The Best Man
This darkly satirical drama by Gore Vidal finds two presidential contenders seeking the endorsement of an aging ex-president, and explores how personal agendas can change the course of a nation's destiny. The political intrigues rampant in Vidal's 1960 setting are strangely similar what is going on today. Includes an interview with actors Fred Thompson and Marsha Mason.
An L.A. Theatre Works full-cast performance featuring Terrence Currier, Johnny Holliday, Naomi Jacobson, Timmy Ray James, Michael Kramer, Marsha Mason, Paul Morella, Kevin Murray, Judy Simmons, Gary Sloan and Fred Thompson.
Gore Vidal (Author), Gary Sloan, Johnny Holliday, Judy Simmons, Kevin Murray, Marsha Mason, Michael Kramer, Naomi Jacobson, Paul Morella, Senator Fred Thompson, Terrence Currier, Timmy Ray James (Narrator)