Browse audiobooks narrated by Jason Burkhead, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Manipulation: How to Persuade, Influence, and Manipulate People
There are several different titles in this book, which are the following: Book 1: Psychopaths and sociopaths are everywhere in our society. You may not realize it, but they are out there. How do they compare? Aside from answering these questions, we will also look into other topics that are related to manipulation. Book 2: Some people will do everything they can to manipulate another person. Some of those people are even dangerous. In this guide, you will discover how the craziest serial killers have managed to get away with their horrific crimes. Book 3: In this audiobook, you’ll get a quick overview of subtle signs such as: - How the way you cross your legs, arms, or move your lips reveals what you think - The best ways to close a sale by using your body language Book 4: We all use body language, every day, even every minute. Some of us are aware of these subtle (or sometimes obvious) signs. Others are completely oblivious to it. If you’re ready to learn more about what certain signs mean in regard to which emotion or message they convey, then you should listen to this brief guide. Book 5: Manipulating, blackmailing, forcing, acting, persuading, convincing, it whatever you want. It can be used for good and bad purposes, with friendly or malicious intentions. What's most important, however, is that we understand it. Book 6: Even if we don’t know it or do it on purposes, we are always influencing others. We influence people by the way we dress, look, talk, or behave ourselves on the Internet. In this audiobook, you will find out what it takes to increase the influence you have on others, and to really know what you’re doing.
Amanda Grapes, Christian Olsen, Jayden Haywards, Norton Ravin (Author), Jason Burkhead, Joseph D. Weaver, Matyas Job Gombos, Stephen Low (Narrator)
Dark Psychology: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language in a Nutshell
There are several different titles in this book, which are the following: Book 1: People lie every day. Not everyone, but sadly, many people lie daily. But why? And how do you see what is true and what is not true? This is where this book can help you. This book goes over the context of deception, the lies you can easily spot, and some interesting facts about people’s personality that will shock you. How a personality adds to the things they say, is, of course, significant. Book 2: We don’t always talk about some of the darker sides of human psychology, but they are out there. The simple truth is that just because you don’t focus on something, doesn’t mean it’s not real. Book 3: In this book, you will find various sub-topics, which are related to the following: - Influencing others in both good and bad ways. - Sex trafficking and the insidious methods the perpetrators use to lure in victims. - Paranoia; its psychology, effects on someone’s life, and more. With these three topics, you will get a better understanding of human psychology. Book 4: You’ve probably heard it before: Most of what you’re saying doesn’t comes out of your mouth. We constantly send mixed signals by the way we walk, move, sit, or look. In this audiobook, you’ll get a quick overview of subtle signs such as: - How the way you cross your legs, arms, or move your lips reveals what you think - The best ways to close a sale by using your body language Book 5: We all use body language, every day, even every minute. Some of us are aware of these subtle (or sometimes obvious) signs. Others are completely oblivious to it. If you’re ready to learn more about what certain signs mean in regard to which emotion or message they convey, then you should listen to this brief guide.
Amanda Grapes, Jayden Haywards, Norton Ravin (Author), Jason Burkhead, Joseph D. Weaver, Stephen Low (Narrator)
Dark Psychology: Insights about Manipulation, Hypnosis, and Body Language
You’ve just come across a combination of a series of 12 books. These are the titles: Book 1: Some people will do everything they can to manipulate another person. Some of those people are even dangerous. In this guide, you will discover how the craziest serial killers have managed to get away with their horrific crimes. Book 2: We don’t always talk about some of the darker sides of human psychology, but they are out there. The simple truth is that just because you don’t focus on something, doesn’t mean it’s not real. Book 3: In this book, you will find various sub-topics, which are related to the following: - Influencing others. - Sex trafficking. - Paranoia. Book 4: You’ve probably heard it before: Most of what you’re saying doesn’t comes out of your mouth. We constantly send mixed signals by the way we walk, move, sit, or look. Book 5: We all use body language, every day, even every minute. Some of us are aware of these subtle (or sometimes obvious) signs. Book 6: Manipulating, blackmailing, forcing, acting, persuading, convincing, it whatever you want. It can be used for good and bad purposes, with friendly or malicious intentions. What's most important, however, is that we understand it. Book 7: The combination of NLP and hypnosis is powerful and can help break habits or improve yourself. When we speak of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), we talk about certain rituals and mindsets the brain should compose. Book 8: With hypnosis being such a mysterious phenomenon, what about self-hypnosis? You’ll read more about these strange ways of controlling the mind, and all the techniques, myths, and lies that go with it. Truths versus Hollywood images are displayed and exposed.
