1611 KJV Audio BibleAll new never before one stop shop off hearing real voices read by a multitude of real people.
- Real Voices
- Selection of narrators
- Audio bible original words since the translation of Hebrew and Greek
If you would like to be a narrator follow steps below
- Use a device to record (high quality or standard quality narration)
- Read as smooth as possible
- Organize and rename file Book Chapter Verse
- Send your audio to aa.littlebelief@gmail.com once finished with the book.
1611 KJV Audio BibleAll new never before one stop shop off hearing real voices read by a multitude of real people.
- Real Voices
- Selection of narrators
- Audio bible original words since the translation of Hebrew and Greek
If you would like to be a narrator follow steps below
- Use a device to record (high quality or standard quality narration)
- Read as smooth as possible
- Organize and rename file Book Chapter Verse
- Send your audio to aa.littlebelief@gmail.com once finished with the book.
1611 KJV Audio BibleAll new never before one stop shop off hearing real voices read by a multitude of real people.
- Real Voices
- Selection of narrators
- Audio bible original words since the translation of Hebrew and Greek
If you would like to be a narrator follow steps below
- Use a device to record (high quality or standard quality narration)
- Read as smooth as possible
- Organize and rename file Book Chapter Verse
- Send your audio to aa.littlebelief@gmail.com once finished with the book.