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The Bird Singers: How Two Boys Discovered the Magic of Birdsong
In the vein of H is for Hawk and The Book of Eels, this moving memoir shines a light on the transformative power of nature as it tells the story of two boys, Jean and Johnny, who learned the language of birds. This captivating book brings together two birds of a feather: Jean and Johnny, boys from very different worlds growing up in a small village in France. Jean is the genteel pharmacist’s son, dressed in his Sunday best; Johnny’s father is a rough, working-class sheep herder, always with the odor of animals clinging to him. Each year, over three hundred bird species visit their village, which intersects a major migratory flyway. The two boys’ stories converge when Jean enters a bird-calling contest. He places second, and at only eleven years old becomes a child celebrity on the bird-calling circuit. Then Johnny starts to compete as well. At the annual bird festival, both boys are standouts, and a long, admiring rivalry develops between them, eventually culminating in the European championships. As they evolve as performers, the two boys’ identities become more distinct: Jean is soft-spoken, while Johnny likes to play to the crowd. While most of their competitors are adult men, hunters who learned to call birds for sport, the two boys are fascinated with the pure beauty of birdsong, and in trying to transcend themselves through imitating birds. Their shared passion develops into an enduring partnership as performers, and they go on to tour the world in concert as the Bird Singers. This is a story as much about friendship as it is about birdsong. The setting is timeless and bucolic, with long walks to small village schools, games of pick-up soccer, and father-son birding trips. The chapters, which bounce back and forth between the two narrators, are woven through with descriptions of colorful characters in the bird-calling competition circuit and the kind of ornithological detail that can only come from a true passion for birds. There is poetry in the description of the different birds, from common seagulls to thrushes and bluethroats and nightingales, and something like communion in the way Jean and Johnny understand the feathered friends they imitate. Unique, evocative, and cinematic, The Bird Singers is the story of an unlikely friendship, sparked by a desire to speak with the avian world.
Jean Boucault, Johnny Rasse (Author), Jean Brassard, Jean-Marc Berne, TBD (Narrator)
In this mosaic horror/crime novel, ghosts and old gods guide the hands of those caught up in a violent struggle to save the soul of the American southwest. A man tasked with shuttling children over the border believes the Virgin Mary is guiding him towards final justice. A woman offers colonizer blood to the Mother of Chaos. A boy joins corpse destroyers to seek vengeance for the death of his father. These stories intertwine with those of a vengeful spirit and a hungry creature to paint a timely, compelling, pulpy portrait of revenge, family, and hope.
Gabino Iglesias (Author), Amanda Alcántara, Ann Osmond, Fernando Avila, Jane Santos, Jean-Marc Berne, Nicholas A. Ortiz (Narrator)
Enforcer and drug dealer Fernando has seen better days. On his way home from work, some heavily-tattooed gangsters throw him in the back of a car and take him to an abandoned house, where they saw off his friend's head and feed the kid's fingers to...something. Their message is clear: this is their territory, now. But Fernando isn't put down that easily. Using the assistance of a Santeria priestess, an insane Puerto Rican pop sensation, a very human dog, and a Russian hitman, he'll build the courage (and firepower) he'll need to fight a gangbanger who's a bit more than human...
Gabino Iglesias (Author), Jean-Marc Berne (Narrator)
Vargas Llosa, Premio Nobel de Literatura y Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, relata el fin de una era dando voz al impecable e implacable general Trujillo, apodado el Chivo, y al sosegado y hábil doctor Balaguer (sempiterno presidente de la República Dominicana). Uno de los mejores libros en español de los últimos 25 años según Babelia. ¿Por qué regresa Urania Cabral a la isla que juró no volver a pisar? ¿Por qué sigue vacía y llena de miedo desde los catorce años? ¿Por qué no ha tenido un solo amor?En La Fiesta del Chivo (2000) asistimos a un doble retorno. Mientras Urania visita a su padre en Santo Domingo, volvemos a 1961, cuando la capital dominicana aún se llamaba Ciudad Trujillo. Allí un hombre que no suda tiraniza a tres millones de personas sin saber que se gesta una maquiavélica transición a la democracia.Con un ritmo y una precisión difícilmente superables, este peruano universal muestra que la política puede consistir en abrirse camino entre cadáveres, y que un ser inocente puede convertirse en un regalo truculento.Mejor novela española del siglo XXI según los expertos consultados por el diario ABC.Reseñas: Mario Vargas Llosa ha vuelto a la novela histórica con el arte acumulado tras su ya extenso periplo literario. El resultado es un libro espléndido, de lo mejor que ha dado su innegable talento. Joaquín Marco, El Cultural de El Mundo Una estructura perfectamente engarzada, donde el desarrollo de las tres líneas argumentales se refuerza sostenidamente a un ritmo apasionante de thriller político e intriga dramática. Fietta Jarque, Babelia Esta novela atrapará a todo aquel que caiga en sus fauces. El festín narrativo organizado por el autor invita a continuar insomne hasta el último lamento de esperanza final... podemos disfrutar, una vez más, de un talento torrencial, el que se vierte en las voces y acontecimientos de una obra llena de incertidumbres morales. Andrés Magro, Diario 16 El doctor Vargas Llosa ha escrito mucho más que la historia de un magnicidio... Esta es la vuelta triunfal a su mejor literatura. Javier Aparicio, El Periódico de Catalunya Pletórico de imaginación, técnica narrativa y altura de pensamiento, vuelve el mejor Mario Vargas Llosa con La Fiesta del Chivo , una feroz crítica de la tiranía impuesta por Trujillo a la República Dominicana y una excepcional novela sobre la corrupción que envuelve cualquier forma absolutista de ejercicio de poder. Francisco García Pérez, La Nueva España
Mario Vargas Llosa (Author), Jane Santos, Jean-Marc Berne, Quirogas García (Narrator)
Giants of Russian Literature: Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov
Russian literature of the 19th century is among the richest, most profound, and most human traditions in the world. This course explores this tradition by focusing on four giants: Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and Anton Chekhov. Their works had an enormous impact on Russian understanding of the human condition. And, just as importantly, these works have been one of Russia's most significant exports: Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov have become part of our literary heritage. And our understanding of the novel is based in large part on the masterpieces of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, while Chekhov has defined modern notions of the short story. In this course, Knapp acquaints you with the authors, their lives and their times, and their most important works.
Liza Knapp (Author), Jean-Marc Berne (Narrator)
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