Amanda Grapes, Christian Olsen, Jayden Haywards, Norton Ravin, Quinn Spencer (Author), Eric Boozer, Jason Burkhead, Joseph D. Weaver, Matyas Job Gombos, Stephen Low (Narrator)
Relationships: Dating, Marriage, Communication, and Differences between Men and Women
This 11-book bundle contains the following titles: How to Talk to Anyone: Small Talk, Networking, and Communication Techniques Explained Personality Types: Discover Your True Type Through Elaborate Analyses Men's Brains: The Male Brain Explained Through Neural Analyses Women's Brains: The Female Brain Explained Through Neural Analyses Emotional Maturity: Understanding the Child and the Adult in You Difficult People Verbal Abuse: How Your Verbally Abusive Relationship Can Wear You Down How to Flirt: Playing the Seduction Game the Right Way by Understanding Attraction Jealousy: Seven Signs to Help You Trust Your Relationship and Stop Insecurity Domestic Violence: Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Domestic Violence How to Survive an Affair: Marriage Problems, Cheating, and Handling Suspicion
Jayden Haywards, Jeremy Dunston, Judy Larssen, Mandy Womack, Norton Ravin, Quinn Spencer, Rita Chester, Stacey Fawson, Tyler Bordan (Author), Denise L. Fountain, Eric Boozer, Jason Burkhead, Joanne Trimble, Kendra Lords, Mark J. Cayco, Starr Ackerman, Stephen Low, Thomas Cassidy (Narrator)
Social Skills: Analyze People and Interpret Nonverbal Communication and Body Language
In this box bundle, you'll find the following books: Network Marketing: Online and Offline Prospecting Through Social Media and Active Recruiting Techniques Body Language: Secrets for Dating, Job Interviews, and Selling Body Language: All the Signs and Symptoms of Emotions and Feelings Emotional Maturity: Understanding the Child and the Adult in You How to Talk to Anyone: Small Talk, Networking, and Communication Techniques Explained How to Analyze People: Communication, Personalities, and Behavioral Psychology Explained Eye Contact: How to Use Eye Contact for Success, Dating, and Life
Augustus Vaughn, Charles Jensen, Emer Walds, Jayden Haywards, Rita Chester (Author), Cole Waterson, Jason Burkhead, Kendra Lords (Narrator)
How to Analyze People: Use Body Language, Eye Contact, and Social Skills to Understand Nonverbal Com
In this book bundle, you'll find the following books: Body Language: Secrets for Dating, Job Interviews, and Selling Body Language: All the Signs and Symptoms of Emotions and Feelings Personality Types: Discover Your True Type Through Elaborate Analyses Emotional Maturity: Understanding the Child and the Adult in You How to Analyze People: Communication, Personalities, and Behavioral Psychology Explained How to Talk to Anyone: Small Talk, Networking, and Communication Techniques Explained Eye Contact: How to Use Eye Contact for Success, Dating, and Life Introvert: The Power and Benefits of Introversion Explained Extrovert: The Power and Benefits of Extroversion Explained
Emer Walds, Jayden Haywards, Norton Ravin, Rita Chester (Author), Cole Waterson, Jason Burkhead, Kendra Lords (Narrator)
How to Analyze People: Talk to Anyone and Interpret Body Language the Right Way
Three books, three times as much value: Book 1: How to Become an Alpha Male So many men miss the point! They show off, they do everything they can to get results so that good-looking women approve of what they do, and they still don't get the attention they seek. What are they doing wrong? I was like this, too. I never understood how a guy could show up and immediately have all kinds of women surrounding him. After all, I was nice, respectful, and sincerely interested in women. What did that guy have that I didn't? Well, in this guide, you'll see it the right way. You'll understand the God-given or evolutionary (whatever you believe) traits that primates have with which they can have what and who they want and dominate the pack. Book 2: How to Talk to Anyone It's not always easy to break the ice, know what to talk about, or even to get yourself to open your mouth. Besides that, there are many things to take into account, like whom you're talking to, what social class or status that person has, differences in communication practices, etc. In this audiobook, all of those things will be briefly explained to you. Book 3: How to Analyze People When you learn what people are like, you can interact with them better, understand them better, and foresee what they are going to do. You can empathize with them better and play into their way of thinking. Whether it's your coworkers, your significant other, your kids, or extended family members and friends, learning how to analyze personalities is valuable.
