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The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on the Gospel Message
In The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on the Gospel Message, Z.T. Fomum explores the transformative truths of the Gospel. This collection offers forgiveness, healing, and freedom from the shackles of sin, disease, and demonic oppression through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross—the Good News. With powerful life-changing testimonies and practical insights, this audiobook is a guide to experiencing the miracles and blessings that come from a sincere and deep relationship with the Saviour.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman, John H Fehskens (Narrator)
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 1)
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 1) contains the following books: - Knowing the God of Unparalleled Goodness—Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Abraham - The Secret of Spiritual Rest—Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Isaac - The Secret of Spiritual Overflow—Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Jacob - Spiritual Nobility—Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Joseph - God, a Man, and Men—Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Moses This volume undertakes a study of the leadership substance and styles of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and Joseph—son of Jacob. Abraham leads from a position of the Father, while Isaac leads from a position of the Son at rest and at peace. Jacob transforms from the worldly and carnal into Israel, the spiritual and divine. He signifies how a believer can go from carnal to spiritual.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman, Gregory Allen Siders, John H Fehskens (Narrator)
Thirty-Six Reasons For Winning The Lost
The Lord Jesus had one reason for coming from heaven into our world. That reason was to seek and to save the lost. He died on the cross for all sinners and thus shed His blood for all men. The one reason why the Lord Jesus did not take you to heaven the day you believed was that you should stay on earth and be His partner in winning the lost. In this audiobook we have given you reasons why you must win the lost. May the Holy Spirit set your heart on fire as you listen to the book, so that you will take no rest but give yourself wholeheartedly to the supreme task of winning the lost. God bless you abundantly! Yours in the battle to win the lost.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum, Ztf Books Online (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
25 June 1943 MIA: The Search for Miss Deal for Miss Deal and the Early Raiders on the Reich
The stories in this book reflect the dedication of the B-17 crews fighting a losing battle in 1943 and 1944. The politicians and military leaders soon realized that to gain air superiority it would simply be a battle of attrition. The misions to bomb the German industrial targets were dreaded by the crews. After only a few missions there were more replacement crews than original flyers on base. it was obvious to all the flyers that they were not going to make their twenty-five missions and get a free ticket home. UInknown to the rookie cres were thousands of flak guns awaiting the B-17s march into German airspace. There they would also face the deadly German fighter Gruppes intent on destroying any enemy airplane flying over the Fatherland. The Focke Wulfe and Messerschmitt fighters were piloted by socres and scores of aces. The young Germans who mentored the experienced pilots were extremely aggressive, desiring a mvictory over a B-17. The uinfortuantate crewmembers of a B-17 wqere those who were hit by flak or their bomb load wass struck by flak. Additionally, there was always the possibhiloityh of being hit by the exploding shells from an attacking fighter. After bailing out of a burning Fortress the lucky flyers made it to prison camp to spend the rest of the war trying to survive on the meager rations their captors provided. In 1999, a search gfor two MIA B-17 crewmembers was initiated. Thesearch uncovered a number of lost Flying Fortresses and crews that were shot down doggfedly fighting to deliver their bomb loads. Meetiong relatives of the lost flyers was motivation to continue the search for my Uncle and his pilot. Fortunately, personal intervi3ews, old documwents, and letters, along with directions from WWII researchers led to the location of the crash site. Writing of dozens of letters to politicians and the Joint Prisoner of War, Missing in Action Accounting Command (JPAC) led to a promise by the Department of Defe nse to lift the wr
Tony Crawford (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
Brokenness: The Secret of Spiritual Overflow
'BROKENNESS' by Professor Fomum, is a real classic for walking the Christian life with total abandonment to the Lord. After the new birth, a man's spirituality is not measured by his capacity to preach great sermons, to cast out demons, or to heal the sick. Such capacities could be the manifestation of spiritual gifts, which are received from God, regardless of who the person is. Such a person may be totally unrecognizable at the slightest provocation,be selfish and self-centred,love sin,hide or blame others for his mistakes and failures,get worried when faced with the least problem, and act before he has prayed about it,etc.This talks of an unbroken life in which, unfortunately, most believers who truly confess the name of the Lord, find themselves several years after conversion. The purpose of God in the new creation is to produce people who attain spiritual maturity, by quickly attaining the stature of broken men and women. God does it through the cross, to break and destroy the natural man and, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to build the character of Christ in the believer. Brokenness therefore depends on the degree to which a person has allowed the cross and the Holy Spirit to work in him. Taking Jacob's life as a basis, the author shows how one can go from the state of the natural man (unconverted) to that of a carnal believer (unbroken), then to that of a spiritual believer (broken); that is, a life in which the believer belongs totally to the Lord, allows free access to God in the minutest details of his life, no longer presents any obstacle to God. Listen to this book. It will challenge you and help you to make progress on the pathway of brokenness, to such an extent that you will soon be able to confess with apostle Paul, 'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.'
