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Brain Health is one of dozens of Courses Focusing On Hot Internet Marketing, Make Money and self-help topics.
Jim Stephens (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
What’s the secret to happiness? Is it being rich? Is it having a loving family? Is it being healthy and living in an area of natural beauty? Is it all of those things? The answer is that it’s none of them. And that might surprise you, but even with all those things going for you, you might be miserable. Meanwhile, someone living in the worst of conditions – with crippling hunger, illnesses, poverty and not a family member in sight – can actually be one of the happiest people in the world. So what’s going on? Well, it all actually comes down to the way that you perceive your situation and the way you think about the circumstances you’re in. A billionaire can be depressed and especially if they don’t focus on what they’re grateful for. But if you learn to see the beauty in everything and if you can learn to calm your mind and shut out stress – then you can enjoy bliss wherever you are. How do you accomplish this? Like anything, it comes from training. If you can learn to control your mind, whether through meditation, CBT or other methods, you’ll find that you can start to decide how you want to feel and how you want to react at any given time. What’s more, having the ability to control your mindset like this can help you to achieve a lot of other things. Overcoming stress for instance means that you can stop ‘treading water’ and you can stop ‘putting out fires’. Instead, you can get your head above water and start to decide the trajectory you want for your life and how you’re best going to use your time. And better yet, if you can learn to control your mind, you can even start to tap into ‘flow states’. That means that you’re so completely focused on the activity you’re engaged in, that you actually manage to tune out everything else and time almost seems to slow down.
J. Steele (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
Bulk Like the Hulk: Easy Muscle Mass for Everyone
What does it feel like to be jacked? I can tell you in a single word: it feels incredible. Being very strong and taking up a lot of physical space changes the entire way you feel about yourself and the way that others perceive you as well. Suddenly, you become a physical presence and people can’t help but sit up and take notice. You become indomitable, immovable and powerful and as a result, everything you say has more weight and more gravity to it. People listen. Bulking changes other things too. When you feel that powerful and you notice the way people start treating you, you can’t help but feel far more confident too. This changes the way you walk, the way you hold yourself and the way that you present yourself. You walk like someone unstoppable and that only increases that sense of presence. And then there are all the direct and practical ways that gaining muscle changes your life. You start to win play fights with your mates, you become better at sports and people start asking you to help them lift things. You know, it’s just a great feeling to be thought of as someone capable and powerful – instead of being the little guy who is the butt of jokes all the time! And being jacked also helps you to get attention from the opposite sex. You look amazing in all your clothes – you can fill out a suit and your arms pop from white vests – and all that power and confidence is simply highly attractive to people. You’ll even find that you start getting your way more in work and in the rest of your life, as people start to take you more seriously. That, and physical prowess correlates with improved brain power, you can expect to start thinking better too! But maybe you’re not bothered about all that. Maybe you’re simply looking for a way to bulk up so you can become stronger and better at your sport. Perhaps you’re a bodybuilder?
J. Steele (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
Hypertrophy Manual: Discover the Secrets to Muscle Growth, Supreme Strength and Maintaining a Health
Building muscle is at once very simple and simultaneously incredibly complicated. If that sounds like something of a frustrating contradiction… well then get used to it! As you learn more about growing muscle and getting jacked you’ll find that almost all the information you come across only makes things more complicated and more difficult. Everyone has a different opinion and no-one seems able to agree on what the best way to get into powerful shape actually is. When you start out though, it all seems very straightforward. In order to grow, you need to exercise more and eat more protein. When you do this, you start to build more muscle and you see yourself constantly increase in strength. If you aren’t seeing any growth or strength gains, then it might well simply mean that you aren’t going to the gym regularly enough, or working out hard enough when you are there!
J. Steele (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
If you’re looking to lose weight, then changing your diet is the single most important part of that formula. While exercise can make some difference, diet is close to 80% of your results so it’s crucial you get it right. But there’s a problem. For starters, there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there when it comes to what the best type of diet is. Some people tell us that we should be eating low carb diets, whereas other people tell us we should be eating low fat. Other people still say that all that matters is getting a lower calorie count overall.
J. Steele (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
Calm Mind: Discover How to Calm Your Mind, Improve Your Health, and Take Back Control of Your Life
We all have a budy life and need to calm our mind. This book includes: - Practice meditation to learn to calm your mind and shut out concerns - Learn to meditate on the move and to escape your stresses at will - Try guided meditation if you struggle - Make your environment and routine more interesting - Take up sports and start entering flow - Stop letting things distract you – have a morning routine - Spend some time away from the phone - Learn to use mindfulness to make notes of your thoughts - Use CBT and cognitive restructuring to develop healthier responses to situations - Practice gratitude - Overcome your fears
Michael Dutts (Author), Martin Lawrence (Narrator)
The greats of comedy, when they were young and struggling with their great early routines.
Charles Cozart, Dave Chappelle, John Ridley, Kenan Wayans, Martin Lawrence, Michael Colyar, Ralph Harris, Sean Corvelle, Steve Harvey, Vince Champ (Author), Charles Cozart, Dave Chappelle, John Ridley, Kenan Wayans, Martin Lawrence, Michael Colyar, Ralph Harris, Sean Corvelle, Steve Harvey, Vince Champ (Narrator)
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