Browse audiobooks narrated by Michael Pennington, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Michael Pennington has been working as a professional actor and director for the past 57 years. He has performed in every kind of play -- Chekhov, Shakespeare, Pinter, Ibsen, Stoppard, and many others -- as well as in television, radio and film. He has appeared at the National Theatre, in the West End of London, and in theatres throughout the world. From 1986 to 1992 he ran his own company, the English Shakespeare Company. He is an Honorary Associate Artist of the Royal Shakespeare Company and has lectured extensively on Shakespeare.Pennington has written 11 books, including works on individual plays and playwrights and the craft of acting. His latest book, published in June 2021, tells the full and unabridged story of his life, work and friendships.
Michael Pennington (Author), Michael Pennington (Narrator)
The Sporting Gazette BOX SET: A rousing gallop through the British sporting calendar of the last nin
A rousing gallop through the British sporting calendar of the last nine hundred years, as we eavesdrop on some of the most memorable events in the history of British sport, told entirely in the words of those who were there, in TWO volumes. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West & John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. SPORTS Gazette: From sword fights to boxing, jousting to motor racing, football to cricket, we journey in the company of such diverse characters as A.A. Milne, Dick Francis, Queen Victoria, Kenneth Wolstenholme, Tony Jacklin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and many more. Sporting PASTIMES Gazette: Discover the colourful story of the British at play, eavesdrop on Pitt the younger playing a game of marbles, join Lord Mountbatten at a cock fight in India, take a dip in the channel with Captain Webb, or simply enjoy the very British sport of… hopping. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Sports Gazette: A rousing gallop through the British Sporting Calendar. A full-cast audio.
A rousing gallop through the British Sporting Calendar of the last nine hundred years, as we eavesdrop on some of the most memorable and fascinating events in the colourful history of British sport. From sword fights to boxing, jousting to motor racing, football to cricket, told entirely in the words of those who were there Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West, John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Sporting Pastimes Gazette: A lively jog through the history of the British at Play. A full-cast
A lively jog through the British Sporting Calendar as we eavesdrop on some of the most memorable and fascinating events of the British at play. From marble games to water speed records, from fox hunting to ballooning and from cock fighting to the very British sport of… hopping, told entirely in the words of those who were there. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Samuel West, John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Navy Gazette: A turbulent voyage into the history of the British Navy. A full-cast audio.
Experience first-hand the reality of life in the British Navy as we sail from the Viking invasion of Anglo Saxon England to a young sailor’s grief at the death of Lord Nelson, from the Spanish Armada to the Battle of Jutland and from organised press gangs to murderous mutinies. Told entirely in the words of those who were there. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West, John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
Travel At Home Gazette: A ramble through the history of the British Traveller at Home. A full-cast a
Join us on a fascinating ramble through the towns and villages of the British Isles during the last four hundred years in the company of some of its most illustrious chroniclers, including Jane Austen, William Cobbett, Daniel Defoe, Sir Walter Scott, Virginia Woolf, Francis Kilvert, Celia Fiennes, Chips Channon, Fanny Burney and many others. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West, John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian “Time travel as well as the geographical kind is offered in this anthology, which takes extracts from books, journals, letters and newspapers to form a collage of impressions and details of the British Isles over the past 400 years, with a cast of big-name readers.” Sunday Times © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Travellers Gazette BOX SET: A journey alongside the British Traveller at Home & Abroad in two vo
We follow in the footsteps of the intrepid British traveller as they explore the world both At Home and Abroad, told entirely in the words of those who were there. In TWO volumes. TRAVEL at HOME Gazette: A fascinating ramble through the towns and villages of the British Isles during the last 400 years in the company of Jane Austen, William Cobbett, Daniel Defoe, James Lees Milne, Sir Walter Scott, Virginia Woolf and many more. TRAVEL ABROAD Gazette: An entertaining collection of traveller's tales as we explore the far-flung shores of the world alongside some of Britain’s finest Chroniclers. Join Charles Darwin, Kenneth Williams, Fanny Trollope, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Mungo Park, Horace Walpole, Wilfred Thesiger, James Boswell, Nancy Mitford and many others on your journey. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Michael Maloney, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West & John Wood CBE with a full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian “Time travel as well as the geographical kind is offered in this anthology, which takes extracts from books, journals, letters and newspapers to form a collage of impressions and details of the British Isles over the past 400 years, with a cast of big-name readers.” Sunday Times © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
Travel Abroad Gazette: A journey into the history of the British Traveller Abroad. A full-cast audio
