Browse audiobooks narrated by Kip Ferguson, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Saving Money: Strategies to Kill Off Debt Using Passive Income and Money Management
Earned income is the most taxed source of income on the planet! Be smart and get on the road to passive income, and join the new world of entrepreneurs who make plenty of money while staying at home or even while on vacation. You will also manage to keep more for yourself from passive income than the earned form. And above all, you can secure yourself and your family an income during these hard, trying times. Most people are poor because they say and think that money is not important and they don't care for it, so they will never be able to join the new rich unless they take the information in this book and put it into practice. See below what you'll learn from this book: - What is Passive Income? - How Debt Can Lead to Your Demise! - The Relationship Between Debt and Money Management! - How to Manage Your Money Properly to Get Out of Debt and Still Have Some Money Saved Aside! - How to Manage Your Money Properly to Get Out of Debt and Still Have Some Money Saved Aside! - What Next After You Pay My Debts! - The Difference Between Best Seller Products and Best Executed Products and How to Increase Your Income! - The Importance of Simplicity, Perception, and Communication to Increase Your Income and The Power Money Will Bring You! - Money Cannot Buy Happiness But It Gets You Really Close to It! - Do Not Forget to Enjoy Life While Building It! - Why Passive Income is The Best Way to Kill Off Debt! - Why Will You Not Become Rich Working 9-5? - If you are broke, it means there is still time. Broke is much, much better than poor, because poor is forever, broke is temporary. Get this audiobook and change your life!
Anders Braveson (Author), Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Saving Money: How To Set Up A Budget And Passive Income Stream For Retirement Utilizing Simple Money
Would you like to reach retirement completely broke as you are living your life until now?! A job is the common means of making a living, but there are other ways where you can have much more satisfaction and enjoy an awesome lifestyle together with your loved ones without sacrificing much! We are living in the information age. Don't let the opportunities it offers go in vain while millions of other people are enjoying it. You will learn in this audiobook: - The Truth About Saving And The Myth That The Gurus Have Spread All Over The Market! - The Fun Side of Saving! - How to Save Money and Commercialize What You Have Learned? - Types of Passive Income and The Real Truth About Passive Income! - How to Begin an Online Business and When to Quit Your Job, If Ever! - And much more... Come with me and join the millions of successful entrepreneurs who have created the life they have always dreamed of in a matter of months! Life is so rich and abundant, don't let it pass by while you are short of the basics. The question is, will you heed the call?
Anders Braveson (Author), Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Saving Money and Money Mamanagement: Three in One Bundle
When you click 'Add to Cart' or 'Buy Now', the below is all included: - The Truth About Saving and The Myth The “Gurus” have Spread All Over The Market! - The Fun Side of Saving! - How to Save Money and Commercialize What You Have Learned! - Types of Passive Income and The Real Truth About Passive Income! - How to Begin an Online Business and When to Quit Your Job (If Ever)! - How Debt Can Lead to Your Demise! - How to Manage Your Money Properly to get out of Debt and Still Have Some Money Saved Aside! - How To Negotiate with Creditors to Get Out of Debt! - What Next After I Pay My Debts! - The Difference Between Best Seller Products and Best Executed Products and How to Increase Your Income! - The Importance of Simplicity, Perception, and Communication to Increase Your Income and The Power Money Will Bring You! - Money Cannot Buy Happiness But It Gets You Really Close to It! - How Not to Forget to Enjoy Life While Building It! - Why You Will Not Become Rich Working 9-5? - How is money created (for us)! - Why is Money of Vital Importance, Especially These Days! - Why are some people more successful than others? And How to Change The Odds in Your Favor! - How to Stay Motivated and Make The Most of Your Most Precious Asset: Time! - Always Have a Plan B, And Develop Other Useful Skills! - Keep a Good Relationship with Your Network, You Might Never Know How Beneficial They Could Be! - The Relation between Money and Value! - The Relationship between Money, Speed, and Clear Procedures! - And much more... - Click 'Add to Cart' or 'Buy now' to learn all the above strategies and much more.