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
It has taken me nearly five years to write this book. When I first began to think and pray for the book, one of the prayer topics was, "Lord, grant that the manuscript be finished by 30th September,1986. I wrote a bit of it then, but found out that if I continued to write, I would present good theories, some of which were not true in my life. I decided to wait. I came back to the book in 1988 and made a little progress, but was compelled by honesty to stop the book, so that I might only write what, in my experience, was real in my life. The Lord has been very good to me in the last three years. He has led me into the experience of spiritual rest in many dimensions that have included our ministry and my promotion to professorship at the University. One month ago I felt that I could write the book and it would be true. It was as if a heavy burden was upon me to write. Many believers gave themselves to pray unceasingly for me as I wrote. I was not quite prepared for some of the things that I have seen in these last weeks about the Body of Christ and the need to be at peace with each believer. However, God has led me. My eyes have been opened, and I have begun to carry out the needed restitution. I believe that this is only the beginning, and that the Holy Spirit will lead me on and on, until I am able to truly say: "I know no one on earth who confesses that Jesus is Lord with whom I am not in fellowship as far as it depends on me." That is one aspect of spiritual rest. There are other aspects covered in this audiobook. My prayer for you, as you listen to this audiobook, is that you be open to the Holy Spirit and that you obey Him wherever He may lead you and at any cost. May you know His peace as you listen and also know His peace as you obey. This, too, is spiritual rest.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
If you are a child of God who still commits sin deliberately, committing the same sin over and over, it is because: Your eyes have never been opened to see that sin is a knife thrust willingly into God's heart;Your eyes have never been opened to see the harm that sin causes in every domain of your life.This audiobook is recommended to you. It is about True Repentance. True Repentance includes: knowledge of sin,sorrow for sin,confession of sin,forsaking of sin,restitution for sin,forgiveness sought and received, andrestoration to the heart of God.Listen to it and you will be blessed.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
Come Back Home My Son, I Still Love You
This audiobook, "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", is the first audiobook in the series: "God Loves You." The series has its goal to bring every human being into a reconciling experience with God that will set him free from all his sin and bring him into union with the living God; a union that begins in time and continues in eternity. In "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", the deliberate separation from God is presented and the unhappy fruit that man reaps because of his separation from God is exposed. The love of God for rebellious and independent man is brought out clearly. Finally, the beauty of the warm reception that man received upon turning back from his erring ways and returning to his Father (God) and his Father's house, is demonstrated very convincingly. This audiobook is a must listen for you. You must listen to it to see most clearly the goodness of God towards you. You must listen to it to come to grips with the fact that you are living in independence from God by personal choice. You must listen to it to confront the consequences of your rebellion from God, consequences which are very clearly manifested in your life. You must listen to it in order to be fully persuaded of God 's limitless love for you, a love that has moved Him to work everything out, so that you may come back home to Him and to His love. You must listen to it so as to know what you must do to go back to God today. Finally, you must listen to it so as to go back to God today. Now read on.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
Restitution: An Important Message For The Overcomers
The thought of many is that when a person is saved, God forgives him and wipes away all the consequences of his past sins - that he is free. His freedom is so complete that he has no responsibility to rightly terminate with the past and to carry out restitution to those he wronged then. This book clearly examines that way of thinking in the light of the Scriptures and sets out the Biblical message for those who have overcome and those who want to overcome. If you do not want to re-assess your life in the light of the Word of God, we recommend that you should forget this book completely and not bother to listen to it at all, for if you listen to it, you may find out that you have to carry out revolutionary restitution that will bring you to the crest of the wave of the Holy Spirit's move. If you are an overcomer, or desire to become one, this is your book. May the Lord bless you as you listen to it. We send this audiobook out with prayer that the overcomers, in listening to it, would become more conformed to their soon-coming Lord.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