We follow in the footsteps of the intrepid British traveller as they explore the far-flung shores of the world. In the company of some of the world’s finest Chroniclers, we join Charles Darwin, Kenneth Williams, James Boswell, Freya Stark, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Fanny Trollope, Mungo Park, Nancy Mitford, Wilfred Thesiger, Horace Walpole, Evelyn Waugh and many others, in this entertaining collection of travellers’ tales. Performed by an outstanding company of award-winning actors including Dame Eileen Atkins, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Davenport, Alex Jennings, Richard Johnson OBE, Hugh Laurie CBE, Geoffrey Palmer OBE, Michael Pennington, Prunella Scales CBE, Samuel West, John Wood CBE & full supporting cast. Also available as part of The Gazettes Box Set, a six-volume edition (Military, Sport & Travel) creating a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries. “It is a highly enjoyable collection. Some pieces are just dazzling.” Independent on Sunday “An extraordinary series... deserves a medal. The readers are all excellent and many of them distinguished.” The Spectator “From the same stable that produced The Chronicle, my favourite audio this year, I've just listened equally spellbound to a compilation of travellers' tales at home.” The Guardian “Time travel as well as the geographical kind is offered in this anthology, which takes extracts from books, journals, letters and newspapers to form a collage of impressions and details of the British Isles over the past 400 years, with a cast of big-name readers.” Sunday Times © & ℗ 2022 Mr Punch Audiobooks Ltd
Mr Punch (Author), Alex Jennings, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Unconscious: Penguin Classics
Brought to you by Penguin. This Penguin Classic is performed by Michael Pennington, one of the founders of the English Shakespeare Company, known for his stage work with the RSC, and who played Carl Jung in the BBC drama, Freud. This definitive recording includes an Introduction by Mark Cousins. One of Freud's central achievements was to demonstrate how unacceptable thoughts and feelings are repressed into the unconscious, from where they continue to exert a decisive influence over our lives. This volume contains a key statement about evidence for the unconscious, and how it works, as well as major essays on all the fundamentals of mental functioning. Freud explores how we are torn between the pleasure principle and the reality principle, how we often find ways both to express and to deny what we most fear, and why certain men need fetishes for their sexual satisfaction. His study of our most basic drives, and how they are transformed, brilliantly illuminates the nature of sadism, masochism, exhibitionism and voyeurism.
Sigmund Freud (Author), Michael Pennington (Narrator)
The Military Gazette, is a vivid portrait of military life through the centuries, as lived by the generations of men and women who took part. We eavesdrop on some of the most turbulent and colourful events, from bow & arrow to atomic bomb, we draw on the first hand experiences of Englishmen and women, as they provide a fascinating and often moving description of the British at war. The Navy edition journeys from the Anglo Saxon Chronicle's account of a Viking invasion to a young sailor's grief at the death of Horatio Nelson; from the Spanish Armada to the Battle of Jutland and from organised press gangs to murderous mutinies we share the personal experiences of life in the British Navy. Narrated by Eileen Atkins; Cheryl Campbell; Nigel Davenport; Alex Jennings; Richard Johnson; Hugh Laurie; Michael Maloney; Geoffrey Palmer; Michael Pennington; Prunella Scales; Samuel West, and John Wood.
Various Artists, Various Artists (Author), Alex Jennings, Alex Jennings, Cheryl Campbell, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Military Gazette is a vivid portrait of military life through the centuries, as lived by the generations of men and women who took part. We eavesdrop on some of the most turbulent and colourful events, from bow-and-arrow to atomic bomb, and we draw on the first-hand experiences of Englishmen and women, as they provide a fascinating and often moving description of the British at war. In the Army edition we follow the fortunes of the British soldier from the Roman invasion of Britain to his defeat at Dunkirk, from the terrible horrors of the Battle of Culloden to his courage against the Zulu's at Rourke's drift, from heroes to cowards we hear their stories as they move implacably from bows to bayonets. Narrated by Eileen Atkins; Cheryl Campbell; Nigel Davenport; Alex Jennings; Richard Johnson; Hugh Laurie; Michael Maloney; Geoffrey Palmer; Michael Pennington; Prunella Scales; Samuel West, and John Wood
Various Artists, Various Artists (Author), Alex Jennings, Alex Jennings, Cheryl Campbell, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
The Travellers Gazette is a vivid portrait of British life through the centuries, as lived by the generations of men and women who took part. We follow in the footsteps of the intrepid British traveller as they explore the world both at home and abroad and eavesdrop on their personal recollections providing us with an entertaining collection of wry anecdotes and finely observed detail. In the At Home edition, we embark on a fascinating ramble through the towns and villages of the British Isles during the last 400 years in the company of Jane Austen, William Cobbett, Daniel Defoe, James Lees Milne, Sir Walter Scott, Virginia Woolf and many others as we travel by steam ship, mail coach and hot air balloon from Cornwall to the Scottish Highlands. Narrated by Eileen Atkins; Cheryl Campbell; Nigel Davenport; Alex Jennings; Richard Johnson; Hugh Laurie; Michael Maloney; Geoffrey Palmer; Michael Pennington; Prunella Scales; Samuel West, and John Wood.
Various Artists (Author), Alex Jennings, Cheryl Campbell, Eileen Atkins, Geoffrey Palmer, Hugh Laurie, Michael Maloney, Michael Pennington, Nigel Davenport, Prunella Scales, Richard Johnson, Samuel West (Narrator)
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