Aurora Hills, Jayden Haywards, Norton Ravin (Author), Jason Burkhead, Stephen Low (Narrator)
Body Language: Analyze People’s Feelings, Hand Movements, Facial Expressions, and More
2 books about body language: Book 1: Recognize all the signs to understand people’s body language and the messages it conveys. You’ve probably heard it before: Most of what you’re saying doesn’t comes out of your mouth. We constantly send mixed signals by the way we walk, move, sit, or look. In this audiobook, you’ll get a quick overview of subtle signs such as: - How the way you cross your legs, arms, or move your lips reveals what you think - The best ways to close a sale by using your body language - Effective methods to flirt with the other gender and recognize the subliminal messages they send - How to impress the interviewer when you’re applying for a job - What eye contact, nodding, and smiling can do for you when you’re trying to gain favor with other people - And much more! Book 2: Some of the most important body languages attached to the emotions that go with them. We all use body language, every day, even every minute. Some of us are aware of these subtle (or sometimes obvious) signs. Others are completely oblivious to it. If you’re ready to learn more about what certain signs mean in regard to which emotion or message they convey, then you should listen to this brief guide. Everything includes: - What rubbing your chin, standing up straight, or a firm handshake can mean. - How aggressive, deceptive, or romantic body language is expressed by people. - Intimidating ways detectives question and dominate suspects in the interrogation room. - The peculiar way greetings work in everyday life. - How to be more ready, and how to recognize this emotional state in others. - Recognizing lazy or distracted listeners when you’re giving a presentation. Get this quick guide and understand more about the human way of communicating thoughts and feelings.
Jayden Haywards (Author), Jason Burkhead (Narrator)
Dark Psychology: Toxic Relationships, Hypnosis, Manipulation, and Persuasion Tips
Book 1: It's not always easy to break the ice, know what to talk about, or even to get yourself to open your mouth. Besides that, there are many things to take into account, like whom you're talking to, what social class or status that person has, differences in communication practices, etc. In this audiobook, all of those things will be briefly explained to you. Book 2: When we speak of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), we talk about certain rituals and mindsets the brain should compose. When taken into consideration, hypnosis can tremendously add to a person's will to break free from addiction, take matters into his/her own hands or make the necessary life changes they have been postponing for a long period of time. Book 3: With hypnosis being such a mysterious phenomenon, what about self-hypnosis? You'll read more about these strange ways of controlling the mind, and all the techniques, myths, and lies that go with it. Truths versus Hollywood images are displayed and exposed. And you'll get a fuller, deeper understanding of what hypnosis is and how you can apply it to yourself. Book 4: Get a better comprehension of the scary phenomenon of sociopathy. Although those with personality disorders are all different, it is common for a large part of society to have at least some kind of disorder. Sociopaths have a distinct disorder that makes them different from all the other ones.