This book by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum is about the making of disciples. The Making of Disciples is an attempt to respond to the call of the Lord in Mat 28: 19-20 to make disciples who will in turn make disciples, who will make disciples, etc. In the early Church, only disciples were known. Those who belonged to the Lord Jesus were called "Disciples" WHO IS A DISCIPLE? The Lord Jesus intended that everyone who is led to Him, and who therefore knows Him personally and is dynamically related to Him, should enroll in the school of a Disciple Maker who will make him into a Disciple, which means somebody committed not only to be like Christ, but also to bring others to be like Christ. This call of the Lord Jesus has not been taken seriously by the Church, and what is practiced today is a counterfeit of what the Lord intended. It is obvious that the evangelisation of the world, and the condition of each believer would have been totally different if disciples were made, and if the process had continued. This book is then the fruit of a burden. It is born out of the desire to see the Church of the Lord return to the task of making disciples who will in turn make disciples. In this profound manual, Professor Fomum addresses topics like: The conditions to become and remain a discipleTransforming a young convert into a mature discipleTransforming a mature disciple into a disciple makerEtc.The Lord Jesus made disciples. He has commanded to go and make disciples who will in turn make disciples. This book will help you to obey this command.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine is an anthology of 13 priority books on the basic doctrines of the Christian life by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum.The Way Of LifeThe Way Of ObedienceThe Way Of DiscipleshipThe Way Of SanctificationThe Way Of Christian CharacterThe Way Of Spiritual PowerThe Way Of Christian ServiceThe Way Of Spiritual WarfareThe Way Of Suffering For ChristThe Way Of Victorious PrayingThe Way Of OvercomersThe Way Of Spiritual EncouragementThe Way Of Loving The LordAnyone who begins the Christian walk without them may be limping along the narrow way instead of running or cruising in it.The Lord is looking for Christ-like disciples. The Way Series, if read and studied, will propel you from being a new convert, believer or church member into the kind of disciple that Jesus commanded. In this way, the foundation for an enduring spiritual leadership will be laid. Would you like to become a disciple that pleases the Lord? If 'Yes,' this anthology is an indispensable vehicle to carry you through to your desired destination.We send this anthology out with an outcry to the Lord of the harvest to use it to produce disciples who obey Him in everything out of sinners, saints, converts, church members and believers in Christ. May the Lord reach out to you as you go through it. May He transform you from whatever you are into a dependable disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman, John Fehskens, Mark Christensen, Michelle Murillo, William Crockett (Narrator)
Sower Seed and The Hearts of Men
The parable of the sower was the first recorded parable that the Lord spoke. It must have been on His heart in a special way. Three of the gospel writers - Matthew, Mark and Luke - recorded it in detail. I think that its message was one that the Lord very much wanted to communicate to those who came after Him, and also to us today.The parable talks of a sower who went out to sow. The sower was one person. In fact Sower is God. The seed is the gospel. We can at once see that the Sower did not vary and the seed did not vary. Only one thing varied, and that was the type of soil that received the perfect seed that was sown by the Lord.Because there is one Sower and He sowed the same seed on all the four grounds, all differences as to what happened to the seed that was sown must be attributed to one thing only, and that one thing is the condition of the soil that received the Word.The different soils represent different conditions of the heart. There are therefore, four conditions of the heart among the sons of men. These are:The wayside heart, The stony heart, The thorny heart, The good heart.Whether a person's heart is wayside, stony, thorny or good, is not decided by the Lord but by each one. God has given each one a heart that can be good, if the person so desires. However, if people prefer to have the other conditions of the heart, God, in His sovereignty, gives them the right to self-determination. God, in His love for man, has decided that He will let man exercise his sovereign right as a morally responsible being, to choose the type of heart that he wants. This is one of the greatest manifestations of God's love for man; for true love can never impose or force an undesired thing on the object of love.As we study the different heart conditions, bear in mind that your heart is what it is because you have made it so. However, you can alter it. You can make your heart into a condition that is different from what it is today. If the condition of your heart is what you do not want it to be, do something about it today and things will be different!God bless you!
Zacharias Tanee Fomum (Author), Gerald Zimmerman (Narrator)
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