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The Science of Getting Rich: Attracting Financial Success through Creative Thought
The step-by-step scientific approach to attracting financial and spiritual wealth • This is the 100-year-old book that inspired Rhonda Byrne's bestselling The Secret • Explains the precise series of practical steps that, if followed, guarantee prosperity • Reveals the secrets that underlie today's success and prosperity movements In his bestselling book, Wallace D. Wattles explains that "universal mind" underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process of visualization we can engage the law of attraction--impressing our thoughts upon "formless substance" and bringing the desired object or circumstances into material form. The author emphasizes the critical importance of attitude: only by aligning ourselves with the positive forces of natural law can we gain unlimited access to the creative mind and its abundant rewards. The Science of Getting Rich holds the secret to how economic and emotional security can be achieved in a practical, imaginative, and noncompetitive way, while maintaining a loving and harmonious relationship with all of life. By living in accordance with the positive principles outlined in this book, we can find our rightful place in the cosmic scheme and create for ourselves an environment in which to grow in wealth, wisdom, and happiness. Rhonda Byrne, in her book and DVD, The Secret, tells how a 100-year-old book entered her life and changed it forever. Here is that book. Written in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich inspired Byrne to create her bestselling DVD, and subsequently, to write her book. She has said that it "gave me a glimpse of The Secret. It was like a flame inside of my heart. And with every day since, it's just become a raging fire of wanting to share all of this with the world." "There is a science of getting rich. It is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches. Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will get rich with mathematical certainty." --Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace D. Wattles (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING Everyone has a multitude of sub-personalities within them—the rebel, the intellectual, the builder, the destroyer, etc. Very often, your sub-personalities are not at peace with each other. Track 1 assists you to recognize them and learn to deal with your fragmented totality. Subliminals on Track 2 reinforce the programming. Track 2 includes the same spoken suggestions on Track 1 that are silent to the listener behind soothing music. Track 1: Hypnosis and/or Sleep Programming Track 2: Subliminal Programming Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session. Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in brain/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar.
Mitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
Many of us today are addicted to “self-help” books, videos, seminars and almost anything about any area of life that we could possibly need to improve. They all have one thing in common. They tell us what is possible, if we want it, seek it, work for it, pray for it, and believe in it badly enough. What they DON’T tell us is that there are things that we CAN’T do—no matter how fervently we want, seek, work, pray, or believe. These things are the “can’ts.” They are life’s impossibilities, things we will not accomplish, rewards we will never realize. Over the years, author Steve Gottry has discovered 13 significant “you can’ts.” These 13 are deceptively simple. They are also simply deceptive. Most of us, in failing to achieve them, feel that we have been defeated by events and circumstances that we should have been able to control. But the problem has nothing to do with our inability to control things around us, and everything to do with how we deal with, and eventually accept, what we can and can’t do. This book is about living a life of contentment, by moving beyond your expectations and limitations. Understanding, and accepting these thirteen limitations, you will be free to maximize your potential in ways you never imagined possible. You’ll live your own life, rather than trying to live the lives of those around you, and you may also find subtle, simple ways to help those you love find happiness, too. Now is the perfect time to discover the 13 “you can’ts.”
Neville Goddard (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING A human-potential, motivational training course by Dick Sutphen to remove unwanted blocks in your life and to invoke the “Success Forces” to believe you can be a multi-millionaire. This audio course includes six sessions: Multi-Millionaire Mind-Set Belief ProcessThis process uncovers your beliefs about becoming a Multi-Millionaire. If you discover beliefs that are working against you, you need to work on changing these beliefs as the program describes. Multi-Millionaire Mind-Set Pulse to Find BlocksUse this internal-pulse technique to find blocks keeping you from accomplishing your goal of becoming a Multi-millionaire. You can’t change what you don’t recognize. If blocks exist, you need to work on changing this restrictive thinking. Multi-Millionaire Mind-Set Hypnosis ProgrammingThe basic suggestions that are used in this seminar/training. This is the Mind-Programming to reinforce all the other success suggestions that you read or hear. Use daily. Multi-Millionaire Mind-Set Self-Talk Repeat these statements after me, to fire the beliefs into every level of your body and mind. Do this regularly. Multi-Millionaire Mind-Set Sleep Programming” Simply listen as you fall asleep. Sleep programming is very effective for creating positive change in your life. Use regularly. BONUS PROGRAM—Multi-Millionaire Mind-$et Manifest Money New, super-powerful “Law of Attraction” programming to use as often as you want. This hypnosis session can be your main mind-programming session. Concentrate on FEELING you already have what you want. Use regularly—daily if you want. Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session. May include a Companion PDF A One-Day Human-Potential / Motivational Training To Remove Blocks and Invoke The Success Forces
Mitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
Cosmic Habit Force: How to Discover and Use Nature's Superpower
Discover the Essential Laws That Elevate You In one of his bluntest and most practical works ever, popular voice of esoteric ideas Mitch Horowitz explores the most powerful steps you can take to bring yourself into alignment with the natural forces of life to produce greater effectiveness, self-expression, creativity, earning ability, and personal happiness. In this book, Mitch makes his first detailed exploration of the most intriguing and mysterious idea charted by success master Napoleon Hill, Cosmic Habit Force, and demonstrates, step by step, how you can enact this method by incorporating twenty-three simple principles into your life. Cosmic Habit Force demonstrates how to 'Harness Unexpected Forces' (Habit 5), 'Loosen the Hold of Fear' (Habit 7), 'Avoid Predatory Personalities' (Habit 20), 'Expect Great Things' (Habit 22), and much more. As Mitch describes, certain ways of living bring you into alignment with laws that enable nature and all of life. This is not dissimilar to concepts found within Taoism and Transcendentalism. When you function within this productive flow, cycles of growth appear at your back. All of nature aids your advancement.
Mitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
The Secret Formula: Discover Your Greater Self-and Revolutionize Your Life
Are You Ready to Discover Who You Truly Are? Healthful self-belief is the single greatest determinant of success. But so many of us lack it. In The Secret Formula, Joseph Murphy, author of the groundbreaking classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, reveals the hidden key to bolstering your sense of self: realizing the infinite powers of your mind. The simple, persuasive, and epic pieces assembled in this collection provide a spiritual and psychological blueprint-a 'secret formula'-to discovering the metaphysical power of your thoughts and your mind's connection to the highest creative principle of the universe. When you discover this esoteric truth, you will finally know and be able to live out who you really are. This collection, part of a new series called Joseph Murphy's Golden Lessons, is edited by popular voice of esoteric spirituality Mitch Horowitz. It includes Mitch's short bio of Murphy and a timeline of the teacher's life. 'Your subconscious is, in large measure, your destiny,' Mitch writes in his introduction. 'And your destiny can be shaped.' The methods in The Secret Formula show you how.
Joseph Murphy (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
The Power of Your Transcendental Mind (Condensed Classics)
You don’t regress—you go directly back to the past life! DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING This audio uses a gentle meditative body relaxation, followed by the “Ascension Technique” instructions. You don’t regress: you go directly back to experience your past lives. Use alone or with others. Track 1: Special Instructions—how to assure successful results. Track 2: General Past-Life Regression—Each time you use it, you are instructed to go back in time to a different lifetime, or you can re-experience a one you’re already aware of. Insert your own overriding instructions or Dick will direct you through aspects of the past life: important events, career, person closest to you. Learn the year and location of the life. Without pain or emotion observe how you experienced death in this past life, and cross over into the spiritual world before being awakened. Track 3: Pre-Birth Decisions About Your Current Life— Go back to a time before you were born into your present life when you were making decisions about rebirth, choosing parents, your astrological pathway. Track 4: Past-Life Patterns—Learn the patterns that continue to come up for you, lifetime after lifetime. Take steps to rise above an undesirable trait and appreciate one that’s desirable in which you’ll progress through each lifetime. Track 4: Past-Life Exploration with a Person of your Choice—Discover if you have a past-life tie with anyone close to you. Pick the person you desire to know about, and learn how to “lock in” on that person in the regression. It will explain a lot about the relationship you share today and what to expect with them in the future as your joint karma unfolds. Learn to rise above an undesirable aspect of that karma. Track 5: Past-Life Exploration to a Time or Civilization of Your Choice—Become aware of the content of a time you have always been interested in. Track 6: Past-Life Karma Affecting Your Present Life—Maybe it’s positive—a talent, ability, personality trait or relationship; maybe it’s negative—health problems, monetary troubles, conflict, fear or phobia. Wisdom erases karma. The first step to wisdom is awareness. Track 7: Intensifying Déjà vu Potential—Programs you to experience a physical/mental reaction whenever you touch on the subject or timing of one of your past lives while reading or watching a show. You’ll sense an internal alarm that will make you aware. Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session.
Miitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
The Magic Story (Condensed Classics)
DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING i>You Can Read Others Past Lives, Destiny on Earth and Analyze their Current State of Being>br> We’ve all been impressed by the amazing abilities of psychics capable of communicating important information to others who benefit from that knowledge. Many psychics offer information about an individual’s destiny on earth or advise of an undetected health concern. Anyone with a good background in the metaphysics knows that that such things are possible and that people have benefited from knowledge not always available from normal sources. Only by tapping the realms of higher mind or by channeling information from entities from the other side have individuals found these life-changing answers. YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL to develop your own psychic abilities. While in a hypnosis-induced altered state of consciousness, people achieve knowledge in different ways… from their own higher mind, a Universal Mind source, or contact with someone on the other side. It doesn’t matter the source if you’re receiving helpful information. A spiritual protection included at the beginning of each session, so you can be assured you’re surrounded in the White Light. Once the connections are complete Dick will ask you to begin receiving “information that will be of value for this entity to become aware of at this time.” It’s quiet after each question so you can verbally communicate the information you’ll be receiving. You can have someone take notes, or record what you say. You’ll hear explanations immediately How to Use the Trance Prophet Programs; Past-Life Reading of Your Subject;The Earth Destiny of Your Subject; A Holistic Psychic Analysis of Your Subject Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session. Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in brain/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar.
Miitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
The Gospel of Wealth (Condensed Classics)
DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING The program begins with Dick Sutphen’s deep hypnotic voice counting you down into an altered-state of consciousness with relaxing background music. You are given many positive suggestions, and he guides you through three Mental Movie processes where you are experiencing being in total peace, balance and harmony. You will repeat a sentence several times along with Dick, then be given time to be in your Higher Mind to have quietness of spirit, commune with your Guides and Masters, or obtain answers from Spirit before awakening in to full beta consciousness. Suggestions: You are at peace and feel in balance and harmony. A quietness of spirit now permeates your body and mind and you can sense the positive powers of the Universe flowing through you and relaxing and recharging you. And from this moment on you are fully aware that no matter what the external circumstances you now choose to live your life in Divine tranquility and thus, you experience your birthright. You now become Peace. You are at peace with yourself, the world, and everyone in it. You are now at peace and perfect balance. Harmony is a Supreme Universal Law. It transcends even the Law of Karma. Karma is balance but harmony is the supreme potential of balance. Harmony adds to balance the element of love. And it’s through unconditional love you transcend into the awareness of the Master to become all you are capable of being. Repeat technique words: “I am a Master of Life and peace, balance and harmony are my reasons for existing.” Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session. Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in brain/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar.
Miitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
In Tune With the Infinite (Condensed Classics)
We all make mistakes! We can identify missed opportunities, gaps of knowledge and common sense that, if we had it, would have saved us tons of grief and time. Clark had the same experience. He learned the hard way. We all know that while “the hard way” is not a bad way to learn life’s lessons it can be extremely frustrating. Since he was 10 years old, Clark learned a lot of answers that we all seek (certainly not all) – and after many hours talking with his niece Katelyn answering her questions and helping her avoid many of life’s pitfalls, Clark realized that it was time to “pay it forward” and maybe keep others from having to learn everything the hard way, like most of us do. Clark wrote this book for his niece, Katelyn, her friends, and anyone else looking for some of those answers. With humor, mixed with great advice let Clark be your mentor for all stages of life: Dating (You are who you are. They are who they are. Period!) Weddings (It’s About the Guests, Stupid)) Funerals (Be There For Your Friends First! Other Annoying Life Events (What to Say and What to Avoid)) In-Laws (Problems? What Problems?)) Neighbors (The 30 Year Rule)) General Relationship Advice (There is Power in Letting Go from Time to Time)) Money (Ask Questions and Be Humble)) Career (Never Work Again)) General Life Advice (Tell your own story. Open your world to others. As you go through life, remember that you are the only one that controls what you are thinking. Own that and you will own the world.
Miitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
Power is what naturally results when everything needless and self-defeating is stripped out of your life. Are you prepared to dedicate thirty days to throwing off whatever conceals the greater self you have always suspected you are? If you're unsure do not even begin this book. In The Miracle Month, Mitch Horowitz, 'a cross between Aleister Crowley and Alan Watts' (Duncan Trussell), provides a thirty-day, self-enforced academy that disrupts, upends, and overthrows every social and self-imposed barrier to your innate power. 'This book,' Mitch writes, 'is for people who would prefer nearly any alternative than to slide back into the anxiety, self-limitations, and half-in, half-out existence that they have known until now. Does that sound extreme? It is not. It is an open door to change.' Mitch helps you 'Understand Power' (Day 9), 'Give Up One Thing That Causes You Pain' (Day 13), realize 'You Are Not Someone Else's Decision' (Day 27), and confront the question: 'Do You Enjoy Suffering?' (Day 26). In thirty realizable, graspable steps you will reverse years of peer-enforced conformity and self-negation to become who you-rightly-sense you are.
Mitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
The Seeker's Guide to the Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Authorized Companion to Manly P. Hall's
No other book in history has done more to clarify the esoteric, mystical, and occult traditions of the world than Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Now, historian Mitch Horowitz provides the first companion work to Hall's opus. The Seeker's Guide to The Secret Teachings of All Ages helps twenty-first century readers enter and experience (or re-experience) Hall's hallowed pages and also clarifies and expands on some of the book's key themes and topics. Mitch explores developments and historical discoveries since Hall published his 'Great Book' nearly a century ago and adds fresh dimensions to subjects, including: - The antiquity and legacy of Ancient Egypt - The mystical origins of the world's major faiths - Strange beasts and anomalies in history and today - The origins and esotericism of Tarot
Mitch Horowitz (Author), Mitch Horowitz (Narrator)
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