Anders Braveson, Sam I. Belford (Author), Corey Goldberg, Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
The Only Way to Go Is Up: The Office Politics Class
Life in the ancient ages was not as “easy” as it has become in the last two hundred years! It was literally a very dangerous place to be, and you could get yourself in trouble, or even killed, quite easily and without much effort. The best two inventions ever created by humankind are laws and law enforcement. Without them, we would still be living in a jungle-like state where every one of us would do as he pleased and we would have no security whatsoever. Laws and law enforcement came as a necessary measure to protect each and every individual in society, and that is why people are so scared of wars and chaos, as if these two happen, both law and law enforcement would be suspended, well, at least in practice, which is what counts. When I got married, my wife was 23 years old and I was moving to a new job, and right after the wedding, when we traveled so we could join our new companies, the first thing she told me was not to trust anyone at work. She said that if we could not trust anyone in life in general, what would we say about work, where everybody is a competitor or, at least, a potential competitor. Keep this in mind while you go through your corporate journey, as it is as true now as it was since the beginning of time. In this book you will learn: - How to deal with a difficult boss - How to deal with colleagues - How to get promoted without adding any physical effort. - How to deal with difficult situations - How to avoid your boss or colleagues stealing your work credits - And so much more. Click 'Buy Now' and see you on the inside.
Andrew I. Samuelson, Benjamin Buildst, William S. Aaron (Author), Andrew Mcdermott, Brian Wiggins, Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Office Politics: How to Work Your Way Up the Corporate Ladder While Being Ethical and Friendly and W
A book NOT for the general masses! If you want out, go ahead and read on! Are you tired of always being passed up for a well-deserved promotion at work? Do your boss or colleagues always take credit for jobs you have laboriously sweat to get done? Are you fed up with your boss and employer? If yes, then keep reading. You can only break this deadly and vicious cycle if you emerge from your deep 'sleep' and first realize there is a big game going around you: Office Politics! If you don't play the game, this very game will swallow you! Life has so much to offer once you realize that sometimes a single piece of information, that you bump on by accident, can impact everything around you and those dear to you! Once you know how to play the game of office politics, you will attain the heights of power and abundance only seen by the smallest minority all over the planet, yes, the 1%! When you hit 'add to cart', this is what you'll get: - The definition of office politics in practical terms - How to avoid others from stealing your efforts, taking your credit - How to be on good terms with your boss and colleagues (this one is essential) - How to approach the game, from all angles - How to position yourself in the office - How to reclaim your confidence and how to apply it to get promoted at work. - And much, much more. If you want an insider's guide into the corporate world, then get this audio book.
Benjamin Buildst (Author), Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
The Office Politics Bible: Strategies for Career Advancement that Work Wonders in the Real World
In the game of life and corporate world, specifically in office politics, you can think as you like, but behave in a different manner than others and you will be an outcast in a short period of time, and until you get to learn the inner secrets, you'll stay grounded. Learn the most efficient rules of office politics so you can enjoy an astoundingly successful career and life, only those who know these rules can enjoy! Ignore the laws in this book at your own risk! You've been warned! When you hit 'add to cart' and get this book, the below is what you will really get: - How to handle your boss and colleagues to maximize the relationship in your benefit - How to build and safeguard your reputation - The value of actions vs. words/ideas - The harsh reality of what's going around you in the office - How to avoid 'unsuccessful contamination' - How to make honesty and generosity your ultimate weapon - How to use 'bragging' in your benefit - When NOT to be honest (in an ethical way) - How to use a War strategy in the Office Politics game - How to work on people's hearts and minds - How to behave when you reach the top And much, much more...
