The 3rd New and Old Time Radio Collection
This exciting collection of radio comedy from Waterlogg Productions features four must-listens.
1. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Missing Countess
Scotland Yard is puzzled. A young countess has gone missing, and Sherlock Holmes is summoned. Accompanied by the redoubtable Watson, Holmes must juggle the clues. What does he see? Why does he instruct Watson to bring his wife to the circus three days later? And why does Watson keep sneezing? This original Holmes adventure is one of Holmes’ more whimsical cases.
2. A Joe Bev Audio Theater Sampler, Vol. 3
This third collection of audio drama, comedy, biography, and documentary from veteran award-winning radio dramatist Joe Bevilacqua—beautifully produced with a cast of professional actors, sound effects, and music—includes We Take You Now to Grover’s Mill; War of the Welles; Son of Harpo Speaks, Part 1; Homeland Security Comes to Camp Waterlogg; Akrotiri; The Unlucky Merchant; If We All Talked Like Allen Jenkins; The Village Life; Stench of the City; Huck Goes to the Moon; and If You Find an Opening, Jump In.
3. A Joe Bev Audio Theater Sampler, Vol. 4
This fourth volume includes Holy Smoke, or The Red-Suite Man; The Christmas That Almost Never Was; Sherlock Holmes’ Creepy Christmas; A Pedro Christmas Sampler; A Call from the Storm; Edgarton Voss Steps Out But Not Too Far; Settling In; Uncle Dunkle’s Umbrella, Tire, and Jalopy; Son of Harpo Speaks, Part 2; More Teaman and Friends; This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes; and Perils of the Tiger Barn.
4. Simon Studio Presents, Vol. 1
The Simon Studio is a training and performance theater company where actors, writers, directors, artists, and thinkers freely mix in a workshop environment. This first collection of Simon Studio Presents includes Oedipus Noir by Ralph Tyler, Dancing in the Dark by Vivian Green, The Portrait by Sarah Levine Simon, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.
Joe Bevilacqua, Joe Bevilacqua (Author), A Full Cast, A Full Cast, Joe Bevilacqua, Jon Koons, The Simon Studio (Narrator)