King James Version Audio Bible: Galatians through Colossians Performed by John Richard McGonagle, Da
More than a Bible you listen to, the King James Version Audio Bible is an experience that helps you enter into God's Word... so God's Word can enter into you. The books of Books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians from the poetic, classic King James Version of the Bible is digitally produced to bring the Bible's stories to life. Performed by Richard McGonagle, David Birney and Edward Herrmann, this vivid recording will help you hear God's word again...for the first time.
Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Zondervan Publishing (Author), Birney Mcgonagle, David Birney, David Birney & Edward Herrmann Richard Mcgonagle, Edward Herrmann, Hermman Birney Edward Mcgonagle David Richard, Richard David Edward Mcgonagle Birney Hermman, Richard McGonagle, Richard Mcgonagle (Narrator)