for Long-Term Growth
The branding bible for today's globalized world Today, brands have become even more important than the products they represent: their stories travel with lightning speed through social media and the Internet and across countries and diverse cultures. A brand must be elastic enough to allow for reasonable category and product-line extensions, flexible enough to change with dynamic market conditions, consistent enough so that consumers who travel physically or virtually won't be confused, and focused enough to provide clear differentiation from the competition. Strong brands are more than globally recognizable; they are critical assets that can make a significant contribution to your company's bottom line. In Global Brand Power, Kahn brings brand management into the 21st century, addressing how branding contributes to the purchase process and how to position a strong global brand, from identifying the appropriate competitive set, offering a sustainable differential advantage, and targeting the right strategic segment. This essential guide also covers how customer ownership of your brand affects marketing strategy, methods for assessing brand value, how to manage a brand for long-term profitability, effective brand communications and repositioning strategies, and how to manage a brand in a world of total transparency-where one slip-up can go around the world via social media instantaneously. Filled with stories about how Coca-Cola, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Marriott, Apple, Starbucks, Campbell Soup Company, Southwest Airlines, and celebrities like Lady Gaga are leveraging their brands, Global Brand Power is the only audiobook you will need to implement an effective brand strategy for your firm. Gildan Media is proud to bring you another Wharton Digital Press Audiobook. These notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your career.
Barbara E. Kahn (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People: Over 325 Ready-to-Use Words and Phrases for Work
It's not the work that's so hard-it's the people. The micromanaging control freak. The boss who takes credit for everything. The coworker who regularly strolls in late and takes leisurely breaks. There's no escaping problematic personalities. And there's no point fighting or letting tensions simmer. Instead, learn to build positive, productive relationships with everyone in your workplace-and put your career on an unstoppable upward trajectory. Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People is an all-in-one trouble-shooting guide for resolving any kind of conflict with your boss or coworkers. Organized for quick lookup, this audiobook helps you identify situations that push your emotional buttons. It offers powerful tools for defusing potentially explosive situations, including: - 325 phrases that lead to constructive conflict-resolution conversations - 20 challenging coworker behaviors, with specific phrases and actions for dealing with each - 10 difficult boss personality types, with guidelines for working through problems with each - Tips for recovering from blunders you may have caused yourself - A five-step process for turning bad situations into positive ones - Nonverbal communication skills to back up your words - "I" phrases, phrases of apology, phrases of compromise, and other useful words for building relationships - "Why This Works" and "Something to Think About" sections that clarify tactics Don't get bogged down by people who are incompetent, hog the spotlight, whine, backstab, avoid work, or create other problems. You can interact effectively with even the most challenging people by using these pithy, powerful solutions for quickly resolving workplace strife.
Renee Evenson (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
The Simple Truths of Service: Inspired by Johnny the Bagger
If you want your customer service team to get creative about excellent customer service, this audiobook will do the job. An unforgettable true story about a young man with Down Syndrome who changes the culture of a grocery store
Ken Blanchard (Author), Don Hagen, Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
What Makes a Hero: The Suprising Science of Selflessness
An entertaining investigation into the biology and psychology of why we sacrifice for other people Researchers are now applying the lens of science to study heroism for the first time. How do biology, upbringing, and outside influences intersect to produce altruistic and heroic behavior? And how can we encourage this behavior in corporations, classrooms, and individuals? Using dozens of fascinating real-life examples, Elizabeth Svoboda explains how our genes compel us to do good for others, how going through suffering is linked to altruism, and how acting heroic can greatly improve your mental health. She also reveals the concrete things we can do to encourage our most heroic selves to step forward. It's a common misconception that heroes are heroic just because they're innately predisposed to be that way. Svoboda shows why it's not simply a matter of biological hardwiring and how anyone can be a hero if they're committed to developing their heroic potential.
Elizabeth Svoboda (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
The Truth About Lies in the Workplace: How to Spot Liars and What to Do About Them
You Work with a Bunch of Liars-Learn What to Do About It Sure, everyone tells little white lies now and then, but real deception in the workplace is a poison that can destroy relationships, careers, and companies. Carol Kinsey Goman, a leading workplace body language expert, combines her own experiences with the latest research to identify fifty subtle physical and vocal cues that will enable you to spot destructive workplace lies. She analyzes the role we play in supporting lies-how our own vanities, desires, self-deceptions, and rationalizations allow us to be duped. And once you detect a lie, she provides tactical advice on how to respond, whether the liar is above, below, or on the same level as you-even if it's your boss.
Carol Kinsey Goman (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
Unabridged Lectures: Charitable Effort - Filial Relations - Household Adjustment - Industrial Amelioration - Educational Methods - Political Reformvites listeners to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any library. In 1889, Jane Addams co-founded Hull House in Chicago, Illinois, the first settlement house in the United States. All of the initial funding came from the $50,000 estate she inherited after her father died. Jane was the first occupant of the house, which would later be the residence of about 25 women. At its height, Hull House was visited each week by around 2000 people. Its facilities included a night school for adults, kindergarten classes, clubs for older children, a public kitchen, an art gallery, a coffeehouse, a gymnasium, a girls club, bathhouse, a book bindery, a music school, a drama group, a library, and labor-related divisions. Her adult night school was a forerunner of the continuing education classes offered by many universities today. In addition to making available services and cultural opportunities for the largely immigrant population of the neighborhood, Hull House afforded an opportunity for young social workers to acquire training. Eventually, the Hull House became a 13-building settlement, which included a playground and a summer camp.
Jane Addams (Author), Rose Itzcovitz (Narrator)
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