Benjamin Buildst (Author), Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Dating Advice: 4 Books in 1 - Dating for Men, How to Text a Girl, How to Improve Your Social Skills,
An Essential Guide to Master the Art of WomenDoes it seem like understanding women is impossible for you to do no matter how hard you try? Does it seem like there’s no hope in finding a girl with who you can get along? Does it seem like other guys have everything figured out while you struggle? Does it seem like you’re missing out while others seem to be tuned in? If you can relate to any of these questions, then this is the book for you. In this volume, we are going to be looking at mastering the art of women. Most importantly, we’ll be going through a personal journey of discovery and liberation. How to Text a GirlThe Art of Text Seduction The digital age has left us all with the task of learning how to communicate in an entirely new way. That is: via text message! Learning how to text a woman, especially when it comes to seducing her, takes some practice, some confidence, and just the right thing to say to really get her going. How to Improve Your Social SkillsImprove Conversational Skills, Manage Shyness, & Increase Your Self-Esteem Social skills are essential to all forms of success. To make and keep friends, you need to establish a connection with them. To thrive in a business setting, you will need to be comfortable giving speeches and have confidence that you can persuade others. Dating for WomenThe Rules of Dating for Women Dating as a woman is a unique situation. From navigating the emotional aspects of being single and dating to considering how to date, and how to stay safe when dating, there is a lot to think about.
Nick Straus (Author), Brian Rideout, Charlie Barron, Jack Fireside, John-Michael Jalonen, Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Mastery: 7 Books in 1: Emotional Intelligence 2.0, The Empath Experience
Would you like to unlock your fullest potential and become the best version of yourself? Do you want to learn how to improve your relationships? Have you ever wondered about the triggers behind your emotions, and how to better understand them? Do you struggle to manage your reactions, or your emotions, and wish to feel in-control? If this sounds like you, then don’t waste another minute – keep reading! Even the most solid foundations based on knowledge can come crumbling down if you lack control over your emotions. Without it, you will always be at war with your 'other side' - and it's a war in which you'll likely find yourself on the losing side. It's one thing to be knowledgeable about any given topic; it’s entirely another to be able to apply it effectively and get the most out of it. Research shows that emotional intelligence (EI) is much more important than IQ. In this book, you'll find information about what it means to be emotionally intelligent and how you can work on EI, along with how this improvement can help you in real life – personal and professional. Your intellectual ability is not enough by itself for you to achieve real success and happiness; you need to be emotionally intelligent as well to help balance out your life.
Kathrin Deshotels (Author), David Parker, David Van Der Molen, Dj Holte, Elizabeth Tebb, Jacqueline Rendell, Kip Ferguson, Michael Dickson (Narrator)
Lean Mastery Collection: This book includes: Lean Six Sigma, Lean Startup, Lean Analytics, Lean Ent
Is your problem-solving methodology keeping your team in the Stone Age? This ultimate guide is your handbook for implementing the last problem-solving methodology you will ever need to learn. Lean Six Sigma can be applied to a business of any size, in any industry, and in any sector for dramatic growth of profits and customer base. Optimize your business now. Within the chapters of this book (eight books in one), you will get key information on: - Reducing the cycling time for processes within your business. Cut down that overhead and wasted time! - Cutting down delivery time for your products and services to a mere fraction of what they are in the current quarter - Reducing the inventory that you need to keep on hand to severely reduce overhead on inventory, storage, and maintenance - Optimizing every internal process to eliminate waste and overhead so your business is running lean Have you found that much of your costs are tied up in operations that do not directly result in income for your business? Have you found that your resources are not being appropriately utilized, thus resulting in waste? Are you looking for a problem-solving methodology that has been responsible for the world-class product and customer satisfaction at Motorola? Get Lean Six Sigma into your business today! This guidebook is essential for individuals who are looking to dramatically increase their income, as studies show us that utilizing Lean Six Sigma in the operations of one's business is the way to slash costs and optimize returns on every investment made into the company. If your business needs a jumpstart, buy your copy today! Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'Buy Now' button!
Steve Webster (Author), Kip Ferguson (Narrator)
Anxiety: Coping with Anxious Thoughts, Fears, and Compulsive Habits
There are several different titles in this book, which are the following: Book 1: What can this guide mean to you? Well, there are several subjects that get covered in this book. For one, anxiety in relationships is a big topic in one of the chapters. Another thing you will learn is 10 different ways to reduce anxiety. Shyness is something some people struggle with, so we’ll touch on that too. Book 2: Some of the most powerful tools to get rid of stress or anxiety, are mindfulness and meditation. Many people use it. To some, it’s a hype, to others, a spiritual journey, but to most people, it’s a simple way of releasing stress, calming down, and recharging. Book 3: What if you could begin to overcome your depression by getting the right information? Wouldn’t that be something worth investing into? Depression is a serious condition, and a manic depression takes it even a step further. It would be better to comprehend what you or a loved one is going through than to remain in the dark and not know what to do. Book 4: You may have heard of emotional intelligence. You may have even learned a little bit about it. This audiobook, however, can take you to the next level of understanding what to do with the neural processes in your brain and how to channel them to gain more control over yourself and your situation. Book 5: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be a tough disorder to deal with, but if we learn to understand what it means, what the symptoms are, and what its main causes are, we will be better able to handle the effects of it.