Charles Jensen, Norton Ravin (Author), Jason Burkhead, Ramon Lopez, Stephen Low (Narrator)
Dark Psychology: Body Language and Manipulation Techniques Everyone Should Know about
Book 1: Learn the secrets of using and resisting dark psychology. You may be wondering why it would be okay to use something called 'dark psychology', and if it's not completely evil. Well, in this audiobook, you'll learn that there is much more to it than that. You will see what people are doing each day, consciously and subconsciously, and how to recognize it faster. Book 2: You've been misled. Pornography is addicting, and there is a cure! This book contains every detailed piece of information you need. If you are wondering what to do with a pornography addiction, you're in the right place. Porn has become a huge issue in today's society, even though, surprisingly, many do not regard it as being problematic. With this guide, you won't be left in the dark. It reveals the insidious nature of pornography, gives you a quick, shocking sneak peek behind the production scenes, and sheds light on the controversy of the mentioned addiction. Book 3: Learn how to read the signals and the body language to identify personalities. When you learn what people are like, you can interact with them better, understand them better, and foresee what they are going to do. You can empathize with them better and play into their way of thinking. Whether it's your coworkers, your significant other, your kids, or extended family members and friends, learning how to analyze personalities is valuable. Book 4: How do you influence another? How do others influence you? These and many other questions will be answered for you in this book. Manipulating, blackmailing, forcing, acting, persuading, convincing, it whatever you want. It can be used for good and bad purposes, with friendly or malicious intentions. What's most important, however, is that we understand it.
Christian Olsen, John Cook, Norton Ravin, Pamela Johnson, Shelbey Andersen, Vance Munson (Author), Jason Burkhead, Matyas Job Gombos, Stephen Low, Weston Gritt (Narrator)
The Dark Psychology: Manipulation and Persuasion Techniques for Savvy and Intelligent Humans
Book 1: You may know a narcissist, you may be one, or you may just be interested in what narcissism really is. Suffice it to say that there are a lot of narcissists in society, and that some of us might have a few traits on either side of the spectrum. Therefore, it is essential to our understanding of such individuals to be informed and know what to expect when interacting with them. Book 2: Recognize all the signs to understand people's body language and the messages it conveys. You've probably heard it before: Most of what you're saying doesn't comes out of your mouth. We constantly send mixed signals by the way we walk, move, sit, or look. Book 3: Some of the most important body languages attached to the emotions that go with them. We all use body language, every day, even every minute. Some of us are aware of these subtle (or sometimes obvious) signs. Others are completely oblivious to it. If you're ready to learn more about what certain signs mean in regard to which emotion or message they convey, then you should listen to this brief guide. Book 4: In this guide, you will find all the answers to this and many other questions. The curtain will be lifted up and your mind will be enlightened with new knowledge about subtopics you cannot miss. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been studied, tested, and applied with success in numerous cases. The results speak for themselves. Book 5: Additional benefits and applications of cognitive behavioral therapy that may surprise you. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been the topic of many conversations among scholars, clinicians, and psychological therapists. And even though the basics may be clear, there is still a lot more to it.
C. L. Maccaferri, Norton Ravin (Author), Jason Burkhead, Matyas Job Gombos, Rick Paradis (Narrator)
Dark Psychology: Manipulation, Abuse, Body Language, Influence People, Analyze People, Persuasion, M
You're in luck, because this book contains 23 separate titles. Yes, they are all related to dark psychological tricks, things that go wrong, manipulation, and lots of ways to perform hypnotism, NLP, persuasion skills, and much more! The author of this book has written several of these books himself, but mostly, this is a compilation of collaborating authors that came together and shared their works to create an intense, immense bundle full of psychological details that reveal the true nature and workings of the human mind. Here is a short overview of which books are included in this gigantic bundle of audiobooks: Dark Psychology Mentalism Hypnosis Self-Hypnosis Persuasion (2 books) Influence Verbal Abuse Difficult People Sexual Abuse Suicide Sociopath Narcissist Manipulation Pornography Addiction Domestic Violence How to Become an Alpha Male Body Language (2 books) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2 books) How to Analyze People How to Talk to Anyone These books have been narrated by 7 different, hand-picked professionals. All of the books cover informational topics that have been studied and explained in an understandable way. So go ahead, do yourself a favor, and get this big bundle while it's still discounted. It's a way better deal than buying books like that separately.
Christian Olsen, Crystal Taylor, Gordon Bowles, Jayden Haywards, Judy Larssen, Kimberley Janvee, Mandy Whomack, Norton Ravin, Vance Munson (Author), Denise L. Fountain, Jason Burkhead, Matyas Job Gombos, Ramon Lopez, Rick Paradis, Stephen Low, Weston Gritt (Narrator)
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