Adrian Tweeley, Albert Rogers, Kendra Motors, Quinn Spencer (Author), Christopher Knight, Eric Boozer, Kip Ferguson, Leigh Ashman, Weston Gritt (Narrator)
Chakras: Mindful Thoughts and Meditation for Success, Joy, and a Bright Future
You’ve just come across a combination of a series of several books. These are the titles: Book 1: How can you attract more money? How can you become a literal magnet of wealth and passively enjoy the wealth you have accumulated? Well, it’s not always but for most of us, It’s possible. Instead of going into specifics of various businesses, this book deals with the basic mindset you need to attract wealth and think on a higher level. Book 2: The universe works in mysterious ways. Sudden fortune and sudden losses appear constantly on this planet. Book 3: The power of our subconscious minds is strong. Many people don’t know what to do with those mysterious forces, so in this guide, you can explore more what they mean and where they come from. Book 4: I don't think there is a need to point out or emphasize the importance and prevalence of meditation in this world today. Millions of people are meditating, and millions have learned how uplifting, enlightening, and inspiring it can be. Book 5: With all the distractions and temptations in the world nowadays, it becomes ever-so-ever important to be aware of our environment, and to do so in a significant, controlled, balanced way. Many have found and tapped into the power of mindfulness, a spiritual mindset and meditative method that allows the individual to expand his or her thoughts to the abundance of the universe. Book 6: Can knowledge of your chakras really help you be healed and maintain a more spiritual balance in your life? Chakras can function as portals between the metaphysical and spiritual realm. We can grow, heal, and change in positive ways by acknowledging and comprehending these different energy types in our bodies. Chakras influence our decisions, relationships, charisma, sexuality, and development.
Jenny Hashkins, Stephanie White (Author), Kip Ferguson, Sherra Swapp (Narrator)
Highly Sensitive Person: Understanding the Mind of an Empath, Gifted Person, or Introvert
This combo contains several books that are all related to our sensitivity, which are: Book 1: This book focuses on the emotional and inspirational support gifted children need to accomplish the goals they or you have set. Book 2: In this brief guide to giftedness, we will assess and critically examine the results of IQ-tests and their significance. We will also look at the homework problems many gifted children face, with their particular set of grey matter, and why schools often fail to meet the needs of those same children, because let’s face it: The schools often have no clue what to do with them, how to challenge them properly, or how to adapt a program to their constant drive to explore, discover, and be more creative. Book 3: Do gifted children have behavioral problems? Do they adapt? Are they perfectionists? The answer to these three questions is a resounding “yes.” However, this also raises questions that need to be answered about how to parent them, how to handle outbursts and emotional moments, etc. Book 4: In a world of self-absorbed individuals, socially impaired ignoramuses, and annoying distractions in busy lives, we need empaths. The empath clearly senses and empathizes with other individuals more easily. Book 5: Sensitivity isn’t always appreciated in a harsh, cold world with fast-paced relationships and quick contacts. Book 6: Are you an introvert? Or do people say you are? Or are you in a relationship with an introvert? Then this book might just be the thing for you. Book 7: Some people get older and never grow up. Others are very mature for their age. How can you determine when someone is really emotionally mature? Book 8: You may have heard of emotional intelligence. You may have even learned a little bit about it.
Adrian Tweeley, Angela Wayning, Rita Chester, Stephanie White, Tyler Bordan (Author), Casey Wayman, Kendra Lords, Kip Ferguson, Thomas Cassidy, Weston Gritt (Narrator)
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